MAY 23 -29, 2019 TheatreXP Brings “THE SUNSET LIMITED” to Summer Stage, Starring Melody G. Moore & Tammy Shanley! Florida Keys 3-11 • Upper Keys 12-13 • What's Happening 14 • Cover Story 17 • Real Estate 26 Photo: LARRY BLACKBURN • Cover: JT Thompson FLORIDA KEYS Conchs conquer at LAX districts BY KAILA KIRKPATRICK However, the season did not come The team, who practices every day, defi- KONK LIFE STUDENT WRITER without struggles. At the beginning of nitely showed their hard work. “This the season, they lost their first game. year we are practicing for two weeks he Key West High School varsi- They also struggled with a streak of los- ahead of the first tournament. We are Tty boys lacrosse team season was ing three games in a row before the boys also having three tournaments this year, one for the books. The Conchs ended left for spring break. “We had a unique which we never had done in the past. with a 10-7 record, with one of the season this year, difficult at times, but We just have to raise that work and the wins being the district championship great at others. We experienced situa- effort, keeping in mind that the stakes game. Not only were the boys district tions that humbled us, but those same are just that much higher.” champs, the varsity girls lacrosse team Max McMonigle (#27) hustles on situations also gave us the opportunity The lacrosse team has become a town also took home the title as well. the field, ready for action during and the experience that we can over- favorite through the past five years. The boys team began at the high the big game against Coral Shores. come the very same things that went Next season it is evident they will strive He believes that hard work and school five years ago, and through this dedication will bring the team to wrong, and it was through hard work to become regional champs. Now that time, they have had much success. As- victory. Photo by Emily Bracher and embracing the pain that came with their season is concluded, they will not sistant Coach Alberto Garcia states, “We that hard work,” Garcia explains. practice together until next year, and are at a point where the program has to four district championships in a row. Their regional game was against the seniors will graduate. However, put the most work and the biggest ef- We have to be ambitious enough to raise Gulliver Prep. Although the Conchs when next season comes, many feel the forts to move forward, as we have won next year’s goals and move forward.” lost, they still showed their potential. boys will not disappoint. n End of Season CLEARANCE SALE UP TO Going on Now! % OFF 75 SUGGESTED RETAIL EVERY DEPARTMENT KEY LARGO MARATHON KEY WEST 305-451-5700 305-743-4397 305-295-6400 MM 99 Median MM 50 Oceanside Searstown by Publix www.RoyalFurnitureAndDesign.com 2 www.konklife.com • MAY 23-29, 2019 K E Y N E W S Delayed Duval pocket park construction to begin June 1 BY PRU SOWERS a lease to take over the block-long street “We have worked for three months terfront Brewery, both located at the KONK LIFE STAFF WRITER that ends in the Atlantic Ocean, was in- to come up with a drainage [solution] historic seaport. That rate is currently vited to appear before commissioners to that we hope will have a shot at stopping set at 6.5 percent of gross revenues. hen Key West report on the project status. the flooding of the street,” Halpern told In return, Halpern agreed to pay WCity Commis- Halpern said the partnership, which commissioners at their May 7 meeting. the cost to convert the block to a pub- sioners voted to turn includes across-the-street neighbor Amidst concerns about giving con- lic promenade and install the storm the 1400 block of Du- Southernmost Beach Café, received a trol of city-owned property to a private drainage system, which he estimated val Street over to a pri- building permit on April 30 and ex- business venture, Halpern pointed out at $700,000 to $1 million. Halpern’s vate business group for a sidewalk café pects to start construction on June 30. earlier that the partnership is leasing partnership will use up to 15 percent last August, construction was expected The pocket park should be finished in the 11,000-square-foot block from the of the promenade as seating for patrons to begin in November. 