Th* WITNESS APRIL 10, 1969 104: publication. and reuse for Ed i tor i al required Pollution: - Whose Responsibility? Permission DFMS. / Articles Church The Kid Steps Down Episcopal the of W. B. Spofford Jr. Archives Baptism: Public or Private? 2020. Cornelius P. Trowbridge Copyright NEWS: Interchurch Action Guidelines Adopted at COCU Meeting. Sanctuary in Church Creates Stir in Diocese of Michigan SERVICES The Witness SERVICES In Leading Churches In Leading Churches For Christ and Hie Church NEW YORK CITY EDITORIAL BOARD ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Tenth Street, above Chestnut THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE JOHN MCCIIX KHUMH, Chairman The Rev. Alfred W. Price, D.D., R< Sunday: Holy Communion 8, 9, 10, Morning W. B. SPOFFOBJD SS., Managing Editor The Rev. Gustav C. Meckling, B.D. Piayer, Holy Communion and Sermon. 11) Minister to the Hard of Hearing Organ Recital, 3:30; Evensong, 4. EDWARD J. MOHR, Editorial Assistant Sunday: 9 and 11 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 7115 O. SYDNEY BAKH; LEE A. BBLFORD; ROSCOS Weekdays: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri, (and 10 Wed.); Evening Prayer, 3:30. 12:30 - 12:55 p.m. T. FOUST; RICHARD E. GABY; GORDON C. Services of Spiritual Healing, Thurs. 13:30 and 5:30 pun. THE PARISH OF TRINITY CHURCH GRAHAM; DAVID JOHNSON; HAROLD R. LAS- Rev. John V. Butler, Rector DON LESLIE J. A. LASO; BENJAMIN MrNcmj CHRIST CHURCH TRINITY CAMBRIDGE, MASS. WILLIAM STRINGFBLLOW. Broadway & Wall St. The Rev. W. Murray Kenney, Rector publication. Rev. Donald R. Woodward, Vicar Sunday Services: 8:00, 9:15 and 11)15 Ma* Wednesday 12:10 and 5:30 p.m. and Sun. MP 8:40, 10:30, HC 8, 9, 10, 11. Daily MP 7:45, HC 8, 12, Ser. 12:30 EDITORIALS: - The Editorial Board holds Tues., Wed. & Thurs., EP 5:15 ex. S«M monthly meetings when current issues before CHRIST CHURCH, DETROIT reuse Sat. HC 8; C Fri. 4:30 & by appt. the Church are discussed. They an dealt 976 East Jefferson Avenue for ST. PAUL'S CHAPEL with in subsequent numbers but do not The Rev. Frank J. Haynes, Rector Broadway & Fulton St. necessarily represent the unanimous opinion 8 and 9 a.m. Holy Communion (breakfast served following 9 a.m. service) 11 ajn. of the editors. Rev. Robert C. Hunsicker, Vicar Church School and Morning Service. Holy required Sun. HC 8, MP & HC Set. 10, Weekdays Days 6 p.m. Holy Communion. MP & HC 8, HC 12:05, 1:05, 7:15 also Holy Days (ex. Sat.); EP 5:10 (ex. Sat CONTRIBUTING EDITORS 1:30); Counsel and C 10:30-1:30 daily, PRO-CATHEDRAL OF THE THOMAS V. BARRETT; JOHN PAIBMAN Brows; and by appt.; Organ Recital Wednesday! HOLY TRINITY Permission 12:30. GARDINER M. DAY; JOSEPH F. FLETCHER; 23 Avenue, George V FREDERICK C. GRANT; HELEN GRANT; COB- PARIS FRANCS CHAPEL OF THE INTERCESSION WIN C. ROACH; BABBABA St. CLAIRE; MAS- Services: 8:30, 10:30 (S.S.), 10:45 DFMS. Broadway & 155th St. Boulevard Raspail / SBT H. SHEPHERD JR.; W. B. Sporross Ja. Leslie J. A. Lang, Vicar Student and Artists Center The Very Rev. Sturgis Lee Riddle, Dean Sundays 8, 9, 11; Weekdays: MOD. Fri The Rt. Rev. Stephen Bayne, Bishop Sat. 9; Tues. 8; Wed. 10; Thun. 7. The Rev. Donald D. Weaver, Canon Church The Ven. Frederick McDonald, THE WITNESS is published twice a month by Canon Chaplain ST. LUKE'S CHAPEL 487 Hudson St. the Episcopal Church Publishing Co. on behalf of the Witness Advisory Board. Rev. Paul C. Weed, Jr., Vicar Episcopal San. HC 8, 9:15 & 11) Daily HC 7 I I. the C Sat. 5-6, 8-9, by «ppt. Nxw You Cm of ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHAPEL The subscription price if $4.00 • year, m ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH 333 Madison St. bundles for sale in parishes the —'t"*-* Park Avenue and 51st Street Rev. Terence J. Finlay, D.D, Archives The Rev. John G. Murdoch., Via* sells fox 10c a copy, we will bill quarterly 8 and 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion 9:30 tad Sundays: 8, 9, 11; Monday-Saturday 9:30 ex. at 7c a copy. Entered as Second Clan 11 a.m. Church School. 11 a.m. Morn- Wednesday 7:30; MP Monday-Saturday 9:H Matter, August 5, 1948, at the Post Offks) ing Service and Sermon. 