GET ANOTHER CAROLINA CHAMPIONSHIP NEXT WON WAKE FOREST, N. C., MONDAY, MAY 18, 1925 No. 26 Vol. VI GLEE CLUB WINS CUP IN ·STATE CHAMPIONSHIP CONTEST +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ Freshmen Down Duke University and Capture State Honors + ~ The Chorus Contest Won THE DEBATING TEAM WINS OVER Caddell's First-Year Men By Wake Forest Glee Club BAYLOR UNIVERSITY AT MEMPHIS Lay Claim to Championship In State~Wide Music EventrAnnu~n~:!~~n :~:r:, t~akS:':!:Cs~ t!aptistl By Winning Every Game Unanimous Decision --------------------------+ +-------------------------- Team Has Won Eighteen Games Prof. Conn Leads Club to Vic­ HOW THEY HIT "Great debate won unanimously," It is true that the College has been CADDELL PICKS and Lost One During tory Over Other Colleges read the telegram from Memphis, represented by able men, but no lit­ ALL-STATE TEAM Season in State The following batting aver• Tennessee, where the team from tie part of the success has been due ages 'Vl"re figured after the to able coaching by Dr. G. W. Pas- Wake Forest College met the team chall. The debates, Wake Forest de­ \Vith onl)" one more game on GAME LOST WAS TO game with Elon, !'>lay 9: the Freshman schedule, Coach CUP PRESENTED BY from Baylor UniversitY, Texas, before haters. and results for the season MARS HILL COLLEGE DURHAM CIVIC CLUBS Ab. H. Caddell has picked an all-State the Southern Baptist Convention. The are as follows: Furman at Meredith; ft•eshma.n team for the season Armstrong 76 29 query for debate was: "Resolved, query, "Resolved, That the United just, coming to a close. 'Vake \.Every Freshman Team in State Timberlake . 88 21 Was Second Annual Event of Its That Congress should be empowered States should adopt a cabinet-parlia­ Fm•est, State champions, have Gt•eason 86 22 Has Been Defeated to override, by a two-thirds vote, de- mentary form of government"; de­ tlll'l"e infielders, two pitchers, Kind to be Held in Riley 78 19 . cisions of the Supreme Court declar- haters, D. D. Lewis, Winnabow, and a catcher and outfielder on the in Turn the State Hood 63 22 ing acts of Congress unconstitu- L. B. Moseley, Selma, Alabama; win­ . mythical all-State team. Caro­ Simmons 79 29 tiona!." ner, Wake Forest. The other teams In winning the game from Duke lina bas a first baseman and lUotsinget· . 71 15 It has for some time been the cus- debated the query, "Resolved, That Tlte Wake Forest Glee Club was one outfieldet· on the team, Da~ University Freshmen last Thursday, Small 81 10 declared winner in the second annual tom for Wake Forest and some other Congress should be empowered to vidson has a pitcher and one the Freshmen won the title of undis­ BCI'I'Y 36 13 Baptist institution of the South to override, by a two-thirds vote, decis­ State-wi..de college glee club contest outfielder. Kitchin 16 4 stage an intercollegiate debate be- ions of the Supreme Court declaring puted champions of the State in the held in Durham 'rasf Friday evening, Follm-1.'ing is the team and May 8, and was presented-with the ·Holt 18 4 fore the Southern Baptist Conven- acts of Congress unconstitutional," realm of freshman baseball teams. Sm•t•ell 23 8 tion in its annual meeting each in the following order: Charleston liOSition as picked by Coach massive silver cup given by the·-civic Caddell: This was the second game won from clubs of Durham to the club winning 1L"ltm·ick 10 2 spring. The last three of these have College at Wake Forest; debaters, Duke, and previously two games had Coward • 6 2 been won by Wake Forest. The D. S. Haworth, Knoxville, Tennessee, K. ;Joynet·, pitcher, '\Vake in the chorus contest. Colleges con­ been won from Carolina and David­ testing were: Duke University, Guil­ _________________,. ·'>hree straight victories for Wake and H. Blackwell, Kershaw, South l''orest. ford College, State College, and Wake Fore~t :J.re as follows: In 1923 Wil- Carolina; winner, Wake Forest. Wil­ James, pitcher, 'Vake Fm·est. son. State College Freshmen have liam Jewel wu.s UHSt·?_nd defeated in liam and Mary, at William and Mary; Poole, pitcher, Da.vidson. only been met once, and were defeat­ .f Forest. Besides the cup offered for the best chorus, there were two oth­ Student Abstains Kansas City, in 1924 Mercm• Urri-ver- debaters, C. R. Tew, Raleigh, and Phelps, catcher, 'Vakc For- ed on that occasion. est. ers given, one for the best quartette sity was met and defeated in Atlanta: k-S .. .G.illespie, Boiling Springs; win­ Coming through the entire sched- From Speech And and in 1925 Baylor University was ner, Wake F'm•eo;t. Davidson College, Mut11hy, catcbm·, Carolina. and one for the club presenting the ule without the loss of a sirigle gam,e best specialty, or novelty, selection. met and defeated in Memphis. Wake at Charlotte; deliate.rs. 0. L. Nor­ .Young, fit•st base, Carolina. Guilford College won both the other Gets Five Dollars Forest was represented this year by ment, Whiteville, J.'