RADIO • PRINT • WEB • VIDEO MULTI-MEDIA THE POLK COUNTY Pulse Multi-Media is the area's first choice for news, events and entertainment... reaching potentially 40,000 through three radio stations, a weekly newspaper, an online publication and live-streaming video. Anywhere - anytime - we have our pulse on the community .... that's powered by PULSE MULTI-MEDIA why we're proud to call this home and even prouder to be the heartbeat of our community! powered by PULSE MULTI-MEDIA 479-243-9600 1168 Hwy 71 S. • Mena, AR 71953 The Heartbeat of Our Community Meet Our Sales Team Mark Hobson • [email protected] The man, the myth, the legend… Mark is THE main personality for our flagship station, KENA FM 104.1 and has been with our team for 17 years but in radio for over 25. He and his wife, Tyra, share three sons and two grandchildren that are the apple of his eye! His wealth of marketing experience can be helpful to small operations or large industries but more importantly, you’ll enjoy working with him! Debbie Frost • [email protected] Debbie is the newest member to our team and brings with her almost 40 years of advertising experi- ence. She is skilled in working with small family owned businesses to major retailers. She and her husband, Benny, have two children and three grandchildren. Debbie is also a member of the local Board of Directors for the Mena/Polk County Chamber of Commerce. Logan McCourtney • [email protected] Logan is a Mena native and loves talking with people about their stories. He and his wife Emily, have a daughter, Riley, who was born in December 2016. Logan holds a Bachelor's in Communications and loves helping people flourish in business and life. Melanie Buck • [email protected] When Melanie isn’t calling on her clients, she’s chasing news as the team’s senior sta reporter. She’s an Okie but we have converted her to a Razorback although we think her heart is divided. She has two children and is a member of the Mena Lioness. LeAnn Dilbeck • [email protected] LeAnn is a Mena native and serves as the General Manager / Publisher of Pulse Multi-Media. Even though that keeps her busy, she still loves to be involved in sales and working with her customers. She holds a marketing degree with a minor in communications. She and her husband, David, have two teenagers. Our Local Stations Our Sister Stations Radio (Net Spot) Advertising Rates Camden, AR * Commissionable agency rates available upon request www.yesradioworks.com KCXY FM 95.3 Y-95 • Country • 100,000 WATTS Call-In Swap Shop (8:05 a.m. & 12:30 p.m.) 25,000 Watts • 10,300 Listeners includes (1) :30 commercial - $150/mo 6,600 Listeners KAMD FM 97.1 Weather Sponsor - $150/mo K-97 • Adult Contemportary • ROS 50,000 WATTS • 5,800 Listeners News Sponsor - Available Broadcasts @ 25,000 Watts :30 - $5 • :60 - $8 KMGC FM 104.5 6:30 a.m., 7:10 a.m., 12:05 p.m., 5:05 p.m. 7,600 Listeners weekdays - $250/mo * in combination with Magic 104.5 • African American • Prime (6a - 8a & 12p - 12:30p) KENA purchase 6,000 WATTS • 12,500 Listeners NASCAkdfjk Texas Motorspeedway's :30 - $10 • :60 - $15 TOTAL ACCESS Sponsor - ROS DeQueen, AR (1) :30 commercial with 1-hour weekly show each :30 - $8 • :60 - $12 www.kdqn.com Saturday @ 8 a.m. KDQN FM 92.1 Name recognition during Good :90 daily show @ 12:15 p.m. Weekday Remotes #1 Country 92.1• Country • Numerous name mentions and print promotions 2 Hour Remote: $350 50,000 WATTS • 10,400 Requires 12-month commitment (Includes 25 :30 Second Promotional Spots Prior to Remote) ews Listeners Gospel Greats Sponsor - $25/week N1450 KDQN AM 1390 Includes (2) :30 commercials within each show Each Additional Hour: $100 aired each Sunday (Includes 5 :30 Second La Mexicana Musical • Spanish • Numerous name mentions Promotional Spots Prior to Remote) 500 Watts 1,500 Listeners 500 WATTS • 3,600 Listeners Sunday Prime Time Programming: Weekend Remotes KILX FM 102.1 8 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. 2 Hour Remote: $450 ROS The Good Path 102.1 • Christian • (must check availability) (Includes 25 :30 Second 6,000 WATTS • New Station 15 mins. - $50/week Promotional Spots Prior to Remote) :30 - $4 • :60 - $6 30 mins. - $75/week Each Additional Hour: $120 Requires 13 week commitment (Includes 5 :30 Second * in combination with Nashville, AR Promotional Spots Prior to Remote) KENA & KQOR purchase www.southwestarkansasra- dio.com KMTB FM 99.5 B 99.5 • Country • 25,000 Coverage Maps WATTS • 2,600 Listeners KNAS FM 105.5 Star 105.5 • Sports • 6,000 WATTS • N/A Listeners KBHC AM 1260 La Mexicana Musical • Spanish • 500 WATTS • N/A Listeners Berryville, AR www.kthsradio.com KTHS FM 107.1 Your Country • Country • 25,000 WATTS • 8,200 Listeners KTHS AM 1480 Classic Hits • Classic Hits • 5,000 WATTS • New Station Fayetteville, AR www.hogsportsradio.com KAKS FM 99.5 Hogs Sports Radio • Sports • 25,000 WATTS • 10,800 Listeners KCTY FM 96.7 The Coyote 96.7 • Country • 25,000 WATTS • 22,700 Listeners KFMD FM 101.5 Oldies 101.5 • Classic Hits • 25,000 WATTS • 19,200 Listeners 3,000,000 Views and Growing The Polk County Pulse launched its online publication, MyPulseNews.com, on July 31, 2013 and has hit over 3 MILLION views, reaching almost 400,000 readers, which can translate to customers for our advertisers. 105,748 107,608 Pageviews 95,620 86,662 Users 70,127 58,786 54,453 57,980 56,804 52,677 54,056 48,060 31,592 28,872 28,076 30,985 16,175 16,518 20,324 17,938 15,373 16,086 14,000 16,648 1. Arkansas 1. Hot Springs 1. Dallas 1. Oklahoma City 2. Texas 2. Mena 2. Houston 2. Broken Bow 3. Tennessee 3. Little Rock 3. Texarkana 3. (not set) 4. Oklahoma 4. Sheridan 4. Fort Worth 4. Fort Gibson TOP 10 STATES: 5. Missouri 5. Fayetteville 5. (not set) 5. Tulsa 6. California 6. Conway 6. Austin 6. Sand Springs 7. New York 7. Fort Smith 7. Plano 7. Idabel TOP 10 CITIES IN TEXAS: 8. Florida 8. (not set) 8. Sn Antonio 8. Broken Arrow 9. Louisiana TOP 10 CITIES IN ARKANSAS: 9. DeQueen 9. Anna 9. Skiatook TOP 10 CITIES IN OKLAHOMA: 10. Georgia 10. Vilonia 10. Irving 10. Poteau 2015 RODEO Wednesdays Stay FREE WEEKLY Connected! THE1168 POLKHwy 71 S • Mena, AR 71953 COUNTY • 479-243-9600 ............................................................................................................................................................................... Your DAILY News Sources: KENA 104.1 FM & MyPulseNews.com Get Your Weekly Paper Every Wednesday! 