THE STRANGER’S GUIDE TO SIFF 2008 OPENING NIGHT GALA ★ Battle in Seattle ★ Thursday, May 22, 7:00 p.m., McCaw Hall Egyptian Harvard Exit Pacific Place Uptown SIFF Cinema NWFF 4:00 pm Vexille VEXI2308A PVC-1 (4:30 pm) PVC12308A The Pope’s Toilet (4:30 pm) POPE2308A The Fall (4:30 pm) FALL2308A Cafe de los Maestros (4:30 pm) CAFE2308A FRI 7:00 pm The Edge of Heaven (6:30 pm) EDGE2308A Opium: Diary of a Madwoman OPIU2308A Ballast BALL2308A Before the Rains RAIN2308A The Red Awn (6:30 pm) REDA2308A Portraits in Cinema PORT2308A 9:00 pm The Last Mistress (9:30 pm) LAST2308A The Wrecking Crew (9:30 pm) WREC2308A Continental, A Film Without Guns Elite Squad (9:30 pm) ELIT2308A Still Life (9:30 pm) STIL2308A Movie, or An Introduction... MOVI2308A 5/23 (9:30 pm) CONT2308A Midnight The Mother of Tears MOTH2308A 11:00 am A Man’s Job MANS2408A All Will Be Well ALLW2408A Continental, A Film Without Guns Before the Rains RAIN2408A Nocturna NOCT2408A CONT2408A 2:00 pm Mermaid (1:15 pm) MERM2408A Foster Child (1:30 pm) FOST2408A The 3 Little Pigs (1:30 pm) 3LIT2408A Elite Squad (1:30 pm) ELIT2408A Hair: Let the Sun Shine In (1:00 pm) HAIR2408A SAT 4:00 pm Gonzo (3:45 pm) GONZ2408A Slingshot SLIN2408A Ballast (4:30 pm) BALL2408A The Home Song Stories HOME2408A The Red Awn (3:30 pm) REDA2408A Milky Way (5:00 pm) MILK2408A 7:00 pm The Children of Huang Shi (6:30 pm) Chris & Don: A Love Story (6:30 pm) Everything Is Fine EVER2408A Boy A BOYA2408A Love and Honor (6:30 pm) HONO2408A Eat, for This Is My Body EATF2408A 5/24 CHIL2408A CDON2408A 9:00 pm My Effortless Brilliance (9:30 pm) MYEF2408A California Dreamin’ (Endless) (9:15 pm) Heartbeat Detector (10:00 pm) HEAR2408A Transsiberian (9:30 pm) TRAN2408A Heavy Metal in Baghdad (9:30 pm) Dust (9:30 pm) DUST2408A CALI2408A HEAV2408A Midnight Epitaph EPIT2408A 11:00 am 2008 Secret #1 SECR2508X Faces FACE2508A Head-On HEAD2508A Terra TERR2508A Heavy Metal In Baghdad HEAV2508A 2:00 pm A Tribute to Ben Kingsley TRIB2508F Chris & Don: A Love Story (1:15 pm) The Edge of Heaven (1:30 pm) EDGE2508A Sita Sings the Blues (1:30 pm) SITA2508A Love and Honor (1:15 pm) HONO2508A *includes Elegy screening CDON2508A SUN 4:00 pm It Always Rains on Sunday ITAL2508A Everything Is Fine (4:15 pm) EVER2508A The Last Mistress LAST2508A Opium: Diary of a Madwoman Loos Ornamental (5:00 pm) LOOS2508A (4:15 pm) OPIU2508A 5/25 7:00 pm Sexy Beast (6:00 pm) SEXY2508A Dream Boy (6:30 pm) DREA2508A Up the Yangtze (7:15 pm) UPTH2508A The Fall (6:30 pm) FALL2508A King of Ping Pong (6:45 pm) KING2508A Movie, or An Introduction... MOVI2508A 9:00 pm Patti Smith: Dream of Life PATT2508A Fantastic Parasuicides FANT2508A The 3 Little Pigs (9:45 pm) 3LIT2508A Camille (9:30 pm) CAMI2508A Vexille (9:30 pm) VEXI2508A Who’s Afraid of Kathy Acker? WHOS2508A 11:00 am Boy A BOYA2608A Fantastic Parasuicides FANT2608A Nocturna NOCT2608A Terra TERR2608A 3 Minute Masterpieces 2008 3MIN2608Z 2:00 pm Transsiberian (1:30 pm) TRAN2608A Dream Boy (1:30 pm) DREA2608A Heartbeat Detector (1:00 PM) HEAR2608A The Children of Huang Shi (1:30 pm) King of Ping Pong (1:15 pm) KING2608A CHIL2608A MON 4:00 pm My Effortless Brilliance MYEF2608A The Wrecking Crew WREC2608A Up the Yangtze UPTH2608A