WORLD BANK TECHN1ICAL PAPER NO. 379 Work .Win progress TP3a9 for public discussion __________@e~. Iqq-^ Public Disclosure Authorized Urban Air Quality Management Strategy in Asia Jak/U-111lReport Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized AV Public Disclosure Authorized Edited b'! Jilenra J. SAhp/ Ta1-iiz I agpa RECENT WORLD BANK TECHNICAL PAPERS No. 317 Schware and Kimberley,Information Technology and NationalTrade Facilitation: Guide to BestPractice No. 318 Taylor, Boukambou, Dahniya, Ouayogode, Ayling, Abdi Noor, and Toure, StrengtheningNational Agricul- tural ResearchSystems in the Humid and Sub-humidZones of West and CentralAfrica: A FrameworkforAction No. 320 Srivastava, Lambert, and Vietmeyer, MedicinalPlants: An ExpandingRole in Development No. 321 Srivastava, Smith, and Forno, Biodiversityand Agriculture:Implicationsfor Conservation and Development No. 322 Peters, The Ecologyand Managementof Non-TimberForest Resources No. 323 Pannier, editor, CorporateGovernance of PublicEnterprises in TransitionalEconomies No. 324 Cabraal, Cosgrove-Davies, and Schaeffer, Best PracticesforPhotovoltaic Household Electrification Programs No. 325 Bacon, Besant-Jones,and Heidarian, EstimatingConstruction Costs and Schedules:Experience with Power GenerationProjects in DevelopingCountries No. 326 Colletta, Balachander, and Liang, The Conditionof YoungChildren in Sub-SaharanAfrica: The Convergenceof Health, Nutrition, and EarlyEducation No. 327 Vald6s and Schaeffer in collaboration with Martin, Surveillanceof AgriculturalPrice and TradePolicies: A HandbookforParaguay No. 328 De Geyndt, SocialDevelopment and AbsolutePoverty in Asia and LatinAmerica No. 329 Mohan, editor, Bibliographyof Publications:Technical Department, Africa Region,July 1987 to April 1996 No. 330 Echeverria, Trigo, and Byerlee, Institutional Changeand EffectiveFinancing of AgriculturalResearch in Latin America No. 331 Sharma, Damhaug, Gilgan-Hunt, Grey, Okaru, and Rothberg, African WaterResources: Challenges and Opportunitiesfor SustainableDevelopment No. 332 Pohl, Djankov, and Anderson, RestructuringLarge Industrial Firms in Centraland Eastern Europe: An Empirical Analysis No. 333 Jha, Ranson, and Bobadilla, Measuringthe Burdenof Diseaseand the Cost-Effectivenessof HealthInterventions: A Case Study in Guinea No. 334 Mosse and Sontheimer, PerformanceMonitoring Indicators Handbook No. 335 Kirmani and Le Moigne, FosteringRiparian Cooperation in InternationalRiver Basins:The World Bank at Its Best in DevelopmentDiplomacy No. 336 Francis, with Akinwumi, Ngwu, Nkom, Odihi, Olomajeye, Okunmadewa, and Shehu, State, Community, and LocalDevelopment in Nigeria No. 337 Kerf and Smith, PrivatizingAfrica's Infrastructure: Promise and Change No. 338 Young, MeasuringEconomic Benefitsfor WaterInvestments and Policies No. 339 Andrews and Rashid, The Financingof PensionSystems in Centraland EasternEurope: An Overviewof Major Trendsand Their Determinants,1990-1993 No. 340 Rutkowski, Changesin the Wage Structureduring EconomicTransition in Centraland EasternEurope No. 341 Goldstein, Preker, Adeyi, and Chellaraj, Trendsin HealthStatus, Services,and Finance:The Transitionin Central and EasternEurope, Volume I No. 342 Webster and Fidler, editors, Le secteur informelet les institutionsde microfinancementen Afrique de l'Ouest No. 343 Kottelat and Whitten, FreshwaterBiodiversity in Asia, with SpecialReference to Fish No. 344 Klugman and Schieber with Heleniak and Hon, A Survey of HealthReform in CentralAsia No. 345 Industry and Mining Division, Industry and Energy Department, A Mining Strategyfor Latin Americaand the Caribbean No. 346 Psacharopoulos and Nguyen, The Roleof Governmentand the PrivateSector in FightingPoverty No. 347 Stock and de Veen,Expanding Labor-based Methods for RoadWorks in Africa No. 348 Goldstein, Preker, Adeyi, and Chellaraj, Trendsin Health Status, Services,and Finance:The Transitionin Central and EasternEurope, Volume 11, Statistical Annex No. 349 Cummings, Dinar, and Olson, New EvaluationProceduresfor a New Generationof Water-RelatedProjects No. 350 Buscaglia and Dakolias, JudicialReform in Latin AmericanCourts: The Experiencein Argentina and Ecuador (List continues on the inside back cover) WORLD BANK TECHNICAL PAPER NO. 379 Urban Air Quality Management Strategy in Asia Jakarta Report SELECTED WORLD BANKTITLES ON AIR QUALITY Air Pollhtionfrom Motor Vehicles:Standards and Technologiesfor ControllingEmissions. Asif Faiz, Christopher S. Weaver, and Michael Walsh. CleanFutels for Asia: TechnicalOptions for Moving towvardUnleaded Gasoline and Low-SuilfuirDiesel. Michael Walsh and Jitendra J. Shah. Technical paper no. 377. Energy Use,Air Polluttion,and EnvironmentalPolicy in Krakow:Can EconomicIncentives Really Help?Seabron Adamnson, Robin Bates, Robert