. wi-tr, '‘.T.'?’^: . nf ' .''ll , 7 ,'!■■'': '■ 'i f ■! The Weather * i-»- * ' iSfe A ^ Average Dafly Net Press Ran ronoMl o6 C. a. ftaMB PAGE tW ENIT Tor tha Wook Endod lEoTning 1|gralii 1 N 5 . 'S. Edwin Edwards, Manchester TTie Ladles of the Assumption the Metropotttan Opera audl; will receive communion in a tions in 19M. 14,119 Civil Defense director, will at­ He played the tenor lead In About Town tend a training course Sunday group on Sunday, April 4, at the Tenor Sings ■feor oC tha A aat 8 a.m. Mass at the chiuch. A “Little Mary Sunshine,” which tMO of CtroalotkM ManehMter-^A City of VUtage Charm through Friday, April 2, at was produced by the Mark Th« «gceeuttv» board of Brooklyn, N.Y. The course is breakfast will be served at Ft- ano's Restaurant, Bolton at 0:10. With Gvic Twain Masquers of Hartford,, diaznlnade ^ualeal Club will sponsored by the Department and was soloist with the Hart­ oa Poga 16) PRICE SEVEN CENTS of Defense, and Department of Tiokets may be obtained after MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1965 meet Tueaday at 7:80 pjn. at every Mass on Sunday or from Roger lioucks, tenor, of West ford Festival of Music at Lin­ HOUSE &, HALE VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 180 (TWELVE PAGE&—TV 8 E(7nON) the home of Mrs. George W. C. the Army at the office of Clvli coln Center, New York City, Defense at tbs Eastern Train­ Mrs. Irene McNally, 6 Morse Hartford, will be a soloist Hunt, 88S Charter Oak 8 t Mrs. Rd., by April 2. when they presented Bach’s B Ben Huck will serve as co­ ing Center. Wednesday, April 14, at the Minor Mass. second concert this season of host* Mlantonomoh Tribe will honor The singer is a partnership Members of the Perennial the Manchester Civic Orchestra. associate of Putnam, Coffin and MANCHESTER Reds Shift E ^ n t s Planters Garden Club will meet Rowland Rockwell, past great a t Briaget’s Rosary Society isachem of the tribe, at a tes­ Vytautas Marijosius is director Burr, Hartfoixi A Manchester wlU meet tonight at 8 at the Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the timonial dinner on Sunday, May of the orchestra. resident for many years, he House Okays Leaders in W. P. Quieh Funeral Home, 225 home of Mrs. Raymond John­ 10, at the Garden Grove, Kee­ The tenor was educated in now resides in Glastonbury MTein St, and recite the Ros­ son, 09 Baldwin Rd., to make In Stq,te Alabama May Press ney St., and not on May 6 as Manchester Schools, was a for­ with his wife and two children. ary for Mrs. Kenneth Monroe, May baskets. Those attepding was printed in error in yester­ mer student of G. Albert Pear­ Tickets for the concert may Crof atoter of Mrs. J. Bldward Mc- are reminded to bring staplers, day’s Herald. son, and is currently studylhg be purchased from Mrs. Robert G>ntrol Keever, a member of the so- scissors and glue. at the Hartford Conservatory Breer of 78 Princeton St., or a t Brothers Held slety. VFW Auxiliary will sponsor the door the night of the oen- You are invited Aid to Schools MOSCOW (AP) — The The VFW Department quar­ a card party tontyhf. at S'at the oert. _______ .A; Soviet Union announced I i F S h o o t i n g •me Senior High Baptist terly meeting v ^l be on Sim­ post home. Students will be admitted plans Friday to combat Youth Fellowship of Communi­ day at 2 p.m. at the Devon free by ticket only, and chil­ Post, 422 Naugatuck Ave., Dev­ WASHINGTON (AP)—The House overcame bitter what it called "serious Of Policeman ty Baptiat Chunch wSl meet The Rev. K. Ejnar Rask of dren of patrons will be admitted to preview the Uifost bickering last night to pass the controversial $1.3 billion For Murder Charge Simday at «:16 pjn. for a short on. free without tickets when ac­ shortcomings and errors in business meeting and then pro­ Trinity Covenant Church wrlll companied by parents. school aid bill. _ ,, us__ agricultural management Airman S.C. William C. Bak have a worship service Sunday addition to the total NEW HAVEN AP) — ceed to South Methodist Church The 268-153 vote gave President Johnson his biggest during the past few MONTGOMERY, A I k to aes the film, 'Tklru.’’ er of 69 S. Hawthorne St., at 2:30 p.m. at Green Lodge' Two brothers were charged recently graduated with honors Convalescent Home. legialativa victory of tha ■ “ * —— years.” It put new men in (AP)—Alabama may s«k look in fashion — a now ■ion. today with assault with in from the technical training oaU the group Into cloeed sea top government and Com­ tent to murder in the shoot­ first degree murder indi^ course for U.S. Air Force auto­ The Young People’s Society hat department {ust Tho party lineup: 228 Damo- Sion at the earliest convenient munist party posts to carry motive repairmen at Chanute of Zion Evangelical Lutheran crats and 36 RopubUcona for the time, poealbly next week, to ing and stabbing of an off ments against four white Throw ’Em INSULATION measure; 07 Democrats and 96 start voting on i t them out. men — called Ku Mux Air Force Base, 111. He is be­ Church has canceled its meet­ The main feoturee of the new duty policeman. DONT Away ing assigned to a Continental ing for Sunday night due to the brimming with th# Riepubilcans against. The bill then will have to The policeman, Joseph Mc- Klansmen by President Air Command unit at Windsor The bill, aimed primarily at clear the full Labor and Public program are a massive invest-, Alplne, so was attacked while Lenten Service of Capital Wal- . helping school districts which ment in form mechanization Johnson—who are charged attn plenty of wear left in Lochs, Conn. He is a graduate ther League Zone at Christ Lu­ W. H. ENGLAKD latest Spring stylos. Welfare Oommlttee. he was trying to break up i yonr shoes when yon have of Manchester High School. oerva children from impover­ Morse sold he believes the and higher payments to farmers fight ih a barroom, police said with conspiracy in the am­ theran Church, Hartford. ished fomiUes, now moves to House version wlU be generally without price increases to con­ them rebnUt In a professional LUMBER C O . Famous name hat Held In Heu of $50,000 bond bush slaying of a Detroit the Senate where Democratic acceptable and that he will re­ sumers. each were Alfred Chisholm, 84, shoo repair shop. ALL 3088 Laurie G. Chapman, The executive' board of the leader^Mike Mansfield of Mon- sist any major amendments The Communist pariy’s firat civil rights worker. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ern­ Ladies of the Assumption will "At the OrMa” 649-5201 stylos ••all priced tema predicts quick action. secretory, Leonid I. Bredinev, of 691 Dlxwell Ave., and Rafe If the evidence warranti, WORK OUABAMTEED! est G. Chapman of 440 Keeney that might endanger chances Chisolm, 36, of 98 Lilac Ave. meet Monday at 8 p.m. in the House oiqmnents used psrUO' tor its passage. who presented the program to McAlplne was reported in fair "I’m going to insist that we St., has recently been pledged' Church of the Assumption with truly special mentory devices and ttme-con- Spemsors ol Uie legislation the poriy’e Oemtrol Oommlttee, to the Gama Beta Chapter of condition at Grace-New Haven get a first degree murdar SAM YULYES School library. sumlng 'votes to delay final OC' piodiot that at least 90 per cent sold the money would come Hspitol’s intensive care imlt. indictment,” State Atty. Delta Zeta at the University of savings. Uwi. _ _ of the nation’s 26,991 school dis­ from “redistribution within the Same Side Aa Wstldas Ooimectlcut. A sophomore at the At one polnL Rep. CSiarleaB tricts wUl benefit from H. date budget." Police said McAlpine,a Ham­ (^n. Richmond Flower* college where she is majoring in Ronald P. Scott, assistant den resident, stepped in when 28 OAK STREET superintendent of schools, has Roger Loacks Gooden. R-N.T., bl»rg«d: "TWa The major provision of the blU He also called tor "wider use said Friday night. mathematics, miss Chapman is Isn't golnf to bG an Gducauon ^utteiises $1.06 billion in aid of economic and moral incen­ he saw a fight going on at the If the evidence warrants, I vice president of her dormitory. hem appointed chairman of the with Hirnier Mowe. His teacher lT*m maImss Ha 4Ka rBilmBil I----- a #y\v*nvit1a Montrey Restaurant at 267 Dlx Mancheeter region for Boston act; iPs going to be the railroad next year baaed on a formula tives” in collective and state " I’m going to Insist th*tt we get at the conservatory is former act of 19*." ^ ^ ^ keyed to the number of children farms vritich he sold ’’ahotSd be w dl Avd* a first degree murder indict­ University’s 1965 Alumni An­ head of the 'voice department at As McAipine tired to break nual Giving Program. GoodeU also accused the od- in each district from families allowed greater Independence in ment, State Atty. Gen. Rich­ ■Yale University Schooi of Mu­ ministration forces of glossing with incomes of |2,000 or less. economic activities.” up the battle, a man left the mond Flowers sold Friday sic, and'Dj president of the New •ver the bUl’s impact on poro- And oddlUonal factor, added Brezhnev sold this would bar, got a 12 - gauge shotgun The MMnohester Council of night.
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