RNELL VOLUME 43 NUMBER WORK STARTS IN PREPARATION FOR OLIN HALL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING—SEE PAGE 2.18 ALUMNI NEW: JANUARY 30, 1941 It's Easy To Visit Ithaca Overnight From NEW YORK and NEWARK or Junior READING TERMINAL, PHILA. Eastern Standard Time WESTWARD Light type, a.m. EASTWARD Read Down DarLSUΓkK type, p.mp.m.. Read Up 11:05 t10:10 ί10:45 Lv. New York Ar. 8:10 8:20 11:21 t10:25 ί11:00 " Newark 7:54 8:04 11:20 t1O:35 t10:35 7:45 8:10 OI " " - " Phila. 6:49 7:48# 7:27 Ar.lTHACA Lv. '10:30 12:15 Enjoy a Day or Week End In Ithaca 6:49|° 8:02|# 7:41 Lv. ITHACA Ar.l 10:12 12:15 Week! 9:50|°11:35|#11:10 Ar. Buffalo Lv.| 6:45 9:20 7:25 11:03 " Pittsburgh 10:30 11:40 7:15 5:20 Cleveland 12:30 2:15 8:30 12:30 Ar. Chicago Lv. 8:00 tDaily except Sunday. °Daily except Monday. XSunday only. ^Monday only. 1 New York sleeper open to 8 a.m. at Ithaca, and at JUNIOR PROMENADE 9 p.m. from Ittuica Air Conditioned DeLuxefioaches, Parlor, Sleeping, Club Lounge and Dining Car Service. "Midnight in Manhattan" 10:30 — 3 •VALLEY RAILROAD FEBRUARY 7 THE ROUTE OF THE BLACK DIAMOND BARTON HALL BENNY BOB GOODMAN CHESTER ICE CARNIVAL CASCADILLA TENNIS COURTS BLY HANDY FEBRUARY 6 Opening through its own passage- way directly into Grand Central Terminal, the Hotel Roosevelt of- fers you perfect convenience on your arrival in New York . And because of its location at the heart of Manhattan's great mid-town sec- tion, it affords the same kind of "COEDIQUETTΓ convenience for all outside activi- ties . Doubly handy and doubly A PRESENTATION OF THE enjoyable . Attractive rooms MUSICAL CLUBS with shower, $4.00-with tub and 8:30 shower, from $4.50 HOTEL FEBRUARY 7 ROOSEVELT BAILEY HALL BERNAM G. HINES, Managing Director MADISON AVE. AT 45th ST., NEW YORK Direct Entrance to Grand Central Terminal Please mention the CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS ELL ALUMNI NEWS Subscription price $4 a year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August VOL. XLIII, NO. l6 ITHACA, NEW YORK, JANUARY 30, I941 PRICE, 15 CENTS TRUSTEES ELECT COLLYER was also elected a director of the Cornell JUNIOR WEEK PROMISES Appoint New Professor Research Foundation, Inc. Gay Party February 6-8 The University Board of Trustees at A University committee on fine arts Floodlighted and decorated fraternity its meeting January 18 elected John L. was appointed, comprising Trustees houses—girls at houseparties, tea-dances, Collyer '17 a Trustee, for the unexpired Harry G. Stutz '07, chairman, and Jervis dinner dances, sleigh-rides, and all-night term of the late Henry R. Ickelheimer Langdon '97; Dean Gilmore D. Clarke dances-—an intercollegiate ski meet in '88, through June, 1945. '13 and Professor John A. Hartell '2.5, the Caroline hills and an Ice Fantia on Collyer is president of the B. F. Good- Architecture; Dean Robert M. Ogden the flooded Cascadilla tennis courts— rich Co., Akron, Ohio, elected in Sep- 00, Arts and Sciences; and Professors the Musical Clubs' show "Co-ediquette" tember, 1939, after having been in Morris G. Bishop '14, Romance Lan- in Bailey Hall—the Junior Prom "Mid- England nine years with Dunlop Rubber guages, and Frederick O. Waage, His- night in Manhattan" in Barton Hall— Co., Ltd. He joined the Dunlop Tire & tory of Art and Archeology. Dramatic Club plays in the Willard Rubber Co., Buffalo, in 1913 as vice- Report was made to the Trustees that Straight Theater—and a program of ath- president; went to England in 1930 as the University Faculty had elected Pro- letic events that includes basketball with works director of the parent firm, be- fessor Karl M. Dallenbach, PhD '13, Pennsylvania, a wrestling meet with Yale, came controller of manufacture in 1^2. Psychology, to the Board on Physical hockey, fencing, and polo—all these are and managing director in 1936. Education and Athletics for three years in the plans for Junior Week February He rowed on the Cascadilla School beginning January 1, 1941, succeeding 6-8. Professor Hubert E. Baxter Ίo. Election crew and stroked the Freshman and two Full page in the Sun has announced a was also reported of Professor Hazel Varsity crews, and became coach of row- novel prize contest which will award all Hauck, Home Economics, to the Board ing as a Senior during Mr. Courtney's travelling expenses to and from Ithaca on Student Health and Hygiene for three illness. He represented Cornell as a and tickets to the Prom to the two years from January 1, 1941, succeeding steward of the Intercollegiate Rowing Junior Week "dates" who submit, in Professor Julian P. Bretz, History. Association