INDEPENDENT GULFL,N= (Vinke & Co., Amsterdam,Managers) REGULARSERVICE to and from the CONTINENT ~g~r ZPPZ~T~ co RPORA~ZON General Agent U.S.A. Houston¯ Galveston¯ NewYork NewOrleans ¯ Memphis Baltimore¯ Philadelphia Refrigerated Space Available DeputyPort Director GeorgeW. Altvater, center, and OperationsManager C. E. Bullock, left, were officially inducted into the National DefenseExecutive Reserveof the Maritime Administration at E.S. Binnings, Inc. ceremoniesin the Port of HoustonBoard Roomlast month. Arthur Brown, right, EmergencyPlanning Officer for the Gulf CoastDistrict of the MaritimeAdministration, madethe presentationof certificates Steamship Agents signed by Secretary of CommerceA. B. Trowbridge. He represented E. M. Hackman,Gulf Coast 711 FANNIN, SUITE 906 Director of the Maritime Administration. AItvater will be Port Controller for Houstonand Bullock DeputyController in the event of a national emergency.Federal Area Port Controller for all ports in Telephone:CApitol 5-0531 Texasis Houston’sExecutive Port Director, J. p. Turner. HOUSTON,TEXAS ~r C.T.O. LINE (Manila and Far East) FRENCHLINE SWIFT/DIRECT SERVICE FROM (FrenchAtlantic) US GULF TO HANSALINE (Med./RedSea/Perslan Gulf) LIVERPOOL MANCHESTER GRANCOLOMBIANALINE Central America, Colombia,Ecuador, Peru Panamavia Cristobal HOUSTON¯ COTTON EXCHANGEBLDG. CAPITOL2-2259 - TWX- 910 881-2650 OFFICES NEW ORLEANS HOUSTON MEMPHIS GALVESTON . NEW ORLEANS , DALLAS GALVESTON MEMPHIS ST. LOUIS DALLAS YourVessel will be metat the Bar ancJ Piloted to the Port of Houstonby HOUSTON PILOTS 6302 GULF FREEWAY HOUSTON,TEXAS 77023 JANUARY,1968 21 BroadnaxNamed Port of Houston Sales Manager Hemv M. Broadnax, former general sales manager and assistant to the gen- eral manager of the Port of Galveston, has been named general sales manager of the Port of Houston and assumed his new duties on January 2nd. A native of Houston, Broadnax grew up in Dallas and was graduated from Southern Methodist University in 1954 with a degree in Business Administra- Compania Sud Americana de Vapores tion. Following three years in the Air ExpressFreight Service From Force, which he left as a Captain in HOUSTON ¯ GALVESTON the ]lcserves, he joined Waterman MOBILE ¯ NEW ORLEANS Steamship Corporation’s Dallas otllee. AND OTHERPORTS AS CARGOOFFERS Broadnax joined the Galveston TO Wharves as general sales manager four years ago, after four years with Water- ECUADOR¯ PERU man, and only recently left to become 1 BOLIVIA ¯ CHILE vice president--sales o[ Kelso Marine in HENRY M. BROADNAX 29 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Galveston. Tel. (212)943-8600 "We are pleased to have Mr. Broad- George W. Altvater, recently named Gulf Agents nax head up our sales department," deputy director of the Port, had headed STRACHAN SHIPPING CO. said J. P. Turner, executive director of the Port. "He brings wide experience in the sales department since joining the NEW ORLEANS ¯ HOUSTON ¯ MOBILE Navigation District in May of I959 and GALVESTON ¯ CHICAGO ¯ ST. LOUIS port and steamship sales solicitation and CINCINNATI ¯ DALLAS ¯ KANSAS CITY he x~.ill continue to supervise all sales MEMPHIS ¯ ATLANTA ¯ MILWAUKEE knows the trade thoroughly." activities in his new position. The Port has a district sales manager in Houston who covers the trade terri- ~~-~" tory to the north and west, aided by a GULF sales representative here; a district sales manager and assistant in New York, who C~’~ PORTS cover the eastern territory, and a district sales manager in Chicago covering the The .~hipping ¢[’orporelion Of India Lid. middle west. Broadnax is married to the former ALEXANDRIA¯ PORT SAID ¯ JEDDAH¯ DJIBOUTI ¯ BOMBAY¯ COCHIN ¯ MADRAS ¯ CALCUTTA NewOrleans Galveston Houston Partieia Weber of Dallas and they have Jan. 15 VishvaKirti Jan. 9 Jan. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. 14 Jan. 16 three children, Bobby, Peggy and John. Vishva Maya Jan. 31 State of Punjab Jan. 27 Jan. 29 He is a member of the Galveston llotary Club and Traffic Club, the Houston World Trade Club and Kappa Alpha social fraternity. He is also a 32nd de- gree Scottish llite Mason and a mem- ber of the Episcopal Church. Cable Address "RICE," Houston KERR STEAMSHIP COMPANY,Inc. UnitedStates Gulf Portsto Spain. Morocco. ¯ Portugal. Philippines. Japan. BrazilianPorts . MediterraneanPorts . Pakistan. ¯ India . Ceylon. Panama Canal and WestCoast of SouthAmerica Ports Clegg Bldg. Cotton Exchange Bldg. 506 Caroline St. Cotton Exchange Bldg. HOUSTON DALLAS GALVESTON PORT OF HOUSTON MAGAZINE 22 AN AMERICAN FLAG FREIGHTER Every 10 Days Fast, efficient cargo handling FromGulf Ports to Panama*,the West Coast of South America GULF & SOUTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIPCO. 831 Gravier Street, NewOrleans, Louisiana In other cities contact Lykes or Grace *SouthboundNew Orle=ns/C. Z. cargo sublect to special