.At - V » . • Hr _(__ , roNeaft by ^ & .^eotawr »<■«*«< 'J u f t f o r £ ‘ ^TEBXcas D c^i? - ■ ■■ ’ ■- ^ ■■ - ' 1% 'J for the ikoatt of . Jn tyi'l^ ' 'CSondy prolwlAy riiowore tWa.af- ‘ . 4 • • ■ ■« tan io«i^ 4P»!*f*»U Sna4«y^p^y ~ ‘ ft. Bot nmoh chaasv in tom- I 5 , 4 1 6 Blembon ot tke A«dit Bureau of Cireulklluua — * : V i PRICE THREE CENTS SOIJTH MANCHESTER, C O W „ SATURDAY, AUGUST 16," 1930. f o u r t e e n P A 6 I 3 VOL. XLIV., NCh Z71. (C la w ^ e d AdTertislBg od Page 13) LIBRARY, Y. M. G. A . R-lOO WITH OCEAN STORM Hope to Combine Present ! HANGS HMSELF Community Club, Whitou Makes Trip Across in 57 Memonal Library and Honrr, Winds Slow Down FIRE TO HOME POOR BUSINESS Speed From 92 to 12 Morton “ Y” at North &id. • Wr TOJWIfflVES Miles an Honr— Monster Tlie wills of four men for years Victor Waicben, North End outstanding citizens m that secbon Crowd Greets Homecom- of Manchester commonly referred Resident, Demented, Im- to as the North End concurf imwit- Block Effortst to Rdievo** • Un- tir,gly to a great extent in making ers as Giant Airship Ar­ possible for that area of the. town perils Family, Takes Own employment so l ^ y Can one of the most attractive commu- ; a combined Whiton Memorial rives at Its Mooring Mast nity centers this state and possibly ' Ufe— Wife An Invalid. Ubr.rr»VM“ rS o ri M. a T ‘’rKbrS? woSo°<L“y fc a "S! cSter and right a«Uona. The prei. Use it as a Campaign New England at present affords. -nt Community club is recognized in the center of the sketch. LOG OF AIRSHIP B-lOO The plans of this proposed commu-, Culminating__ a period of pro- sue, Declares Leader. nity center are made public for the' gj.ggg^g mental disturbance ex- By Assodated Press. first time today and architects’ POUCT OF NATION Wednesday, Aug. 18:— (E.S.T.): tending over a period of perhaps two Washington, Aug.' 16.—;(.AP) - sketches of the building the four GOVERNOR d e m a n d s! Employment Goes Up; 8:26 p. m.—^Left Hubert years, Victor Waichen, 46, a fireman Taking office today as executive di­ Ahqiort, Montreal for Eng- benefactors of the north end have employed at the Mill street plant of GRAND EXPERIMENT rector of toe Republican National . land. made available are published here­ 9:50 p. m.—^Passed over Three i the Rogers Paper Company and Jiv- . AN EWALD PROBE E qq^ Prices Go Oown committee, Robert H. Lucas, of Ken­ with. Rivers, Quebec. ^ ing with his wife and three of his tucky, Issued a statement charging 10:45 p. m.— ^Passed over Que­ The Benefsectors four children at 10 Golway street, The late William Hamlin Childs, i Democratic leaders with blocking bec. I North End, early this morning made a mark of 84 for July. This Noted Author Tells How D. S. administration business and unem- Thursday, /Aug. 14: the late Willie T. Morton, the late ! an Ineffectual attempt to bum his Washington, Aug. 16.—(AP)—,^to John T. Robertson and the late Df. Roosevelt Asks for All Rec­ figure, based on the purchasing playment relief to preserve depres­ 4:15 a. m. — Passed Anticosti ! home while his family was asleep An increase during July in the de­ Francis H. Whiton are the bene­ power of the 1926 dollar gave the sion as a campaign issue. Island. ! and then drove . in his car to a mand for unskilled workers and Deals With Its Southern factors. Almost from the grave July 1930 dollar a comparative - “The Democratic Leaders,” he 7:00 a. m.—Notified Air Minis­ tobacco shed a mile and a half away ords in Alleged Payment farm help was reported today by try headed for Belle Isle. these four men are supervising the the Department of Labor together value of $1.19. Of 550 commodities said, ‘‘put their party to toect op­ and hanged himself. He was dead position to every effortmade by toe 8:00 a. m.—S. S. Montdare, at planning of a building which the with a slight decline in the whole­ compared, 57 showed increases for Neighbors at Parley. north end of Manchester, the rail­ i when found. for Magistrate’ s Job. the month while 236 declined and Nation’s Chief Executive and his northern end of Gnlf of St. I Several times lately Waichen, sale price index. administration to re^ re business Lawrence, dgdited dirigible road front door of the town, may “The Employment Bureau of the 257 remained unchanged. who is said never to have been a and' provide employinent for all toe almost overhrad. well be proud of and boast of as Department reported outdoor labor Farm products and food led the Williamstown, Mass., Aug. 16.