Local Media Report: Brazil Overview The New Cities Summit in São Paulo generated a Valor Economico (June) significant amount of coverage across the Brazilian An extensive, 4-page article in Brazil’s top financial media, on a local and national level. Leading up to, magazine, including interviews with Mayor Haddad of during and after the Summit, we had a total of 198 São Paulo; Daniel Libeskind, leading architect and New press cuttings in Brazil, encompassing TV, radio, Cities Foundation Trustee and Mathieu Lefevre of the New print and online. Television encompassed a substantial Cities Foundation, 19% percent of Brazilian coverage of the Summit, whilst newspapers took up 15% of the total. Radio Bandeirantes – 6 spots Coverage before and after the Summit, including The total advertising value of Brazilian coverage was interviews with speakers and NCF representatives US$ 8.49 million. Band News Radio - 9 spots This document complements the full New Cities Summit Coverage before and after the Summit, including 2013 International Media Report. All reports are interviews with speakers and NCF representatives available here: www.newcitiesfoundation.org/index. php/media-reports Brazilian coverage highlights Brazil Media Partnerships Band News TV - 4 spots A local media partnership was secured with the Including live interviews with Summit speakers, and a pre- Bandeirantes Group, which comprises: recorded interview with John Rossant and Mathieu Lefevre of the New Cities Foundation • Band TV Jornal de Band TV - 2 spots • BandNews TV Including interviews and content from the Summit • Band Radio Globo News TV - 5 spots • BandNews Radio Interviews with key Summit speakers and erpots on the event. • Metro newspaper This news channel is part of the cable channel of the INFO, Brazil’s leading technology magazine, was Gobo group secured as local media partner for the AppMyCity! Prize. The outlet covered each stage of the Prize with in-depth Globo TV – 3 spots articles and interviews. Interviews with key Summit speakres and reports on the event on the program ‘SP TV Globo’ This channel is an open TV channel in Brazil São Paulo Metro – 5 articles The Metro published extensive coverage on the Summit, including photos and the New Cities Summit logo. One article was published before the Summit and 4 during. “Young and hi-tech cities will be “It is up to the architect to bring the highlight in the future” hope” Headline in Estadão de São Paulo – entire page Daniel Libeskind, quoted in leading Brazilian weekly, Overview article devoted to the Summit in this leading daily Valor Economico, which ran a 4-page report of the paper, 9 June 2013 Summit, 7 June 2013 Breakdown of Brazilian Media Coverage (Total:US$ 8,486,853.46) (value per media type) TV and Radio, US$ 2,256,580 Web, Print Media, US$ 5,751,942.64 US$ 478,330.82 “Solidarity is sustainable, “Haddad promises re- individualism is unsustainable” urbanization package for later this year” Oded Grajew of Rede Nossa São Paulo and speaker at Summit, interviewed in São Paulo Metro, Headline in São Paulo Metro, detailed report from 3 June 2013 the Summit, 5 June 2013 “Young Brazilians create the city of the future” Top Brazilian commentator Gilberto Dimesntein, writing in Folha de São Paulo, one of the city’s leading daily newspapers, about the AppMyCity! finalists, 6 June 2013 Highlights & Key Statistics “São Paulo hosts summit about the future of cities” Headline in São Paulo Metro, 4 June 2013 16 interviews before the Summit 3 interviews after the Summit 33 one-on-one interviews during the Summit Leading Brazilian press at #NCS2013 Newspapers - Folha de S.Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo, Valor Econômico and O Globo Websites: Catraca Livre, G1 and Veja.com Radio stations: Band FM, CBN and Eldorado News agencies: Agência Brasil and Agência Estado TV - Globo, GloboNews, Band, BandNew and TV Brasil Key Achievements • Number of stories published before the Summit: 84 • Number of stories during and after the Summit: 114 • 3 live TV links 198 stories on the Summit • All the stories about the Summit were positive • Globo TV, the most important in the country, had 4 teams covering the Summit + 2 live links • Between June 3 and 10, the Summit featured highly on the Brazilian media agenda • Brazilian newspapers ran a total of 8 full pages dedicated solely to the Summit Brazilian Media Coverage of the New Cities Summit 2013 News Media Type Agency Breakdown by Media Type 5% Web Magazines 37% 19% Paper 15% TV 19% Radio 5% – 7 – Press Cuttings Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Cuttings New City Summit Media: Web Outlet: Época São Paulo Circulation: around 3500 visitors daily Journalist: Amanda Nogueira Date: May 10th Title: Event seeks solutions for urban problems Link: http://epocasaopaulo.globo.com/vida-urbana/evento-busca-solucoes-para-problemas-da-cidade/ – 9 – Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Media: Web Outlet: Mobilize Circulation: around 1800 visitors