With Peace in Sight in Mexico, El Paso May Look For Prosperity Unprecedented in City's History. TODAY AT THE MOVIES. ALHAMBtU The White Sister. SHOU Jssex' Conquest. WMWAM Tne Girl end the Engine. Newvork lend rrered at I4.B0 GRECIAN The Hrtrt of Janet FlmL New York electrolytic copper lt7.7tO7S.00 JPaáú UNIQUE A Timely nteroeatloa. V l V ' LAMKMT. BONA FIDE PAID CIRCULATION Í V - MarraIN THE SOUTHWEST. ' 35TH YEAR f EL PASO. TEXAS. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 11. 1915. ENGLISH SECTION 1 2 PAGES PRICE. 5 CENTS. PEACE IN MEXICO WITHOUT ARMED INTERVENTION IS II. S. AIM VILLA AGREES TO ABANDON IDEA The Only Remedy Left. POLITELY PHRASED SUGGESTION nr rnnrrn i n i it rnnn liiur urn urruiiutuLUAN rnumiYiiiNtmm; FOR COALITION GOVERNMENT TO RESCINDS CONFISCATION DECREE DE SENT LEADERS OF FACTIONS Properties of Foreigners in Chihuahua. Recently Seized, to Be Restored as Result of Conference Yes- Document to Embody Views of President Wilson and Latin- - terday With General Scott American Diplomats and Contain Assurance That No Assault on Mexican Sovereignty Is Intended. Secrecy Shrouds Proceedings Meeting Between iidurti rx&m its m at American lrMrWiBSMs HVHffTJsWfB I1tTW11i 'ltWT(fl i BBBl Chief of Staff and Mexican svimwará Final Appeal to Patriotism of Warring Chieftains Will Call Military Chieftain. Upon Them to Subordinate Personal Aggrandize- ment to Welfare of the Republic. Property of American and foreign mer- determination 1o sell their stocks at inven chants confiscated by (lie government at tory price plus 15 per cent In Villa cur- rency. or diplomats B(i .imnrlat ed Press In readiness to proceed. Today after con- chihuahua and other cities in the Intervention rorelan re- Lansing and territory win tie to the prevented the stocks being disposed of Cornish. N. H., Aug. to. Alter the ferences between Secretary restored ceipt today r orriclal reports regsrd-In- near Aomtrat tienson. acting secretary oi owners and the proposed meeting- between at the prices rixeu ror their sale ny navy, or mine or Avila, governor the Mexican situation. President the tt was aald that the sailing dineral villa and owners In northern decree Oeneral Fidel to Wahlng-to- the ships would he delayed pending fuller Mexico, at which It Is believed Villa In- - or Chihuahua. ' Wilson decided to return t hours. reports rrom vera i.ruz ann possi- nded 10 levy a war loan of 1350.000. has withtn the next mat tr Villa Returns South Today He will be back In lime for the cabi- ble the sending of any considerable addi been postponed Indefinitely, are two Imme- General Villa Intends to return to Chi tional force would be avoided on diate of the conference between net meeting Friday. account results huahua today, accomoanled by General The president was In communication or the erfect such a step might have upon i.Hieral Hugh L. Scott, chief or staff of Felipe Angeles, his second In command Lansing the work of the conference. ll.e United States army, and General Fran- - gov- - today with SecreUry and and General Raoul Madero, military regarding the request President Wilson I Cornish. N. H.. was riM-- conventionalist other officials villa, leader oflhe prnor or Nuevo Leon. Mrs. Francisco rrom Commander McNamee at Vera advised by telephone or Commander Me Villa, who has been visiting on the border, Grin that a battleship squadron be sent canices report aan several nours later a m raso, wnai oiner results win come will also return to her Chihuahua home. presl-- . long code dispatch reached the navy de 'in the arguments there. It was believed that Ihe meeting and what General Villa and Oeneral Angeles held dent had directed that rurther Infor- partment from Cornish. Then It became ere made to cause Villa to completely a long conference in Juarci yesterday Ute sit- known ships had been to verse policy, mation be obtained regarding that Instructed bis recent were not slated fnllnwinir the conrerence with Oeneral It, A M uation at Vera Crux. siart ror vera i ruz at once. I General Scolt. who was the only- per- - Scott. At this meeting Oeneral Angeles Secretary Lansing Declines to Talk. was advised nr what transpired at the By Asaoeioaed Press Secretary Lansing, who leU tonight for semi villa meeting. Aug. 10. With the re assem- The conferenoe, which New York. New York to attend the con- for General Villa Scott Will Not Visit Huerta. .Hi bling here or two or the ambassadors and rerence, would not discuss the naval move- ?mr to Juarez and later to El Paso, and General met many two or the or the six South and ments ship ' Scolt from Washington, vas held Scott yesterday with ministers rurther than to admit that a 'eneral of his' acquaintances In El Paso and from Central American governments and the would be sent to replace one which would in the home of J. F. Williams on West Ttlo will