View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Elsevier - Publisher Connector South African Journal of Botany 2002, 68: 304–307 Copyright © NISC Pty Ltd Printed in South Africa — All rights reserved SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY ISSN 0254–6299 Passerina quadrifaria (Thymelaeaceae): a new species from the southern Cape and Little Karoo in South Africa CL Bredenkamp1* and AE van Wyk2 1 National Botanical Institute, Private Bag X101, Pretoria 0001, South Africa 2 HGWJ Schweickerdt Herbarium, Department of Botany, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Received 23 February 2001, accepted in revised form 5 October 2001 Passerina L. is an endemic southern African genus, with comosa occurring from the Kamiesberg of the Northern the exception of two species that have outliers in east- Cape Province to the Roggeveld, Witteberg and Klein ern Africa. The genus comprises about 20 species and Swartberg mountain ranges of the Western Cape four subspecies. P. quadrifaria Bredenkamp and Van Province, whereas P. quadrifaria is restricted to moun- Wyk is a new species occurring in the Karoo Mountain, tain ranges of the southern Cape and western parts of Langeberg and Southeastern phytogeographic centres the Eastern Cape Province. There are two morphologi- of the Cape Floristic Region. It is most closely related to cal forms of P. quadrifaria, the first form corresponding P. comosa C.H.Wright as the leaves and bracts of both to the general species description and a second form species are abaxially hairy. The most obvious diagnos- with slightly longer internodes, smaller leaves and the tic feature of the new species is the distinct four-ranked apices of the bracts more rounded. As the leaves of appearance of the leaves, which are decussate, imbri- these two forms are anatomically identical, they are not cate, sessile and spreading at an angle of ±45°. The given formal taxonomic status. species have complementary nonoverlapping ranges, P. Introduction Material and Methods This paper forms part of a monographic study of Passerina Passerina material from the following herbaria was studied: L. (Bredenkamp and Van Wyk 1999, 2000, 2001a, b) in BOL, G, GRA, M, NBG, PRE, TCD. Extensive field work was which four new species and four new subspecies have been conducted and live material of the new species was collected added to the existing 16 species (Thoday 1924, Goldblatt and preserved in formalin-alcohol-acetic acid (FAA) (Table 1). and Manning 2000). With the exception of P. montivagus Leaves and flowers were fixed and stored in a 0.1 M phos- Bredenkamp and Van Wyk, the new taxa are all endemic to phate-buffered solution at pH 7.4, containing 2.5% formalde- the Cape Floristic Region. Under the heading ‘Incertae’, hyde, 0.1% glutaraldehyde and 0.5% caffeine [modified Thoday (1924) discussed certain specimens mostly from Karnovsky fixative; Karnovsky (1965)]. Leaves preserved in mountain summits, pointing out their possible relationship to the modified Karnovsky fixative, as well as from rehydrated P. comosa C.H.Wright as well as to other species and con- herbarium material, were used for the anatomical study. cluded that further field work might shed more light on their The light microscope (LM) was used for general leaf identity. In the present study these specimens proved to be anatomical as well as epidermal studies. Methods used to a new species, morphologically distinct from P. comosa and prepare semithin transverse sections and cuticular prepara- geographically isolated from it. Weimarck (1941) considered tions are described by Bredenkamp and Van Wyk (2000). The P. comosa as a ‘north-western endemic’ within the Cape scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to study the flora and this is confirmed by the present study. The new leaf surface (including epicuticular waxes), and to verify the species is restricted to the mountains of the Little Karoo and structure of the cuticular membrane (Bredenkamp and Van southern Cape. The presence of an abaxial indumentum of Wyk 2000). The transmission electron microscope (TEM) was the leaves and bracts in the new species has led to its con- used for the study of the structure of mucilaginous epidermal fusion with P. comosa, but it can be distinguished from the cell walls in the leaf (Bredenkamp and Van Wyk 1999). latter by evidence from leaf anatomy (Bredenkamp and Van Wyk 1999, 2000, 2001a) as well as floral morphology Species Treatment (Bredenkamp and Van Wyk 2001b). Passerina quadrifaria Bredenkamp and Van Wyk, sp. nov., P. comosae C.H.Wright affinis sed ramulis foliatis abbrevi- South African Journal of Botany 2002, 68: 304–307 305 Table 1: Specimens of P. quadrifaria examined for anatomical and epidermal studies and used for