SEARK’s Johnny Cash Monticello’s Senior Night ballet is is big success well-attended 1C 1B ADVANCE-MONTICELLONIAN 75¢ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2017 SERVING DREW COUNTY SINCE 1870 HOSPITAL GIFT SHOP CLOSED BY SMOKE DAMAGE County sheriff ’s deputy arrested BY ASHLEY FOREMAN The witness told Sand- [email protected] erlin he had obtained an “eight-ball” of metham- According to court phetamine and was pre- documents, former Drew paring to plant it on the County Sheriff Deputy third party, Akers said in Robert “Bo” Sanderlin his report. was arrested on solicita- Then, Sanderlin in- tion and abuse of offi ce Robert Sanderlin structed the witness where charges by the Tenth Ju- to plant and not plant the dicial District Drug Task Force last drugs. At this point, the witness’ Thursday. probation offi cer and the local DTF Sanderlin allegedly contact- had enough evidence recorded to re- ed a witness and told him that he quest a search warrant on Sanderlin, would be charged with possessing according to Akers. cocaine, stemming from a traffi c Judge B. Kenneth Johnson is- accident, unless he worked as an sued a search warrant to the DTF informant for Sanderlin. In court for Sanderlin’s phone, according to records, the witness stated that he court records. had not committed the offense he Sanderlin was then called to the was being accused of by Sanderlin Drew County Sheriff’s offi ce by but he was fearful for his life, be- Sheriff Mark Gober, who had been cause he was on probation, if he did in contact with the DTF, the affada- not cooperate with Sanderlin. vit for warrant for arrest noted. The DTF initiated an investiga- When Sanderlin arrived at the tion after the witness reported Sand- jail, he was placed under arrest by erlin’s actions to his probation offi - the DTF, court records said. cer, according to court records. The “We, at the Drug Task Force of- witness then agreed to call Sander- fi ce, appreciate the cooperation and lin to prove his claims of Sanderlin professionalism from Sheriff Mark wanting the witness to plant drugs Gober,” Akers said. “This was a on a third party, DTF Lieutenant Ja- diffi cult situation and we appreci- son Akers’ report said. ate all his help.” Under the direction of local DTF For his part, Gober said he didn’t Ashley Foreman/Advance-Monticellonian agents, the witness contacted Sand- relish his involvement in the matter. SURPRISE DETOUR Visitors to Drew Memorial Hospital last Thursday were asked to wait outside until an “all clear” order was given. The fi re alarms erlin several times and agreed to “This situation is not something throughout the hospital were triggered when smoke from the demolition area spread throughout the original hospital facility, just behind the main entrance. purchase narcotics to be planted we ever like to deal with,” Gober During demolition of the former main entrance canopy, a cutting torch was used on the steel canopy beams. All proper safety procedures were followed on a third party, according to court said. “It is heartbreaking for my but insulation smoldered inside the main entrance ceiling, within the demolition area, leading to smoke spreading beyond the demolition area. Smoke documents. offi ce.” damage was limited to the adjacent gift shop, but no other damage occurred outside the designated demolition area. Visitors and guests to the hospital Last Wednesday, a phone call A Monday, March 6 court date were evacuated per hospital safety protocol once the fi re alarms sounded. Hospital staff were ready to evacuate patients if an emergency situation arose, was made from the witness to has been set for Sanderlin in the but an “all clear” was given within a half hour of the initial alarm. At no time was there concern of fi re spreading and no patients or employees were at risk. Sanderlin, under DTF advisory. Drew County District Court. Highway 35 Junk Hunt ‘ hub’ to be at Industrial Park Republicans don’t enter BY HAROLD COGGINS to participate. It would be a great fundraiser [email protected] for their youth departments or whatever they need. We’re only in our second year, but we mayor’s race It’s still fi ve weeks away but folks around hope this annual event is something people Southeast Arkansas are already gearing up will look forward to all year long. Party leaves door for the second annual Historic Highway 35 “Most of the things I’ve looked at about Junk Hunt—a 124-mile rummage sale and the Junk Hunt are concentrated between open for ‘willing, shopping opportunity from Dermott through Benton and Sheridan. We’d like to help buy- Monticello, Rison, Sheridan and Grapevine ers realize