Summer 2015 Southern Europe... many events were attended by up to 80% unbelievers and nearly 50% of those unbelievers made decisions for Christ! UPCOMING TRIPS Oaxaca, Mexico ................................................................ July 18-28, 2015 Peru Pastors’ Conference .......................................... August 11-18, 2015 EVANGELISM Argentina .............................................................. September 16-22, 2015 2 Timothy 4:5 Myanmar .............................................................. November 13-23, 2015 Haiti/Dominican Republic ...................... January 31- February 9, 2016 Target unreached people groups around the world The RSA Sewing Team requests your help: Be culturally relevant without changing the Good News of 1. colorful all-cotton yardage for dresses for girls (2 yards min. ) Jesus Christ 2. lightweight all-cotton denim for shorts for boys (2 yards min.) 3. packages of underwear for little girls, sizes 2-10 Demonstrate God's care and 4. T-shirts for little girls, sizes 2-10 , various colors + white compassion by providing 5. T-shirts for boys, sizes 2-10, plain, in various colors + white humanitarian aid for those in need Contact: Pat Edelbrock or email [email protected] Invite people into a relationship with Christ BUILD UP THE BODY OF CHRIST Ephesians 4:12 Promote unity and You are invited cooperation among the local Bible-believing churches to join us... Train and equip teams of believers for the work of evangelism Partner with local churches to make disciples of new believers Saturate communities through city-wide festivals PO Box 4275 Salem Oregon 97302 BENEFIT GO L F TOURN A M E N T 503-581-7394 [email protected] Taking the message of the cross to the ends of the earth... all for Jesus! Reid Saunders Association - PO Box 4275 Salem, Oregon 97302 - 503-581-7394 - www.reidsaunders.org Stephen Hudspeth Insurance Agency Inc. Corporate Sponsors Hole Sponsors Jesus changes everything! For ALL FOR years the Lord has placed a burden on my heart to see Jesus move in our nation once again. Habakkuk was a prophet who longed to see God move in a mighty way. "Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy." Together, God is bringing JESUSthing. RESET is also a gathering. with messages from myself and many ministries from across the June 12 was the launching of a leaders representing a wide variety U.S. to seek the Lord about mov- year-long initiative that took place in of generations and spheres of influ- ing in a powerful way across our Washington, D.C., Brett Butcher and ence. The focal point of the day country once again. The initiative I attended and I had the privilege of will be a live and simulcast united is called RESET and the prayer is speaking to thousands of people at prayer to Jesus, which we believe that Jesus would reset hearts across the National Mall. We are calling will be far bigger and greater than America, culminating in July 2016 people to come together for a his- anything in American history. Excit- at the National Mall in Washington, toric gathering on the National Mall ing! D.C., where we are praying for one in Washington, D.C., where the only million people to gather. RSA is agenda is Jesus. TOGETHER 2016 We believe God is calling us to rally partnering with ministries such as will be an opportunity to stand with this generation across every line Pulse, Billy Graham, Luis Palau, people from every corner of America imaginable around the hope and Campus Crusade for Christ, Mission to celebrate Jesus and seek Him for invitation of Jesus. We believe that America, and Alpha, to name a few. the reset we need. This event will Jesus changes everything and that be a day-long gathering for anyone only good will come when people RESET is a prayer. At the core of who needs a second chance and seek Him. American history has RESET is a personal invitation to for those wanting to celebrate their been marked by catalytic events experience the fresh start Jesus reset with others. The day will be that changed culture and ignited offers to every person regardless of entirely focused on Jesus --His offer spiritual awareness: The First and race, religion, or background. RE- of life, hope, and a reset to anyone Second Great Awakenings, the Azu- SET is not owned by any individual, who would call upon Him. The day sa Street Revival, Youth for Christ group, or organization. RESET is a will feature music from artists such at Soldier Field, the Jesus People united expression of our need and as Hillsong United, Lecrae, Toby at Expo 1972, Promise Keepers belief that Jesus changes every- Mac, and Carrie Underwood, along Stand in the Gap, and more. These events, to name a few, have de- fined generations and shaped our Reid speaking at the National