illustration Collector Study Bredenkamp 1550–1553 External morphology, leaf anatomy, epidermal studies Esterhuysen 28006 Illustration, leaf anatomy, epidermal studies Esterhuysen 10734 Illustration, leaf anatomy, epidermal studies Schlechter 5846 Leaf anatomy, epidermal studies Stokoe 9302 Leaf anatomy, epidermal studies All specimens are housed at PRE atis, internodis perbrevibus. Folia decussata, imbricata, ad dimorphic diplostemonous, arising from rim of hypanthium; angulum 45° divergentia, sessiles; basis rhombea, dilatata, filaments of antipetalous whorl ±1.1mm and those of anti- accurate interordinata basibus foliorum nodorum proximo- sepalous whorl ±2.2mm long; anthers 0.7 × 0.2mm, sub- rum; cymbiformes, circumscriptione lineari-lanceolata; lami- basifixed, exserted, extrorse. Ovary superior, 1.6 × 1.0mm, na inverse ericoidea, pagina adaxialis concava, setosa, pag- placentation parietal, unilocular, with 1 pendulous ovule lat- ina abaxialis convexa, foliis juvenibus tomentosa; apex erally attached near top of ovary. Style separating laterally rotundatus; margines ciliati. Bracteae cymbiformes, circum- from top of ovary, reaching beyond hypanthium rim. Stigma scriptione ovatae vel late ovatae; lamina adaxialiter conca- ± globose, penicillate (wind-pollination). Fruit an achene with va, comosa, abaxialiter convexa, sparsim pubescens ad pericarp membranous and dry, 2.5 × 1.2mm, enveloped by tomentosa, ± tricostata utrinque costae, coriacea persistent, loosely arranged hypanthium, breaking up at rugosaque, in marginem membranaceum expansa; basis neck base due to dehydration and twisting of tissue, result- cuneata; costa excurrens apicem rotundatum vel subacutum ing in shedding of sepals and androecium. Seed broadly faciens; margines ciliati. Flores papyracei, tempore pollina- fusiform with outgrowths at both micropylar and funicular tionis luteo-rosei, postea rubescentes vel brunnescentes. ends, tegmen black and shiny; endosperm formation TYPUS. — Eastern Cape, 3324 (Steytlerville): Uitenhage nuclear, but later becoming cellular throughout. District, Groot Winterhoek Mountains, Cockscomb, rocky Conservation status: not threatened (IUCN Species Survival ridge, (–BD), 30 Nov. 1958, Esterhuysen 28006 (PRE, holo.; Commission 1994). (Figure 1). BOL, K). Low, often slender shrubs up to 1m high. Stems grey- Leaf anatomy brown, cork roughly fissured, with yellow-brown scabs sur- rounding leaf scars; indumentum yellowish and villous at Leaf inverse-dorsiventral, epistomatic. Outline in transverse growing point, tomentose between leaf bases, flaking off section (ts) carinate to transversely elliptic. Lamina width with cork on older branchlets; leaf-bearing branchlets short- 810–880µm, midrib in ts 380–430µm. Adaxial epidermis with ened, nodes congested. Leaves sessile, decussate, imbri- cuticular membrane (CM) ±3µm thick, periclinal cell diame- cate, spreading at an angle of 45°, cymbiform, linear-lance- ter 15µm, anticlinal cell diameter 10µm; abaxial epidermis in olate, ±4.0 × 2.5mm; leaf base, dilated, rhombic, exactly fit- surface view tomentose to sparsely hairy, cells arranged in ting between other leaf bases at alternate nodes; lamina rows, isodiametric to slightly oblong, pentagonal to heptago- inversely ericoid, adaxial surface concave, setose, abaxial nal, 40–55(80) × (30–)40–50(–55)µm, CM smooth, with surface convex, tomentose in young leaves; apex rounded; small globular papillae or with several domes per cell, wax margins ciliate. Inflorescences comprising polytelic synflo- platelets scarce; CM 30–50µm thick, periclinal cell diameter rescences; main florescences and co-florescences spicate; 40–45µm, anticlinal cell diameter 60–95µm, cells large, axes villous. Bracts sessile, enveloping flowers and fruits, strongly tanniniferous, mucilagination minimal, outer pericli- largest after anthesis, decussate, imbricate, cymbiform, nal wall domed. Mesophyll: palisade parenchyma of 1 or 2 ovate to widely ovate, (4.5–)4.9 × 1.5(–1.8)mm; lamina layers of elongated cells, density 4 or 5 cells per 50µm; adaxially concave (inside), abaxially convex (outside), spongy parenchyma aerenchymatic. Main vascular bundle comose on inside, sparsely hairy to tomentose on outside, bordering on palisade parenchyma (leaf structural type B3, ±3-ribbed on each side of main vein, coriaceous and rugose, Bredenkamp and Van Wyk 2001a), ovate in ts, vascular tis- extending into a membranous rim; base cuneate; main vein sue often enveloped by 2 or 3 layers of parenchyma adaxi- extending into a rounded or sub-acute apex; margins ciliate. ally and by ample sclerenchyma tissue abaxially. Bundle Flowers hypogynous. Floral envelope constituting hypanthi- sheath adaxially of 2 or 3 layers of isodiametric
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