2018 GARDEN CITY BOARDS & COMMISSIONS 6000 MIDDLEBELT ROAD GARDEN CITY, MI 48135-2499 734-793-1600 MAYOR The Honorable Randy Walker 6249 Deering 734-525-1108 734-793-1671 (VM) [email protected] Term Expires: 11-2-2021 COUNCIL MEMBERS The Honorable Mark Jacobs The Honorable Jaylee Lynch 32417 Pierce 33422 Kathryn 734-793-1676 (VM) 734-793-1673 (VM) [email protected] [email protected] Term Expires: 11-2-2021 Term Expires: 11-2-2021 The Honorable Brian Earle The Honorable Pat McKarge 31406 Rosslyn 973 W. Rose 734-793-1674 (VM) 734-793-1675 (VM) [email protected] [email protected] Term Expires: 11-5-2019 Term Expires: 11-5-2019 The Honorable Kelly Kerwin The Honorable Pat Squires 33091 Rosslyn 33623 Leona 734-793-1677 (VM) 734-793-1672 (VM) [email protected] [email protected] Term Expires: 11-5-2019 Term Expires: 11-5-2019 GARDEN CITY COUNTY COMMISSION DISTRICT #12: Glen Anderson Wayne County Commissioner District 12 500 Griswold 7th Floor, Room 728 Detroit, MI 48226 [email protected] 9/11/18 – Garden City – Boards & Commissions Page 2 of 23 313-224-8855 9/11/18 – Garden City – Boards & Commissions Page 3 of 23 GARDEN CITY STATE SENATORIAL DISTRICT #5: State Senator 517-373-0994 855-347-8005 The Honorable David Knezek – (D) Fax: 517-373-5981 610 Farnum Building e-mail: [email protected] P O Box 30036 Website: knezek.senatedems.com Lansing, MI 48909-7536 GARDEN CITY STATE REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT #11: State Representative 517-373-0849 The Honorable Jewell Jones – (D) Fax: N690 House Office Building Toll Free P. O. Box 30014 e-mail: [email protected] Lansing, MI 48909 UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE - CONGRESSIONAL DIST. #13: U. S. State Representative The Honorable John Conyers Jr. (D) – resigned December 2017 2426 Rayburn H.O.B. 202-225-5126 Washington, DC 20515 Fax: 202-225-0072 District Offices: Detroit 669 Federal Bldg. 313-961-5670 231 W. Lafayette Fax: 313-226-2085 Detroit, MI 48226 Trenton 2615 W Jefferson 734-675-4084 Trenton, MI 48183 Fax: 734-675-4218 UNITED STATES SENATE The Honorable Gary Peters – (D) Tel: 202-224-6221 U. S. Senate Fax: 2 - Russel Courtyard Washington, DC 20510 District Office: The Honorable Debbie Stabenow - (D) 202-224-4822 U.S. Senate TTY 202 224-2066 133 Hart Senate Office Building e-mail:stabenow.senate.gov Washington, DC 20510 Southeast Michigan Office: 219 Griswold Suite 700 313 961-4330 Detroit, MI 48226 9/11/18 – Garden City – Boards & Commissions Page 4 of 23 GOVERNOR: Govenor Rick Snyder 517 373-3400 P.O. Box 30013 Fax: 517 335-6863 Lansing, MI 48909 Website: www.michigan.gov/gov Email: [email protected] MICHIGAN ATTORNEY GENERAL: Bill Schuette, Attorney General 517 373-1110 G. Mennen Williams Bldg. 7th Floor Fax: 517 373-3042 525 W. Ottawa St email: [email protected] P.O. Box 30212 Cusumer Protection 517 373-1140 Lansing, MI 48909 Toll Free 877 765-8388 Website: [email protected] Detroit Office: Cadillac Place, 10th Floor 313 456-0240 3030 W. Grand Blvd., Suite 10-200 313 456-0241 Detroit, MI 48202 email: [email protected] THE WHITE HOUSE President Donald Trump email: [email protected] Vice President Mike Pence email: [email protected] The White House Comments: 202 456-1111 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Switchboard: 202 456-1414 Washington, DC 20500 Fax: 202 456-2461 9/11/18 – Garden City – Boards & Commissions Page 5 of 23 ADMINISTRATIVE City Manager: Doc Dougherty 793-1660 Clerk-Treasurer: Allyson M. Bettis 793-1616 Deputy Treasurer: Michelle Mastej 793-1605 Human Resources Director: Doc Dougherty 793-1660 Assistant Human Resources Director: Martha Griggs 793-1660 PLANNING & ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Doc Dougherty, City Manager 734-793-1660 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 734-793-1650 FIRE DEPARTMENT Cathy Harman, Fire Chief 734-793-1780 POLICE DEPARTMENT Timothy Gibbons, Police Chief 734-793-1730 9/11/18 – Garden City – Boards & Commissions Page 6 of 23 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES 31800 Beechwood - 734-793-1800 Director: Kevin Roney DPS Supervisor: Brad Ohman PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT / ICE ARENA 200 Log Cabin Road - 734-793-1880 Director: Dan Plamondon MAPLEWOOD COMMUNITY CENTER 31735 Maplewood - 734-793-1850 Building Manager: 734-793-1850 Laura Turner Senior Center Coordinator: Danielle Warrington 734-793-1870 Family Resource Center Supervisor: Kim Mitton-Hahn 734-793-1860 Community Resources Director: Monica Fulton 734-793-1862 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 29213 Ford Road - 734-261-2830 Exective Director: Kim Dold GARDEN CITY LIBRARY 31735 Maplewood - 734-793-1830 9/11/18 – Garden City – Boards & Commissions Page 7 of 23 Director: James Lenze 21st DISTRICT COURT 6000 Middlebelt Road – 734-793-1680 Judge: The Honorable Richard L. Hammer, Jr. Richard L. Hammer, Jr. has served on the court since 1990. On November 4, 2014, Hammer was re- elected for six-year term commencing on January 1, 2015, and expiring on December 31, 2020. Court Administrator: Kristin Remer Violations Bureau: 734-793-1680 CITY AUDITORS Plante & Moran 734-302-6901 Dave Helisek Fax: 248-603-5676 350 S Main Street #200 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Hennessey Engineers, Inc. 734-759-0451 13500 Reek Rd. Fax: 734-282-6566 Southgate, MI 48195 John Hennessey [email protected] PLANNING CONSULTANTS McKenna & Associates 248-596-0920 Phil McKenna Fax: 248-596-0930 236 E. Main Street – Suite 105 Northville, MI 48167 CITY ATTORNEY Hemming, Polaczyk, Cronin, Smith, Witthoff & Bennett Brigid Mullinix 734-453-7877 9/11/18 – Garden City – Boards & Commissions Page 8 of 23 217 W. Ann Arbor Road, Suite 302 Fax: 734-453-1108 Plymouth, MI 48170 BOARD OF REVIEW (3 Year Terms – 6 Members) APPOINTED TERM EXPIRES Ken Hines 1-24-11 12-31-19 31500 Maplewood 734-425-9751- (re-appointed 12-19-16) Ronald Showalter 01-24-11 12-31-19 1810 Gilman - (re-appointed 12-19-19) 734-525-6366 Pam King 12-18-17 12-31-20 1610 Henry Ruff 734-525-7692 Ruth Short 12-19-11 12-18-20 32468 Rosslyn - (re-appointed 12-18-17) 734-513-2897 John Segasser 1-25-10 12-31-19 1642 Lathers - (re-appointed 1-11-16) 734-320-5626 Mark Hammar 1-25-10 12-31-19 32329 Balmoral - (re-appointed 1-11-16) 734-522-9183 9/11/18 – Garden City – Boards & Commissions Page 9 of 23 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (3 Members - 6 Year Terms) One Appointed/Two Elected APPOINTED TERM EXPIRES Terrence O’Callaghan 1-7-13 12-31-18 30024 John Hauk - (re-appointed) Sammy Morrison 1-07-13 12-31-18 29156 Bock - (elected) Wayne Parker 1-13-14 12-31-18 29621 Bock - (appointed 1-13-14) (fill the vacant seat of Margo Ciecierski) 9/11/18 – Garden City – Boards & Commissions Page 10 of 23 COMMISSION ON AGING (3 Year Terms – 9 Members) APPOINTED TERM EXPIRES Michele Jarrait 1-26-15 12-31-21 32502 Brown - (re-appointed 1-8-18) 313-673-5806 Kerry Partin 2-25-13 3-31-21 31960 Kathryn - (re-appointed 3-5-18) 734-788-9319 Joyce Matney 1-22-18 3-31-21 31330 Hennepin 734-338-2409 Kathy Ward 1-8-18 3-31-21 939 Deering 734-743-5291 Richard Tripp 12-19-11 3-31-21 28480 James - (re-appointed 1-8-18) 734-522-5179 Michael Jones 8-13-12 3-31-19 33208 Donnelly - (re-appointed 2-8-16) 734-522-7158 Barbara Sandberg 8-13-12 3-31-19 1241 Deering - (re-appointed 2-8-16) 734-525-7823 Norah Fix 8-13-12 3-31-19 7024 Helen - (re-appointed 2-8-16) 734-522-4952 Sharon Hassett 2-6-12 3-31-21 958 Middlebelt - (re-appointed 3-5-18) 734-425-6362 The Commission on Aging meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Community Center at 9:15 a.m. 9/11/18 – Garden City – Boards & Commissions Page 11 of 23 Council Liaison – Pat Squires CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS (3 Member Board – Appointed by Mayor) Need to have construction background APPOINTED TERM EXPIRES Sammye Hicks 03-31-10 3-31-13 34940 Hunter, Westland, MI 48185 Ernie Keast Sr. 03-31-10 3-31-13 30852 Avondale, Westland, MI 48186 William Mills 03-31-10 3-13-13 35546 Columbia, Westland, MI 48186 This Board meets as needed if and when an appeal is filed. 9/11/18 – Garden City – Boards & Commissions Page 12 of 23 DDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES 29213 Ford Road, Garden City, MI 48135 (4 Year Terms – Mayor (CEO), plus 10 Members) § 33.167 BOARD OF TRUSTEES. (A) The Authority shall be under the supervision and control of a Board of Trustees consisting of the Chief Executive Officer of the city and 10 members as provided by Act 197 of 1975, as amended, being M.C.L.A. 125.1654. The members shall be appointed by the Chief Executive Officer subject to approval by the Council. (B) Six members shall be persons having an interest in property located in the downtown district. Not less than one of the members shall be a resident of the downtown district, if the downtown district has 100 or more persons residing within it... APPOINTED TERM EXPIRES Mayor Randy Walker, CEO 11-4-11 11-2-21 Trustees with DDA Interest Bruce Boland, Vice-Chairman 3-19-01 3-31-20 29517 Ford Road - (reappointed 4-1-16) 734-421-5100 Orin Mazzoni, Jr. 3-19-01 4-30-21 29317 Ford Road - (reappointed 8-28-17) Bus: 734-422-7030 John Prosch, Chairman 8-16-04 4-30-22 PKSA 522-7718 - (reappointed 7-23-18) 29896 Ford Road - (reappointed 4-28-14) John Fleming, Secretary 9-12-11 4-30-19 29217 Ford Road - Suite 119 - (re-appointed 4-27-15) 734-525-4560 George Karafotis, Treasurer 11-7-16 4-30-20 5921 Middlebelt 734-564-2031 Laurie Viviano 3-20-17 4-30-21 29435 Barton 734-972-5648 Trustees at Large John Santeiu, Jr., 3-29-04 3-31-20 1139 Inkster Road - (re-appointed 4-4-16) 734-427-3800 Kevin Kramis 7-09-18 4-30-22 1818 Cardwell 734-427-2962 Melissa Radiwon 08-06-18 04-30-22 33141 Kathryn 248-444-3456 Trustees with DDA residence Penelope Hope Klei 4-06-09 4-30-19 29410 Meadow Lane - (re-appointed 4-27-15) 9/11/18 – Garden City – Boards & Commissions Page 13 of 23 734-762-1569 The Board meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 8:30 a.m.
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