· J. Tarlton, Chakales, second base, '\Vake to a college freshman team, and with cups. S. L. Blanton, Franklinton, and C. B. Marshville, and C. p.. Holmes, Farm-_. l''m·e~t. 1 only one loss chalked up against Clayin.,, shot•tstop, '\Vak:e Headed by Prof. L. H. Conn, the Charlie Parker Keeps His Mouth Earp, Selma. ville; winner, Davidson. Baylor I them, the team had made an envia- \ l~orest. twenty members picked to represent Closed Twenty-four Hours I The Wake Forest debating teams UniversitY at l\M1rnphh;, Tennessee; ble record: Mars Hill was the only the Wake Forest Glee Club won by P. ,Jo,:um·. tbil'd bllSe, niake te~n1 that '!!n.u!d ~:or- tlle L·ittle D92 o. two-tP,-<>ne v0te 11ver Duke TTni­ on Wager ~;=e ~;;~:Y:~~~;:~~2~2;?:-;;~:E j~;:~:~r~: ~~;;, ~~~~~~~··.v~::~:~;~:; I versity in the chorus. number, "Now l Johnson, left field, Davidson. cons from hitting in enough runs to Is the Time of Maying," which selec­ Charlie Parker, a Sophomore, was naucon1, cent-er field, '\Vake win their ball game, and of the three Forest. tion was chosen by the club directors crowned with success in his attempt games played with the junior college to abstain from speech for twenty­ Mackie, right field, Ca1•olina. in session some six weeks ago as the FRESHMEN HAVE HOT TIME from the mountains, Mars Hill was contest number to be sung by every four hours. It was a red-letter day Tenney, utility infielder, Car­ glee club represented. As the cup in the life of Parker, who is consid-1 ELECTING CLASS OFFICERS olina. able, in the last contest, to lJreak the was presented to Professor Conn, the ered by many as having the "biggest 1 Swift, utility outfielder, Duke. winning streak of the 'Wake Forest large audience that had listened at­ mouth" in Wake Forest College; FOR THE FOLLOWING YEAR youngsters and come through with a tentively through every number ren­ that is to say, he is said to possess 3-to-2 win. jority of the members. G. N. Ashley dered during the evening, applauded the distinction of being the most Of all the elections held the past lacked only five votes in having the College Will Lose Nineteen games have been played vociferously, signifying their approv­ loquacious. Parker was neither few weeks. the eleotion for next necessary majority required for elec- by the Freshmen, and, although al of the decision of the judges. chloroformed nor imprisoned in or­ year's Sophomore Class officers by tion. I·. 0. Brady, his closest oppo- Four Members Of some of them have been regular con- The specialtY number was won by der to achieve this feat, which upon the present Freshman Class proved nent, was to run it off with him in a tests with fight exhibited on both Guilford College on a moonlight the surface seemed humanly impossi­ second election, but Brady withdrew sides, eighteen of the nineteen were to be the most outstanding. It seems Faculty Next year scene with an Indian song and na­ ble. his name.and Ashley became the duly won by sheer superiority of the win- Mr. "Tom" Holding, popular local tive costumes. Guilford won the as though every newish got all ex­ elected prest"dent of the Class of 19 2 8 D p p f G ning team. To say that especial quartette contest on a medley of old­ druggist, simply offered Parker five cited and rawed up about it. The for its Sophomore year. r. earson, ro essors reaves, ere d.1t should go to any particular time tunes, featuring a parody on dollars to keep his mouth closed department of the game, or any one Seniors declared that interest ran Cheney and Belk Will the chorus contest number, "Now Is twenty-four hours; and as five dol­ The official returns of the ballot- Not be Here individual, would be doing the other the Time of Maying," which had just lars was five dollars to Charlie, he higher than in any election that they ing follow: members of the team an injustice. preceded the quartette. took the offer up. Holding, nor anY­ had eyer seen at Wake Forest Col­ President: G. N. Ashley, 72; I. 0. However, Coach Caddell deserves The plan for a State-wide glee club one else, thought Parker could keep lege. Brady, 4 5; W. R. Stradley, 2 3 and Wake Forest College will lose four; credit for the way in which he has contest originated in Durham last mum so long.
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