60 to 90 days, Halpern said. The rea- city, not purchasing it, and the park of his food truck and customers of the Fast forward to today, six months son for the delay was because his team will be open to the public. The nine Southernmost Beach Café, which will later, and no visible work has begun on has been working with city building parking spots currently on the block sell take-out food. Halpern will be al- the pedestrian “pocket park,” leading and engineering department staff to will be eliminated. located 116 seats in the park while the to concerns from some residents as to design a storm water drainage system The contract calls for the partners to Southernmost Beach Café can place 44 what was – or in this case, not – going to stop the flooding that occurs on pay the same rate other companies pay seats for its customers. Alcohol will not on. As a result, Michael Halpern, owner the block regularly, along with piles of to operate a private business on city- be sold for consumption in the park. smelly seaweed that wash up at the end owned land, such as the Conch Re- of the Southernmost House and leader X Continued on page 8 of the partnership that has been granted of the block. public Seafood Company and the Wa- HAND-ROLLED CUBAN LEAF CIGARS POINT BREAK CIGAR FACTORY 3 LOCATIONS: • COHIBA • ROMEO Y JULIETA • MONTECRISTO 600 Duval • 921 Duval • 403 Greene • ROCKY PATEL • ARTURO FUENTE 305.295.6110 ~ All Brand Name Cigars ~ PointBreakCigars.com Hookas, Hookah Tobaccos, & Tobacco Accessories 3 www.konklife.com • MAY 23-29, 2019 may 23 - 29, 2 0 1 9 FLORIDA KEYS Published Weekly Vol. 9 No. 73 Take Stock in Children PUBLISHER/EDITOR Guy deBoer Graduation Celebration NEWS WRITERS Pru Sowers Key West, May 15 Terry Schmida PHOTOGRAPHERS he Monroe County Educa- Ralph DePalma, Bill Klipp, Guy deBoer Ttion Foundation will recog- nize the accomplishments and DESIGN celebrate the graduation of 51 Nand K. Pandey, [email protected] Take Stock in Children schol- ars on Saturday, May 25, 2019 PIXEL WRANGLER JT Thompson at 11:30 a.m. in the Marathon High School Auditorium. CONTRIBUTORS The Take Stock in Children Take Stock in Children Graduating Class of 2018 Jeff Johnson & Class of 2019 is a progressive Paula Forman class of distinction. Collectively, determination with our 2019 workshops and college tours. Short Answers Ian Brockway the 2019 TSIC scholars have tak- graduates, all of which led him Each scholar has met weekly Tropic Sprockets en nearly 200 AP courses and 70 successfully towards his life and with his or her volunteer men- Tammy Fox-Royer dual enrollment courses and have career goals. tor who has guided and encour- Florida Keys SPCA “We’re looking forward to aged him or her to reach his or Sylvia Bogart earned a 3.64 weighted grade Astrologically Yours point average. Nearly a third are celebrating the accomplish- her potential. Each scholar is Joanna Brady eligible for Florida Bright Fu- ments of these dedicated and now ready to take the next step, Reviewer tures and more than a third have hard-working Take Stock in to pursue his or her college goals earned industry certifications, Children scholars,” said Monroe and career dreams!” INTERN Divya Navani including the Mirosoft069 cer- County School Superintendent The Monroe County Edu- tification. Having received over Mark Porter. “And we welcome cation Foundation, established ADVERTISING 140 college acceptances, 63% of back Mr. Johnny Louis to share in 1996, is a Florida not-for- Jose DeLaRosa – 585.203.5156 the TSIC graduates will attend a his story of inspiration and suc- profit organization dedicated to Ashley Williamson – 410.999.4917 Florida university, 35% will en- cess with our Take Stock scholars enhancing and improving the 305.296.1630 ter a state college, and one will as they embark on the next phase educational experiences of stu- Advertising Deadline Every Friday enlist in the U.S. Navy. of their educational journey.” dents within Monroe County. In PRINT-READY advertising materials due by The 2019 Take Stock in Chil- The mission of Take Stock addition to the MCEF flagship Friday every week for next issue of KONK Life. dren scholars are ready to begin in Children is to provide op- program, Take Stock in Chil- Ad Dimensions portunities for a post-secondary dren, the foundation provides Horizontal and Vertical: their post-secondary journey Full, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/8 page, bizcard into college and towards a career! education to its financially and leadership development oppor- Ad Submissions This year the Monroe County academically eligible students. tunities and international travel JPG, TIFF, PDF — digital formats only Education Foundation is hon- Additionally, the Monroe Coun- experiences for qualified Mon- Send to [email protected] ored to welcome as our keynote ty Education Foundation pro- roe County students. Over 700 CIRCULATION speaker, TSIC 2011 alumni Mr. vides the TSIC Monroe students students from Monroe County Kavon Desilus ASSISTANT Johnny Louis. Louis pursued his with the tools and skills neces- have received scholarships since Ben Neff ASSISTANT studies at Florida International sary to complete a degree, diplo- the program was founded.
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