Booking arrangements. SINCE 1914 Export and Domestie Crating Miss Lynne Watkins Farwell slams a bottle of champagne into the bow of the cargoliner SS DELTABRASIL during the vessel’s christening in mid- OFFICE MOVING AND STORING SPECIALISTS Decemberat The Ingalls Shipbuilding Division of Litton Industries. Delta Brasll is one of five automated cargo vessels under construction by Ingalls for Delta Steamship Lines. Others in the launching party, from left, were: Mrs. Asahel W. Cooper, Jr., matron of honor; Ellis B. Gardner, Senior Vice-President of Litton Industries and President of Ingalls; Captain J. W. Clark, President of Delta Line: Vasco Leitao da Cunha, Ambassadorto the United States from Brazil; and E. M. Hockman, Gulf Coast Director, U. S. Maritime Administration. TRANSFER& STORAGE CO. 812-20 Live Oak St. Phone FA 3-2323 Shipping to South Africa?.. Ship the preferred way, via Safmarine’s direct scheduled service by men who know their business and the country best. Remember--on your next shipment save time and money ¯. ¯ go direct ! Keith Cook, left, senior trade comm;ssioner for the Australian Govern- ment in New York City, visited businessmen in the Houston area recently. He was entertained at lunch in the World Trade Club by C. A. Rouser, district sales representative for the Port of Houston. _/~_..SOUTHAFRICAN MARINE CORP. [N.Y.] Representatives of Booz-Allen & Hamilton Inc., of New York, management 17 BatteryPrate , NewYork. 10004 * Dlgby4-8940 CHICAGOOFFICE: 327 Soulh LaSlrll Street consultants, were in Houston recently making a survey of the steel market FROM:HOUSTON, GALVESTON, NEW ORLEANS, SAVANNAH, CHARLESTON. in the Southwest. Shownhere on the Navigation District’s inspection vessel BALTIMORE,PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. TO: CAPETOWN.PORT ELIZABETH, SAMHOUSTON, are Eduardo D. Prado, left, and Lemont K. Richardson, ~-AST LONDON,DURBAN, LOURENCO, MARQUES AND BEIRA. who were making the survey. JANUARY,1968 23 a111 Alberto Gnecco, Italian trade representative in Mexico City, left, talks with Achille Archidiacono, Italian Trade Delegate to Houston, in the World Trade Club. Gnecco has been instrumental in establishing Italian trade exhibits in Mexico and is now being transferred to Caracas, Venezuela, to assumetrade development duties there. GULF AGENTS WEST COASTLINE, INC. 1113 INTERNATIONALTRADE MART TOWER I NEWORLEANS, LA. 70130 524-6751 NEW YORK GALVESTON HOUSTON 706 U.S. NAT’! BANKBLDG. 817 WORLDTRADE CENTER 17 BATTERYPLACE C. T. O. LINE CompagnieMaritimes Des Chargeurs Reunis Seasoned travelers, a truck load of polo ponies patiently wait on a rainy Saturday morning to board the M. V. PHILIPPINE BATAAN for passage to Manila. The ponies, raised and trained in the United States, belong to a Manila Polo Club and have played the polo circuit an the Direct fromU. S. Gulf Continent, in England and the United States and are returning to the Philippines to finish out the season. After a winter on a ranch near Manila they will make the rounds again next year. Shipper was L. Nixon, Mid- RegularIndependent Service land, Texas, with the consignee being John DeLeonin Manila. Ayers Steam- ship Company, Inc. are agents for the Maritime Company of the Philip- To pines vessel in Houstonand other Gulf ports. HONG KONG--MANILA--AND FAR EAST D/ILTON Regular Liner Service To STEAMSHIP SINGAPORE--D JAKARTA--BANGKOK PENANG ~~~U~CQRPQRATIQ. Ship Agents & Terminal Operalo s E. S. BINNINGS, INC. WESTGULF EAST GULF Gulf Agents 2300 International Trade Mart 711 FANNIN, SUITE 906, HOUSTON,TEXAS 7th Floor World Trade Center Houston, Texas 77002 NewOrleans, Louisiana 70130 Tel: CA 8-866] ¯ TWX:713-57]-1521 Tel: 524-0701 ¯ 7WX: 504-822-5024 Cable "DALSHIP" Offices GALVESTON--NEWORLEANS--DALLAS--MEMPHIS ST LOUIS General Agents for North America and the Caribbean OFFICESIN: Beaumont ¯ Dallas- Galveston ¯ Memphis ¯ Mobile ¯ New York BLACK DIAMOND S/S CO., 2 BROADWAY, N. Y. Port Arthur ¯ in Mexico City--AgenciaTransoceanica de Vapores, S.A. PORT OF HOUSTON MAGAZINE 24 "WeWould Rather Lose Sleep ThanLose Your Business" 24-HOUR SERVICE SHIPREPAIRS and CONVERSIONS (Excluding Drydocking) At Repair Berth or LoadingBerth Floating Derrick Barges Up HEAVYLIFTS to 275 Tons LONESTAR MARINE SALVAGE COMPANY (Formerly Port HoustonShipyards, Repair Division) 1". J. "Whitey" Bryant, President & General Manager T. J. Bryant, Jr., Vice President & Assistant General Manager 7200 S. Harbor Drive, Houston, 77081 Phone: 713WA6-9601 Twenty five members of the Senior Seminar in Foreign Policy of the U.S. Department of State made a two-day visit to Houston last month including a tour of the Ship Channel and Port aboard the SAMHOUSTON in the photo below. The group was led by Ambassador G. Lewis Jones and met with Houston business and civic leaders while here. The Senior
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