THE WESTFIELD LEADER LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIMCUUTED WEEKLY NEWSHVEM IN UNION COUNTY PN1NTH YEAR—No. 35 Entered as Second Clung Matter Pout OBice, WeBtfl«l*, N. J. Published WESTFIELD, NEW JEESEY, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1948 Every ThurHd ield Audit Annual Garden littees Naned Club Flower The Junior High School PTA I. R. Jones program, which includes a fash- Show June 1 ion show under the direction of j Miss Catherine SheafTer, an ex- Chestnut St. Job Reports To hibit of art work under the direc- Almost 100 ClatM* tion of Miss Ann Fehl, and a dis- Approves PHKIUMC fade Monday play of the shop work—mechanical Open to Amateurs drawing, painting, metal working, Of New Cadillac rning at YM OfThbArea and woodworking—under the di- rection of Harold L. Brooks, Allen Ambulance For T< thomas Boy Jones, exec- Stalks and Harold Benedict, will ird chairman of the Com- Under th* direction of Mri. Har- The La Fera Contracting Ca. al old Brooki, plans have been com- be held on Tuesday, May 24, at IRelations Committee, to- 8:16 p. m. instead of on the ear- Newark, with a low bid of **V Vinced the names of those pleted for the annual Spring Flow- 668.70, was awarded th* contract er Show of the Garden Club of lier date announced. sene on the seven com- for improvement of Chestnut atmt Westfield, which will be held in the In addition to the above pro- . • the Westfteld audit. The from St. Marks avenue to Fi Masonic Temple June 1 from 3 to gram the seventh grade science | ayenue b thfi Town Cound| prill be centered upon how 9 p. m. practices democracy in room and conservatory will also be i , • h't Th^ .„,„,• i. '. open. Parents of sixth grade pu-1 of housing, employment, There will be a wealth of mate- 1(1 r pile are invited to attend this meet- . ... ^ Sublie facilities, recitation, rial to suit all garden enthusiast!, ing and to visit these exhibits. way Commission, which will wpfly land education. Data will whether in the Acid of horticulture, most «t the ,funfls for tb* fc JOHN i. llaMOIS Refreshments are to be preparepp d Vted by volunteers, with flower arrangements, educational Final approval for tha |tion of the committees. exhibits, junior exhibita and attrac- by the cooking classes under the of a new Cadillac ambulance at s udit will have three sepa- tive displays by local exhibiting direction of Miss Kathryn Rumble price of »ti,0O0, was voted. Than tses: 1, Gathering statis- florists, including Vance, Doerrer St Pauls to and Hiss Katherine Taylor. The was no objection to the proaaaaj. |nterpreting these facts; 3, and Sons, Williams, McEwen Flow- ninth grade cooking class will Delivery is expected in about tw Photo by Hob Harris serve refreshments at the conclu- g remedies if intolerance •aM after ah«w In ••4ll«rlaa ers and Wettftcld Flower Growers. months. ered. Mrs. Jones einpha- The following schedule and en- Have Curate sion of the program. Two offers to purchaas taw* . the croup will deal with tering rules have been released by owned tax title property wara a#» as the people of West- the committee for the show, the John DuBois Named proved, subject to better offara ba> t them dealt with. A pre- College Men Plan Traditional Senior Day at WHS theme of which is "Living With 159 at Dinner fore the meeting of May S3 report on the first phase Flowers:" To Church Post two others were denied. nade by the seven chair- Annual Dinner Gnwinl rulet: Classes are open were those of Antonio Ap la meeting in the YMCA May Continue, Foose Declares to, all amateurs in vicinity of John S. DuBois, 23 Wendell For Town Council of Grove street of 11630 for ey at 11 a. m. place, Clark Township, will come lots at 935 and 041 Columbia ava. Rumors that Senior Day, traditional Westfield Senior High School WestHeld. An exhibitor is permit- brship of the committees Perrhie to Speak ted only one entry in each data. to St. Paul's Episcopal Church as Meigs Honored nue and of Thomas Colaplatra at [Housing, E. R. Beckwith, spring event, will be discontinued for future classes was denied today curate in June, following his grad- First street of 1750 for a lat at by Robert L. Foose, principal. This,report was circulated after the All adult entries must be entered h, Dr. James Byrd, Miss At June Meeting between 9 a. m. and 11:30 a. m. uation this month from General For Long Service 940 Columbus avenue DCBM waft t Douglas, James Gentles Senior'Day show in the auditorium Friday afternoon was cancelled Theological Seminary in New the offers of Charlai 1. Angala af by Mr. Foose because of what was said to