
ANDHRA PRADESH STATE ADMINISTRATION REPORT 1968-69 liiai ANDHRA PRADESH STATE ADMINISTRATION REPORT 1968-69 PRINTED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PRINTING. GOVERNMENT OF a NOHRA P R A D E S H HT THE OOVeRNMENT ceNTRA.U PRESS HYDERABAD CONTENTS P ages r NTRODUCTION .. .. .. .. ix-x S a p t e r . I. Chief Events o f the F ear.— T h e Legislative A ssembly—T he State B udg et—I naugurations a n d F o u n d a tio n -S tones LAYING-------C onferences, S eminars and M iscellaneous— A ppointments—D eaths—V. I. Ps. V isits . 1-6 II. 77ie State and The Executive. T h e G overnor a n d his Co u n cil o f M intsters^ G o v ern o r’s T o urs in A n d h ra P radesh-------T ours ou tsid e th e State-------G overnor AT H yderabad .. .. .. .. 7-12 III. The Legislature,— STREtiGiH of P arties—A ssembly Session— C o u n cil Session—C ourse of L egisla tion . 13-27 IV. Administration of Justice.—C iv il J ustice—State of F iles in th e Subo rd in a te C ivil C ourts—C rim ina l J ustice . 29-37 V. Services.- -P ublic Service C ommission-—-D isposal of P e n d in g P ension C ases—J o in t Staff C o u n c il . 39-48 VI. Finance.— R evenue an d E x pen d itu re—L oans an d A dvances —State B o r ro w in g s-------P u b u c -D ebts-------Investments------- R eso u rces for Financing of the Plan Scheme—Trea­ suries and Accounts Department—National Savings— Life Insurance Department .. .. .. .. 49-60 VII. Revenue Administration.—Bo a rd o f R evenue—L a n d R eveni;b— L a n d R eforms-------C om m ercial T ax-------E xcise a n d P r o h i­ bitio n—— R egistration A dministration —J ag ir A dm inis­ tra tio n -------^Nlzamat A tiy at—G azeteers’ D epartm ent . 61-93 vni. Law and Order.— 'PoucB. A dministration —C rim ina l I nves­ tig a t io n D epartm ent—P rison—F ire Services—C hem ical E xam iner’s D epartm ent-------Administrator G eneral a n d O fficia l T rustee—A rms a n d E xplosives . — 95-117 K. Planning.—KEvmw of t h e A n n u a l P la n —I nd u stria l Estates —Burea u o f E conom ics a n d S tatistics .. — 11^134 111 1668—i IV P ages X. P anchayati /?a/.—Election to Gram Panchayats—Rukal M an-Power Programme in the State—Community Deve­ lopment Programme—Panchayati Raj Engineering C ell- Applied N utrition Programme—Act and Constitution of Gram Panchayats—Activities and Functions of Gram Panchayats .. .. .. .. 135-144 XI. Agriculture.—Seasons a n d C rops Prospects—A gricultural E xtension—Intensive M a n u rin g Scheme-A gricultural E ngineering—M arketing—A nimal H usbandry—F isheries -I ntegrated M ilk P roject 145-207 XU. Co-opcra//on.—G eneral—G overnment G uarantees-I ntensive A gricultural D evelopment P rogramme-------C o-operattvb M a rketing—A ndh ra P radesh C o-operative M arketing F ederation .. .. .. .. 209-231 XIII. Public Instruction.— E d u c a tio n —S eco n d a ry E du­ c a tio n —U niversity E d u ca tio n —Vo c a tio n a l, P rofes­ siona l AND T ech n ica l E d ucation— -— E d u c a t io n of H a n d ica pped C h ild ren —T ext-Books C u r r ic u la r M ethods o f T ea ch in g a n d E xam ination R eforms—D epartm ent o f S cience Ed u ca tio n -------B harat Scouts a nd G uides------- C u ltu ra l Institutions-------N a tio n a l C adet C orps------- R egistrar of Books—A n d h r a P radesh T ext-Book P ress— D epartm ent of P ublic L ibraries—G overnm ent E xa­ m ina tions ,. .. .. .. .. 233-260 X IV . H ealth.