Neighborhood Map ¯ Fashion 199 93 91 23 21 1 1 23 25 99 101 131 Institute of 296 W 27 Street 343 W 27 Street E 27 Street E 27 Street Chelsea Park Technology 28 St e M1 28 St v i LTD r M101 D Penn South Cooperative M2 M1 LTD 7 LTD 281 LTD 2 1155 M2 New York W LTD 97 60 M101 225 299 336 Downtown only Museum Phillips Beth M1 Life Insurance 9 Avenue M102 at FIT Israel School M2 Company Building M103 M3 M1 8 Avenue 8 Museum of Nursing M55 M2 401 399 299 199 11 1 1 of Math 29 M3 133 W 26 Street W 26 Street W 26 Street E 26 Street E 26 Street Penn South Playground Broadway e e u u 41 n M7 1133 1134 n New York State M11 e 69th Regiment e Elliott-Chelsea M20 75 345 360 771 M7 212 248 M20 275 v Houses M55 v Supreme Court Armory A A Appellate Division 7 23 St 5 Courthouse 401 399 301 299 201 199 101 99 5 1 99 101 M1 LSouth TAvenue Park D W 25 Street W 25 Street W 25 Street E 25 Street Avenue Lexington Avenue of the Americas the of Avenue Worth LTD M2 Square 3 Chelsea 0 Madison Square Park Baruch1 Recreation M 1101 College M1 736 54 245 337 753 252 340 Center 294 281 230 9 Avenue 9 Penn South M3 Cooperative 2 401 299 199 101 99 1 101 0 399 1 M W 24 Street W 24 Street Avenue Madison W 24 Street Exit only Flatiron E 24 Street Plaza Metropolitan Exit only Life Tower Building Touro 1 London Terrace 31 38 729 315 310 229 236 215 270 212 Gardens School of 261 College Visual Arts 23 St Muhlenberg Grand Lodge Downtown only Uptown only Theatre 23 St 23 St of Masons Library 1 401 399 301 299 M23 201 M23 1 101 133 SBS M23SBS M23SBS SBS M23SBS M23 SBS M23SBS M23SBS M23SBS W 23 Street W 23 Street W 23 Street E 23 Street M23SBS M23SBS M23SBS M23 SBS M23SBS M23SBS M23SBS M23 M23 SBS SBS Broadway 23 Street 948 PATH 17 18 215 297 304 207 696 202 254 249 208 182 Flatiron 7 401 399 299 201 199 101 M 99 1 Building 99 101 129 5 W 22 Street W 22 Street W 22 Street M1 LTD E 22 Street 5 M Irish 23 St Repertory e Theater 936 935 u 1 2 n AIGA National 159 196 270 231 188 195 675 207 684 234 e Design Center v Calvary A 5 Avenue 9 Avenue 9 8 Avenue 8 Episcopal 6 Avenue 6 D 301 299 201 7 199 99 1 1 13 15 99 50 48 401 399 T Lexington Avenue Lexington L Church 2 W 21 Street W 21 Street W 21 Street M E 21 Street Gramercy Park North 0 Third Shearith 2 919 902 General Theological M Israel Cemetery 4 Gramercy Park 666 Flatiron 183 184 257 176 260 Seminary Chelsea 655 private access 399 301 299 199 101 99 District1 13 15 99 107 West Park Gramercy W 20 Street W 20 Street W 20 Street E 20 Street South Avenue Park Gramercy Park South Andrew Heiskell Theodore Atlantic Braille and Talking Broadway Theatre Roosevelt Book Library 900 M7 897 M11 Company Birthplace 86 M20 M7 85 133 146 641 153 195 249 162 M20 250 New York M55 Irving Place Irving Live Arts 5 Avenue 401 399 301 299 201 7 199 101 99 1 1 19 21 99 101 123 125 M W 19 Street W 19 Street W 19 Street E 19 Street Joyce Theater Americas the of Avenue 877 876 72 176 113 134 147 Fulton Houses 140 169 142 233 145 222 625 620 Gramercy 9 Avenue 9 8 Avenue 8 401 399 301 299 201 199 1 1 25 27 99 101 125 127 5 minutes W 18 Street W 18 Street W 18 Street E 18 Street M1 M12 LTD M14D 18 St M2 M1 LTD LTD 866 M2 863 LTD 57 56 103 112 160 155 105 604 603 M1 220 M2 M3 M1 M55 M2 401 399 301 299 199 101 99 1 1 25 99 M3 123 125 W 17 Street W 17 Street W 17 Street E 17 Street Park Avenue South Avenue Park Dr. Gertrude B. Kelly 6 minutes 6 minutes Union Square Playground Rubin Greenmarket Museum Mon Wed Fri Sat 40 37 Fulton Houses 87 114 116 113 124 103 88 582 of Art 585 Center for Union Square Jewish History Job Center 201 199 101 99 1 Union 99 101 401 399 301 299 W 16 Street W 16 Street W 16 Street Square 14 St e u Chelsea Market Port Authority Inland n e Union Square Park 17 24 20 29 79 91 94 102 116 553 552 Terminal Building v A Union Square Irving Place Irving 5 9 Avenue 9 14 St Avenue 7 Savings Bank 199 101 99 1 1 99 Building 121 123 Union Square