daily Journalist: - Date: May 10th Title: New Cities Summit Link: http://www.mobilize.org.br/agenda/247/new-cities-summit.html – 10 – Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Media: Web Outlet: Programa Cidades Sustentáveis Circulation: around 500 visitors daily Journalist: Luciana Date: May 13th Title: Haddad and mayor of Santiago will be speakers at the New Cities Summit in São Paulo Link: http://www.cidadessustentaveis.org.br/noticias/haddad-e-prefeita-de-santiago-serao- palestrantes-do-new-cities-summit-em-sp – 11 – Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Media: Web Outlet: Portal Eventos Circulation: around 700 visitors daily Journalist: - Date: May 14th Title: Authorities confirm presence in the New Cities Sumit 2013 Link: http://www.revistaeventos.com.br/Eventos/Autoridades-confirmam-participacao-no-New-Cities- Summit-2013 – 12 – Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Media: Web Outlet: ArchDaily Circulation: around 3300 visitors daily Journalist: Joanna Helm Date: Apr 18th Title: New Cities Summit – The human city – São Paulo Link: http://www.archdaily.com.br/109335/new-cities-summit-a-cidade-humana-sao-paulo/ – 13 – Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Media: Web Outlet: Club Alfa Circulation: - Journalist: Nathan Fernandes Date: May 15th Title: Thinking city Link: http://clubalfa.abril.com.br/estilo-de-vida/comportamento/cidade-que-pensa/ – 14 – Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Media: Web Outlet: ArqBrasil Circulation: around 500 visitors daily Journalist: - Date: - Title: New Cities Summit Link: http://www.arqbrasil.com.br/_infoarq/index1.htm – 15 – Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Media: Web Outlet: TV UOL Circulation: around 34.000 visitors daily Journalist: - Date: March 5th Title: Bandnews TV will be New Cities Summit’s partner Link:http://tvuol.uol.com.br/assistir.htm?video=bandnews-tv-sera-parceiro-do-new-cities-summit- 04020C9A376CD8A14326&mediaId=14466750 – 16 – Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Media: Web Outlet: Arq. Futuro Circulation: around 500 visitors daily Journalist: - Date: March 5th Title: São Paulo: Large scale changes” in the New Cities Summit Link: http://www.arqfuturo.com.br/new-cities.html – 17 – Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Media: Web Outlet: ArcoWeb Circulation: around 500 visitors daily Journalist: - Date: - Title: New Cities Summit 2013, in Sao Paulo Link: http://www.arcoweb.com.br/agenda/new-cities-summit-2013-sao-paulo.html – 18 – Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Media: Web Outlet: Galileu Circulation: around 4000 visitors daily Journalist: Priscilla Santos Date: May 23rd Title: Online citzenship Link: http://colunas.revistagalileu.globo.com/colunistas/2013/05/23/cidadania-virtual/ – 19 – Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Media: Web Outlet: Radio Bandeirantes Circulation: around 1000 visitors daily Journalist: - Date: May 21st Title: Around a thousand people will join the New Cities Summit in July to think about the future of cities Link: http://radiobandeirantes.band.uol.com.br/conteudo.asp?ID=664740 – 20 – Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Media: Web Outlet: Rio Negócios Circulation: around 1000 visitors daily Journalist: Miguel Setas Date: May 21st Media: Web Title: Pandemopolis: the world-city Outlet: Radio Bandeirantes Link: http://rio-negocios.com/pandemopolis-cidade-mundo/ Circulation: around 1000 visitors daily Journalist: - Date: May 21st Title: Around a thousand people will join the New Cities Summit in July to think about the future of cities Link: http://radiobandeirantes.band.uol.com.br/conteudo.asp?ID=664740 – 21 – Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Media: Web Outlet: Brasil Econômico Circulation: around 1000 visitors daily Journalist: Miguel Setas Date: May 21st Title: Pandemopolis: the world-city Link: http://brasileconomico.ig.com.br/noticias/pandemopolis-cidademundo_132285.html – 22 – Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Media: Newspaper Outlet: Brasil Econômico Circulation: 55000 prints, daily Journalist: Miguel Setas Date: May 21st Title: Pandemopolis: the world-city – 23 – Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Media: Web Outlet: Ideia Sustentável Circulation: around 550 visitors daily Journalist: - Date: May 3 Title: The human city discusses the future of the urban world Link: http://www.ideiasustentavel.com.br/2013/05/a-cidade-humana-discute-futuro-do-mundourbano / – 24 – Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Media: Web Outlet: Rede Nossa São Paulo Circulation: around 1900 visitors daily Journalist: - Date: May 13th Title: Haddad and the mayor of Santiago will be speakers at the New Cities Summit Link: http://www.nossasaopaulo.org.br/portal/node/41288 – 25 – Press Cuttings Brazilian Media Media: Web Outlet: Marcia Peltier Circulation: around 100 visitors daily Journalist:
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