OAAS Black History Week Concludes With Seminar Series Student Union, there will be seminars Gfrmttttttatt Today, tomorrow, and Sunday are conducted by UConn Instructors Jack the last three days of Afro-American Eblan of the history department, Kent History Week, sponsored by tme Organ- Newmeyer, a history professor and ization of Afro-American Students at Duane Denfeld representing the sociol- UConn. ogy department. Today at 4 in the Student Union Ball- Also speaking will be Donald Gib- Uaily room, a filr. titled "Hack History: son, Steven Allaback and Alexander Me- Lost, Stolen, or Strayed?'', from the dllcott, on such topics as black power CBS series, "Of Black America," will and the white man's involvement in ci- be shown. vil rights. According to a statement released -Sunday, in the Student Union Ball- by the OAAS, "This film Is one of the Campus room at 3 p.m., a young group from best and is recommended for blacks as Hartford called "Black Lash", will pre- s well as whites. This Is your chance to sent skits and plays which will be, Serving Storrs Since 1896 fill in the credibility gap in American "more of an experience than a perfor- history." mance," VOL. LXXVI NO. 87 STORRS, CONNECTICUT FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1969 Saturday afternoon from 3-6 in They will also provide background rooms 201, 207, 209 and 217 of the and mood music. Student Senate: I Bookstore 'Clean9; Faculty at Fault By G. CLAUDE ALBERT Campus Staff Writer The Student Senate Ad Hoc Commi- Book publishers are also frequently ttee on the UConn Bookstore returned out of stock of specific works, the com- E its findings to the Senat e Wednesday mittee found. 3 .8 night. The Committee recommended that The Committee, under chairman Alan each department be responsible for ma- O O Lee, Jr., investigated every aspect of king sure all it's professors submit the Bookstore's policy and management. their list of required books by a preset 1 The committee found the Bookstore date. "is doing a very good job within exis- They also recommended that a stan- ting resources, facilities and limita- dard text be used in basic courses when tions." applicable, and that the professors make A Connecticut Daily Campus Roving The report dealt with student cri- better use of the Reserve Room servi- The Tanks Photographer encountered this group ticisms frequently directed against the ces in the Wilbur Cross Library. of silent demonstrator-protestors at Bookstore. The Committee also found that the the construction site of UConn's New One complaint was that many re- Bookstore is prohibited from selling such Are Coming Physical Science Building. This was quired books are out of stock at the be- basic convenience items as aspirin and apparently a silent protest as the group ginning of the term. soap because of a concern over ."fair declined comment on their objective. The Committee found the major cause competition" with the merchants in the of the situation: "Professors who change Storrs Shopping Plaza. required texts at a very late date or The Committee felt that this "crea- submit them just befor e the term tion of a monopoly situation for the bene- Closed Community' begins." fit of a select few is not entirely just." Police Arrest It recommended that the Bookstore be 9 allowed to carry these convenience it- ems. UConn Coed, 'Inner College Project Pr The high price of books was gener- ally attributed to the publishers, who Employee By CHERYL ROMANO have recently "increased the price level Assistant News Editor of books substantially. Some paperbacks have been Increased as much as a dol- An 18-year-old former UConn em- struction, a body that grants money for lar." ployee and a UConn coed missing since The aims of a proposed "Inner-Col- teaching programs, Krimerman said. The report Indicated that the Book- Monday were picked up yesterday by lege" on campus were explained yester- He said advocates of the program hope store does seek opportunities to buy State Police. day by UConn professors Robert Luster to set up a "closed community" consis- books at discounts and does pass these Gerald Bedard who walked off his and Leonard Krimerman over closed- ting of a building and a dormitory where benefits on to students. job at the University Motor Pool Mon- circuit television. students and faculty would live and work. The Committee found no instances day was arrested as he tried to run a The college, which is proposed as a Krimerman saidthatsimilarprojects of books being priced above list pri- State Police road block in Chaplin fol- fully accredited four year program, was have been initiated on about a dozen ces. lowing a $50 robbery at knifepoint of originated by Krimerman, Luyster and campuses in the country, and that the With regard to the "Floating Opera" Jim's Package