4 HHOUSING:O U S I N G : A GGREENR E E N PPROPRIETORR O P R I E T O R IINN MMARABASTADA R A B A S TA D JJOZANNEO Z A N N E SSPIESP I E S MMARCH(PROF)A R C H ( P R O F ) UUNIVERSITYN I V E R S I T Y OOFF PPRETORIAR E T O R I A UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA- etd Spies,J (2006) Fig 4-1 4 44-1 - 1 TTHEORYH E O R Y TTOO INFROMI N F R O M THET H E DESIGND E S I G N TTHEORYH E O R Y TTOO IINFROMN F R O M THET H E DESIGND E S I G N 44-2 - 2 Fig 4-2Sketchillustrating theinteactionbetweenresidentsinagarden UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA- etd Spies,J (2006) 4 HHOUSING:O U S I N G : A GGREENR E E N PPROPRIETORR O P R I E T O R IINN MMARABASTADA R A B A S TA D JJOZANNEO Z A N N E SSPIESP I E S MMARCH(PROF)A R C H ( P R O F ) UUNIVERSITYN I V E R S I T Y OOFF PPRETORIAR E T O R I A 4 4 HHOUSING:O U S I N G : A GGREENR E E N PPROPRIETORR O P R I E T O R IINN MMARABASTADA R A B A S TA D JJOZANNEO Z A N N E SSPIESP I E S MMARCH(PROF)A R C H ( P R O F ) UUNIVERSITYN I V E R S I T Y OOFF PPRETORIAR E T O R I A parks, sports There isnodoubtthatopen spacesplayacriticalroleinourqualityoflife.Nature reserves, well-being. well astoguidemetropolitangrowth.Openspacesare importantforourindividualandcollective needopenspace togivecoherentstructureandbeautyourcitiesas spectacle ofnature.We environment sothatwecanenjoycleanstreams,abundant wildlife,andwitnesstheunfolding needopenspacetoconserveournatural for ourspiritualenhancementandrecreation.We needopenspaces Furthermore, humanneedswithregardtoopenspaces arefundamental.We by urbandevelopmentandfragmentation. This life-giving functionofopenspacesistheonemostthreatened regulates theurbanclimate. cannot survive,tofunction:itpuri openspace allowsecologicalsystems,withoutwhichhumanbeings making purposes.Firstly, Open spaceisanessentialelementwithinourcities, forecological,socio-economicandplace- 4.1THE NEEDFOROPENSPACE 4 THEORIESTO INFORMTHE DESIGN of international, nationalandprovincialcommitments andlegislation existinthisregard. pieces sustainable development andprotection ofopenspacesisalegal requirement. Various Besidesthemultiple bene sustain ahealthy community. long-term protectionofkey propertiesarenecessaryinvestmentsifwetodevelop and Suf health andeconomicviability ofourcommunity. are notjust“niceties”butplayacentralroleinthe These resources,however, in whichwelive. fi cient funding for park maintenance, effective zoningby-laws,and acommitmenttothe cient fundingforparkmaintenance, effective fi elds, streettrees,andeven smallspacessuchastraf fi es water, harboursplantandanimallife,cleanstheair es water, UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA- etd Spies,J (2006) fi ts ofopen spaces tohumanbeings,the fi c circlesde fi ne theareas 4.1 THE NEED FOR OPEN SPACE 44.1 . 1 T H E N E Fig 4-3Restingonaparkbenchunderneathtree Fig 4-5Gardening Fig 4-4Relaxingandsocializingonthegrass E D F O R O P E N S d P A C 44-3 - E 3 TTHEORYH E O R Y TTOO INFROMI N F R O M THET H E DESIGND E S I G N TTHEORYH E O R Y TTOO IINFROMN F R O M THET H E DESIGND E S I G N 44-4 4.1.1 OPEN SPACE IN TSHWANE IN 44.1.1 OPEN SPACE - 4 . 1 . 1 O P E N S P A C E I N T S UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA- etd Spies,J (2006) H W A N E Fig 4-6 Region 8. Tshwane Open SpaceFramework Tshwane Region 8. 