y x A S ii»jiCj.nWiniliiWii(<W • A „ m tm * m * II ■ y-^ 'ii ^ ^ '( .1 . ‘ i . T^nSDAT. NOVEMBER T^ IM l AFm ge Daily Net Press Ron ^nrliPBt^r lEnmittg H^niUii Pdt tlM Week Ended The Weather . November 4, 1961- Sbree—t of D. k Wenttev BnmSS About Town OPEN 6 DAYS AUIN STREET 13,460 \ Fnlr nikl colder tonight. Lew .Member ef the Audit In 20e. Tharedny fair nnd eoldor. IMctiMi C MoMil, SI a r m 9:80 AJL to «;45 P.M. BaraMi n f Obenistton; A^ANCHESTER High 40 to 45. RIH 8t, hu b m d«ct«d trmuTBr ThOTsasy tffl 9:00 P.M. \ v Manchester— City of VUlage Charm o t Vm TouBf DemoonU at th« \- A?. -■ TMlvantty o f Hartford, wfaare he ta FREE PARiONG Phm Ml 3^123 o mbcwnore. A 1900 yraduata o fr R e a r O f Stcure VOL. LXXXi, NO. 88 (TWE^^rY.FOUR PAGES--1N TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., W ED N E^Y, NOVEMBER 8, 1961 Itoaoheeter H l^ fidiool, he la the (CInaelfled Advertlelng on Pnge St) PRICE FIVE CENTS .•OR o f M n. and Mre. LeaUr H. ICNTffl. rhwre will be an open houae'and The Store With Village 'Charm FTA meetliM: at Maiudieater Qrecn 8<^ooI Wedneadey at 7 pm . After a short meeting In the eudltoitmn. ddldren will eeo6rt their parents to clasarooms to meet teaohem and aee di^lays of scIkn^ work. Befreahmmts will be eervod In the •ehool oafeteila. Teachers Ballot ------ • ^ n w PVank J, Hane^Md Poat of the Karine Ijeagrue auxiliary will On Compromise '^mUe^Mrt. Officials say there Is meet at the Amerioan Legion Los Angeles, Nov. 8 (/P)— Hone Wednesday at 8 p.m. Oaadi* An army of 2,800 men, hack­ no Im m fi^te danger of the two Wage Proposal dates for fnenberahip will be in* ing across flaming canyons, blazee j< m (^ and then sweeping mated. westward to^ the Pacific, only a X ortant Elections have encircled one ,o f two few miles a' New Britain, Nov. 8 New Britain’s 560 public Waddell School will hold open monstrous fjres in the Santa There were nb reports of death house Wednesday as part of Amer­ Monica Mountains — and But about 100 firemen and- resi­ school teachers vote today on ican Education Week. Each teach­ fought the other to a stand­ dents were Injured, none seriously. whether to accept a compro­ er will discuss the year’s plan with Gov. Edmund G. Brow.n who de- B o p Makes still. ' 'clared Los Angeles CoUnty a dis­ mise wage proposal which has parents. Individual parent confer­ If winds etay down today, fire­ been approved by the schorf Hughes Wins Upset ences will be held during a two- aster area, has appealed to Presi­ men hope.to gain the upper hand dent Kennedy for federal aid. board. / week period after Wedneeday. ::TS' _ . against both blazes, termed the Many of the destroyed homes The school board Is trying to Deep Cut in worst fire outbreak In Southern avert a threatened walkoutyOt the Manchester Lodge Of Elks will California history. meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the (Oonttobed on Page Two) city’s public school teachers on In New Jersey Raee Lodge Home, 30 Bisseil St Mem­ Last night firemen contained — Thursday morning. y Lee’s Votes bers will celebrate Thanksgivii^ but did not control — the fire In e school board voted late last the Bel-Air area, home of million­ t to go along with the wage at a Turkey stag n l^ t dinner pro­ S By GEORGE BAZAN By THE ASSOCIATED PRE.SS gram Wednesday, Nov. 15, at 6:80 aires and movies stars. They Ghana Police propbeal made by the finance p.m. Dean H. Gates is chairman drove tractors and bulldozers board earlier in tM day. Aseociatod Pres* Staff Writer Republicans took a stunning one-two punch on the chin in of the event. Tickets may be ob­ around fiery brush and inaccessible However, Doiwd Friday, ro Democratic mayors were New Jersey and New York City elections yesterday that tained from officers or from the canyons to clear a swath 20 to 50 Arrest Several chainpan of thqTeachers Joint Ne­ steward. feet wide around the flames’ peri­ gotiating A>nlmittee, told the re-elected in Bridgeport, New threatened to leave them groggy for 1962 and 1964 contests. I r 'h meter, school board he favors another Haven, Waterbury and Stam­ Mayor Robert F. Wagner of New York rolled up a smash­ Miss Ksiren Judy Dolln, daushtor A few miles away. In sparsely plan, a point which he said is the ford, four of the state’s larg ing re-election victory that could single him out as the most Nkrumah Foes core ol the disagp'eement. of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Doto. settled Topanga canyon, wind- est cities, in the 19 municipal likely Democratic opponent of Republican Gov. Nelson A. Keeney Dr., Bolton, Is among stu­ fueled "hot spots” prevented The finance board proposal 