The UCSD Guardian University of California, an Diego/ Volume 48, Number 14/ Wednesday February 17, 1983 Administrators may allow for fee surcharge By EILEEN MORRIS Staff Writer We're looking at a $112 fee increase come pring quarter, $100 for the by now famous "one time surcharge," and $12 for a recreation fee. Students are asking themselves, not only how they'll come up with all that money, but whether or not they should have to come up with it all. Last year students voted to asses them elves $12 a quarter to pay for the Recreational Center currently under construction north of the Warren Apartments. According to Bert Kobyashi of the Recreation Department, under the terms of the agreement drawn up between the Associated Students and the University, students weren't to be asses ed until after completion of the Center. Approval for this quarter's premature asses ment came from the Vice Chancellor's office, according to Kobyashi . joe Watson, Vice Chancellor of Undergraduate Affair, was unavailable for comment. Kobyashi himself is in favor of thIs quarter's $12 increase, believing it to be the mo t economical way of assessing st udents for the center. There's no getting out of the "hut 11\ \/:. i'ad ,t, I"l $100 surcharge, but UC President in a letter to the UC Lt. Gov. Leo McCarthy addressed students from all nine UC lotteries don't "bring in the predicted m\.· II' t), a e Chancellors, expres ed campuses at the UC Student Lobby's annual Legislative expected to: they "compound Ul ganized crime problem.,." and concern that the charge is Conference last Monday. McCarthy responded 0 UCSD they adver!>cl effect low-income people b} siphoning off "likely to create hard hips for Guardian staff wliter Mitch Sosna's question of the viability of dollars they need for more essential needs. The fulJ story on orne s tudent ," those instituting a lottery in California to fund public education by the Conference and lobbying efforts in Sacramento will appear students not on financial aid. stating three objections to such a concept. He stated that in Tues day's edition of the Guardian . The February 9 letter sugge ts that indIvidual campuse try to "ea e the situation." He . ugges ts flexible payment Late Margaret Mead draws fire schedule, leniency in assessing late charges, and By MICHAEL BEEDLE Myth, author Derek Freeman along with her staff of eeking clanty and under· emergency loan . Staff Writer writes that Mead' portrayal ethnographers, linguist, standing. Ron Bawker of the Regi strar Through most of man's of Samoan culture i marked biologist., . ociologi ' ts, Her subsequent data and believes that UCSD can recorded history the conscious by major errors, and her ethnomusicologists, etholo" mtuitlOn allowed her to become no more lenient effort to di credit or di sprove account of the sexual gists, computer experts and examine the p. ychod) namics becau e it' "already the mo t the theories and postulations behavioral of . Samoans is a others, would exchange of cult ure m additIOn to If'; lenient campus" in the UC of great scholars and scientists m ind·boggling contradiction. coun 'el from one another plea!-c turn to page 5 system. Fee deadlines are later has been a clearly exhibited Freeman claims that hIS here than at any other human propen ity . No research may be more valid campus. Bawker says that, as academic di scipline has been because he learned the in winter quarter, fees will free of this bane. The follower Samoan language and lived UCSD students will probably be accepted up until of physic know thi to be true with a amoan family, while the fourth day of class. as the works of Isaac Newton Mead's knowledge of that joe Watson plan to deal were altered by Einstein. The language was rudimentary assist in Israel dig WIth the hardship the $100 psychologists credit Freud a nd she lived with an By ,TEVE TOYANOW will cause "with our present WIth greatne ' s tor hi ' American health officer. ... taft \\ ritcr proced u res. " Bot h Wa tson and contributions in psychoana· In defense of the no\\ " For four \\eeks thIS submllted an applicationanda Tom Rutter, Director of lytic theory yet question his deceased Mead several POlOt s summer. ten UCSD students two·page ... tatement comt·\"in! tudent Financial Services, later works in other fields. The need to be surfaced . The work \\ill ha\t' the unique theIr rt'astln ~ a~ to wh\ tht'\ believe that the current point being that the great ness 111 amoa was her fi r...,t major Opp()rtllnlt~ to partIcIpate on \\I..,hed to partIcipate ('m Ihl emergency loan program wi ll of Newton and Freud hasn't fieldwork and she did It at age the Uty oj l)(Il'1d archcologlcal dIg The compt'llllon for tht be suffi cient to handle the diminished by any means, now 2:3. The work in Samoa wa.., eXC3\ atlOn~ 10 jeru"alem, grants began 111 Dccember,and demand for loans. Under the should it. Clearly great merely a npple of a larger brad Each of those st udents ended la ... 1 \\ eek \\hen thermal Emergency Loan Program, thinkers were not correct in wave destined to sweep the will ren'l\e a !-.rrant of :31 ,000 selectIOns \\ere made All st udents have 30 days to pay 100 percent of theIr theories. face of ant hropologlCal data" jOintly sponsored by thejudalC rCS)) ~tudenls were ellgibk their loans back. Nevertheless, one finds their collection techniques. tudies Program and Ih..,tor'v to appl'v, the onl) requirt'· "In e sence, we're doing the reverence maintained. Margaret Mead was an Department, to help faCIlitate ment ' bemg that each ...,tudt'Il' same things we've always Currently, another great innovator. he was a scient 1St the costs of part irpatlon . a\\arded a grant be able to done," Rutter says. "We're scholar is under fire. This time and a superior manager of The student~, five m n and commit to a mlOlmum of fOUl increasing the amount of it is Margaret Mead, from the fIeldwork implementati()n~ . five women. were selected bva weeks at the dIg slle and \\Tllt' loans, and we've made ure field of anthropology. One of Mead's pet heuristical committee headed br Profes· a term paper about theIr that the needy students (those In a new book ent it led paths was a communal sor RIchard Fri"edman, e. perience upon theIr return on financial aid) are taken care Margaret Mead and Samoa, the discussion group held dunng chairman of theJudalc Studies to the U, o.f " Makillg (lnd Unmaking of a fieldwork assignment s. Mead , Program . Each student plca .. e turn to page 6 High opera returns to San Diego. Hiatus. The professor's responsibility in research vsteaching. Page 3. AWSDO pro-am tees off this week's tourney. Page 9. Thursday, February 17, t 983 The UCSO Guardian 3 2 Thursday, February 17, 1983 Letters to the Editor The UCSD Guardian Letters to the Editor Research versus teaching: are On creating a professors choosing the wrong path? Food drive for the unemployed By MARK P. DIAMOND John's case IS tYPIcal. Every tn511tutlOn ,>, a unl\er-,nv is nuclear free world John, a friend of mine, was year the Provost Offices different. The universlty- ha~ upset. He barged into my room receive complalllts about two roles: the propogation and Editor's Note: Due to lack of extend apologies lor being Money donations can be taken Editor: forever poison the soi l which muttering <;ome foul language. faculty members. Yet when There was recently a lot of the disseminatIOn of know­ space in Monday's issue, we unable to prillt Ihis information to Groundwork Books. Al o. nurtures us. These bombs can I asked him what was wrong. these complaints are invest 1- Opinion were u1/able to prinllhis letler. earlier. volunteers are needed to pick media hype generated over the ledge. turn the globe into a vast "Well, it was my last class." he gated, the majority turn out to TV novel These two roles complement Yet, Ih er are still two days Ie/I 0/ up donations around the Windso/Warandthe desert. complained. " My professor be the students' failure to meet evils that were perpetrated by each other. The main rea'Son Unsigned eti,iloriais rep~ese~'IIhe opin;o.,s of the editorial board oJIlre the drive, mId food CG n still be Editor: county and to sort them for Perhaps your concern has does n't give a damn about the the obligations of the class. Hitler's Nazis. After sitting in UCSD has high quality UCS.D Guardian. The ed,Iorral board,s composed uJ ScUll YOlllld Lisa contributed. The Guardian The San Diego Labor/­ distribution the following been aroused by recent timuli class. We are all gelling The faculty members on Lap,,! and Tom !?ankin. All olher articles. ill this secli01l are solily Ihe front of the TV for so many teaching IS that all professors wishes to support this event, alld Community Coa lition is week. If you have a va n 01' a such as: the showing of Hearts shafted because he only wants this campus take their opullon of Ihe wn.1er .and do nOl .•, ecessarrly represe.,t Ih e views oj /lIe pickup a nd/ or would Ik e to hours like a zombie. I feel are involved 111 the material Gu~rdJa!,. having its third food-drive for and Minds on campus.
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