be variations from the on the day of the show and may Nicholas A. Giuditta, Mrs. Arrangements have been com- not be removed before 9 p. m. that York, Rev. Frederick W. BlaU More than 160 members of the Park street of $2520 for Manning, Robert Messer- pleted by Dr. Brad N. Craver, pro- approved skit and violation! of evening. All exhibits ire entered rector, told his Sunday morning Westfleld Business Association and adjacent to.the Sun Oil Co. an agreement made by the class. Hark Richardson,' Lars J. gram chairman, for the Westfleld at owner's risk. congregations. Mr. DuBois will the Town Republican Committee ert_vy, o„.n. Sout„ h OTavenu e _,„and, _of, ^_' _ Mr. and Mrs. C. F. College Men's Club annual dinner, The show, however, was continued be ordained a deacon by the Rt. I attended the testimonial dinner for j f. Brown of Gai wood of |4M far Flower Show In the horticulture specimen Education, Mrs. George which will be held at Echo Lake on the Washington School grounds. Rev. Wallace J. Gardner, Bishop j the Mayor and Council at Echo j l t at 462 Edgewobd avefliM, classes, all specimens must be a o n, chairman, Mrs. N. M. Country Club on Tuesday, June 14 Festivities of Senior Day were of the Episcopal Diocese of New Lake Country Club Friday night. grown by the exhibitor; no exhibi- A request from residtnta af His. C. D. Seaman, Mrs. at 7 p. m. begun in the morning when seniors Jersey, in Trinity Cathedral, Tren- Return J. Meigs, who will retire Winners Named tor is permitted on the show room Massachusetts street tit ii fcallow, Mrs. J. F. Thomas, paraded across the stage in com- ton, this Saturday at 10:30 in the from the Council after eight years Frank A. Epps, president, has floor before the opening of the tiion of a street light there, K. Wood, Miss J. I. Dodds, petition for awards furnished by morning, Mr, Blatz said. of service, this year, was present- secured as speaker Dr. J. 0. Per- show and collections must not con- referred to the street lighting « [ Bittner and Mrs. F. P. Crowd At Wilson the class. Judges included Mr. The new curate, who will be 38 ed with a fountain pen by the two rine, assistant vice president of tain more than one stalk of flores- mittee, Installation of a light oa) Foose, Miss Isabelle DorMs, guid- in August, is a native of Plain- groups sponsoring the dinner in the American Telephone & Tele- School Event cence of any one variety and will Downer street was approved. ance counselor; Weyman 0. Steen- Md, the son of a prominent sur- appreciation of his "unselfish serv- graph Co., whose subject will bo be judged for caliber and number Final approval was voted an or« grafe, class adviser and social geon. He is a graduate' pf Loonua ice to the community." Mrs. 'James Byrd, "New Horizons in Communica- A large number of parents and of varieties. Collection should con- dinance which/requires that exca- studies instructor. School, Windsor, Conn., and ot Rev. Robert S. Skinner, minis- , Mis. M. Bernard Bern- tions." garden enthusiasts attended the tain not more than eight or less vations be built on or Ailed In Princeton, class of '32, where he ter of the Presbyterian Church, Winifred Debbie, Mrs. The College Men's Club is pres- Woodrow Wilson School flower Awards included: than three blooms or sprays. All within 90 days after being made. majored in modern language*. speaker of the evening, called for Rev. J. L. McCorison ently providing scholarships for show Tuesday afternoon and eve- Most timely, Betty Jean Smith specimens should be labeled. The application of E. R. Crew, i Suzanne Waynes. Eni- four Westfield men,at Brown, Cor- ning in the school auditorium. The as "Derocher," "John L. Lewis," Following his graduation from the end of the shirking of duties trading as the Crow Machine Co., Classes open to amateur garden- , Joseph L. Conley, chair- nell, Williams and Yale universi- exhibit, sponsored by the PTA, George Edwards, Al Wanamaker, Princeton, he spent several years as citixens if the American way of to construct a Geiger pataaUi ers are: Rotei, hybrid teas, 1, am J. Carson, Charles ties. The club has been giving attracted many entries, all arrang- Brock Brower, Paul Davis and Ray operating: Rim-Rock Ranch, a dude life is to be preserved. building at 408-416 North a< white, one bloom; 2, light pink, one , Mrs. Elizabeth David- these annual scholarships for 30 ed by the pupils, and is rapidly Peck. ranch at Waptlti, near Cody, Wyo., G. Franklin Windfeldt, toast- east, was approved. bloom; 3, dark pink, one bloom; 4, W. F. Gow, C. E.
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