1 Shemini 2021 Source Sheet by Dahlia Bernstein Leviticus 9:22-23 ויקרא ט׳:כ״ב-כ״ג Aaron lifted his hands toward the ּ ֨ ֧ ֛ ֖ people and blessed them; and he ַו ִי ּ ָׂשא ַא ֲהרֹן ֶאת־ידו [יָ ָדיו] ֶאל־ ָה ָעם stepped down after offering the sin ַוֽ ְי ָב ְר ֵ֑כם ַו ּ֗יֵ ֶרד ֵמ ֲע ׂ֧שֹת ַהֽ ַח ָּ֛טאת ְו ָהעֹ ָ֖לה offering, the burnt offering, and the ְו ַה ׁ ְּש ָל ִמֽים׃ ַו ּיָ ֨בֹא מֹׁ ֶ֤שה ְו ַא ֲהרֹ ֙ן offering of well-being. Moses and ֶאל־ ֣אֹ ֶהל מ ֹו ֵ֔עד ַו ּ֣יֵ ְצ ֔אוּ ַוֽ ְי ָב ֲר ֖כוּ Aaron then went inside the Tent of ֶאת־ ָה ָ֑עם ַו ּיֵ ָ ֥רא ְכב ֹוד־יי Meeting. When they came out, they blessed the people; and the Presence ֶאל־ ָּכל־ ָה ָעֽם׃ of the LORD appeared to all the people. Rashi on Leviticus 9:22:1 רש"י על ויקרא ט׳:כ״ב:א׳ AND HE BLESSED THEM ויברכם ָ with the priestly benediction ויברכם. ִּב ְר ַּכת ּכֹ ֲה ִנים — ְי ָב ֶר ְכך, Numbers 6:24—26): “May the Lord) יָ ֵאר, ִי ּ ָׂשא (סוטה ל"ח): bless thee … May the Lord cause his face to shine … May the Lord lift up …” (cf. Sifra, Shemini, Mechilta d'Miluim 2 17; Sotah 38a) Rashi on Leviticus 9:23:1 רש"י על ויקרא ט׳:כ״ג:א׳ AND MOSES AND ויבא משה ואהרן AARON CAME, etc. — Wherefore ויבא משה ואהרן וגו'. ָל ָּמה ִנ ְכ ְנסוּ? did they now enter the Tabernacle? I ָמ ָצא ִתי ְּב ָפ ָר ׁ ַשת ִמ ּלוּ ִאים, ְּב ָב ַר ְי ָתא have found the following in the ַה ּנ ֹו ֶס ֶפת ַעל ּת ֹו ַרת ּכֹ ֲה ִנים ׁ ֶש ָּלנוּ, Mechilta d’Miluim,” in the Boraitha“ ָל ָּמה ִנ ְכ ַנס מֹׁ ֶשה ִעם ַא ֲהרֹן? ְל ַל ְּמד ֹו that is appended to our Torath ַעל ַמ ֲע ֵׂשה ַה ְּקטֹ ֶרת, א ֹו לֹא ִנ ְכ ַנס Cohanim (Sifra): Wherefore did Moses enter with Aaron? To instruct ֶא ָּלא ְל ָד ָבר ַא ֵחר? ֲה ֵרי ִני ָדן, ְי ִרי ָדה .him regarding the incense ceremony 2 וּ ִבי ָאה ְטעוּ ָנה ְב ָר ָכה, ַמה ְּי ִרי ָדה Or it may be that he entered for ֵמ ֵעין ֲעב ֹו ָדה ַאף ִּבי ָאה ֵמ ֵעין ֲעב ֹו ָדה, some other reason?! See, I draw a conclusion: the descent from the ָהא ָל ַמ ְד ָּת ָל ָּמה ִנ ְכ ַנס מֹׁ ֶשה ִעם ַא ֲהרֹן altar and the entry into the tent of ְל ַל ְּמד ֹו ַעל ַמ ֲע ֵׂשה ַה ְּקטֹ ֶרת; ָּד" ַא ֵּכי ָון meeting both required to be ׁ ֶש ָר ָאה ַא ֲהרֹן ׁ ֶש ָּק ְרבוּ ָּכל ַה ָּק ְר ָּבנ ֹות accompanied by a benediction, as ְו ַנ ֲע ׂשוּ ָכל ַה ַּמ ֲע ִ ׂשים ְולֹא יָ ְר ָדה stated in vv. 22 and 23 (and ׁ ְש ִכי ָנה ְל ִי ְ ׂש ָר ֵאל, ָהיָה ִמ ְצ ַט ֵער consequently both were, in a measure, of similar character). Now ְוא ֹו ֵמר, י ֹו ֵד ַע ֲא ִני ׁ ֶש ָּכ ַעס ַה ָּק ָּב"ה ָע ַלי ?what was the descent from the altar וּ ִב ׁ ְש ִבי ִלי לֹא יָ ְר ָדה ׁ ְש ִכי ָנה ְל ִי ְ ׂש ָר