•>«* Sectidn^VIII DIRECTORY OF THE STATES ANE^ TERRITORIES 1. State and Territorial Pages, 2.' Rosters of State Officials and Difectory of State Legislators N «:r V .- • : //: • : - •• :• •'.'•S' 1 Sjiate and Territorial Pages HE following pages present individual summaries on the several Tstates and territories. Included are listings of certain of the execu­ tive offitials; the Chief Justices of the Supreme Courts; officers of the legislatures; and members of the Commissions on Interstate Coopcr- ationVj Each page concludes with a brief set of statistics for the state concerned. Figullres on general revenue and expenditures were, furnished in most cases by the United States Bureau of the Census, which coordinates data from states to compensate for variations in terminology and record \, t^- procedures, thus rendering the figures more nearly comparable. Like- vvise," Census Bureau figures of state populations are used. Most of the data on the following pages, however, was provided directly by agencies of the states themselves. Rosters of administrative officials classified by functions and a directory of state legislators follow these state and territorial pages. ^' >«• r' 444 \ \ ill ^ STATE AND TERRITORIAL PAGES 445 THE STATES OF THE UNION-HISTORICAL DATA Dale ^ Date Chronological Organized Admitted Order of as to Admission state Capital Source of State Lands Territory Union to Union Alabama Montgomery Mississippi Territory, 1798(a) • March 3. 1817 Dec. 14, 1819 22 Arizona.... Phoenix Ceded by Mexico. 1848(b) Feb. 24. 1863 Feb. 14. 1912 48 Arkansas... Little Rock Louisiana Purchase, 1803 March 2. 1819-^ June 15. 1836 25 California Sacramento Ceded by. Mexico, 184§,;.. • (c) Sept. 9. 1850 31 Ck>Iorado... Denver Louisiana Purchase, f8d3(d) Feb. 28. 1861. Aug. 1. 1876 38 Connecticut. Hartford Royal charter, 1662(e) Jan.-9. 1788(f) 5 Delaware..., Dover Swedish charter, 1638; English Dec. 7. 1787(f)~ 1 charter 1683(e) Florida. Tallahassee Ceded by Spain. 1819 March 30. 1822 March 3, 1845 27 Georgia. "Atlanta " Charter, 1732, from George II Jan. 2. 1788(f) • 4 to Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia(e) Idaho Boise Oregon Territory, 1848 March 3. 1863 July 3, 1890 43 Illinois Springfield Northwest Territor>-, 1787 Feb. 3. 1809 Dec. 3. 1818 21 Indiana Indianapolis Northwest Territory, 1787 May 7. 1800 Dec. 11, 1816 19 Iowa lies Moines Louisiana Purchase, 1803 June 12. 1838 Dec. 28, 1846 29 Kansas...: Tqpcka Louisiana Purchase, 18.03(d) May 30. 1854 Jan. 29, 1861 34 Kentucky.. I'Yankfort Part of Virginia until admitted , (0 June 1, 179A^ 15 as State Louisiana. Baton Rouge' Louisiana Purchase', 1803(g) March 24.. 1804 April 8, 1812 18 Maine.... Augusta Part of Massachusetts until (c) March 15, 1820 23 .admitted as State Maryland. .Annapolis Charter, 1632. from Charles I April 28, I7S8U) to Calvert(e) MassachuseFts. Boston » Cliarter to Massachusetts Bay Feb. 6, 1788(0 Company, 1629(e) :Michigan ... Lansing Northwest Territory, 1787 Jan. 11. 180.S Jan. 26, 1837 - 26 Minnesota St. Paul •. Northwest Territory. 1787(h) March 3. 1849 May 11. 1858- 32 Mississippi Jackson Missis.-;ippi Territory(i) April 17, 1798 Dec. 10, 1817 20 Missouri Jefferson City Louisiana Purchase, 1803 June 4, 1812 .Vug. 10, 1821 ^ 24 Montana Helena Louisiana Purchase. 1803(j) • May 26, 1864 Nov. 8, 1889 41 Nebraska Lincoln Louisiana Purchase, 1803 May 30, 1854 March 1. 