Laslett, and Alberto Ptotschnig. Technicalpaper no. 308. TaxingBads by TaxingGoods: Pollution Control with PresumptiveCharges. Gunnar S. Eskeland and Shantayanan Devarajan. Directions in Development Series. UrbanAir QuialityManagement Strategy in Asia: KathmanduValley Report. Edited by Jitendra J. Shah and Tanvi Nagpal. Technical paper no. 378. UrbanAir Quality ManagementStrategy in Asia: JakartaReport. Edited by Jitendra J. Shah and Tanvi Nagpal. Technical paper no. 379. UrbanAir Quality ManagementStrategy in Asia: MetroManila Report.Edited by Jitendra J. Shah and Tanvi Nagpal. Technical paper no. 380. UrbanAir QuialityManagement Strategy in Asia: GreaterMuimbai Report. Edited by Jitendra J. Shah and Tanvi Nagpal. Technical paper no. 381. UrbanAir Qiality ManagementStrategy in Asia: Guidebook.Edited by Jitendra J. Shah, Tanvi Nagpal, and Carter J. Brandon. VehicuilarAir Polluition:Experiencesfrom Seven LatinAmerican UrbanCenters. Bekir Onursal and Surhid P. Gautam. Technical paper no. 373. AUTHORS Knut Erik Gr0nskei FrederickGram Leif Otto Hagen Steinar Larssen Norwegian Institute for Air Research Kjeller, Norway Huib Jansen Xander Olsthoorn Institute of Environmental Studies at the Free University Amsterdam, the Netherlands Dr. MoestikahadiSoedomo Department of Environment Engineering Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia Dr. Umar F. Achmadi Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia iii WORLD BANK TECHNICAL PAPER NO. 379 Urban Air Quality Management Strategy in Asia Jakarta Report Editedby JitendraJ. Shah TanviNagpal The WorldBank Washington,D.C. Copyright © 1997 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/THE WORLD BANK 1818H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433,U.S.A. All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America First printing December 1997 Technical Papers are published to communicate the results of the Bank's work to the development community with the least possible delay. The typescript of this paper therefore has not been prepared in accordance with the proce- dures appropriate to formal printed texts, and the World Bank accepts no responsibility for errors. Some sources cited in this paper may be informal documents that are not readily available. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the author(s) and should not be attributed in any manner to the World Bank, to its affiliated organizations, or to members of its Board of Executive Directors or the countries they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data in- cluded in this publication and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any consequence of their use. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this volume do not imply on the part of the World Bank Group any judgment on the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such bound- aries. The material in this publication is copyrighted. Requests for permission to reproduce portions of it should be sent to the Office of the Publisher at the address shown in the copyright notice above. The World Bank encourages dissem- ination of its work and will normally give permission promptly and, when the reproduction is for noncommercial purposes, without asking a fee. Permission to copy portions for classroom use is granted through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., Suite 910, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, Massachusetts 01923,U.S.A. Cover design by Beni Chibber-Rao. Cover photo of the National Monument used with permission of Bappeda DKI, Jakarta ISSN:0253-7494 Jitendra J. Shah is an environmental engineer in the World Bank's Asia Technical Environment Unit. Tanvi Nagpal, a political economist, is a consultant in the World Bank's Asia TechnicalEnvironment Unit. Libraryof Congress Cataloging-in-PublicationData Urban air quality management strategy in Asia. Jakarta report / edited by Jitendra J. Shah, Tanvi Nagpal. p. cm. - (World Bank technical paper ; no. 379) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-8213-4035-2 1. Air quality management-Indonesia-Jakarta Metropolitan Area. 2. Air-Pollution-Indonesia-Jakarta Metropolitan Area. 1.Shah, Jitendra J., 1952- . II. Nagpal, Tanvi, 1967- . III. Series. TD883.7.152J3581997 363.739'25'0959822-dc2l 97-28976 CIP TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER OF SUPPORTl..................................R- .-............-..........---..... x FOREWORD. xi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................ xii ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... xiv ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .................................. xv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................
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