Store in Chaplin at 9:10 Council on Instruction wants to make sure the Committee's report dismissed the UConn students last semester. that the "InnerCollege" doesn't run into controversy as an "isolated incident Police said the car, driven by Be- The material studied wouldn't be difficulties "others have had" before the and by no means a personal attempt at dard, tried to run the roadblock but presented in the standard class format, necessary funds are granted. censorship on the part of Mr. Zimmer- was driven off the road by pursuit ve- Krimerman said, but the students would Krimerman said he hopes to start man" (the Bookstore manager). the college next fall, and that the stu- hicles. be in "constant communication" in sub- The full text of the report will be Authorities refused to release the jects ranging from humanities to the dents and faculty involved would deter- mine the material covered each semes- printed in the Connecticut Daily Cam- name of the coed and said they were arts and sciences. pus next week. trying to determine her connection with Proposals for the college have been ter. Bedard, If any. submitted to the UConn Council on In- SDS to Speak to Students In Astronaut Takes Walk-In Space Dormitories to Discuss Issues B/ The Associated Press A speaker program in which mem- HOUSTON (AP) - "Oh Boy, what a WASHINGTON (AP) - American ex- bers of the Students for a Democratic campus and national issues." He added view!" perts discount the possibility that recent Society will be avllable for dormitory that more than one speaker would be That was what astronaut Russell discussions was recently begun, accor- available for each group. Schweickart said after he stepped into border clashes between Russians and ding to Jeff Moroso, an SDS member. Any interested house officers or space 140 miles above the earth yester- Chinese will develop into large-scale Moroso stated that all the speakers dormitory residents may contact Mor- day and floated to a spacecraft platform. fighting. will b e students and that the discus- oso either at Box 174 In Storrs or at The astronaut spent 38 minutes stan- sions will "basically center around 429-7715 any time. ding on the so-called front porch of WASHINGTON (AP) - American ex- the moon landing craft, which is still perts discount the possibility that recent locked wit h the Apollo Nine Command border clashes between Russians and Student Senate Suggests Schedule Vehicle. Chinese will develop into large-scale Schweickart wore the portable life- fighting. support system spacemen will wear on The Washington observers say So- Goal: Only 2 Mid-Terms Daily the moon. It was another achievement viet outrage over the Incident appears The Academics Committee of the for the three Apollo-Nine astronauts aimed at providing "the right back- ple, also meets Wednesday and Friday Student Senate has suggested that the at the same time. who have been orbiting the earth since ground music" for meeting of world following schedule be followed for the Monday. Communist parties next May. administering of mid-term examina- The Soviets are expected to try to tions. mobolize Red leaders of many coun- The Committee suggested that ex- For example, If a class meets on tries against Peking in a continuing ams be given in the sixth week of clas- Monday at 11 a.m., the examination Cloudy, cold with snow developing struggle for power between the two ses for courses that meet: Monday, 11 would be given during the regular class Communist giants. during the day, the highest tempera- and 4; Tuesday, 11 and 3:30; Wednes- periods on Monday of the sixth week. day, 10 and 3; Thursday, 9:30 and 2 ture 30-35. Tohight continued gen- LOS ANGE.ES (AP) -- Defendant and Friday, 9 and 2. eral snow activity, the low tempera- Sirhan Slrhan has told the court that he Seventh week: Monday, 8 and 1; Tu- Tom Lysz, Committee chairman, ture in the upper 20's. The outlook was "quite high" on several gin drinks esday, 8 and 12:30; Wednesday, 12; For said the schedule complies with the pro- when he went to the Ambassador Hotel tor the weekend cloudy and cold courses that meet at other than 9:30 and posal passed by the General Scholastic where Senator Robert Kennedy was slain. 2 Thursday and 9 and 2 F riday, no sch- Requirements Committee reducing the with a substantial snowfall likely. The young Jordanian, charged with edule was given. possibility of a student's having more The probability of precipitation is killing Kennedy, said it was not until The courses are listed in this fash- than two exams In one day. 60% this morning rising to 80% by nearly seven hours after he shot the ion due to the fact that a class that New York Senator that he became aw- meets at Monday at 11 a.m., for exam- later in the day.
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