ֵאל, It was of the nature (it look place in ָא ַמר ל ֹו ְלמֹׁ ֶשה, מֹׁ ֶשה ָא ִחי, ָּכ ְך ,connection with) a sacrificial act! So ָע ִשֹי ָת ִלי ׁ ֶש ִּנ ְכ ַנ ְס ִּתי ְו ִנ ְת ַּב ַּי ׁ ְש ִּתי? ִמ ַּיד also, the entry into the tent took ִנ ְכ ַנס מֹׁ ֶשה ִע ּמ ֹו וּ ִב ְּק ׁשוּ ַר ֲח ִמים place in connection with a sacrificial act! Thus you may learn: Why did ְויָ ְר ָדה ׁ ְש ִכי ָנה ְל ִי ְ ׂש ָר ֵאל (ספרא): Moses enter with Aaron? To instruct him regarding the incense ceremony which was the only rite performed on that day within the tent! (Cf. Talmud Yerushalmi Taanit 4). Another explanation is: When Aaron perceived that all the sacrifices had been offered and all the rites performed, and yet the Shechinah had not descended for Israel, since the heavenly fire had not fallen to consume the sacrifice, he was uneasy in mind and said: I feel certain that the Holy One, blessed be He, is angry with me and that it is on my account that the Shechinah has not descended for Israel. He therefore said to Moses: “My brother Moses! Do you act thus with me: you know that I have entered into this matter at your bidding and yet I have been put to 3 shame! Moses at once entered the tent with him and they offered prayer and the Shechinah descended for Israel (Sifra, Shemini, Mechilta d'Miluim 2 18). Rashi on Leviticus 9:23:2 רש"י על ויקרא ט׳:כ״ג:ב׳ AND THEY ויצאו ויברכו את העם CAME OUT AND BLESSED THE ויצאו ויברכו את העם. ָא ְמרוּ ִוי ִהי PEOPLE — They said the words that נֹ ַעם יי ֱאלֹ ֵקינוּ ָע ֵלינוּ, ְי ִהי ָרצ ֹון ”conclude “The Prayer of Moses ׁ ֶש ִּת ׁ ְש ֶרה ׁ ְש ִכי ָנה ְב ַמ ֲע ֵׂשה ְי ֵדי ֶכם; ְל ִפי Psalms 90:17): “May the beauty of) ׁ ֶש ָּכל ׁ ִש ְב ַעת ְי ֵמי ַה ִּמ ּלוּ ִאים ׁ ֶש ֶה ֱע ִמיד ֹו .the Lord our God be upon us” — i. e מֹׁ ֶשה ַל ִּמ ׁ ְש ָּכן ְו ׁ ִש ֵּמ ׁש ּב ֹו וּ ֵפ ְרק ֹו ְב ָכל May it be God’s will that the Shechinah may rest upon the work י ֹום לֹא ׁ ָש ְר ָתה ב ֹו ׁ ְש ִכי ָנה, ְו ָהיוּ of your hands (see Rashi on Exodus ִי ְ ׂש ָר ֵאל ִנ ְכ ָל ִמים ְוא ֹו ְמ ִרים ְלמֹׁ ֶשה, They invoked just this .(39:43 מֹׁ ֶשה ַר ֵּבנוּ, ָּכל ַה ּטֹ ַרח ׁ ֶש ָּט ַר ְחנוּ blessing and not another formula ׁ ֶש ִּת ׁ ְש ֶרה ׁ ְש ִכי ָנה ֵבי ֵנינוּ ְו ֵנ ַדע because during the whole seven days ׁ ֶש ִּנ ְת ַּכ ּ ֵפר ָלנוּ ֲע ֹון ָה ֵע ֶגל, ְל ָכ ְך ָא ַמר of the installation when Moses was setting up the Tabernacle and ָל ֶהם ֶזה ַה ָּד ָבר ֲא ׁ ֶשר ִצ ָוּה יי ַּת ֲע ׂשוּ officiating therein and dismantling it ְויֵ ָרא ֲא ֵלי ֶכם ְּכב ֹוד יי — ַא ֲהרֹן ָא ִחי daily the Shechinah had not rested ְּכ ַדאי ְו ָח ׁשוּב ִמ ֶּמ ִּני, ׁ ֶש ַעל ְי ֵדי upon it and the Israelites felt ָק ְר ְּבנ ֹו ָתיו ַו ֲעב ֹו ָדת ֹו ִת ׁ ְש ֶרה ׁ ְש ִכי ָנה ashamed, saying to Moses: “O, our Teacher Moses! All the trouble ָב ֶכם ְו ֵת ְדעוּ ׁ ֶש ַה ָּמק ֹום ָּב ַחר ּב ֹו: which we have taken was only that the Shechinah may dwell amongst us, so that we may know that the sin of the golden calf has been atoned for on our behalf!” He therefore had said to them (v. 6): “This is the thing which the Lord commanded that ye should do so that the glory of the Lord may appear unto you” (i. e. only 4 after these offerings will have been brought by Aaron (cf. v. 7) will God’s glory appear unto you). My brother Aaron is more worthy and excellent than I am, so that through his sacrifices and ministration the Shechinah will rest upon you, and ye will thereby know that the Omnipresent God has chosen him to bring His Shechinah upon you. Chizkuni, Leviticus 9:23:1 חזקוני, ויקרא ט׳:כ״ג:א׳ Moses“ ,ויבא משה ואהרן אל אהל מועד and Aaron entered the Tent of ויבא משה ואהרן אל אהל מועד Meeting.” They did so in order to see להתפלל, שיראה הכבוד ותרד אש the glory when heavenly fire would מן השמים להראות שנתקבלה descend as proof that their sacrificial העבודה. .service had been accepted in heaven Chizkuni, Leviticus 9:23:2 חזקוני, ויקרא ט׳:כ״ג:ב׳ the glory of the Lord“ ,וירא כבוד ה' appeared.” How so? וירא כבוד יי כיצד. Or HaChaim on Leviticus 9:23:1 אור החיים על ויקרא ט׳:כ״ג:א׳ They emerged ,ויצאו ויברכו את העם from the Tabernacle and blessed ויצאו ויברכו וגו'. אולי כי כן the people. Perhaps they had been נצטוו בנבואה. או ברכה זו במקום commanded to do so by a prophetic תפלה היתה כדי שתשרה שכינה. vision. It is also possible that the והגם שכבר בירכם אהרן, טובים Torah substitutes the word השנים לצד הסכמת ב' מדרגות ".blessing" here for the word "prayer" The prayer may have been that G'd's הרמוזים בב' בחינות האחים כהונה Presence should continue to manifest ולויה שהם חסד וגבורה: itself in the camp. Even though the 5 people had already been blessed by Aaron, it was good to be blessed by both brothers each of whom represented a different nuance of spirituality, one that is unique to the Levite and the other the spirituality unique to the priesthood. In kabbalistic terms the two brothers Aaron and Moses represented the .respectively חסד וגבורה emanations רבנו בחיי, ויקרא ט׳:כ״ב:א׳ Rabbeinu Bahya, Vayikra 9:22:1 ,וישא אהרן את ידיו אל העם ויברכם וישא אהרן את ידיו אל העם Aaron raised his hands in the“ ויברכם.
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