Mall in Washington D.C. history. The majority of America, including everyone 30 and younger, have never experienced this kind of national awakening. We believe the time is now. Please join me in praying for this RESET. Together, let's seek the Lord to once again move in our na- tion. Jesus alone can bring hope to our country. Jesus changes every- thing! ... the fields are ripe for harvest. John 4:35 OAXACA With the cooperation of local mis- fairs, and international tourists sionaries, Brent and Martha Trent within the city of Oaxaca. Thou- and a group of seven local pas- sands will gather for Guelaguetza, tors, Reid Saunders Association is a yearly event that has been a Medical preparing for an outreach festival native tradition long before the in Oaxaca, Mexico July 18-28. A arrival of the Spanish. With histori- combined team of thirty members cal connections to pagan worship Supplies from Salem Evangelical, SonRise, and human sacrifice, the modern New Hope Foursquare and Morning celebration has adapted to become Needed Star Community Church, will join a mixture of multiple religious tra- Reid to share God's love with the ditions and a revival of indigenous people in Oaxaca through medi- culture. With so many visitors, cal clinics, distributing clothing to there will be numerous opportuni- the needy, visiting orphanages, ties to share the love of God and helping in a VBS, acting in street message of salvation with the dramas, and ministering in two people of Oaxaca and surrounding prisons. communities, but with many dis- tractions along the way. Last-minute changes required We are in need of over-the- Ruth Daniels, our International This mountainous region of south- counter medications to support Events Coordinator, to rearrange ern Mexico ranks as the second our mission work. The following the scheduled two-day festival in poorest state in which 75% of its medications can be purchased Oaxaca into two single-day events. residents live in extreme poverty, at Costco and Dollar Tree: The second festival was moved lacking basic necessities such to the neighboring city of Vicente as food, water, education and Costco Guerrero (Villa de Zaachila) that healthcare. A ten-person team of has never held an evangelistic doctors, nurses, and volunteers Adult Vitamins outreach. The two festival sched- will minister for six days in medi- Children's Chewable Vitamins ules include BMX demonstrations, cal clinics, sharing God's love and (non-gummy) Tums musical bands, a children's play praying for each individual patient Tylenol area, dramas, and presentation of they treat. A meal prepared by Ibuprofen the Gospel message. Through all the women in local churches and of the logistical changes, frustra- served to more than 350 inmates Dollar Tree tions, disappointments, and at- will continue to open doors to tacks of the evil one, we are pray- those held in deplorable prison Hydrocortisone cream 1% ing that God will do a mighty work conditions. Hand-sewn garments Fungal cream (Athletes Foot in the hearts of the people. We are provided by the wonderful RSA cream) asking for your prayers concerning Sewing Team will be distributed to Anti-itch cream unity among local church pastors, meet the very basic physical needs Muscle rub Eye solution (Visine) a spirit of cooperation, and an all- of the poorest children. important vision for reaching the This list can be used to share lost. Please continue to pray for the with friends, church groups or RSA team as they raise support, organizations to solicit support July 20 kicks off a delightful week travel and minister, for the many for our future mission trips. of celebration with parades, tradi- people who will hear the Good Please bring any medical dona- tional dance competitions, colorful News, and for the strategic follow- tions to the RSA office. costumes, street bands, theatrical up that will happen after the festi- presentations, native foods, craft vals. Thank you! all our stress and worries, God had These local outreach events, where Our team returned on May 12 from other plans! a believer brings a friend to a non- an amazing mission to Italy, Bulgaria, threatening environment, such as Macedonia, and Greece. In total, Just prior to one of the outreach din- a restaurant, have proven to be the our road-weary team traveled to and ners, a pastor told me, "Reid, I have most effective evangelism strategy at spoke at 39 events in four countries to confess I didn't think anyone would this time in Europe. Follow-up is so over 11 days. More than 800 people show up. But look what God did. The important and we make every effort to gave their lives to Jesus! The Bible place is packed and many people assimilate every new believer.
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