Still Life (4:15 pm) STIL2608A Hair: Let the Sun Shine In HAIR2608A Dust (5:00 pm) DUST2608A 5/26 7:00 pm Fly Filmmaking Challenge 2008 (6:30 pm) Breakfast with Scot (6:30 pm) BREA2608A Cochochi (6:45 pm) COCH2608A Sita Sings the Blues (6:45 pm) SITA2608A The Greening of Southie (6:30 pm) Milky Way MILK2608A FLYF2608A GREE2608A 9:00 pm Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter PVC-1 PVC12608A Mermaid MERM2608A A Man’s Job MANS2608A Cafe de los Maestros CAFE2608A We Want Roses Too WEWA2608A S. Thompson GONZ2608A 4:00 pm Breakfast with Scot BREA2708A The Greening of Southie (4:30 pm) Juju Factory (4:30 pm) JUJU2708A Michou d’Auber MICH2708A Unfinished Sky (4:30 pm) UNFI2708A GREE2708A TUE 7:00 pm Mongol (6:30 pm) MONG2708A They Killed Sister Dorothy THEY2708A The Pope’s Toilet POPE2708A The Song of Sparrows SONG2708A Romeo & Juliet (6:45 pm) ROME2708A Loos Ornamental LOOS2708A 5/27 9:00 pm Blood Brothers (9:30 pm) BLOO2708A All Will Be Well (9:30 pm) ALLW2708A On the Wings of Dreams (9:15 pm) The Art of Negative Thinking (9:30 Faces (9:45 pm) FACE2708A The Past and the Present PAST2708A ONTH2708A pm) THIN2708A 4:00 pm Patti Smith: Dream of Life PATT2808A They Killed Sister Dorothy (4:30 pm) Cochochi (4:30 pm) COCH2808A Camille CAMI2808A California Dreamin’ (Endless) CALI2808A THEY2808A WED 7:00 pm Katyn KATY2808A Foster Child FOST2808A Juju Factory JUJU2808A Michou d’Auber (6:30 pm) MICH2808A Emmanuel Jal: War Child (7:15 pm) Casting a Glance CAST2808A WARC2808A 5/28 9:00 pm A Wink and a Smile (9:30 pm) WINK2808A Slingshot (9:30 pm) SLIN2808A Ploy (9:30 pm) PLOY2808A The Home Song Stories (9:15 pm) Jar City (9:45 pm) JARC2808A Eat, for This Is My Body EATF2808A HOME2808A 4:00 pm Blood Brothers (4:30 pm) BLOO2908A Song Sung Blue (4:30 pm) SUNG2908A One Hundred Nails (4:30 pm) ONEH2908A Mongol MONG2908A Ain’t Scared (4:30 pm) AINT2908A THU 7:00 pm Kiss the Bride KISS2908F Ask Not ASKN2908A Bigger, Stronger, Faster* BIGG2908A Mister Foe MIST2908A ShortsFest Opening Night SHOR2908A We Want Roses Too WEWA2908A 5/29 9:00 pm Bad Habits (9:45 pm) HABI2908A Butterfly Dreaming (9:15 pm) BUTT2908A The Art of Negative Thinking Let the Right One In (9:30 pm) AUGU2908A August (9:30 pm) LETT2908A Portraits in Cinema PORT2908A (9:30 pm) THIN2908A 4:00 pm Kiss the Bride (4:30 pm) KISS3008A Ask Not (4:30 pm) ASKN3008A Bigger, Stronger, Faster* (4:15 pm) On the Wings of Dreams (4:30 pm) The Look of Love (4:30 pm) LOOK3008A BIGG3008A ONTH3008A FRI 7:00 pm American Teen TEEN3008A Creative Nature CREA3008A Garden Party GARD3008A Captain Ahab AHAB3008A Friends & Lovers FRIE3008A 5/30 9:00 pm Savage Grace (9:30 pm) SAVA3008A Idiots and Angels (9:30 pm) IDIO3008A Time To Die (9:30 pm) TDIE3008A Ben X (9:30 pm) BENX3008A Strange Days (9:30 pm) STDA3008A Midnight Mirageman MIRA3008A 11:00 am American Teen TEEN3108A Butterfly Dreaming BUTT3108A Ploy PLOY3108A Let the Right One In LETT3108A The Family Picture Show 2008 FAMI3108A 2:00 pm Katyn (1:30 pm) KATY3108A Creative Nature (1:30 pm) CREA3108A Garden Party (1:30 pm) GARD3108A Young Adam (1:45 pm) ADAM3108A Truth or Consequences (1:30 pm) TRUT3108A SAT 4:00 pm A Wink and a Smile WINK3108A Idiots and Angels IDIO3108A 32A 32AA3108A