4 HHOUSING:O U S I N G : A GGREENR E E N PPROPRIETORR O P R I E T O R IINN MMARABASTADA R A B A S TA D JJOZANNEO Z A N N E SSPIESP I E S MMARCH(PROF)A R C H ( P R O F ) UUNIVERSITYN I V E R S I T Y OOFF PPRETORIAR E T O R I A 4 4 HHOUSING:O U S I N G : A GGREENR E E N PPROPRIETORR O P R I E T O R IINN MMARABASTADA R A B A S TA D JJOZANNEO Z A N N E SSPIESP I E S MMARCH(PROF)A R C H ( P R O F ) UUNIVERSITYN I V E R S I T Y OOFF PPRETORIAR E T O R I A Fig 4-7 View over the skyline of Tshwane overtheskylineof Fig 4-7View falls, ischaracterisedbythefollowingaspects: OpenSpaceframework,withinwhichthestudyarea Tshwane Region 8ofthe Tshwane. critical aboutthewaywezoneanduseOpenSpaces withinthecityof Given theacknowledgedneedforOpenSpace,itisthereforenecessarytobe TSHWANE IN 4.1.1 OPENSPACE • • • • • • Venning Park(53),Berea(20); Venning several ornamentalparkssuch asBurgersPark(45),MagnoliaDell(57), swimming pool(22)etc.; Caledonia Stadium(6),NieuwMuckleneuktrimpark (27), Sunnyside RugbyStadium(25), the UniversityofPretoria(24),LoftusVersfeld signi Austin Roberts BirdSanctuary(68); protected areasatthe wetland systematthePretoriaBoysHighSchoolDam (10); have, forthemostpart,beentransformedbyhuman intervention; andSteenhovenwatercourses Apies, Walker Spruit (8).Howeverthe Spruit(6),Steenhoven (9)andMuckleneuk River (5),Walker signi Klapperkop, Salvokop(2)andLukasrandRidges(1); signi fi fi fi cant institutionalandrecreationalopenspacesintheformof Apies cant watercoursesystemsthroughout,mostnotablythe cant ridgesystemssuchastheDaspoort(4),Meintjieskop(3), UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA- etd Spies,J (2006) (Bremner, 2006p9) (Bremner, Building morerobustintersectionsbetweenthetwobecomes apriority.” enclaves etc.)andurbanspaceisabandonedtofeaturelessness andneglect. life withdrawsintotheinteriorityofprivaterealm(homes, malls,gated security guards,camerasandotherdefensive technologies.Public and dangerous.Itisboundedbyfences,palisades,walls, gates,private “…publicspaceisviewedandexperiencedbymany asoutofcontrol not useit. beautifullydesignedspaceis nevertheless notworthanythingifpeopledo A Appendix i Refer toanextractfromRegion8oftheframeworkin • • the Salvokopprecinct(39), nature reservesatGroenkloofNatureReserve,Freedom Parkand Church Street(29),PaulKruger(30);and public openspacesaroundtheCapitalCore,FountainsCircle, 4.1.1 OPEN SPACE IN TSHWANE IN 44.1.1 OPEN SPACE . 1 . 1 O P E N S P A C E I N T S H W A N 44-5 - E 5 TTHEORYH E O R Y TTOO INFROMI N F R O M THET H E DESIGND E S I G N TTHEORYH E O R Y TTOO IINFROMN F R O M THET H E DESIGND E S I G N 4.1.1 OPEN SPACE IN TSHWANE IN 44.1.1 OPEN SPACE 44-6 - . 6 1 . Fig 4-8 gateisprovided The lushgreenareaisoutofboundsno Fig 4-10 Fig 4-9Signageindicatethattheparkwasintended foruse. 1 O P E N S P A C E I N T S city, whatwillhappento openspaceinpoorerareas? city, If thisiswhat happens toopenspacein thehighincomeareasof the the residentsasaopenpark isnowperceivedasahazard. all turntheirbackonthegreen corridorandwhatcouldhaveserved The gatedsuburbandhousingdevelopments space fromtheprivate. ofzoningprinciplesthatisolatethepublicgreen example oftheeffect suburbs ofPretoriahasbecome agateddangerzone.Itisclear This greenlinkalongtheMorelleta Spruitbetweentheaf SPRUIT MORELETTA Fig 4-11 Palisadefencingandbarbed wire. Fig 4-11 H UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA- etd Spies,J (2006) W A N E fl uent eastern Fig 4-12Housingturnsitsbackonvaluableopenspace Fig 4-13palisadefencing aroundthegreenstrip. 