Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Astronomical Observatory Astronomy and Space Physics in the Kyiv University Book of Abstracts International Conference dedicated to the 175th of the Astronomical Observatory of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv May 27 – 29, 2020 Kyiv, Ukraine ASTRONOMY AND SPACE PHYSICS IN THE KYIV UNIVERSITY Scientific Organizing Committee Chair: L. Hubersky (Ukraine) Vice-chairs: O. Zhylinska (Ukraine), V. Efimenko (Ukraine), V. Ivchenko (Ukraine) Conference Secretary: I. Luk’yanyk (Ukraine) Scientific Committee Members: Antonio Del Popolo (Italy), Bohdan Novosyadly (Ukraine), Bohdan Hnatyk (Ukraine), Gennadi Milinevsky (Ukraine), Igor Karachentsev (Russia), Mykola Gordovsky (United Kingdom), Peter Berczik (Ukraine), Piotr Homola (Poland), Roman Kostyk (Ukraine), Sergiy Andrievsky (Ukraine), Sergiy Parnovsky (Ukraine), Vadym Kaydash (Ukraine), Valery Shulga (Ukraine), Valery Zhdanov (Ukraine), Vera Rosenbush (Ukraine), Vsevolod Lozitsky (Ukraine), Yaroslav Yatskiv (Ukraine), Yury Izotov (Ukraine) Local Organizing Committee Chair: V. Efimenko (Ukraine) Vice-chair: I. Luk’yanyk (Ukraine) Secretary: V. Danylevsky (Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Local Committee Members: O. Mozgova, R. Hnatyk, S. Zaichenko, V. Ponomarenko, I. Izotova, O. Sergienko, I. Yakovkin Place of the meeting (Web-conference on zoom-platform) Astronomical observatory of the Taras Shevchenko national university of Kyiv, Observatorna str., 3 2 ASTRONOMY AND SPACE PHYSICS IN THE KYIV UNIVERSITY CONTENTS Scientific organizing committee 2 Local organizing committee 2 Contents 3 PLENARY SESSION 13 V.M. Efimenko, V.M. Ivchenko. 175 Years of the Astronomical 14 observatory of the Kyiv university I. Syniavskyi, Ya. Yatskiv, M. Sosonkin, V. Danylevsky, Ye. Oberemok, G. Milinevskyi, A. Bovchaliuk, Zh. Dlugach, I. Fesianov, 15 Yu. Ivanov, Yu. Yukhymchuk. Aerosol investigation in the Earth atmosphere from the Aerosol-UA orbital mission J. Surdej and the GraL collaboration Gravitational lensing in the 16 era of Gaia V. Yurchyshyn Recent Progress in Understanding Type II 17 Spicules Based on data from the Goode Solar Telescope I.N. Belskaya, V.G. Shevchenko Opposition effect of asteroids: 18 our knowledge after 65 years of investigations E. Zubko Polarization of comets: Clues to understanding the 19 microphysics of their dust О. Сергієнко Багатоканальна астрономія: сьогодення та 20 майбутнє V.V. Zharkova Prediction of solar activity with the solar background magnetic field and exploration of its links with 20 solar-terrestrial processes ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS, GRAVITATION AND 23 COSMOLOGY O. Akarsu, A. Zhuk, A. Chopovsky, E. Yalcinkaya Higher dimensional massive Brans-Dicke gravity in the weak-field limit: 24 observational constraints N.A. Akerman, E.Yu. Bannikova, A.V. Sergeyev, P.P. Berczik, 24 M.V. Ishchenko New estimation of supermassive black hole mass 3 ASTRONOMY AND SPACE PHYSICS IN THE KYIV UNIVERSITY in NGC 1068 A.N. Alexandrov Geometry of the tangent bundle of space-time, 25 adapted to local observations A.N. Alexandrov, V.I. Zhdanov, V.M. Sliusar Testing Einstein's formula for gravitational deflection of light using observations of 26 Galactic microlensing L.A. Berdina, V.S. Tsvetkova, V.M.Shulga Super-critical accretion 26 regime in the Q2237+0305 quasar? A. Del Popolo Absence of a fundamental