1867 37 Nevada Carson City Ceded from Spain. 1848 . March 2, 1861 Oct. 31. 1864 36 New Hampshire. Concord Grant from James I, 1622 and June 21. 1788(f) 9 1629(e) ' New Jersey Trento l Dutch settlement. 1618; Eng­ Dec. 18. 1787(f) lish charter. 1664(e) New Mexico. Santa "Fe Ceded by Mexico. 1848(b) Sept. 9, 1850 Jan. 6. 1912 47 New York... Albany Dutch settlement. 1623; ^ng- July 26. 1788(f) •41 lish control. 1664(e) North Carolina. Raieigh Charter, 1663, from Charles 11(e) Nov. 21, 1789(f) 12 North Dakota.. Bismarck Louisiana Purchase, 1803(k) March 2.. 1861 Nov. 2, 1889 39 Ohio Coiumbus Northwest Territory, 1787 „ (c) Feb. 19, 1803 17 Oklahoma Oklahoma City Louisiana Purchase, 1803. May 2. 1890 Nov. 16, 1907 46 Oregon Salem Settlement and treaty with Aug. 14, 1848 Feb. 14, 1859 33 Britain. 1846 Pennsylvania... Harrisburg Grant from Charles, II to Dec. 12. 1787(f) William Penn. 1860(e) Rhode Island... Providence \ Charter^ 1663, from diaries 11(e) May 29. 1790(f) 13 South Carolina. Columbia ' Charter, 1663, from Charles 11(e) May 23. 1.788(f) South Dixkota.. Pierre \ Louisiana Purchase, 1803 March 2. 1861 Nov. 2. 1889 40 Tennessee...... Nashville \ Part of North Carolina uiitil (c) June 1, 1796 16 admitted as State Dec. 29, 1845 28 Texas Austin Republic of Texas, 1845 (c) -^ •.. Utah.... Salt Lake City •\ivCede d by Mexico, 1848 Sept, 9. 1850 Jan. 4, 1896 45 Vermont. Montpelier From lands of New Hamp- (c). March 4, 1791 14 \ shire and New York Virginia Richmond Charter, 1609, from James I June 25, 1788(f) 10 to London Conipany(e) Washington... Olympia Oregon Territory. 1848 March 2, 1853 Nov. lirl889 42 West Virginia. Charleston Par^ of Virginia until admitted (c) June.20,.1863 35 asxState Wisconsin.. .* Madison Northwest Territory, 1787 April 20, 1836 May 29, 1848 30 Wyoming ^ . Cheyenne Louisiana Purchase, 1803(d,j) July 25. 1868 July 10, 1890 44 Alaska: Juneau Purchased from Russia, 1867 Aug. 24. 1912 Guam Agana Ceded from Spain, lg98 Aug, 1. 1950 Hawaii Honolulu Anne-xed, 1898 June 14, 1900 Puerto Rico... San Jiian Ceded frdm Spain, 1898 March 2. 1917 July 25, 1952(1) Virgin Islands. Charlotte Amalie Purchased from Denmark. January 17. 1917 (a)v.By the Treaty of Paris. 1783, England gave up claim to (e) One of the original 13 colonies. L„ the 13 original colonies, and to all land within an area. (0 Date of ratification of U. S. Constitution. extending along the present Canadian border to the Lake (g) West Feliciana District (Baton Rouge) acquired from of the WQpds. down the Mississippi River to the 31 st Spain, 1810, added to Louisiana. 1812. parallel, east to the Chattahoochie, down that river to , (h) Portion of land obtained by Louisiana Purchase, 1803;- the mouth of tne Flint, east to the source of the St. Mary's, (i) See footnote (a). The lower portion of Mississippi was down that river to the ocean. Territory west of the Alle- al.<*n acquired from Sp.iin in 1813. ghenies was claimed by various States, but was eventually (j) Portion of land obtained from Oregon Territory, 1848. all ceded to the Nation. Thus, the major part of Alabama (Ic) The northern portion and the Red River Valley was was acquired by the Treaty of "feris, but the lower ix)r- acquired by treaty with Great Britain in 1818. tion froiri Spain in 1813. ^It - t'J On this date Puerto Kico Ijccame a self-governing common­ (b) Portion of land obtained by Gadsiri^Purchase. 