DYNAMIC BALANCING .ENGINEERS e Complete Balancing Service • Latest Production Equipment o HI-SPEED Specialty V-8 Cranks e Super-Chargers Price or Production Work All Work Guaranteed . Gisholt Dynamic Balancing Machine. The World's Finest Balancing Equipment Skillully Operated by Expert Engineers 5839 SOUTH HOOVER BILL SIMPSON, MGR. PL. 3-8031 FORD V-8 LEWIE SHELL MERCURY e WEIAND e BURNS e EDELBROCK e CYCLONE e EVANS e THICKSTUN I e NAVARRO e ENGLE e BELOND After the Hot Rod Show-You'll find your Speed Equipment choice here-. Either New or Used speed items, including products of the above famous designers and ·manufacturers, the country's best. INSTALLATIONS and SERVICE 8 MOTOR REBUILDING e HIGH COMPRESSION liEADS 8 RACING CAMSHAFTS e DUAL MANIFOLDS e EXHAUST SETUPS e DROPPED AXLES RENTAL SERVICE BUY - TRADE - CONSIGN • CHAIN HOISTS-PER DAY C.O.D. • CASH FOR USED SPEED ITEMS Orders Shipped • TOW BARS OR CHAINS Anywhere. • TRAbE YOUR UNWANTED PARTS • OTHER MECHAI'-HCA.L NEEDS • WE'LL SELL THEM FOR YOU Send For List. STOP BY THE SHOP-OR WRITE-YOU'LL SAVE MONEY HERE! 11726 WILSHIRE Ph. ARiz:. 32905 Closed LOS ANGELES 25, CALIF. e LEWIE SHEL'L e Open 8-5:30 Sunday POWER RACING EQUIPMENT WEIAND EQUIPMENT FORD 80 HP to 100 HP MERCURY 90 HP to II 0 HP STUDEBAKER Champion· and Commander Weiand Tail-Fits '32 to '48 Ford and Mercu ry Weiand High Compression Head 7-1 to 10-1 ratios. Fits '38 to '48 Ford and Mercury. As a "BONUS"-Weiand e Weiand Equipment has the e Equipment is delivered with a finest materials and expertly beautiful chrome-like, highly engineered designs. polished finish. Weia"nd Low or Racing includes side generator bracket. Fits '32 to '48 Ford and Mercury. NOTICE: The New 1949 Heads and Manifolds Are Now Ready For Delivery. ORDER NOW FROM YOUR DEALER, OR 2733 SAN FERNANDO RD., LOS ANGELES 41, CALIFORNIA. C~. 0668. HOT ROD SHOW One WllCfJME Once again the Southern California Timing Association, Inc. , sponsor of this Second Annual Hot Rod Exposition and Automotive Equipment Display, is proud and happy to welcome you, our patrons. We hope I you will find this presentation interesting, educational and entertaining. To our exhibitors, to our members who worked so diligently to prepare their cars for display, to our program advertisers, to the contributors of door_prizes and the donors of parts for the roadster construc­ tion project, to the National Guard officers, Los Angeles Police and Fire Departments, to all Association members and to Hollywood Associates, Inc., Exeosition Directors, we extend our sincere gratitude. w~ believe that this exposition will give you a better 'understanding of the activities of the Southern California Timing Association, its aims and aspirations. GEORGE PRUSSEL-President BOSWELL WILLIS-Vice-President GEORGE RADNICH-Sec.-Treasurer WALLY PARKS-General Manager AKTON MILLER, FRED WOODWARD, DOUG HARTELT, ALEX XYDIAS Directors A NEW THRILL CAN BE .HAD BY USING Uelbrock Power anJ $peeJ lquipment FOR THE 49'ers 9ord and .Atercurg Also a complete line of Edelbrock Equipment is available for all models for Ford V-S's and Mercurys SEE YOUR DEALER OR DIRECT INQU IRIES TC VIC EDELBROCK MAKER OF QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR FORD PRODUCTS 1200 NORTH HIGHLAND AVENUE HOLLYWOOD 38, CALIFORNIA HEMPSTEAD 2223 Two OFFICIAL PROGRAM GERRY GRANT SAYS: "Others place emphasis on either their compression-'scraper' ring or their oil ring-but for mir1e, I'll take a perfect combination of both rings-a partnership for both power and oil control. It's an all-fine, close-grained, grey cast iron combination - a balanced ring set-up." Mif tSpeeJ eom!J.~ This is my Crant power ring. It gives upper cylinder-top ring-lubriGiltion and at the same time prevents power loss (blow-by) around behind the ring GRANT , ~-·-- . CO M- PRESSION ~ ~ . RING GRANT OI L RIN G -1/t.~'/,/, /Veoe~~, :h!Uf 'lfo.ull, e~ 'Wa.tU My oil ring controls excess oil. Note its self-flushing, beveled edges. Run it as shown here, in racing jobs-using no spring behind the ring. ~ Mif e~ .JI~~,e IIJ.~~,ee: - -judi :b~UJ? Me .JI ea~~,J Micro-Finish Pistori Pins Get my Grant Inserts and Mains for your GRANT & G RANT, 241 North Westm·oreland Ave. Fords and Mercurys Los Angeles 4, C alifornia FEderal 2185 HOT ROD SHOW Three r· . ., ~ ~ ~ HOLLYWOOD ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ I · Expo1itlon ·Dlrector1 I ~ ~ ~ ~ III~ ~III ~ ROBERT M. BARSKY PHILIP KENT LEE 0. RYAN ~ 8 President Exploitation Secretary III ~ Managing Director Press-Public Relations ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5842 SUNSET BOULEY ARD ~ ~ LOS ANGELES, 28 CALIFORNIA ~ · ~ · Hillside 8141 ~ ~ . ~ III III lbmr::::::':::sr:u:;: ·· m IEI~m · ·m m~m~m m~m m m m~ · Four . OFFICIAL PROGRAM [ OFFICIAL PROGRAM OF THE 1949 CApitol 6171 SECOND ANNUAL HOT ROD EXPOSITION 'WHY 'WE AND BUY' AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT DISPLAY Sponsored by SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION, INC. America's Largest Industrial Laundry with The Southern California Motorcycle Show WE SUPPLY INDUSTRIAL GARMENTS ON A WEEKLY RENTAL BASIS TO· FIVE OR MORE EMPLOYEES Combined with The Speed Directory and Hot Rod Handbook Serving thousands of * COVERALLS at Car Dealers, Garages, * SHOP COATS THE LOS ANGELES Parts Jobbers, Fleet Owners and other Au­ * SHIRTS NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY tomotive and Indus- * PANTSand Jan. 21-30, 1949 trial Concerns. *SMOCKS '-;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii HOLLYWOOD ASSOCIATES, INC.