SouthernPacific Coast-Baja California Chet McGaugh,Robert McKernan (Riverside), Rogers,Mike San Miguel, Michael I. SanMiguel, Grant B. Weyburne, Douglas R. Willick Bob Miller (BMi), David L. Moody, Joseph PaulSaraceni, Jeff Seay (JeS), Joyce Seibold (JoS), (Orange),Jeff Williams (JWi), JohnC. Wilson Morlan,Brennan Mulrooney (BMu), Stephen J. GregE Smith,Susan Smith (SSm), Bob Steele, (Kern),Shauna Wolf (SWo),Chris Wood, Joseph Myers,Leo Ohtsuki,Dennis Parker (DPa), Jim SusanSteele (SSt), John R. Storrer,Mary Beth Worley (JWo),Thomas E. Wurster,Roger H. andDebby Parker (J&DP), Robert Patton, Dave Stowe,Emilie Strauss,Brian L. Sullivan, Gerald Zachary,Kevin J. Zimmer. An additional25+ Pereksta(DPe), JamesE. Pike, JonathanH. L. Tolman,Larrry D. Tripp,Stan Walens (SWa), observerswho could not be individually Plissner,Tim Plunket,Molly Pollock, Geoffery L. RichardE. Webster,Walter Wehtje (Ventura), acknowledgedsubmitted reports this season. Baja California Abbreviation: U.A.B.C.S. (Universidad AutGnomade BajaCalifornia Sur). Peninsula CORMORANTSTHROUGH GULLS An ad.Neotropic Cormorant at Ojo deAgua, e. Ensenada of La Purisima,26 Oct ('•FMR et al.) represents T•juana/ Mexic•li the3rd peninsular record n. of BahiaMagdalena. .Sani•'••,e• Leye•del•e•'rr• Southerlywaterfowl at Lagunasde Chametla (La [owor[q[o//•xL]•. e•lJ• Paz sewageponds and vicinity) includedup • Plain•,Ou•tm / to 5 GreaterWhite-fronted Geese9-29 Oct (RC ElR• .•xCatavifiaBahia • et al.) and one Lesser Canada Goose • _ •/LosAngeles IslasSanBenitos %• •- BAJA (taverneri/parvipes)29 Oct-30 Nov (RAEet al.). IslaCedros'• < kC•.IFORNIA SwainsonsHawks winter primarily in South America,so up to 19 roosting--andprobably wintering--inCiudad Constituci6n 26-29 Oct (RAE,vt. RAH) wereunexpected. Among few previouspeninsular records, 2 were w. of Ciudad Insurgentes26 Feb 1994. AlthoughCrested Caracarasare seen regularly n. to around GuerreroNegro, one just s. of Villa JesfsMaria San0•6 d•l •ab0 ] 22 Oct (KLG et al.) was the first seenin B.C. since 1994. The identification of a richardsoni Richard A. Erickson LSA Associates egionalcoverage wasbetter than ever this sea- Merlin at GuerreroNegro 22 Oct (•-KLGet al.) 20 ExecutivePark Suite 200 son,yielding 14 new state records, five new to wasrelatively straightforward; it was the first for Irvine,California 92614 the Region.Unprecedented numbers of vagrant B.C.S.The identificationof PeregrineFalcon ([email protected]) passerineswere found, mostly in Eucalyptustrees subspeciesis generallyconsidered more prob- infestedwith sugarylerps covering the larvaeof lematic.A juv. showingthe characteristicsof Robert A. Hamilton small insects.With the insectshaving spread tundriuswas at RanchoSan Josede Castro6 Oct 34 RivoAlto Canal southto at leastBahia Tortugas (no significant (SNGH, RAH). LongBeach, California 90803 infestationswere found in the Cape District), Severalcalling Clapper Rails at EsteroSan ([email protected]) birdershave found it worthwhile,if unaesthetic, Gregorio28 Oct (RAE,RAH) wereat a newloca- to checkstands of sicklyEucalyptus for lerp- tion for the species.Golden-Plovers are rarely Eduardo Palacios fueled wanderers. Webster termed it "some of the recordedin the Region;this season's only report Ecologia,Centre de Investigaci6n Cientifica bestdisgusting birding possible:' was of 2 Americans at Bahia Asunci6n 17 