4 pan. Even- 2020. ex. Wednesday 7:15. at Tunkhannock, Pa., under the act of song. Special Music. March 3, 1879. Weekday: Holy Communion Tuesday at 12:10 a.m.; Wednesdays and Saints Day, ST. CHRISTOPHER'S CHAPEL 48 Henry St. at 8 a.m.; Thursdays at 12:10 pan. Copyright Organ Recitals, Wednesdays, 12:10. Eva. The Rev. Carlos J. Caguiat, Vicar Pi. Daily 5:45 p.m. Sundays: MP 7:15; Masses 7:30, 8:45, 11:15 (Spanish), Eu Monday thru Wednesday 8; THE GENERAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY Thursdays thru Saturday 9. Chapel of the Good Shepherd Chelsea Square — 9th Ave. & 20th Street 316 East 88th Street Sundays: Holy Communion 8; Church School THE CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY HOLY COMMUNION - 7:00 ajn. MONDAY 9:30; Morning Prayer and Sermon 11:00 York Avenue at 74th Street through FRIDAY (Holy Communion 1st Sunday in Month). Near New York Memorial Hospital* MORNING PRAYER & HOLY COMMUNION - 7:30 a.m. SATURDAY & HOLIDAYS Hugh McCandless, AUnaon Houghton, MORNING PRAYER - 8:30 a.m. MONDAY ST. THOMAS Kenneth R. Hvggins, Clergy through FRIDAY 5th Ave. & 53rd Street I— Belford, Francis C. Huntington, Associate* HOLY COMMUNION - 12 noon - MON- Rev. Frederick M. Morris, D.D. Sundays: 8 a.m. HC; 9:30 Family (HC 3rd DAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRI- Sunday: HC 8, 9:30, 11 (1st Sun.) MP Sun) II a.m. Morning Service (HC 1st DAY Sun) 12:15 p.m. HC (2, 3, 4, 5 Sun) 11; Daily ex. Sat. HC 8:15, HC ~ HOLY COMMUNION with Sermon - 11:15 12:10, Wed., 5:30. One of New York's a.m. TUESDAY Noted for hoy choir; gnat teredo* most beautiful public hutldingt. EVENSONG - 6:00 p.m. DAILY and window*. VOL. 54, NO. 7 The WITNESS APRIL 10, 1969 FOR CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH Editorial PuUioaticm Of fie*, EaUm Rood, Tmrnkhmmmook, Pa. 18667 Story of the Week specialized programs meet- Interchurch Action Guidelines ing local community needs. publication. 9 Joint staff in which two Adopted at COCU Meeting or more congregations join to- and gether in employing program * Guidelines for local inter- as the result of church union specialists in counseling, educa- reuse church action were adopted by "will be worthwhile only if the tion, music leadership or com- for the Consultation on Church church that emerges on the munity service. Union at its eighth annual meet- local level is freed to reach new ing in Atlanta. levels of awareness of the liber- • Joint use of building facili- required ating power of the gospel and of ties in which congregations seek They were transmitted to the the impetus which that power to eliminate costly duplication nine denominations participat- gives to the mission of the of religious facilities with their ing in the consultation for study limited special uses, and to pro- Permission people of God," the preamble and action "in the hope that the draft says. mote commonly held space for document will be transmitted by flexible uses at central location. the communions to their con- It also says that "local inter- DFMS. / stituencies through appropriate church action make provision • Cooperative or larger par- channels." by means of shared resources ishes, which link congregations for the most effective deploy- for common programs and min- Church The guidelines are designed ment possible of laity in carry- isterial leadership, usually under to show how local churches can ing out the full work of the the direction of a parish council. work together and even unite church either in task forces, or Episcopal in advance of the formation of through their participation in • United ministry or co- operative ministry during which the a national united church being secular agencies, groups and or- of sought. ganizations in the humanization the congregations retain mini- Methodist Bishop James K. of our society and the world." mal ties with their denomina- Mathews of Boston, chairman, tions. Archives A committee headed by the called the guidelines "a valuable Rev. William P. Thompson, • The federated church, in instrument to make ecumenism which two or more congrega- 2020. stated clerk of the United Pres- effective in countless areas byterian Church, submitted the tions join in a structure in across the country." He said guidelines. which they maintain their sepa- they will "make possible more Local interchurch cooperation rate denominational ties and Copyright discipline" in local unity efforts. suggested in the guidelines in- membership roles and yet oper- After extended debate, the cluded : ate fully as a single congrega- consultation approved the sub- ® Joint programs in which tion as far as all program is stance of a preamble submitted two or more congregations or concerned. by a United Presbyterian dele- other local denominational units • Declarations of mutual gate; the Rev. Stephen Rose. plan and operate any portions acceptance. This refers to ac- Intent of the preamble is to of their ministry or program tions by district or regional highlight the conviction that jointly. Programs might in- church bodies which result in the mission of the people of God clude Christian education, min- a mutual endorsement of par- must have a central place in the istries to students, pastoral ticular local congregations.
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