- Exposition Directors Welch's Overall Cleaning Co. 3505 PASADENA AVENUE • CApitol 6171 • Los Angeles 31 CONTENTS Welcome --- ---- ------ --- -- --- ------------------------------ ---------- -·- 2 ~w m::m::: :: : ::: :mm:: :: : ::::::: :::mm m :: :::: m:::mm:: ::: :m::mmm: : ::m::::mm m:: mm::~~~ The Hot Rod Show ------- ------- ---- ------ -- -----"- ----- ----- - 6 Roster of Exhibitors ---- ------- -- --- --- ----- --- -- ------ ---- ------- ·· 8 Ill FoM!•RuT JN~'Se~ II Your Best Friend, The "Cop" --- -- ---- ---- ------ --- -- ----- --- - 9 1 Hot Rod Roundup -- --- ---- -------- ----- -- ---- -------------------- 10 !!! South Alva.ado, ~~!ngeles 6, Calif. II! The Lake Runs ---------------- ---- --- ------------------------------- 14 m m Free Prizes ------ --- --------- ------------------ --- ----- ---- ------ -------- 17 ~~ s~.:.!!..~·· ~:.~~;~!: Sou~~~.""' ~~ At El Mirage ------- -- ----- --- -- ----- ------ --------- --- --- --- --- ---- --- 19 ::: ::: Ill ADams 18326 STanley 74926 CHapman 5- 3533 Ill Safety In Construction ----------- ---- -- ------- -- ----- -- --- ---- --- .20 '" VISIT OUR DISPLAY, BOOTH #6 ,, S.CTA. Display Cars ------ --- -- ---- ---- ----- --- ----- ---- --- ---- .24 !,,;_1,,_.1::. To do your Auto Work. Also Club Coupe ~:Conversion,. ~~uci:Ve~:.k:;;;;Upholstery Upholstery Cleaning, Floor 1,,_::.~:~::.· Your S.C TA. Prexy __ __ __ ____ ____ ________ ____ ______ __ ____ __ __ ____ 25 ::: Mats and Head Lining. We ha've 65 specialized employees ::: m to serve you. With your help we have been in business jg A Hearty Thank You -- -- -- -- ---------- -- -- ------ -------- -------- --26 Ill ~~r L;~n~n;:!~: :~r c~::. 1 3 years and hope to continue Ill Speed Equipment Catalogue ______ ______ , ________ __ _____ 27, 28 Ill Auto ~~~~a7d Ac!~P~:h~:~e;y 1 ~ 0T~Io;;~::;e~eC~r;overs Ill Ph otos : Courtesy Hot Rod Magazine and S.C.T.A. Program m m Official Program - Speed Directory - Hot Rod Handbook - g~::: MARTIN'S :ii::i U.S. Copyright 1949 by Hollywood Publicity Associates, 5842 ::: ::: Sunset Blvd ., Los Angeles 28, Calif. All rights reserved by (Dealer Inquiries I nvited) Hollywood Publicity Associates. Phones : HI 8141 ; GR 2820 ; Ill Ill HO 8578. ru ru H~ ::::::::: :: m : ::: : :::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :::H ! HOT ROO SHOW Five THE HfJ T RfJ/J SHfJ W HIS second annual Hot Rod Expo­ The new look has invaded the automotive field, at least at the Dry Lakes compe­ Tsition and Automotive Equipment tition. The trend is now toward more and better streamlining and m'any new Display is another milestone in the and unusual desigris have made their initial appearances in the meets this past y·ear. Most popular innovation is the adaption of the aircraft belly-tank into growth and progress of the Southern universal -use as an economical aid to streamlining. One new look number California Timing Association, Inc. which caused much comment both pro and con was the Cadillac powered rear engine roadster belonging to ex-S.C.T.A. president Ak Miller. This car, known This exposition is a bigger, better to Ak's friends as "The Hot Dog," is equipped with. a 1923 roadster body and more representative presentation and used an aluminum P-38 fuel tank nose for its hood, shell and griHe. At than last year's show. It is the culmi­ least that's what it says in the official S.C.T.A. program put out by Wally Parks and Bony Willis. nation of a year of planning and work by the Association officers and members and the Hollywood Associates, Inc., Ex­ position Directors. icans who share a common interest. It Association _officers saw the need for Once again, the show is staged as a is a story of an obscure beginning, added precautionary measures as the public relations project for the South­ rather crude and inefficient operation, time trials increased in popularity and ern California Timing Association. of trial and error. It is a story of the membership doubled and tripled. Once again, the theme is safety and growth and development over a period once again the keynote is co-operation of II years, interrupted by war which The attention and interest. of the with law enforcement agencies and saw a decimation
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