-------Medical Education—Public H ealth Service- E mployees State I nsurance-------F amily P lanning— P u b lic H ealth a n d M u n ic ipa l E n g in eerin g D epartm ent —I n d u n M edicine .. .. 261-280.. .. XV. Industries and Commerce.—hK&Gt. a nd M edium Scale I ndus­ tries—I ndu stria l Estates-------------------------------- H andicrafts-------C ommunity D evelopment P rogram m e—K h a d i a n d V illage I ndus- .TRiES Board—A n d h ra P radesh S mall S cale I ndu stria l C orpora tion L t d ., H yderabad—W eig hts a n d M easures D epartm ent—D irector o f C ommerce a n d E xport P romo­ tio n ------ D epartm ent of M ines a nd G eology-------L abour D epartment—P o rt D epartment . .. 281-329 Pages XVI. Public Works Department.—Pr o q ^e ss of Public Works— P rospects a n d RErROSPBCxs-------B rief D escriptio n of Im portant Ir rig a tio n a n d N avigation W orks—M ajor & M edium Irrig a tio n P rojects in P rogress—I nvestigation P rogram m e of various P rojects in the State—W ater R esources a nd D esign D irectorate—N agarjunasagar P roject------ P ocham pad P roject-------Srisailam P roject- E lectrical I nspectorate------ E lectricity D epartment— R oad a n d Bu il d in g D epartm ent . .. 331-375 XVII. Social W'e(^are.—A dministrative Set-u p - -E ducation- T ribal W elfare - ^Wo m en ’s W elfare D epartment------- E mployment a n d T r a in in g —Sold iers', Sailors' a nd A irm en’s Board . 377-392 XVIII. Transport.— S tAin Transport Authority—Andhra Pradesh State Transport Corporation ,. .. .. 393^KX) XIX. Miscellaneous Government Departments.—F orest-A ccommoda- tio N — Pr in t in g D epartm ent—G overnment H ouse D epart­ ment—T o w n P la n n in g —G overnment G ardens D epart* ment—D irectorate of P r in t in g , Stationery an d Stores P urchase—I nform ation a nd P ublic R elations D epart­ ment-------A rchaeology a n d M useums-------A dministrative R eforms—E lectio n 401-442 XX. Miscellaneous Special Posts and Institutions.—Commissioner o f W akfs— -V igilance C ommission------ A n ti-C orruption B ureau—O fficial L anguage—T ribunal for D isciplinary P roceedings—E ndow m ents D epartment-S tate A rchives -------C iv il D efence a n d E mergency R e u e f T raining I nstitute—Salar J u n g M useum—J aw ahar Bal Bhaw an . 443-464 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Froni Cover : TEMPLE AT PANAGAL The temple at Panagal, Nalgonda district which is a protected monu­ ment of the Government has magnificent specimens of sculptures and its plan is somewhat unusual and the building seems never to have been finished. There is a large rectangular hall which is divided north to south into four aisles by rows of exquisitely carved pillars, which repre­ sent the high water-mark reached by the Brahmanical faith during this period. The scenes depicted consist of episodes from the Ramayana, Puranas and other religious texts. pAaNG P age 1 . S i b A r t h u r T a n g e , A u s t r a l ia n H ig h C ommissioner , W ITH THE C h i e f S e c r e t a r y , S r i M, T. R a j u , I.C .S ., ON 3 r d S e p t e m b e r , 1968 .. .. .. 1 2 . “ A s s u m in g t h e Y o k e o f R esponsibility ” S w e a r in g - i n Ce r e m o n y o f t h e G o v e r n o r o f A n d h r a P r a ­ d e s h , S r i K h a n d u b h a i K . D e s a i a t R a j B h a v a n o n 11 t h A p r i l , 1968 ,, .. .. 8 . “ A r c h it e c t s o f A n d h r a ’s G r e a t n e s s ” A n d h r a P r a d e s h C o u n c il o f M i n i s t e r s w i t h t h e G o v e ­ r n o r o f A n d h r a P r a d e s h .
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