Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU Huntsman Business Magazine Colleges 5-2010 Huntsman Alumni Magazine, Spring 2010 USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/huntsman_magazine Part of the Business Commons Recommended Citation USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, "Huntsman Alumni Magazine, Spring 2010" (2010). Huntsman Business Magazine. 5. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/huntsman_magazine/5 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Colleges at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Huntsman Business Magazine by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. | | published by the Jon M. h u n t s M a n s c h o o l o f b u s i n e s s s p r i n g 2 0 1 0 Huntsman Alumni Magazine Stephen R. Covey becomes the first Huntsman Presidential Chair in Leadership CONTENTS 4 letters from you HuntSman athleteS 8 huntsman students excel in academics 5 student article a message from the dean and athletics. 6 what’s new A DAY IN THE LiFE recent speakers 9 Douglas D. Anderson 24 OF A sTUDEnT 26 alumni connections Megan starley lets us walk in her busy shoes for a day. one of the most reward- made extraordinary contributions to society through 41 vision ing things about serving as their work, their philanthropy and their teachings. 43 &voice HUNTSMAN SCHoLaRS TAKe EURoPe 10 dean of the Jon M. hunts- What a gift it is to have them working together students visit france, belgium man school of business is on behalf of the students and faculty of utah state and switzerland. the opportunity to work with university! so many people who share a tHe ANNOUNCEMENT EVENT 11 vision of what this school can in this magazine, we invite you to get to know dr. stephen R. covey is announced as the become. our students come covey better. you will also learn about the stephen first huntsman presidential chair in leadership at the huntsman to us with a strong ethical R. covey center for leadership and the great oppor- corporation headquarters. framework and the will to tunity we all have now to contribute to something work hard. We help them de- that will influence generations to come. Peanut butteR and jelly 15 velop the analytical skills they The side of stephen R. covey will apply in innovative ways you’ll also read about some outward evidence of the you may not know. in the global marketplace. but changes going on here at the huntsman school of more importantly, we seek business: several 22-foot-tall banners now stream THE sTEpHEn r. COVEY 18 to reinforce their desire to over the main entrances to the George s. eccles CEnTEr FOr LEADERSHIP We are also succeed without ethical compromise. We teach them business building. They promote the theme d“ are be part of something extraordinary. “motivated and that as they center on correct principles, they will Mighty Things.” We borrowed the phrase from a inspired by have the confidence and capability to weather the famous speech by president Theodore Roosevelt. We DArE MIGHTY THINGS 20 storms that life will inevitably send their way. think it captures nicely our vision and mission for his example: inspirational building art introduces a the school and for our students. new challenge for students. Dr. Covey is stephen covey is one person who is known interna- donating his tionally for helping others see the value of living a our vision of what the huntsman school of business NEW CaREER aCCeLeRATORS 21 entire salary principle-centered life. The fact that he has offered to can become is continuously being refined and more Three new experienced professionals build confidence in students. back to the help us not only shape tomorrow’s leaders but make sharply drawn. it’s exciting to discover new oppor- the huntsman school of business the place people tunities to make this vision even brighter — just one school. go to study principle-centered leadership, is news more thing that’s making this journey so rewarding. ANNUAL AWArDs BAnQUET 22 ”that has energized us all. it has helped us envision We invite you to join us. Who knows what’s around Jon M. huntsman presents the more clearly what we can achieve together. We are the next bend? distinguished executive alumnus award to steve Milovich. also motivated and inspired by his example: dr. cov- ey is donating his entire salary back to the school. aggie avataR 40 huntsman graduate talks innovation in a it is fitting that dr. covey be the first to fill the Jon constantly changing online universe. M. huntsman presidential chair in leadership. Mr. huntsman is someone we hold up as an example of Find these stories online at a principle-centered leader who has succeeded and huntsman.usu.edu/alumnispring2010 continues to serve others. These two leaders have n O cover story i x D ss U r FRiendS and FamiLy Say tHat Stephen R. Covey LiveS tHe prinCipleS He teacheS. by 12 on the cover: stephen R. covey and Jon M. huntsman pose for pictures after the announcement. photo by casey Mcfarland hoto p 2 HuntSman Alumni magazine Spring 2010 huntsman.usu.edu HuntSman Alumni magazine Spring 2010 letters from you student article DiD YOu Know? Dear editor: Dear editor: My Founded in 1888, utah’s one of the last courses i took at UsU was a new As evidenced by this magazine, UsU and the distance education class called com-net. The Huntsman school of Business seem to be thriv- land-grant institution, the classroom resembled a television studio more ing. i grew up in north Logan, so my roots go favoRiTe utah agricultural College, than a regular classroom, and the instructor deep into cache valley and Utah state University; opened for instruction in explained that we would be joined electroni- and, although i have not lived in Logan for over cally to other classmates throughout the state of 22 years, i return frequently to visit family. Last September 1890. more Utah. We only had an audio link, but i remember Thanksgiving i had the opportunity to go to lunch proFessoR than 637,000 students thinking how high-tech it was — we all felt like and renew a lost friendship with Paul Fjeldsted, Professor connects with students, challenging them to contribute and learn pioneers who were enhancing the delivery chan- a fellow UsU graduate and now professor at have since enrolled at the nels for higher education. the Huntsman school of Business. Paul and i by Kaitlin stewart, contributor institution, which officially attended UsU together; and, as we reminisced Fast forward to 2010. After completing the first became utah State about our time at UsU and our careers since, feeling apprehensive on the year of college at UsU, my daughter returned many memories came back, giving us a sense university in march 1957. home to southern california and went to work for first day of school, i walked of appreciation for the school that became our into my supply chain man- the Disney corporation. Her summer position was foundation. extended; and despite her love for her UsU, she agement class. i had moved decided to continue her employment for a year since our conversation i have wanted to take back to the united states only before returning to Logan. Rather than having to a few minutes and recognize the school for two days earlier. before class choose between two passions, (UsU and Disney), the progress it has obviously made in terms of started, Vijay Kannan came Rachel contacted her counselor at the Huntsman academics and professionalism and the strong up and greeted me saying, “hi school and they were able to show her how she connections it is developing with the business Kaitlin! how are you and how CONTRiBuTORS could continue her education at UsU by enrolling community. i have always been proud of the was Germany?” in on-line classes. Unlike com-net of 1991, she education i received at UsU. it served me well as editoR simply logs on to a virtual UsU classroom from i started my career on Wall street, then attended i was impressed that he not only remembered who Steve eaton anywhere, at anytime and dressed in anything business school at the University of chicago, and i was but also knew what i had been up to. after we (even a Disney costume). then began my subsequent career in M&A con- talked, i noticed that he was calling almost every editing assiStantS sulting, which i continue today. UsU graduates other student by name and knew what they were jeff Carr in fall 2010, Rachel plans to return to Logan to should feel like nothing is beyond their reach if involved in as well. i thought to myself, “Wow, this maren Cartwright continue with her degree in marketing and public mary ann Clark they have a strong enough desire and work hard professor really cares about his students.” relations. she will not only go back having con- mary Price toward their goals. megan Starley tinued her formal education, she will now have i think the professor can either make or break a tim vitale practical experience that adds relevance to her Blair Mumford, ‘87, finance class. dr. Kannan definitely made the supply chain taci Watterson endeavor. Humble, TX management class a memorable and enjoyable ex- perience. he is personable with the students and en- Vijay Kannan shares some insight with student Kaitlin Stewart ContRibuting WRiters sincerely, thusiastic about the material he teaches.
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