Tuesday northern Mexico. The different consuls of secretary or state, a derinlle errorl be bring Ihe Brazilian and Guatemalan minis- orsnde street about 8 o'clock on him to pay pm to peace in morning and was attended by (teñerais the two cities called their into operation ters to the United Stales. He said that on respects. Among oiner callers was Gen Mexico hy rrlendly means snd to restore account of contraband goods on tne bor- fon and villa, George c. Carothers, Castro, former com revolution-tor- country to It accus- soon to In- SI r lnl nr eral Francisco Huerta the der, orders would be Issued nf the rtenftrtment tal. mander at Juarez, who was driven from tomed place in the American family or na- crease the military forces, but at the same and Alberto Madero, an uncle to the late cap- or me neroer town wnen v uia s troops tion. timo declared emphatically that neither president Mexico. Tgessrs. Carothers tured the cltv two vears afro. The conference will be concerned with this action nor any movements or ships and Madero acted as Interpreters and ad- he intended to Oeneral final or the rtrst step in ine pian, and any bearing on the during the meeting. Asked ir visit details whatever plans of visers Huerta, now a prisoner at Fort Bliss. Gen m m ihn important features or which were the coaference." As he lert Brier Official Statement. me jpm unanimously agreed upon week by the Mr. Lansing eral scon repitea in negative. last sute department said he Following the conference General Scott the ambassadors from Argentina. Braiil expected tn be back at his desk Thursday 'gave out the following statement to NO REFERENCE TO PROPOSED m and nin e and tne .ministers rrom nouvia. morning "If we have good luck. the press: LOAN AT MEETING WITH MINERS, Guatemala and Uruguiy ond Secretary President Returning lo Washington. "General villa has aisured me that he Thirty American mine owners and rep LanMng. President Wilson will be bsck In Wash- will indefinitely postpone the meeting resentatives or foreign mining properties I iE Reasonable Tiste for RsdI.v. ington In time to attend a cabinet meeting w'hlrn he had arranged with the mine own- met with General Francisco vtua at the First trie pian convnipiaies a Bullicio Friday, at which both the program of the ers of his territory. customs nouse in juarez ai ; o emeu yes- appeal to the consciences of the Mexican conference and the situation "He also gave me, the assurance that the terday afternoon, at which tne recent de leaders of all factions and political groups. at Vera Crux will be discussed. Secretary Flores of the American and foreign mer- crees of the northern conventionalist gov It has Been preparen, ana, eiier iruuur or file Navy Danels started tor Waahngton chants throughout the stale of Chihuahua ernment relative to the mining industry changes m phraseology, are dltrussed to- tonghl from AsttevH, N. C. and conventionalist territory which the was explained, villa told the miners that morrow, probably will be dispatched with- Just befare he took the train for government is holding win be turned over the decrees baa been issued witn tne pur in a reasonable time e row weeks being "ocretsry Lansing said advices hid to their owners. pose or DewrTiug r.oiiQiuous uovu lur allowed ror answers lo bo received. reached ihe slate department tonight con- "However, It was agreed that In tlw ase mimar iftdustrv In the republic and far The appeal will he brief, politely firming the report of commander McNa- or any of these merchants violating the general good. He explained the situation phrased and transmitted In Spanish as mee ps lo conditions at Vers Crux, but Hws. they will be tried on whatever which the government was placed fn at the originally written by one or Ihe diplomats. giving no additional details. The seereury charges may exist against them before the present tune Because or tne existing con- It will show clearly that the several gov- would not discuss the mission of the battle- civil courts. ditions resulting rrom the war, necessitating ernments whose ambassadors and minis- ships. The new reports from Vera Crux "Further than this I cannot make any the of the Industry with the ters, along with the seereury of state were forwarded to Cornlah. statement concerning my conrerence witn government. sign It. hive no purpeae to Interfere In or to Plan for Holding Convention. General Villa." The meeting passed without any refer- the sirlrilv Internal arralrs Mexico, In connection with the conrerence at General Scolt would not commit hlmseir ence to the proposed a3SO.O00 loan, the levy imnatr her overelmtv or to show nrefer New Y'ork It was learned tonight that the on any questions asked concerning the ing of which was abandoned by General enre for one leader as against another.
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