GREAT- GRIMSBY. LINCOLNSHIRE. [KELLY's Cemeteries (Borough), Doughty--- street k Scartho road, Shipwrecked Fishermen · & Marinen' Royal Benevolent John W. Ja(!kson, .clerk to the. burial board; Lewis Scciety ;- Horr:- Representative: Dradley, superintendent; office, Victoria street R. Stuar't· Back R.N.R. Mercantile Marine oftice. ·corn Exchange, Old Market place See advertisement . Cdunty Policl" Station, Brighowgate, Harry Osborn, supt. Stamp Office,_ 83 Victoria street, William Henry Win- & deputy chief const11 ble of county; I inspector,..- 4 tringham, distributor • tlergeant~ & 2I constables Tivoli Theatre of Varieties, Duncombe street; Curry'l! County . Court, His Honor -Sir George Sherston Baker Tivoli Theatre of Varieties Co. Limited, proprietors bart. judge; Cecil Roland Stephen, registrar & high Town Hall, Town Hall ~quare, Gco. E. Porter, hall kpr bailiff: Alfred William Pye, clerk; office, West St. :Mary's gate. The court is he~d monthly at the Town GRI~SBY UNION. hall: the lollowing parishes & ·places are included in Hoard day, every alternate monday at Institution,· at ."the district;:::_Ashby-cum~Fenby, Aylesby, Barnoldby· 2.30 p.m. le-Beck, Beelsby, Beesby, . Bishopthorpe, Bradley, The union comprises t~e following parishes & wwnships: Brigsley, Clee, New Clee, Cleethorpes, Great Coates, Ashby-cum-Fenby, Aylesby, Barnoldby-le-Beck, Reels- Little Coates, Great Grimsby, Grainsby, Hatcliffe, by, Bradley, Brigsley, Clee, Cleethorpes-witb-Thruns- Haweiby, Habrough, Healing, Holton:.Ie-Clay,_ Hum- coe, Coates (Great), Coates (Little), Great Grimsby, _berstone, lmmingham, Irby, Laceby, Wold Newton, Hahrongh, Hatcliffe, Hawerby-cnm-Beesby, Healing, East Ravendale, West Ravendale, Sca.rtho, Stalling- Humbel'S'tone, Immingham, Irby, Laceby, Ravendale . hnrough, Tetney,Thrunsco~,Waite,Waltham & Weelsby (East), Rayendale {W-est), Scartho, Stallingborough, This Court has also bankruptcy jurisdiction, & for bank- Waltham, Weelsby & WoHi Newton. The populatio11 ruptcy purpose!! includes, in addition, the ocunt court of the union in 1911 was 106,7o5 ; area, 47,254 acres; districts uf Darton-on-Humber, Brigg & Louth; John f raljlmble value, 31st March, 1918, £5I3,I75 Fildes Wintringham LL B.Lond. St. Mary's chambers, .f- Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Charles Jefis J.P. West St. Mary's gat..e, official receiver . 364 Cleethorpe road, Grimsby Certift~d bailifl"s under the" Law of Distress Amendment ClPrk to the Guardian~ & Assessment Com~ittee, John ..Act, 1:888 ": Jo~eph Dexter, Cleethorpe road; T. J. Fildes Wintringham LL.B.Lonrl. West St. Mary's gate -Savage, Freeman street; J. W. Harness, 87 Thesiger 1 TrP!Lsurer, Arthur HP.nry Leslie Melville, 62 Vicwria st street; Willi;:m1 C. Howard, New Wellington street; I Collectors of Pour Rates :-Great Grimsby, John Law- Fred William Riggsll, 27 Market place; Thomas 1 ming; Victoria street; Clee, Thomas Alfred Shackles, Hunter Shipman, SI Flottergate ;_ George Wlieatcroft, Parochial offices, Convamore road; Cleethorpes, Cha.l!. Ainslie stree!o; John Clarke-, Hainton avenue & Frank Cullurn, St. Peter's road, Cleethorpes .Kirby, :23 Osborne street · . Collector to the Guardians, Henry William Watson, St, Custom House, Cleethorpes road, hours Io to 4· Col- [ Mary's chambers, West St. Ma.ry's gate . · lector, Q. H. Watts-; Surveyors, G. Knott., C. Robert· I Relievin!? Officel'S :-No. I district, John Robert A.ppleby, tlOn & J. F. O'Callaghan; Clerical , Officers, W. J. I I3 Town Hall street; No. 2 district, G. J. Easter- Curt_i!'.. E. Harrison & F. Carter; Officers, M. J. 1 brook, 63. Wellingt()n street ... Grimsby; No. 3 district, Crowe, S. Audson, G. H. Glover, Joseph Crossley, Fred Skelton, 63 Park street, Cleethorpes Patriek Welby, C. Warner, F. Stoddart, D. C. Graham, f Vaccinat:ipn Officer, Geo. Padfield,87 Ainslie st. Grimsby G. H. Glover, S. Hudson, Joseph Crossley, William Medical Officers :-No. I district. Alexander Miller M.B., S. Best, C. N. Warnes & Percy S. ;Grimble; Chief B.C. South St. Mary's g3te, Grimsby;- No. ~ district, Preventive Officer, G. Keith; Preventive Officers, 'fhomas Barrowman M.B., G.M.Glas. Struan, Eleanor John Barry, D. G. Sullivan, W. Kitching, W. N. street, Grimsby; No. 3 district, William Henry Savery _Collishaw, J. C. Cowell, R. O'Malley & E. P. Madden L.S.A. Linda villa, St. Peter's road, Cleethorpet'l, En·i!!fants' Homer Royal DQck head Grimsby; No. 4 district, George Olipbant McKane F~lowship Ha:l, Watkin street, Wes~ marsh, James L.R.C.P.Edin., L.R.F.P. & S.Glas. Waltham; No. 5 _Wil1i3~ Eason, superi~tendent . district, George Edwyn Middlemist M.B.Dnrh.