2015 RODEO FREE WEEKLY 2015 RODEO FREE WEEKLY January.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27,THE 2016 POLK COUNTY 1168 Hwy 71 S • Mena, AR 71953 • 479-243-9600 Stay THE POLK COUNTY Connected! August 26, 2015 1168 Hwy 71 S • Mena, AR 71953 • 479-243-9600 Stay.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. More than 90Your Acres DAILY of News Sources: KENA 104.1 FM & MyPulseNews.com Connected! Woodlands Lost to Monday Fire February 10, 2016 Your DAILY NewsNews Sources:Sources: KENA 104.1 FM & MyPulseNews.com Judge Issues County-Wide Burn Ban Stay Family Narrowly Escapes House Fire &UHZVUHVSRQGHGWRWZRGLIIHUHQW¿UHVLQWKHFRXQW\RQ0RQGD\DIWHU Connected! Littleton Monument RededicatedD EXUQ EDQ KDG EHHQ LVVXHG E\ 3RON &RXQW\ -XGJH %UDQGRQ (OOLVRQ BY MELANIE BUCK • [email protected] 7KHEXUQEDQZHQWLQWRHIIHFWDWDPRQ0RQGD\)HEUXDU\[email protected] $ ORFDO IDPLO\ KDV ORVW HYHU\WKLQJ GXH WR D ¿UH WKDW EHJDQ LQ WKHLU XQWLOIXUWKHUQRWLFH7KHEDQZDVSXWLQWRSODFHGXHWRORZKXPLGLW\GHDG home around 7:30 p.m. last Tuesday, January 19th. The family has four ZLQWHUYHJHWDWLRQDQGKLJKZLQGVWKDWZKHQFRPELQHGFDXVHDODUJH PHPEHUVLQFOXGLQJDQ\HDUROGGDXJKWHUDQGDPRQWKROGEDE\ LQFUHDVHLQ¿UHDFWLYLW\ Way to SpendA Dearlythis Valentine’s Beloved Weekend ER\DQGWKH\DUHLQJUHDWQHHGRIFRPPXQLW\VXSSRUWGXULQJWKLVGLI¿FXOW 3RON &RXQW\ (PHUJHQF\ 0DQDJHPHQW &RRUGLQDWRU -DPHV 5HHYHV & MyPulseNews.com VDLGWKH¿UVW¿UHZDVFDOOHGLQDURXQGSPIURPWKH%RDUG&DPS KENA 104.1 CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 FREE WEEKLY Denton Appointed New Hatfield Mayor Early Voting Begins Next Week BY MELANIE BUCK • [email protected] Sheriff Candidates State Positions on Jail Issue DAILY News Sources: CONTINUED ON PAGE 9 THE1168 Hwy POLK 71 S • Mena,Your AR COUNTY 71953 • 479-243-9600 7KH7RZQRI+DW¿HOGKDVDSSRLQWHGDQHZPD\RUDIWHU0D\RU/DU BY LEANN DILBECK Area Poised to Welcome U\6WULFNOLQVXEPLWWHGKLVUHVLJQDWLRQGXHWRKHDOWKFRQFHUQV6WULFNOLQ¶V (DUO\YRWLQJZRXOGW\SLFDOO\EHJLQGD\VSULRUWRWKHHOHFWLRQKRZ HYHUWKLV\HDUHDUO\YRWLQJZLOOEHJLQRQ7XHVGD\)HEUXDU\$UNDQ UHVLJQDWLRQZDVHIIHFWLYHRQ'HFHPEHU 40th Annual VDV/DZ6WDWHVWKDWHDUO\YRWLQJVKDOOQRWEHDYDLODEOHRQVWDWHRUFRXQ• [email protected] $V SDUW RI LWV ¿UVW DFW RI EXVLQHVV IRU WKH QHZ \HDU +DW¿HOG7RZQ &RXQFLODSSRLQWHG/LQGD'HQWRQDV0D\RUWR¿QLVKWKHUHPDLQLQJWKUHH W\KROLGD\V0RQGD\)HEUXDU\LV3UHVLGHQW¶V'D\WKHUHIRUHHDUO\ \HDUV RI 6WULFNOLQ¶V WHUP 'HQWRQ KDV VHUYHG DV UHFRUGHUFOHUN IRU WKH YRWLQJZLOOEHJLQ7XHVGD\)HEUXDU\(DUO\YRWLQJLVKHOGDWWKH3RON &RXQW\2I¿FH&RPSOH[DW3LQH6WUHHWLQ0HQDFRPPRQO\UHIHUUHG County Crews CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 WRDVWKH³ROGKRVSLWDO´+RXUVIRUHDUO\YRWLQJZLOOEHHDFKZHHNGD\DW Queen Wilhelmina Rod Run DPXQWLOSPDQGDPXQWLOSPRQ6DWXUGD\)HEUXDU\WK Continue Flood
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