Oct y Educaci6nSuperior de Ensenada Hurricane Juliettecrossed southern Baja (REW).Lagunas de Chametlahosted a number Miraflores334, Fracc.Bella Vista CaliforniaSur 27-30 Sep and moved up theGulf of interestingshorebirds: an ad. Semipalmated LaPaz, Baja California Sur of Californiabefore dissipating in centralBaja Sandpiper21 Aug (first for B.C.S.;GB et al.; 23050 Mexico California on 2 Oct. Storm-driven waifs went *U.A.B.C.S.);a latejuv. Baird's Sandpiper 29 Oct (U.S.mailing address: unrecorded,but abundantrainfall apparently (RAE,RAH); singlejuv. PectoralSandpipers 9 P.O.Box 434844 promptedopportunistic nesting by various land- Oct (first for the La Paz region;RC et al.; SanDiego, California 92143-4844 birdsin BajaCalifornia Sur: Common Ground- *U.A.B.C.S.)and 26 Oct (RAH, RAE); a juv. ([email protected]) Dovesat Ciudad ConstituciGn29 Oct (RAE), CurlewSandpiper 25 Oct-3Nov (firstRegional CostasHummingbirds east of SanIgnacio 24 Oct and 2nd Mexicanrecord; •-RAE, vt. RAH, I.S,GB; Roberto Carmona (KLG),and Cactus Wrens near San Gregorio 28 *U.A.B.C.S.);and an ad.Stilt Sandpiper 25 Oct- DepartamentodeBiologia Marina Oct (RAH). 1 Nov (first confirmed record for B.C.S.;vt. UniversidadAutdnoma de Baja California Sur We welcome Roberto Carmona to our editori- RAH, RAE,LS, GB; *U.A.B.C.S.).Gulls in unex- ApartadoPostal 19-B al teamthis season. He is part of an activegroup pectedplaces included an ad. Heermann'sat La Paz,Baja California Sur, Mexico of biologistsin the La Pazarea whose contribu- Catavifia22 Oct (KLG et al.), ad. Yellow-footeds ([email protected]) tionswe look forward to in comingyears. on the Pacificcoast at SanJuanieo (2) andEstero VOLUME 56 (zoo2), NUMBER 1 109 San Gregorio(9) 28 Oct (RAE, RAH), and a sitesfrom Arroyo Hondo southward 24-26 Oct worn ad. Black-leggedKittiwake one km s. of (RAE,RAH, KLG et at.). We suspectthe latter TodosSantos 27 Oct (KLGet al.;presumably left speciesis now residentin the s. Cape District, overfrom the previousflight, cfi N. A. B. 55: althoughunrecorded Mar-Sep. Three Western 483). Kingbirdsin n. B.C.S.in Oct wereovershadowed by an EasternKingbird at BahiaAsunci6n 6-8 PIGEONSTHROUGH THRUSHES Oct (SNGH, vt. RAH) and a Scissor-tailed An imm. Band-tailedPigeon at Rancho E1 Flycatcherat SanJuanico, B.C.S. 28 Oct (RAE,vt. Descanso12-15 Oct (JEPet al.) representsone of RAH). few lowland recordsin the Region.Ruddy Vireos were representedwell with 4-5 Ground-Doves were recorded in record num- PlumbeousVireos noted in Oct;possible nomi- bers.A female at Catavifia9 Oct (SNGH, vt. nate(eastern) Warbling Vireos at BahiaTortugas RAH),a pairat Bahiade Los Angdes 21 Oct(ph. 7 Oct (I'RAH, I'SNGH) and Santiago25 Oct M&GF), and an ad. male at SantaTeresita, B.C.S. (RAH,RAE); Philadelphia Vireos at PuntaBanda 13 Oct (:[MSM)were n. of previousRegional 10-15 Oct (vt. RAH, RAE), ManeaderoPlain 10 records. Birds at seven locations from La Oct(?RAH, SNGH), and Guerrero Negro 23 Oct ThisRed-breasted Sapsucker at BahiaTortugas 7 Purisimasouthward 25-30 Oct (RAE,vt. RAH) (first for B.C.S.;ph. tKLG et at.); a Red-eyed October2001 was the firstfor BajaCalifornia Sur. included a flock of 50+ at Villa Morelos 26-29 Vireo at E1Sauzal, B.C. 10-11 Oct (vt. RAH et Photographfrom digital video by RobertA. Oct. A Long-earedOwl at La Salina21 Oct at.);andYellow-green Vireos at BahiaTortugas 7 Hamilton. (REW) waspresumably