fUMI'&UM 1!5~ ......... ,a.rLttcir Qof'tilcu.Waf& Happy Child N•tlon"l Pride HEPORT ON PUBLIC INSTRUCTION IN THE TAMIL NADU STATE FOR THE YEAR 1976-77 © GOVERNMENT OF TAMlL NADU 1979 PR1Nl1ID BY 1HB DIRECTOR OF STATIONERY AND PRINTING. MADRAS. ON IIEHALF OF THB CSOVERNMBNT OF TAMIL NADU 1 9 7 9 PRICI : Rs. 4-SS PREFACE On behalf of the Government of Tamil Nadu, I have the honour to bring out this Report on Public Instruction in the State of Tamil Nadu for the year 1976-77. I sincerely hope that this will meet the requirements of the users of Educational Statistics especially the administrators and planners. I express my sincere thanks to the various officials and educational bodies who have co-operated in bringing out this Publication. I heartily welcome suggestions for any further improvement in the Publication in the years to come. Dr. K, VENKATASUBRAMANIAN. Director of School Ed11cation. Madras, 7th October 1978. 264A-23-A PUBLIC INSTRUCTION REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1976-n. S/. No. CONTENTS Pasza. 1. Introduction 1 2. School Education 2 3. Collegiate Education 17 4. Madras University 25 5. Madurai Univen;ity 33 6. Annamalai Univen;ity 37 7. Agriculture Univen;ity 40 8. Technical Education 42 9. Public Libraries 44 I 0. Archieves 47 II. Tamil Development 54 12. Harijans and Tribal Welfare 55 TABLES. 1. Number of Institutions, pupils and teachers in various types of educa- 59 tiona! institutions in Tamil Nadu. 2. Institutions in the State of Tamil Nadu-Management-wise 60 3. Standard-wise strength of pupils in institutions for General Education 62 and the percentage of girls to total strength. 4. Net additional enrolment and percentage of enrolment 62 5. Scholan; by Management-wise for General Education 63 6. Teachers by Management-wise for General Education 66 7. Total number of institutions in the State of Tamil Nadu 69 8. Standard-wise strength of pupils-Institution-wise 70 9. Trained teachen; and their percentage to total teachers 71 10. Language pandits in schools for General Education-Language-wise 72 11. Number of women teachers and their percentage to the total teachers in 73 all types of institutions. 12. Trained and Untrained graduates subject-wise in all high schools 74 13. Com~rative Statement of enrolment and the net additional enrolment 75 District-wise. 14. Number of institutions in the State of Tamil Nndu-District-wise nnd 75 type-wise. 15. Number of Indian High Schools for Boys-District-wise with manage- 77 ment-wise. ii Serial Number Pages. 16. Number of Indian High Schools for Girls-District-wise with management­ 77 wise. 17. Number of Middle Schools such as Middle tMERl Boys, Girls, Higher 78 E~cmentary schools and Anglo-Indian Primary Schools-Management- wise and District-wise. 18. Number of Primary Schools District-wise with management-wise 78 19. Standard-wise strength of pupils for Geneml Education District-wise 79 including Anglo-Indian, Central, Matriculation, Indian School Certificate, etc. 20. Number of teachers by type-wise and district-wise 82 21. Number of teachers by typ~-wise and district-wise for other types of schools 84 22. Category-wise teachers for High /Higher Secondary Schools 85 23. Category-wise teachers in higher elementary. schools, Middle (MERJ l9 Schools for Boys, Girls and Anglo-Indian Primary Schools. 24. Number of teachers category-wise in schools for Geneml Education 91 25. Standard-wise strength of pupils in Boys High Schools-District-wise 93 26. Standard-wise strength of pupils in High Schools for Girls-District-wise 94 27, Standard-wise strength of pupils in Middle (MER) Boys-District-wise 96 28. Standard-wise &trength in Middle Schouls for Girls-District-wise 96 29. Standard-wise strength in Higher Elementary Schools-District-wise 97 30. Standard-wise strength of pupils for Primary schools-District-wise 98 31. Standard-wise strength of pupils for High schools for boys-Management· 99 WISC. 32. Standard-wise strength of pupils for High schools for girls-Management· 100 33. Standard-wise strength of pupils in Middle (MER) Boys Schools-Manage- 102 mcnt-wise. 34. Standard-~ise strength of pupils in Middle schools for Girls-Manage- I 03 mcnt-w1se. 35. Standard-~ise strength of pupils in Higher Elementary Schools-manage> 104 ment-w1se . .36. Stundard-wise strength in Primary Schools-Management-wise 105 '37. Number of teachers by Management-wise in High Schools for Boys- 106 District-wise. 38. Number o_f teachers in High Schools for Girls-District-wise with manage- 107 mcnt-w1se. 39. Number of teachers by management-wise with district-wise in Higher 108 Elcmentury Schools, Middle <MER) schools for Boys and Girls and Anglo-Indian Primary schools. 