4 HHOUSING:O U S I N G : A GGREENR E E N PPROPRIETORR O P R I E T O R IINN MMARABASTADA R A B A S TA D JJOZANNEO Z A N N E SSPIESP I E S MMARCH(PROF)A R C H ( P R O F ) UUNIVERSITYN I V E R S I T Y OOFF PPRETORIAR E T O R I A 4 4 HHOUSING:O U S I N G : A GGREENR E E N PPROPRIETORR O P R I E T O R IINN MMARABASTADA R A B A S TA D JJOZANNEO Z A N N E SSPIESP I E S MMARCH(PROF)A R C H ( P R O F ) UUNIVERSITYN I V E R S I T Y OOFF PPRETORIAR E T O R I A structure isbeing erodedduetostreetwidening andnewdevelopments. allstreetswere linedwithtreesbutnowadays thisformerclosed tree Originally, undeveloped or privatisedintoshopping mallsandprivateresidential estates. and oldestablished areas.Outsideofthis zone,publicOpenSpace isovergrown, The onlyworthwhile,welldeveloped publicspacesarelocatedwithintheinner city necessary infrastructureand amenities.Only31%ofparksarefullydeveloped. Many openspacesareunder-funded, neglected,inaccessible,andlackingthe especially lackinginthefollowingaspects: The spacesare lagfarbehindinternational citiesintermsofquality. Tshwane themajorityofOpenSpacesin CityCouncilandmentionedearlier, Tshwane OpenSpaceFramework(2005),compiledbythe Tshwane According tothe • • • • • • • harbouring criminal activity, vagrancy, etc. vagrancy, harbouring criminalactivity, the majorityofOpenSpaces areperceivedas,andinmanycasesare, civic spacesarenon-existent; and dominated bycars; hard openspaces,suchasstreetsandactivityspines, aremostly thus onlyattractingasectionofthecommunityatcertain times; aregenerallymono-functional, Tshwane the openspacesinCityof create interest,choiceandvariety; requiresthatavarietyoffacilities andactivitiesoverlapto Triangulation there isnotriangulationofOpenSpaceasinthecase ofParis,France. movement fromonetotheother; open spacesarenotintegratedwithinanetwork,soas tofacilitate opportunities forrelaxationorrecreation; (sun, wind,rain)anddonotoffer any protectionagainsttheelements development andcomfort,donotoffer open spacespredominantlydonotconformtothestandards of UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA- etd Spies,J (2006) Fig 4-15Steenhovenspruit -openairbathrooom? Fig4-16Streetslinedwith trees Fig 4-14ExtractfromOpenSpaceFramework Total DevelopedTotal Area: VacantTotal Area: 2 074.008 ha 627.901 ha Total Area Total 2702 4.1.1 OPEN SPACE IN TSHWANE IN 44.1.1 OPEN SPACE 88 097 33p/ha 7ha/1000 population population 097 33p/ha 7ha/1000 88 . 1 LOCALITY PLAN PLAN LOCALITY . 1 Total Population Population Total REGION 8: CENTRAL SECTION O P E VITAL STATISTICS N VACANT LAND S Gross Density Gross Density P Sunnyside, Trevenna. SkinnerSalvokop, Court, RiveRoadale, 349JR, Muckleneuk, Pretoria, Prinshof 280JR, Prinshof Muckleneuk, NieuwLukasrand, Muckleneuk, Bailey's Koedoespoort 456JR, Lisdogan Park, Loftus, Groenkloof, JR, Groenkloof358JR, Kilberry, 357 Eastwood, East Clyffe, Elandspoort Clydesdale), Mss, Pretoria Bryntirion Central Bryntirion, 348JR, West: South: DFMalan Drive Ridge, Salvokop
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