Roger Williams University DOCS@RWU Hawk's Herald Student Publications 11-18-2005 Hawks' Herald - November 18, 2005 Roger Williams University Follow this and additional works at: http://docs.rwu.edu/hawk_herald Part of the Education Commons Recommended Citation Roger Williams University, "Hawks' Herald - November 18, 2005" (2005). Hawk's Herald. Paper 49. http://docs.rwu.edu/hawk_herald/49 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Publications at DOCS@RWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hawk's Herald by an authorized administrator of DOCS@RWU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. What are the limits of Campus Art? Sarah Cournoyer "It wasn't about the topic; it was about Herald Staff the public presentation ofa topic with that word outside or on campus," said associate Lust week, posters placed around provost ofacademic affairs Jeffrey Martin. campus read "Can Masturbation be Art?" "It's the public relations aspect. Society However, days later, new posters for the has a hypersensitivity to the issue." same Socrates Cafe were changed to read a According to the organizers of the new topic, "What are the Limits of Art?" Socrates Cafe, the administration produced When Art Professor Ann Tait fIrst pro­ new posters after the origrnal posters had posed the topic to administration, they already been put up. were not opposed to putting up posters They told Blackburn what was being with that title around campus. They did done but said it was a pronouncement that protest, however, the sending of press was not up for discussion. releases outside of the Roger Williams ''111e University has always had cer· camplU with the word masturbation in the lain criteria about what we can and can't topic, so the organizers of Socrates Cafe put on posters of any kind," said suggested the similar title "What are the Blackburn. "II represents the institution Limits ofArt?" and they arc interested in good marketing According to Tail, the topic was rele­ for our college." vant based on a visitor who was known for Many students were upset about the his controversial work with art. Vito censorship ofthe poster. Accond, a performance and video artist, "We're mature adults," said Bill visited tbe Roger Williams campus last Doling. "We can handle the word mastur­ year. Because one of his most controver­ bation on posters." sial pieces involved masturbation, a stu­ While lOnny agree, some students can dent in one ofTait's classes asked if mas­ understand the need for the administration turbation could be considered art. 10 change the wording of the posters. Tait pointed out in her presentation "While I disapprove of any form o( that Aeeond pushed boundaries and said censorship, I can understand that there arc n-byM__ that "art should get in your space." events here in which children are on cam­ Posters advertising last week's Socrates Cafe discussion were changed by the adminis­ "I think the original question was pus, and potential students visiting, so trationjrom the topic on the left. "Should Masturbation Eller Be Considered Art?'" to appropriate," said professor of Philosophy administration wouldn't, want to have the less controversial topic on the right, "What are the Limits ofArt?"The topic incited Robert Blackburn. "II is, after all, a univer­ posters that say masturbalion arowul," said debatefrom students andjacufty alike. sity." See SOCRATES, p. 4 r Accreditation: So your degrees mean something 'Beth Kleiman Accreditation is required every 10 Herald Staff' years, and RWU is approaching the eight year mark. After eight years, the university conducts a 1W0 year self·study where it It is re-accreditation time for Roger evaluates its strengths and weaknesses, Williams University, and there is a lot of obtains input from the university commu~~ preparation required. Without proper nily, and closely examines all aspects of RWU accreditation, won'l receive any fed­ the university. the eral money. No federal money for uni­ The New England Association of versity means no financial aid. no student Schools and Colleges (NEASC) is the and loans, no work study, among other accreditation agency responsible for Roger things. For the large Dumber of students Williams University. This agency is also who depend in some way, on one or more responsible for the accreditation of every of these, the possibility of a failing grade scbool in Rhode Island, Connecticut, by "RWU to be re-accredited might cause Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, concern. and Vermont that awards bachelor's, mas­ University accreditation is necessary ter's, doctoral and associate degrees. for every school across the country. It To conduct the two-year self-study, a ensures that the school maintains high Steering Committee, made up of eight standards of education and meets require­ administration and faculty members, is ments in all areas including academics, formed. This committee oversees the 100 faculty, and finances. other members offaculty. slaffand admin­ Without accreditation RWU would istration from RWU, who are divided into receive no federal money. Also, any degree sub-commiuccs called Task Forces. grunted by the university would be mean­ SeeACCREDITATION, p. 8 ingless and invalid. In• this Issue• XboI360 Bathroom Graffiti Studeat Review WrestliDg [HIge 6 [HIge 7 [HIge 9 [HIge 11 ..