40. Number of Primary Schools-Disrtrict-wise with management-wise 109 41. Category-wise teachers in Boys High schools management-wise 110 42. Number of teachers by category-wise in High schools for girls 114 iii Serial number Pag~;r. 43. Number of teachers by category-wise in Primary schools management-wise liS <44. Number of scholars belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe- 119 Type-wise. - <45. Number of scholars belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled· Tribe­ 119 Standard-wise (including Central Matriculation, Indian Schools Certifi· cate and Anglo-Indian School, etc.). 46. Number of scholars belonging to Backward Class-Institution-wise and 120 standard-wise. -47. Number of Colleges in Tamil Nadu-Management-wise 121 48. Educational data at a glance 12 I 49. Number of Teachers in Different types of Colleges 121 50. Enrolment by stages 122 51. Number of Teachers in Arts Colleges-Government and Aided Colleges in 123 Madras University Area. 52. Number of Teachers in Arts Colleges-Government and Aided Colleges in 123 Madurai University Area. 53. Number of Teachers in Colleges-University Area wise 124 54. Number of Teachers in Arts Colleges for Men and Women-District-wise 124 55. Number of Government Training Colleges students and teachers for Men 125 and Women Training Colleges. 56. Number of Government Arts Colleges for Men, Scholars and teachers for 125 Madras and Madurai Universities. 57. Number of Government Arts Colleges for Women, Scholars, and teache1'3 126 according to District-wise in Madras and Madurai Universities . .58. Numll>er of Private Colleges for Men, Scholars and Teachers for Madras 126 and Madurai Universities. 5(). Number of I'ri\'ate Training Colleges br l\Icn, Students and Teachers 127 according to District-wise for Madras and Madurai Universities. <iO. Number of Private Training Colleges for Women Scholars and teachers in 127 them-District-wise. 61. Number of Government Colleges for Men with P.U.C. only in Madras 128 University. 62. Number of Private Colleges for Men with P.U.C. students and teachers 128 63. Number of Private Colleges for Women with P.U.C. only, students and 129 Teachers. ,64. Number of scholars in colleges belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled 129 Tribes, Backward Classes-District-wise. 21}4\-23-B INTRODUCTION Tamil Nadu, the Southern-most State of India, extends up to Cape K:uwiy .. kumari in the South. It is bounded on the North by Kamataka and Andhra Pradesh, on tile West by Kerala and on the East by the Bay of Bengal. It has an area of 1.30,000 sq. kilo metres with an estimated population of 452 Iakhs as per the Registrar General, Clovem­ ment of India. The State, now comprises of 15 Revenue Districts, viz., (1) Madras, (2) Chengal­ pattu, (3) South Arcot, (4) Tbanjavur, (5) Madurai, (6) Ramanathapuram, (7) Tirunclveli, (8) Kanniyakum<,ri (9) North Arcot, (10) Salem, (Ill Dharmapuri, (12) Tiruchirappalli, (13) Pudukottai, (14) Coimbatore and (15) The Nilgiris. These fifteen Revenue Districts have been divided into 48 Educational Districts. The percentage of literacy in Tamil Nadu as per the 1971 Census is 39.5 per cent (Men 51.8 per cent; Women 26.9 per cent) as against 31.4 per cent in 1961. The Number of Institutions of different types which cater to the educational needs of the State are furnished below:- Type of institutions · Number of institutions. 1. Universities .. 4 2. Research Institution (lnstitu~~ of Mat!:icmatical Science) I 3. Arts and Science Colleges 189 4. Teacher Training Colleges 23 5. Engineering Colleges (including Indian Institute of Technology) . 12 6. Polytechnics and Special Institutions 34 7. Technical Teachers' Training Institute I 8. Medical Colleges 11 9. Agricultural Colleges 3 10. Law Colleges 2 11. Other Professional Colleges 10 12. Oriental Colleges 16 13. Teacher Training Institutes (including Teachers ' College of Music) 82 14. High /Higher Secondary Schools 3.020 15. Middle Schools 5,730 16. Primary Schools 27,306 17. Pre-Primary Schools/sections 44 18. Professional and other types of schools 188 Total 36,675 2 It is Hcarlcningtr, note that 91.7 per cent of the children in the age-group of 6--11, 54.4 per cent in the age-group of 11-14 and about 34.1 per cent In the age-group of 14-17 were under instruction in 1976-77. 2.03 lakhs of students were under instruction in Arts and Science Colleges in 1976-77. The amount spent on Education from the funds of State Government in 1976-77 (under the Education demand) alone was Rs. ·143 crores (Budget Estimate) out of total expenditure (under Revenue Account) of Rs. 628 crores. The following figures show, how over the years, the outlay on Education has been increasing steadily. Year Tote/ expenditure Expeuenditure Percentage of Education from State Go•·em• under Eudca­ Expenditure tu mcnt fut>ds on tion Demard the total Re••enue Accoulll alone expenditure (Rupees in C r ores) 1962-63 122 26 21.11 19~4-65 151 32 21.19 1966-67 201 44 21.89 1969-70 306 66 21.57 1971-72 304 86 21.83 1972-73 417 93 22.30 1073--74 473 104 21.98 1974-75 529 115 21.78 1975-76 558 123 22.30 1976-77 628 143 23.00 II.
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