a fall migrant,the first Oct (SNGH) and PuntaBanda 10 Oct (SNGH, such record for the Region. A Common vt. RAH). The peninsnla'sfirst Winter Wren 17 Sep-18Oct (tDSC, tMJI, vt. PEW et at.) Nighthawkflying s. alongthe beachs. of El recordcame from Catavifia19 Oct (tREW). A includedthe firstfor B.C.S.:Guerrero Negro 5 Socorro,B.C. at dawn on 20 Oct (tREW) was Townsend's Solitaire at Catavifia 19-21 October Oct (•RAH, SNGH); RanchoSan Jos• de Castro heardwell and seen in silhouette.The speciesis (REW et at.) wasat low devationand wasas far 6-7 Oct (SNGH,vt. RAH);and Bahia Tortugas extremelyrare as a migrantin California,and s.as ever recorded on the Region's mainland. An 18 Oct (REW). The peninsula's3rd Yellow- thereare no previousRegional records. A female AmericanRobin at GuerreroNegro 23 Oct throatedWarbler, at Boca de San Jacinto,B.C.S. Xantus'sHummingbird at Cadej•28 Oct (RAE) (MUE, KLG) furnishedone of few recordsfor 24 Oct (vt. tRAH, RAE),belonged to the more was at a new location for the species. B.C.S.^ VariedThrush near Ejido Zarahemla 15 expectedrace, albilora. An earlyimm. male Pine Woodpeckersmade news with a Lewis's Oct (vt. RE'W)was in the northwest,where small Warblerforaging in lerp-infestedEucalyptus on Woodpeckerat San Ignacio24 Oct (first for numbersoccur with someregularity in fall and the ManeaderoPlain 11 Oct (•JEP,•MSM) was B.C.S.;tKLG et at.);Williamson's Sapsuckers at winter. the firstto be confirmedon the peninsula.Six E1 Rosario 15 Oct (REW), Catavifia 19-22 Oct PrairieWarblers 17 Sep-30Oct (?REW,vt. RAH (REW, ?KLG et at.), and Rancho San Jos• de WARBLERSTHROUGH BLACKBIRDS et at.) was a healthysum, whereas7 Palm Castro6-17 Oct (SNGH, vt. RAH, REW); 3 Red- TennesseeWarblers were unusuallyplentiful, Warblersin B.C.9-31 Oct was, if anything,a bit napedSapsuckers on the MagdalenaPlain 27 with 16 or 17 foundduring 5-20 Oct (vt. RAH, low.A Bay-breastedWarbler at PuntaBanta 14 Oct (RAH, RAE);a Red-breastedSapsucker at vt. REWet at.).Two Virginia's Warblers at Punta Oct(•REW) was the 3rd for B.C.and the penin- BahiaTortugas 7 Oct (firstfor B.C.S.;vt. RAH, Banda19 Sep(RAH et at.) werethe onlyones sula.A flood of BlackpollWarblers poured •SNGH); and a Downy Woodpeckerat E1 recorded,while a totalof 5 Lucy'sWarblers 18 throughcoastal areas 18 Sep-23Oct, 15 being Descanso3 Oct (RAH, SNGH). Reportsof Sep-14Oct wasmore than expected. Northern recorded in B.C. and 3 in n. B.C.S. Black-and- Northern Flickers in n. B.C.& were undocu- Parulas were found at Bahia Asunci6n 6 Oct whiteWarblers, which winter regularly in B.C.S., mentedand the species remains unconfirmed in (:[RAH,SNGH), Bahia Tortugas 7 Oct (SNGH, werecomparatively scarce, with up to 22 birds the state. RAH), E1Socorro 9 Oct (SNGH, RAH), and on aboutevenly split between the two states 19 Sep- A Yellow-belliedFlycatcher at RanchoE! theManeadero Plain 11 Oct (MSM, JEP), bring- 30 Oct. American Redstarts were more abun- Descanso18 Sep (ph. •MJI, tDSC, vt. ?RAH) ing the number of fall recordsto 10. Five dant,with 23 in B.C.18 Sep-30 Oct (mostprob- wasthe 2nd recordedin B.C.and the Region. Chestnut-sidedWarblers found 19 Sep-23Oct ablymigrants) and 24 in B.C.S.5-30 Oct (many Noteworthyrecords of congenersincluded Least included2 in B.C.S.:Rancho San Jos• de Castro presumablywintering).
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