8 dent nurses from EUzabsth and similar encirclement. But they Accra, Ghana, Nov. 8 (ff)—At would' cost $278,(XX) annually as elections in Connecticut yes­ Rockefeller ne.Kt year. Or Wagner might wait to bid for a Perth Amboy General Hospitals kept this blaze from expanding. least one member of parliament against the $397,000 originally terday. Senate seat in 1964. ■’K sought by the teachers. The latest The overall results were ident­ who have started academic studies Firemen reported three small and a newspaper executive were proposal Would provide five per Across the Hud.son in New Jersey, a little known Liberal at Union Junior College, Cranford. flare-ups In Topanga canyon early ical to those of two years ago. Democrat, Richard J. Hughes, knocked off a nationally known arrested in police swoops today on' cent pnhual increases for 14 years. The Democrats held six towns and N. J. Miss Dolln, a graduate of today. They emphasized, however, The increases would be based on liberal Republican, James P. Mitchell, in a cliff-hanger finish Manchester High School, is en­ that the breakouts were only the eve of the expected ■visit-of the Republicans retained control Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II., ' that percentage ol minimum pay lo a governor’s race in which President Kennedy put his rolled In the School of Nundng 'of fingers of the main blaze and posed for a teacher with a bachelor's de­ in 10. An ■ independent was re­ Elisabeth General Hospital Police also threw a .cordon elected in on-e contest, and two campaign prestige on the line. no Immediate threat. around the house of former FTftarice gree. Assessing damage from the 3- Friday asked for another of the cities held non-partisan elections. Kennedy also added to his polilical bank deposits by ap­ The Men's Club of North Matho- Minister K. A. GbedemaS and were Democrats also carrjed West day-old fires, officials gave this reported to have seised six other many plana presented, claiming it pearances with and an endorsement of Wagner. dist Church will meet at the churci- would provide five and one-quar­ Haven and Fairfield, and Repub­ Monday, Nov. 13, at 7:30 p.ni estimate'; More than $15 million persons. These reports were not These two weathervane contests, plus a victory in a spe­ / - H ' y'V I y rmrth of property damage; 259 ter per cent annual increases and licans won in Meriden, Norwalk, "Stewardship” will be the subject confirmed. cost about $16,000 more a year. Wallingford, Darien, Greenwich, cial congressional election in Texas last Saturday, lifted Dem­ of an illustrated program. The hdmea destroyed (all but nine in Gbedemah wsk dismissed in a the-feel-Alr section); hundreds of The major difference, which he New (^naan. North Haven, West- ocratic morale for 1962 off-year congressional elections, speaker wit) be Alton Cowles of i I recent cabinet reshuffle and sub­ described as the core of the dis port, We.ston, and Wilton. which traditionally go. against the party in possession of the North Methodist Church, Risfrsdi- others badly damaged and sequently ■Was reported to have scorched; ll.QQO acres of mountain, agreement, is that his plan would Milford re-elected an indepen­ White House. »> -------- ments will be served. fled the cnlintry. base the increa.scs oh the minimum dent, and Hartford and Norwich watershed, prime defense against Member of parliament, W. A. No less a personage than GOP . ___ of each of the categories into which held non-partisan elections. A Two Msnchestor students a n spring floods, destroyed. Wiafe,' who also lost a minor gov­ former President Dwight D. Eisen­ teacher wages are divided, de­ Democrat was elected titular hower, who campaigned for Mitch­ members of the “Mnlty OoUsgs The Topanga blaze has covered ernment job In the reshuffle, was pending on -the degrees received Wagner Wins Glee Club which will present th m X about 7,000 acres and th e'^ l-A ir, arrested, along \rith M. Ofarl, mayor's of Hartford in an election ell, had said the New Jersey re­ The suggested salary schedule where no Republican-endorsed concerts in Nsw Yoric Saturday fire has blackened 5,7O0 acr^.- At. deputy general manager the In- calls (or the following mlnlmums sults "unequivocally” would affect and Simday. They ere Daniel L. thedr closest points, some fingers and maximums as compared with candidates were running. the outcome of House and Senate Third Time in McLegan, 65 Oxford St^ end John o f the t-wo flrw are about a h’alf- (Conttoned ofl Page Ten) the present wage plan: Six of the Republican victories battles In 1962.
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