from 1931-37, and while he twenty-five words or less, the best rea- was in Buffalo served two years as a sons why they have accepted invitations director of the Cornell Alumni Corpora- PHILADELPHIA WOMEN to come. Contest forms are due in the tion. He was a member of the Alumni Seventy-five members of the Cornell hands of the Prom committee February 3. Corporation committee which surveyed Women's Club of Philadelphia, Pa., at- "She'll Be Smooth as Satin At Mid- the University's athletic situation in tended a Founder's Day luncheon January night in Manhattan" is the slogan this 1919-30, and is one of the committee of 11 at the Bellevue-Stratford. Gertrude year. Barton Hall will be decorated Fri- five which is now engaged in raising M. Goodwin '31, president of the Club, day night to represent a Metropolitan funds for development of sports facili- introduced Helen E. Perrell '2.5, who de- roof, with the New York sky-line around ties. Collyer received the ME in 1917; scribed and showed motion pictures of the walls behind the fraternity boxes, was president of the Student Council; is her summer in South America. and Benny Goodman's and Bob Chester's a member of Chi Phi and Quill and bands playing from giant top hats at the Dagger. MUSIC SALES HEAVY end of the dancing floor. Patrons and To the Faculty the Board appointed The Alumni Office has ordered its patronesses will include President and Dr. Thomas G. Bergin as Professor of fourth shipment from the manufacturers Mrs. Day and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Romance Languages and Curator of the of the new phonograph records made by Rogers of Shaker Heights, Ohio, parents Dante and Petrarch collections, succeed- the Glee Club and of the Chimes which of the chairman of the Prom committee, ing the late Professor George L. Hamil- it has been selling to Cornellians since Edward A. Rogers '42.. ton, who died last September. Professor last October. Some orders are now being Campus interest in the Musical Clubs Bergin received the BA in 192.5 and the held awaiting arrival of the new stock, show, "Co-ediquette," resulting from its PhD in 192.9, at Yale. He was instructor but so far 4500 records have been sold. Christmas trip success, has flamed to of Italian at Yale for five years until 1930; Most sales have been in sets of the three such heights that last week the manage- the next five years, associate professor of recordings—two by the Glee Club and ment reported all seats in Bailey Hall Italian and Spanish at Western Reserve one of the Chimes—reports Pauline Bird, had been reserved for the Junior Week University; and since 1935 has been pro- who is in charge of this department of performance February 7. Hope for late fessor of Romance languages at the New the Alumni Office. They have been sent comers remained, however, in the state- York State Teachers College in Albany. all over the United States and to Hawaii, ment that seats which were not paid for Member of Phi Beta Kappa and several Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. In by February 1 would then be put on sale, learned societies, he has published ex- the two weeks before Christmas, about and that some undoubtedly would be tensively on Italian literature, as author 900 records were disposed of, and now available. Besides the title operetta by and editor. reorders are coming in and orders from Richard H. Lee '41, the Junior Week New Faculty representatives on the those who have heard the recordings in show will include new and different Board of Trustees, elected by the Uni- the homes of other Cornellians. songs by the Glee Club, led by Ray- versity Faculty, are Professor G. Watts Along with the rush of business in mond W. Kruse '41, new specialties, and Cunningham, PhD '08, chairman of the shipping records, orders are now begin- the Instrumental Club, led by Irving R. Department of Philosophy, to serve five ning to mount for the new songbook, Merrill '41, with new music. More years to January 1, 1945, and Professor Songs of Cornell, recently published. members of the Clubs will take part than R. Clifton Gibbs '06, chairman of the Favorable comments received from those made the Christmas trip, 100 men being Department of Physics, to January 1, who have seen the book, Miss Bird says, rehearsed by Directors Eric Dudley and 1946. They succeed Professors Donald indicate that its sale will surpass even George L. Coleman '95. English, Economics, and George H. that of familiar Cornell music for the Ice carnival will be Thursday night, Sabine '03, Philosophy.
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