1853. wealth by compact approved by the-United States Con­ (c) No territorial status before adraissiofrHo Union. gress and the voters of Puerto Rico as provided in U. S. (d) Portion of land ceded by Mexico, 1848. Public Law 600 of 1950. 'V>^--.r:.....T-.yf ALABAMA ^. , .The Cotton State Bird........... Yellowhammer jTheYellowhammerState Song ^,. Alabama Motto ... We Dare. Defend Our Rights . Entered the Union ''=td#fiy Flower .... Goldenrod , December 14, 1819 Capital City..........Montgomery •y- OFFICERS Governor............ GoRDOff PERSONS Lieutenant Governor. .JAMES B. .ALLEN Secretary of State. MRS. AGNES BAGGETT Attorney General ..... Si GARRETT. State Treasurer . SIBYL POOU State .Auditor JOHN BRANDON State Gomptrollcr...... .JOHN GRAVES ALABAMA SUPREME COURT Chief Justice....... .J. ED LIVINGSTON : Six Associate Members . GOVERNOR HON. D. W. HODO GORDON PERSONS Chairman of the Commission on Interstate Cooperation LiEGISLATURE :, President of-the Senate. JAMES B. ALLEN President Pro Tern of the Senate > Speaker of the House....... ROBERTS H. BROWN ... ..\. ^ ALBERT BOUTWELL Clerk of the House ROBERT T. GOODWYN, JR. • . ' Secretary of the Senate J. E. SPEIGHT- •. •-•.'..' • ' - ^ . COMMISSION ON INTERSTATE COOPERATION Administrative Members Senate Members House Members D. W. HODO,^Chairman LAWRENCE K. ANDREWS KARL G. HARRISON JOE L. COLEMAN J. H. FAULKNER HUGH KAUL BILL JDORROUOH THOS. A. JOHNSTON III IRA P. PRUITT JOE M. EDWARDS J. T; PHILLIPS (2 vacancies) .W.J. TERRY E;. W. SKIDMORE -7 . • . Ex-officio Hbnorary MemberTH E GOVERNOR STATISTICS Area (square miles) 51,078 Capital City...'. Montgorfiery Rank in Nation .27th Population (1950) ..*... .106,525 Population (1952*) ;....;......3,051,000 Rank in State,., ,.... 3rd Rank in Nation 0952*) ;.....-.... .17th Largest City. .. .Birmingham Density per square mile (1952 *). 59.7 Population (1950) .326,037 Number of Representatives in Congress 9 f Number of Cities over 10,000 Population 20 Fiscal Year 1952 (ended September 30, 1952): Number of Counties.. .........:. .67 General Revenue S319,991,100 J General Expenditures....... .#.$311,769,385$ •Population'estimates as of July 1, 1952, subject toirevision. tAs allocated on basis of 1950 population figures. JB . State University........ .University of Alabama tFigures furnished by Alabama Legislative jLeference Site. Tuscaloosa Service. ^ ff" • 446 •/ ARIZONA Nickname. The Grand Canyon State Bird. ..>............ .Cactus Wren Motto.. .Ditat Dem (God Enriches) Song, .Arizona Flower .Saguaro Cactu^ Entered the Union February 14,1912 ^^ Capital City Phoenix OFFICERS Governor. .^ . HOWARD PYLE Lieutenant Governor None Secretary of State WESLEY BOLIN Attorney General....... .Ross F. JONES State Treasurer. .J. W. KELLY State Auditor JEWELL JORDAN ^ ARIZONA SUPREME COURT Chief Justice M. T. Phelps Four Associate Judges HON. HUBERT O. MERRYWEATHER GOVERNOR •™—Gliairman of the Arizona HOWARD PYLE Legislative Council V LEGISLATURE President of the Senate Speaker of the House JOHN C. SMITH, JR .....;.. .HUBERT O. MERRYWEATHER Clerk of the House .MRS. LALLAH RUTII Secretary of the Senate.. MRS. MAYBELLE CRAIO I ARIZONA LEGISLATIVE COUNCi;[i . .. -— (Functions as Committee ion Interstate Cooperation) .
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