that there’s a southern portion qualifi ed’ candidate to Benton (or vice versa)—almost the entire of this route. We’d like buyers to go all the length of the Arkansas highway. way from Dermott to Benton or Benton to BY ASHLEY FOREMAN This year’s event will take place Thursday Dermott during the three days—either way, [email protected] through Saturday, March 9-11. All Arkan- Monticello is included. Not only sellers sans living on Highway 35 are encouraged to along Highway 35, but businesses and hotels Tuesday night, the Re- gather up their “junk,” display it on the sale should benefi t.” publican Party of Drew route and enjoy the benefi ts of those looking The founder and organizer of the fi rst sale County met at the Monti- for rummage items to add to their collections. last year, Jennifer King of Rison, has estab- cello-Drew County Cham- Both sellers and shoppers praised last lished future Junk Hunts to be on the fi rst ber of Commerce building year’s inaugural Junk Hunt. The three-day Thursday, Friday and Saturday on or after in a special called meeting sale saw shoppers from across Arkansas, as March 3 each year. Next year’s Junk Hunt to nominate a candidate for well as bordering states, visit a part of The will be March 8-10, 2018. mayor of Monticello. Natural State that seldom sees such out-of- But, for 2017, Monticello’s “hub” will be By the end of the meet- town traffi c. Several rummage sales reported located in the Industrial Park, next to Hood ing, the party did not have taking in thousands of dollars over the three Packaging Corporation, located at 1829 a willing and qualified can- days. Highway 35. There are no indoor facilities didate, all attendees agreed. Monticello Economic Development Com- “hubs” for those potential sellers. Monticel- three-day sale to contact her offi ce at 870- available, McDaniel said, but sellers are wel- That leaves Independent mission Executive Director Nita NcDaniel lo’s “hub” will be located at the MEDC In- 367-3076 to reserve space. come to bring their own canopies to cover Ronny Carr as the only con- was quick to point out, though, the Junk Hunt dustrial Park on Highway 35. There will be “We see this as having the potential to be their spaces. McDaniel said there are plans tender for the May 9 special is not only for residents living on Highway no charge for the spaces this year. McDan- a big event in Monticello,” McDaniel said. See HUB Page 6A election that has announced. 35. Several towns along the route will set up iel urged all interested in taking part in the “We’re trying to get churches along the route New Drew County Chair- man Brian Jones welcomed members and guests. Com- mittee member Sonya Ry- Arkansas Log A Load gives ACH $575,000 burn called the role to deter- mine that enough members were present to have a quo- Special to the Advance care provided in the Emergency De- “The Log A Load for Kids of Ar- partment and across the hospital.” kansas program has been a valued, rum. The group voted to re- LITTLE ROCK—Thanks in Bradley County, River Valley, long-time partner of Arkansas Chil- duce the filling fee for the part to Drew County Log A Load party in half, from $1,000 for Kids program’s donation of South Central, Central Arkansas, dren’s Hospital,” said Jennifer Se- and Drew County chapters collec- lig, director of annual gifts for ACH. to $500. $113,000, the Arkansas Forestry “It makes sense because tively raised that total throughout “We are grateful to the Arkansas Association’s recently presented this is a special election the past year for Arkansas Chil- Forestry Association’s continued Arkansas Children’s Hospital with and it isn’t a full four-year dren’s Hospital. a check for $575,000. The gift will commitment to the mission of Ar- term,” former party chair Since the program’s inception in complete their commitment to the kansas Children’s Hospital.” Diana Harton noted. The Natural State in 1993, Log A Emergency Department/Trauma Log A Load for Kids is an annu- Jones asked all the mem- Center at ACH. Load for Kids Arkansas has raised al campaign which began in 1988 bers present if they had “This gift shows the commitment that $9 million Braswell mentioned when loggers and others in the for- any ideas for a nominee for of our volunteers around the state,” for ACH. In 2013, Log A Load for est products community donated said Max Braswell, executive vice Kids of Arkansas made a four-year the value of a load of logs to their See MAYOR Page 6A president of Arkansas Forestry As- pledge to raise $2 million to help local Children’s Miracle Network sociation.
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