— people. Having selected toe Na­ 10:20 a. m.—Passed over liner 'being- its very own in every respect, i drinking m ^, had Albany, N. Y., Aug. 16— (A P ) had been increased materially by decline with 6 1-2 and 4 1-2 per cent (AP)—The policy of the United The wealth of William Hamlin of mental instability. The police had tional mlsfortime of toe nation — Laurenttc in Straits of highway construction, installation respectively. Lower prices also ob­ States was described as one of the ChTws g^ve Sie north m ?the pres- been called in, to- subdue a tendency The* shadow of a state investigation toe Suffering of toe unemployed — Belle Isle. of natural gas pipe lines, telephone tained for hides and leather, tex­ “most interesting experiments to m t Community club which wUl be i to ^olence and there was pemhng into alleged civic and judicial cdr- as a campaign issue for 1930, toe 12:30 p. no.—B-lOO sighted 142 and other utility construction as tiles, metals, buildtog materials, toe histapy of toe world," by Dr. the nucleus in the proposed commu- j m Police Court a charge of M s^ t ruption lay over New York C!ity to­ idiemicalB and drugs. Democratic leaders could not lend' miles east of Belle Isle by nity center, assisted by the money agrainst him for slapping the face well-as farm labor, but that closed Henry Kittredge Norton of New their support to any corrective liner Empress of Australia. day, following Governor Roosevelt’s Regarding industrial unemploy­ York,' publicist and author, at toe John T. Robertson made available ! of one of Ws^(^u|drters._, industrial plants and part time measures without depriving their 6;00 p. m.—^Reported position demand last night to District At­ operations continued to affect many ment, the department said a majori­ Institute of Politics today. for the purchase of additional propi-i Waithehs fai^ y conrists of his workfers. Building construction work ty of ^the ^ plants whichi had not re- party of a battle cry for toe cam­ ' 700 nfiles southeast of Belle erty and the development of the | wife, who is seriously ill one son. torney Crain of New York for a Dr. Norton, led toe general con­ paign. Isle. remained below the level of pre- opened during the latter part of ference on United States policy to 7K)0 p. m.—-Reported podtton Community club’s work. The will of j Joseph, 22, ^ d two^ughters, “full record” of the Ewald case. vious years following shutdowns for in- “And toe country hks continued Willie T. Morton made possible an| lie, 17, and Syl-via, 11, all of w ^m the Caribbean area. He said, 1,387 miles east of Mon- Mr. Roosevelt referred to proceed­ The statistics section reported a ventory, repairs or holiday periods, to suffer— business is slow to re­ ample fund for the erection of a. Uve at home, besides a married ings in the investigation of charges “never before have toe relations be­ cover—^workers walk toe streets treaL YMCA which if present plans daughter, Mrs.. August Anderson of price index decline of 2.8 from June 1 expected to reopen in August tween a great power and toe sur­ Friday, Aug. 15: former aty Magistrate George F. K looking for work while toe Demo­ carry wiU be an integral unit in the | Uberty street. The illness of Mrs. Ewald had paid money to secure his rounding areas besn on any basis cratic strategists confer and con­ 1:00 a. m.—Reported position structure as it is now planned. And, i Waichen, which has been of long appointment to the bench. A Grand except that of conquest on.toe one sult and Issue statements, all toe . 1JI55 miles caht of Mon- the wills of Dr. F. H. Whiton and! duration, is beUeved to have wor- Jury refused to act in the case. The hand and submission oh toe other. while fearing an' improvement to tireal, 1,783 miles from Mrs. Whiton make available another j ried her husband to a point where governor would not comment on his Only to toe CJaribhean is it possible Cardington. FOURTEEN M m TRIES TO SAVE 12 business before toe election. They fund, sufficiently large enough to it may have affected his rea^n. action. His demand of Crain came to find such states' as Cuba, Haiti, hold to toe feUacious idea that If 8:46 a. m,—^Estimated crossed provide a fine library w hich -will Waichen returned home at 9:30 after he had declined to act several Santo Domingo, Nicaragua and Cos­ things will just remain as they are halfway mark of trip.
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