acceleration scale in 27 galaxies D. Dobrycheva, I. Vavilova, M. Vasylenko, A. Elyiv, O. Melnyk Machine Learning methods for binary morphological 28 classification of SDSS-galaxies and their problem point V.D. Gladush Spherically-symmetric R and T-solutions of the 5- 28 dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory equations. … B. Hnatyk, R. Hnatyk, V. Zhdanov, V.Voitsekhovskyi Search for Supernova remnant and magnetar wind nebula connected with 29 SGR 1900+14 R. Hnatyk, V. Voitsekhovskyi The Shapley Supercluster: high 30 energy processes and multimessenger observations M.D. Kasheba, B. Ya. Melekh Inner structure of planetary 31 nebulae and their emission line spectra I.O. Koshmak, B.Ya. Melekh, O.S. Buhajenko On the reliability of 31 popular indicators to determine the star formation rate T. Kuzyo, O. Petruk Magnetic Field in Young Supernova 32 Remnants N. Lozitska Influence of variability in height of generation of 32 secondary cosmic rays on registered muon flux R.G. Neomenko, B.S. Novosyadlyj Cosmological perturbations in 33 the Universe with interacting dark energy B.S. Novosyadlyj, Yu.A. Kulinich, V.M. Shulga Emission of dark 34 ages and cosmic dawn halos in the rotational lines of the first 4 ASTRONOMY AND SPACE PHYSICS IN THE KYIV UNIVERSITY molecules S.L. Parnovsky, I.Yu. Izotova Two types of the initial luminosity 35 function from astronomical observations S.L. Parnovsky Warm dark matter could resolve inconsistencies in Hubble constant values obtained from high- and low-redshift 36 observations O.Petruk, V.Marchenko, T.Kuzyo, M.Patrii Toward a 37 reconstruction of 3-D morphology of Tycho SNR P. Plotko, B. Hnatyk I. Sushch, R. Brose Acceleration and non- 37 thermal emission of cosmic rays in Vela Jr. Supernova remnant R.M. Plyatsko, M.T. Fenyk Strong spin-gravity repulsion and 38 additional attraction V. Ponomarenko, I. Izviekova, A. Simon, V. Vasylenko, K. Kulish Optical monitoring results of selected active galactic nuclei in 39 2018-2020 Yu.V. Shtanov, M.V. Pavliuk Model-independent constraints in 39 inflationary magnetogenesis M. Tsizh, S. Smerechynskyi, B. Novosyadlyj Impact of scalar field 40 dark energy on neutron stars M.Yu. Vasylenko, V. Khramtsov, D.V. Dobrycheva, I.B. Vavilova, A.A. Elyiv Inferring of morphological properties of SDSS- 41 galaxies at z<0.1 using deep similarity learning Ya.V.Pavlenko Lithium in stars 42 Zhdanov, A.S. Stashko Non-existence of spherical singularities in static spherically symmetric configurations with N nonlinear 42 scalar fields. V.I. В. Бешлей, О. Петрук Магнітне поле в залишку наднової 43 1987A. В.О.Пелих, Ю.В.Тайстра Електромагнітні хвилі в полі Керра не поширюються вздовж ізотропних геодезійних: точний 44 результат ASTROMETRY AND SMALL BODIES OF THE SOLAR 45 5 ASTRONOMY AND SPACE PHYSICS IN THE KYIV UNIVERSITY SYSTEM V.K. Rosenbush, L.O. Kolokolova, N.N. Kiselev, O.V. Ivanova, V.L. Afanasiev Clues to cometary circular polarization from 45 studying magnetic field in the vicinity of the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko V. Kleshchonok, V. Rosenbush, O. Ivanova, I. Lukyanyk Morphology of the coma of comet C/2011KP36 (Spacewatch) on 47 November 25, 2016 V. Ponomarenko, P. Korsun, K. Churyumov, A. Sergeev, I. Sokolov Spectroscopy of comet 46P/Wirtanen at 2008 and 2019 48 apparitions I. Luk’yanyk, O. Ivanova, A. Moiseev Photometrical and spectral observations of splitting comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) on April 14 49 and 16, 2020 R. Guliyev, A. Guliyev On the existence of long-period comet’s 50 families of giant planets O. Ivanova, Yu. Skorov, I. Luk’yanyk, D. Tomko, M. Husárik, Jü. Blum, O. Egorov, O.Voziakova Activity of (6478) Gault during 50 January 13 – March 28, 2019 V.G. Shevchenko Comparative analysis of the asteroid absolute 51 magnitudes in the different datasets Yu.N. Krugly, I.N. Belskaya, I.E. Molotov, R.Ya. Inasaridze, V.V. Rumyantsev, S.S. Mykhailova, V.G. Chiorny, T.A. Hromakina, O.I. Mikhalchenko, A.V. Sergeyev, V.G. Shevchenko, I.G. Slyusarev, V.R. Aivazyan, G. Kapanadze, O.I. Kvaratskhelia, A.O. Novichonok, Sh.A. Ehgamberdiev, O.A. Burkhonov, Z. Donchev, T. 52 Bonev, I.V. Reva, A.V. Kusakin, A.V. Serebryanskiy, V.I. Kashuba, L.V. Elenin, A. Mokhnatkin, S.E. Schmalz, V.A. Voropaev, V.V. Kouprianov, A.R. Baransky Kharkiv photometric survey of near- Earth asteroids I. Slyusarev, V. Kaydash, T. Hromakina, V. Rychagova, M. Stepaniuk, Yu. Mashtakova, I. Belskaya, Yu. Shkuratov, V. 53 Shevchenko Search of areas with anomalous optical roughness on the Ceres and Vesta surfaces using Dawn FC images 6 ASTRONOMY AND SPACE PHYSICS IN THE KYIV UNIVERSITY O. I. Mikhalchenko, V. G. Shevchenko, V. G. Chiorny, I. G. 54 Slyusarev CCD-photometry of selected asteroids O. Golubov Influence of the light pressure forces on the dynamics 55 of asteroids I.I. Kyrylenko, Y. M. Krugly, O. A. Golubov Asteroid pairs: 55 method validation and new candidates S.Mykhailova Active asteroids: discovery and characterization 56 G.I. Kokhirova, P.B. Babadzhanov, U.H. Khamroev, A.I. Zhonmuhammadi, I.V.Kulaev Near-Earth asteroids of cometary 57 origin associated with the Virginid complex G.I. Kokhirova, О.V. Ivanova, F. Dzh. Rakhmatullaeva Observations of the active asteroid 3552 Don Quixote at the 58 Sanglokh Astronomical Observatory G.I. Kokhirova, О.V.Ivanova, F.Dzh.Rakhmatullaeva, A. Baransky, A.M. Buriev, U.Kh.Khamroev Results of the observation of the 58 dual object 2008GO98 (362Р) in 2017 А. М. Казанцев, Л.В. Казанцева Походження та динамічний 59 час життя Кентаврів О.М. Їжакевич, С.В. Шатохіна, І. Еглітіс, Ю.І. Процюк, В.М. Андрук Малі тіла Сонячної системи з оцифрованих 60 фотографічних спостережень в Балдоне: результати та попередній аналіз Л.В. Казанцева, С.В. Шатохіна Цифрова обробка серії 61 фотографічних спостережень астероїдів 1924-1925 рр. S.M.Pokhvala, B.E.Zhilyaev High-speed spectrophotometry of 62 meteors П.Н Козак Оценка физических характеристик аномально 63 высоких метеоров по наблюдениям в Киеве О. Golubaev, A. Mozgova, Ye. Koniaieva The first results of 64 video-spectral basic observations of meteors in Kharkiv Ю.М. Горбанёв, С.Р. Кимаковский Система наведения 65 телескопа системы Шмидта наблюдательной станции 7 ASTRONOMY AND SPACE PHYSICS IN THE KYIV UNIVERSITY Крыжановка V.V. Kleshchonok, V.L.Karbovsky, M.V. Lashko, M.I. Buromsky 66 New mobile complex for observation of occultation T.A. Nozdrachev, A. V. Kochergin, E. S. Zubko Gravity capture of 67 a small asteroid by the Earth-Moon system V.Reshetnyk, Yu. Skorov, O.Ivanova Simulation of coma 71 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with hierarchical dust particles O. Baransky, O. Lukina, S. Borysenko Final results of astrometric and photometric observations of six trans-Neptunian objects at 72 the Kyiv comet station O.
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