- ...... -­ .. J ... _ ~ '. The Hawk's Herald· Friday, November 18, 200_.;5__ page 2 ....ileuM__....""'I'·IfutbII__ "From Bayside, ollt._ ........... I ••veao_ ....t I'. cobia to do .... ( leave IItn .f werry about me.ey ••d with Love" w1Idlle~ I'm IOlag 10 gel • Job. ('m ......g ........... aD tbe time. How "Dining Hall or Transfer?" "0 (stop ..b <nIZiD...? One of Ihe toughest daily decisions I not let il bother me, I just can't make the -Loon)' <Wer Uf< ' can remcmber having to make for the decision to nOI stand up for myself. majority ofmy college experience was Ihe I never went 10 the Dining Hall for r'--::;:=::---, choice between the anything except bnlllch, so screw Ihat Dear LooDy, D-Hall or Transfer. place and screw you 100, Mauhcw Smith. lib: • deep b~atb and calm down. Then. laIce a good look aro\Uld you IllId Although I haven't First ofall, I never asked that you love me" .11 of your fellqw claaamalea who are feeling the exact same way. bad to make that me, but while I'm on that Stlbjcct, I'm Every senior is reeling tbia (excepl !be filthy "cb ..... who will II.... oft' decision for about a sony you wasted all your time freshman mommy anddaddy for !be rest oftheir IIv..). Try DOl to Iatbia aetyou<o year and a half, I'm year on some girl who obviously dumped stressed. T.... a look .. y........... IllId your IIaIIaCripL _ '* tbiDga suddenly reminded you. However, what I do want from you is IookiaI'I Go to and RF up for Hawb HUD!. While dI<re, of it now as I sit on respect, and I'll tell you why. Chris Villano the cusp of making ....to • op«iali- 'I'beJ will edIl your ........ and help youdocicIe wbot Journalism students arc constantly field ia beat ....you. l1Io _ abo ¢fen Interview 101 and __- Herald Staff another hard deci. reminded every day that the field we've sion. chosen yields minimal profit. Basically, abops.1'IkiDs 1heae __your f\dure will mab ti& 10 times ...... To me, the Dining Hall always repre· our profcssoB tell us we're nOt going to ~you ..""I 8It cd try _"""""""....tbia ia your Iat sented the sensible choice. Not just make any money when we get out into the ,..r1l1tWU. live itapt DIiot't hiand...,......-' because I had the opponunity to choose real world. This always'bothered me a lit· ~II""" from a wider variety ofnutritional oplions tie; actually I'm sure it bothers all (a.k.a food, wbo am I kidding?). But by Communications students. But instead of choosing to have my fmal meal ofthe day changing majors or accepting my future before 7:30 at night meant I would have to which seemed destined for mediocrity, I adjust my schedule so I'd be asleep before decided to do something to help distin­ 12, or else I'd be starving all night (there's guish myself from the crowd. only so.much China Moon I can order per Now I know what you're thinking, no semestcr). possible future employer of mine is going This would mean waking up earli~r to read "Tittics McGunBarrels" and say and taking earlier classes and in turn help. "oh this is genius, you're hired. berc's 8 ing me establish a well structured "early to million dollars." But that's not the point bed, early to rise" day. And then I'd get all I'm trying to make. Someone rc<:ently told A's, I'd never miss a class, it would never me that cach weck I perpetuate the nega­ ~...Ilaft you taIbd to tbia gId .bout wbot'.........1 CJumca lie, rain in Rhode Island, and every class I tive college student stereotypes and make .....................aIo4_aboqr_"'lIIJt.Jf.. tried to regisler for would be open. While them look cool while in tum making all that sounds great., it's highly unrealistic. myself look stupid. ....,. _,.,., "'..,...'rit.,.., .lifI youldl your..._OIldsbo Ileob out.....lID......,...... And then there's the other option, This is actually a really good argu­ Transfer. This subsidiary of the Dining ment and it got me 10 think long and hard time_ Evayoae bas their _ ... ao you mlgbt .. wen come cleaD 800II Hall is open later but has fewer options. about what I'm trying to do here.
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