United Nations A/73/ PV.4 General Assembly Official Records Seventy-third session 4th plenary meeting Monday, 24 September 2018, 9.30 a.m. New York President: Ms. Espinosa Garcés.................................... (Ecuador) The meeting was called to order at 9.35 a.m. of Dr. Helena Ndume of Namibia, who was one of the first-ever laureates of the Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela High-level plenary meeting, to be known as the Prize, along with the former President of Portugal Jorge Nelson Mandela Peace Summit Sampaio, who, regrettably, could not be here with us today. Their efforts to provide inclusive access to health Agenda item 66 and education are an inspiration and honour Nelson Peacebuilding and sustaining peace Mandela’s legacy in today’s world. Draft resolution (A/73/L.1) Today the extraordinary legacy of Nelson Mandela is stronger than ever, five years after his death. Mandela The President (spoke in Spanish): This high- was always guided by the founding principles of the level plenary meeting is held in accordance with United Nations. He exemplified the values of peace, General Assembly resolution 72/243 of 22 December solidarity, cooperation and respect for all human beings, 2017, and takes place under agenda item 66, entitled regardless of their colour, political views or religious “Peacebuilding and sustaining peace”. beliefs. Mandela himself once said, I warmly welcome everyone to this high-level “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, meeting, which will focus on global peace in honour of but to live in a way that respects and enhances the the centenary of the birth of Nelson Mandela. freedom of others”. The General Assembly has before it a draft I had the privilege of meeting President Mandela in resolution issued as document A/73/L.1, entitled Johannesburg in 2002 during the Rio+10 United Nations “Political declaration adopted at the Nelson Mandela Conference on Sustainable Development. Madiba’s love Peace Summit”. Before proceeding further, I would for South Africa shone in his eyes. His profound respect like to inform Members that action on the draft for human dignity permeated his interaction with those political declaration will be taken at the end of this around him. Mandela refused to accept the injustices opening meeting. of his time, and it is for that reason that his legacy I would now like to make a statement. represents a beacon of hope for a world still ravaged by conflict and suffering. It is an honour for me to be here today to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Nelson Mandela, one of the The threat of the proliferation of chemical and greatest leaders of our time. He was a leader who taught biological weapons still looms large. Tensions between us that it is possible to forgive and for reconciliation nuclear-weapon States, territorial disputes, ethnic and peace to prevail over hate and vengeance. I would divisions and the oppression of minorities persist. This like to acknowledge the presence at today’s meeting bleak outlook poses a serious threat to peace and security This record contains the text of speeches delivered in English and of the translation of speeches delivered in other languages. Corrections should be submitted to the original languages only. They should be incorporated in a copy of the record and sent under the signature of a member of the delegation concerned to the Chief of the Verbatim Reporting Service, room U-0506 ([email protected]). Corrected records will be reissued electronically on the Official Document System of the United Nations (http://documents.un.org). 18-29593 (E) *1829593* A/73/PV.4 24/09/2018 that we must tackle and resolve together. We are at a expression — the United Nations Organization — that point where certain principles and values enshrined in it will be possible to achieve the peace and security the Charter of the United Nations have been called into to which we aspire in order to achieve development question. The very principle of multilateralism is being and prosperity. challenged. There are fears about our ability to take There are many challenges we face in achieving collective action to address the world’s most pressing peace, and we must ask ourselves how we are going to issues, such as poverty and hunger, climate change, address them. Whether we do it together, or alone and conflict and war. A move away from multilateralism divided, the answer is entirely up to us. Personally, I would jeopardize the future of humankind and of our believe that we should always choose to walk together planet. The world needs a social contract based on on the path of peace. There is no other option. In shared responsibility, and the only forum we have for achieving that global compact is the United Nations. Mandela’s words, “It always seems impossible until it That is why this year I am calling for us to recommit is done.” As a Latin American poet said, “Some people to its founding principles and to multilateralism. And transcend death.” Madiba’s gentle, profound gaze and the General Assembly is the most representative and serene strength, which transformed violence into peace legitimate forum we have for dialogue and reconciliation and aggression into forgiveness, are more alive today aimed at building collective peace and security. than ever. The draft political declaration (A/73/L.1) we I warmly welcome everyone to this high- will adopt today, thanks to the commitment of States level meeting. and the wise leadership of South Africa and Ireland, I now give the floor to the Secretary-General. is a demonstration of the central role played by the Assembly in achieving global agreements on peace and The Secretary-General: Nelson Mandela was one security around the world. of humankind’s great leaders. He embodied the highest values of the United Nations. He devoted his life to The Nelson Mandela peace declaration represents a serving his community — as a lawyer, a prisoner of relaunching of our commitment to peace and a renewal conscience, a peacemaker, a president and a respected of States’ willingness to build a peaceful, prosperous, elder. He cherished the ideal of a democratic and free inclusive and fair world. It calls on us to reflect on the society in which all people live together in equality and thousands of victims of conflicts in the world who need harmony. That was a bedrock cause for which he was immediate help from us, the States. The declaration prepared to fight and die. He faced his oppressors in reaffirms our commitment to the sovereignty and court, knowing they had the power of life and death, sovereign equality, territorial integrity and political and he refused to back down. As a political prisoner, independence of States. he steadfastly refused to allow his dignity to be Respect for the sovereignty and self-determination undermined, and he became a rallying point for a global of peoples represents a starting point for maintaining movement that led to the dismantling of the apartheid peace and harmony among nations. It is clear that we regime. The role played by the United Nations is a can uphold and respect the self-determination and milestone in our proud history. sovereignty of our countries while also committing As President of South Africa, Madiba championed to collective and coordinated action to build more women’s rights and South Africa’s landmark 1996 peaceful, sustainable and resilient societies. As Madiba Constitution, which remains a beacon for human rights knew, there can be no peace if there are still millions and equal opportunity. Under his leadership, South of people without access to quality education, health Africa expanded access to health care, education, care or decent work, and if there is still hunger and housing, water, sanitation and electricity. Beyond South suffering. But that requires strong global leadership, Africa’s borders, Madiba was a profound influence for which is so well represented in this Hall this morning. peace and democracy. In Burundi, for example, he It is an honour for me to preside over the General played a key role in brokering the Arusha Agreement Assembly as we adopt a declaration that will undoubtedly for Peace and Reconciliation, and everywhere he was a give hope to the world and that further reaffirms that champion for peace, forgiveness, humility, compassion, it is only through multilateralism and its clearest dignity and human rights. 2/10 18-29593 24/09/2018 A /73/PV.4 This year we mark the seventieth anniversary of be adequate to describe him. As we all know, he shone the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Almost his light in this Hall and in every corner of our planet exactly 20 years ago, Nelson Mandela spoke about where the thirst for peace, freedom and equality drained that landmark document in this Hall (see A/53/PV.7). people’s spirits and haunted humankind. He urged all leaders to have the courage to ensure that In January 2014, in remembrance of all that and eventually we can build a human world consistent with many other things, the Summit of Heads of State of the the provisions of that historic Declaration. Those were African Union decided to declare 2014-2024 the Nelson the words of Nelson Mandela. Today, with human rights Mandela Decade in Africa. In that regard, in January 2018 under growing pressure around the world, we would the thirtieth Summit of Heads of State and Government be well served by reflecting on the example of this agreed to commemorate the centenary of the birth of outstanding man. We must face the forces that threaten Nelson Mandela this year.
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