· Keelby, Fue Bngade (Corporation) Statwn, Town Hall, John Brocklesbv · ~ Stirling, chief officer; Zacry Woods, superintendent Public Vaceinator for No. I district, George SkeHon engineer; Henry Skelton, lieutenant & 21 men; the Stephenson M. D. Manor house,Br~howg-a:te,Grimflby; brigade possesses _two Mel!Yweather-Hatfield pu~ps-& No. 2 district, Algernon We;rt,lake M.B., C.M. 240 one motor fic-st a1d machme & fire esca:pe combmed; Hainton avenue; No. 3 district, Samuel George Arthur .{)nfl nrotor tender & one steam fire engme Jeffs L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. 356 Cleethorpe rd. Griin$hy; Fisher- Lad~' Institute, Or:well street, lsaac Miller, snpt No. 4 district, George Oliphant McKane L.R.C.P. Foresters' H1Il, Garibaldi street, Tom Steel, lee Edin., L.R.F.P.S.Glas. Waltham; No. 5 district, Geo. Freemasons' Hall, Osborne street • Edwyn Middlemist M.B.Durh. Keelby, Brocklesby Friendlv. SociPties' Hall, Lower Spring street,'. Thomas- ' The Institution for the Union on the Scartho road was l.'atC'hPtt, ball keeper erected in 1892, from the designs of the late Mr. Ernest Great Grim!'by Incorpo-rated Chamber of Commerce & W. Farebrother F.R.I.B.A. of Grimsby, & carried out Sh1pping. 11 ClPetborpe road; John R. Buckley, ~ec undrr the direction of Mr. H. C. Scaping, architect, of Grimsby & District H:1spital, South parade, WEst Marsh, Grimsby, at the cost, including site, of upwards of Ernest Cecil Burnett M.B., Ch.B Glas. Charles Byron £40,900: it will accommodate 394 inmates; AlgernoB rurner M.R C.S Eng., L RC.P.Lm;d: Alexander Westlake M.B. medical officer, 240 Hainton avenue; :Miller M.B., B.C Catnb. & Joshua W1lhamson M. B., A.rthur Reyner Williams, masteT; Mrs. Editb Maud Ch B.Vict., M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeons; George Lister WillijiDs, matron LD.S Edin. dental surgeon; Thomas Elaney, -house J GRIMSBY REGISTRATIOW DiSTRICT. surgeon; Ernest Benjamin •Chapman, sec.; Miss H. 1 Superintendent Registrar, John Fild~s Winttingl1am C. Ashley, matron LL.B.Lond. We.st St. MaTy's gate , Humhl' CnnsPrvancy Board & Pilot Office, 34a, Clee- RPO'}~trar of Birth~ & Deaths, Grrat Grimsby District, thorpe road, Herbert A. Sayer, collector. William Henry Wintringham, 83 Victoria street Inland RPvermP OffiPP, Cmtnm house, Cleethorpe road; Registrar of Marriages; Great Grimsby District, Samuel .A 1<11:ander Waddell, surveyor of taxes; John· F. Turner Haddelsey, Provincial Bank chambers, Clee- O"C1lhg-ban, surveyor; D. C. Grabam, officer thorpe rd.; deputy, Herbert Harding, ·88 Guildford st Km!!'s ·(late the TPmperanee) Hall, Cleetlwrpe road Lincolnshirtt Chamber of Agriculture (Grimsby Branch), PUBLIC OFFICERS. Old Market place, "Fredk; Wm. Riggall J.P. hon. sec Adm!ralty Surgeon, George Skelton Stephenson M.D. Mer.cantile Marine Office, Fish dock, Reginald Stnart The Manor house, Brighowgate Bank R.N R. ~uperintendent Certifying- Factory Surgeon, George Skelton StephensoB :Min!stry of Labonr Employment Exchange,. 17(j Clee­ M.D. M'lnor house, Brignowgate thorpe read, J. Rose, rranager ·clerk to Clee Joint Burial Committee, Henry Waudby OdnfP]low"• Hall. ViPt()ria stn>et Brown, 2 Freeman street - ' Pahre ThPatre of VarirtiPs, Victoria !'ltreet; Grimsby Clerk to the Commis~ioners of Taxes for Divisions of Palare Tl)ratre & Buffrt Limited. proprietors Br.adley HaverstrJe, John Lamming, 46 Victoria street PictnredromP, Railway street; Matthew Raymond, propr Clerk {() the Governou of Matthew Humbershme's Princ~ of W3les ThPatre. Fre.P.man 11t:; Prince of Wales Chgrities, at Clee & Humberstone, Bates & Mountain, ThPatl'l' Co. (GrPat Grim!lbv) I~imited, propril'tors 'l7 Bl'thlehem street Pnhlic Library, Victoria st.; David H ..Geddie, librarian Collectors of E:ing's Taxes, Waiter Waldram, II3 Vic­ Ro~al N:~tional LifPboat In!"titution (Grim~by branch),· toria. st-& George Thomas Waldram,62 Willingham st Tom Sureliti!l ~sq. chairman; Capt. H. B. Booth_by, Coroner for the Caistor District, Parts of Lind !ley, """bn"l. ~re Lifebot han11e, Fish Dock basin-; Richard .· Richard Mason, 97 Victoria .street: deputy, William Elijah Britton, coxswain ... ' Henry Rowell M.D., B.S., B~Hy., D.P.H.Durh. Belve­ -Bt.' .Anthony's Grimsby Orphanage. Viclor 11tre~~ dere, W elhcvme road .
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