Mister Foe (4:15 pm) MIST3108A All in the Family ALLI3108A 7:00 pm Newcastle (6:30 pm) NEWC3108A Son of a Lion (6:30 pm) SONO3108A Ain’t Scared (6:30 pm) AINT3108A Encounters at the End of the World Gay Lives (6:30 pm) GAYL3108A SEE SHORTS 5/31 ENCO3108A GHETTO, P. 37, 9:00 pm Young People Fucking (9:30 pm) YPFX3108A Shadow of the Holy Book SHAD3108A TBS (Nothing to Lose) (9:30 pm) Unfinished Sky (9:30 pm) UNFI3108A Wild Bunch (9:30 pm) WILD3108A TBSN3108A FOR REVIEWS. Midnight The Disappeared DISA3108A 11:00 am 2008 Secret #2 SECR0108X Son of a Lion SONO0108A Time to Die TDIE0108A Kung Fu Panda KUNG0108A The Ties That Bind TIES0108A 2:00 pm Newcastle (1:30 pm) NEWC0108A The Saga of Anatahan (1:30 pm) Savage Grace (1:30 pm) SAVA0108A Fighter (1:30 pm) FIGH0108A The Art of Memory (1:30 pm) MEMO0108A SAGA0108A SUN 4:00 pm Young People Fucking (4:30 pm) YPFX0108A Great Speeches from a Dying World TBS (Nothing to Lose) TBSN0108A Ben X BENX0108A Waking Dreams (3:45 pm) WAKI0108A SPEE0108A 6/1 7:00 pm One Hundred Nails ONEH0108A FLOW: For Love of Water (6:30 pm) Captain Abu Raed (6:30 pm) RAED0108A Strangers (6:30 pm) STRA0108A Once Upon a Time... (6:15 pm) ONCE0108A FLOW0108A 9:00 pm Bad Habits (9:15 pm) HABI0108A Go With Peace Jamil GOWI0108A Blind Mountain MOUN0108A Shall We Kiss? SHAL0108A Rare Gems from Pilot Animation Studios (8:30 pm) PILO0108A 4:00 pm Mad Detective MADD0208A Shadow of the Holy Book (4:30 pm) Blind Mountain (4:15 pm) MOUN0208A Strangers (4:30 pm) STRA0208A Alexandra (4:30 pm) ALEX0208A SHAD0208A MON 7:00 pm Song Sung Blue SUNG0208A Call Me Troy CALL0208A Island Etude (6:30 pm) ETUD0208A Magnus MAGN0208A Night Tide NIGH0208A 6/2 9:00 pm You, the Living (9:30 pm) LIVI0208A Billy Strayhorn: Lush Life (9:30 pm) Sparrow (9:30 pm) AUGU0208A Shall We Kiss? (9:30 pm) SHAL0208A August (9:00 pm) SPRR0208A BILL0208A 4:00 pm John Waters Presents…Cecil B. DeMented FLOW: For Love of Water (4:30 pm) Island Etude ETUD0308A The Song of Sparrows (4:30 pm) Captain Ahab (4:30 pm) AHAB0308A (4:30 pm) JOHN0308F FLOW0308A SONG0308A BENAROYA HALL 7:00 pm Fighter FIGH0308A 32A 32AA0308A Christopher Columbus, the Enigma TUE Mad Detective MADD0308A Mr. Big MRBI0308A John Waters Live (7:30 pm) WATE0308W CHRI0308A 6/3 9:00 pm Mirageman (9:15 pm) MIRA0308A Great Speeches from a Dying World A Lost Man (9:15 pm) LOST0308A Teddy Bear (9:15 pm) TEDD0308A Girl Sparks SPAR0308A (9:30 pm) SPEE0308A Egyptian Harvard Exit Pacific Place Uptown SIFF Cinema Moore Theatre 4:00 pm Encounters at the End of the World Billy Strayhorn: Lush Life (4:30 pm) Captain Abu Raed (4:30 pm) RAED0408A Late Bloomers (4:30 pm) LATE0408A Stalags: Holocaust and Pornography (4:30 pm) ENCO0408A BILL0408A in Israel (4:30 pm) STAL0408A WED 7:00 pm Good Food GOOD0408A This Way Up THIS0408A Huddersfield HUDD0408A Four Women FOUR0408A The Dark Horse (6:30 pm) DARK0408A 6/4 9:00 pm Go with Peace Jamil (9:15 pm) GOWI0408A The Disappeared (9:30 pm) DISA0408A Garage (9:30 pm) GARA0408A Sparrow (9:30 pm) SPRR0408A Magnus (9:30 pm) MAGN0408A 4:00 pm Call Me Troy CALL0508A Girl Sparks (4:30 pm) SPAR0508A Huddersfield (4:30 pm) HUDD0508A A Secret ASEC0508A Mr.
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