West Square Union 0 2 Uptown W 15 Street W 15 Street M W 15 Street George Washington 14 St-Union Sq Statue LNQRW only 66 10 5 69 90 Con Edison 77 72 85 61 100 Building Chelsea Triangle only 14 St 6 Av M1 M12 101 119 401 M14A 301 299 199 M14A 101 1 1 99 2 M14A M12 M14A M14D M14D M14D MM14D14A M14D W 14 Street E 14 St W 14 Street W 14 Street M14D M14A 1 1 M14D M7 M14A M 8 Av Pratt Institute M14A M14D Metronome M14D Waverly Sculpture M20 Manhattan Job Center 842 Campus 841 140 Meatpacking678 79 14 Street 141 51 125 126 48 PATH New School New School New School District Church of the Arnhold Hall Welcome University Center 401 Village Center 99 101 351 301 299 199 99 33 35 63 65 W 13 Street Hudson Street W 13 Street Jackson W 13 Street W 13 Street E 13 Street Square 330 W New School Broadway 652 Lenox Hill 4 308 4 AvenueM1 Sheila Johnson LTD S 63 651 121 Greenwich 340 t M2 r Design Center 831 832 130 e 104 LTD 18 27 Village e 29 108 107 496 t 1 8 Avenue 489 1 9 Avenue 9 Gansevoort Street M1 5 Avenue Benjamin Cardozo 6 Avenue 6 M2 25 Corporal John A. 7 School of Law University Place M3 7 5 43 229 101 99 29 31 53 55 99 101 Seravalli 5 109 M12 5 Playground M Little W 12 Street Gansevoort M14A50 W 12 Street E 12 Street Plaza M20 231 et 36 tre Jane Street New York City M1 649 S LTD tio AIDS Memorial Park New School M2 45 ra 31 o 95 LTD H at St. Vincent’s Triangle Johnson/Kaplan Hall 111 Greenwich Street 37 First Presbyterian 813 1 7 91 47 88 470 475 Church 831 43 M1 et 33 M2 tre M3 S 842 W 4 Street rt 325 W 12 Street M55 oo v 632 199 99 1 37 39 se 59 Bank Street n 324 79 Ga M11 281 W 11 Street E 11 Street 61 M12623 Jane Street Grace M14A Garden 32 57 243 Second Shearith Memorial 283 Israel Cemetery House 244 59 Hudson Street 19 295 Grace 809 t 215 795 e 8 Avenue M11 39 64 67 re 822 309 M55 Church St 179 812 tio W 11 Street a 610 r 67 217 184 Church of the Ho 308 89 297 50 Ascension t 21 23 59 71 69 47 227 e 99 619 11 re 91 t Greenwich Street 311 S y 1 rr 49 W 10 Street E 10 Street St. John’s-in- M 49 Pe Washington 807 the-Village Commons 313 Church 1 785 291 G Abingdon 13 802 r Park ee 30 t Square 157 n 13 w 60 ee 331 i Jefferson Market r c 778 t Jane Street 290 51 29 9 Street 28 50 h 779 S Library 422 tio 95 253 Av ra 333 35 e 127 PATH Ho nu 601 e Avenue 5 Jefferson 6 Avenue Broadway 69 71 1 1 25 University Place 27 Washington Street Bank Street 255 Market 23 129 M8 M3 791 Charles Street W Garden 87 277 M20 W 9 Street E 9 Street 771 790 2 4 McCarthy S tr Square 770 10 e 15 278 e Waverly Place et W 12 Street t 51 e 371 Bleecker 193 tr 12 S M8 Ruth 25 1 Playground 411 0 Wittenberg Greenwich 1 30 W 11 Street 7 Avenue South W M8 373 53 190 Triangle 153 Hudson Street 287 8 St-NYU 257 135 99 1 1 25 27 103 105 763 780 M8 Village 99 155 258 W 8 Street B E 8 Street M2 49 M8 Bethune Street le 177 e 130 M1 50 101 c 393 M1 k 179 M8 LTD 577 e M2 r W 4 St M2 Astor Pl 49 Greenwich Street Perry Street 51 176 M3 S 1 52 18 t 31 Washington Sq LTD M8 r 752 396 e M55 14 e 13 Village Alliance 763 t W 4 Street241 Christopher Street 395 68 41 301 33 MacDougal Alley private access 1 486 173 155 Street Gay Washington Mews private access 760 Stonewall 745 89 242 Astor Place 5 Inn 255 258 313 151 143 303 735 375 115 141 135 10 80 Bank Street 133 M20 Westbeth Charles Street 187 101 1 135 744 Artist’s Housing 315 376 5 87 Waverly Place 14 107 M5 12 5 Avenue 5 67 1 35 25 UniversityPlace 23 Washington Street 89 t Washington Square North New School 743 e 11 e 90 Bleecker Street tr 1 for Drama S Christopher Waverly Place 725 West 355 0 373 1 M55 744 W 69 Park Washington 141 30 W 11 Street Square Arch 726 121 350 215 101 345 Village 100 63 535 247 Christopher St Sheridan Square 246 123 108 285 217 Washington Place 282 719 347 Sheridan Sq Viewing Garden 337 35 61 185 23 GreeneStreet Washington 21 MercerStreet W 4 Street 7 5 719 113 1 Broadway Hudson Street 330 93 West Street 711 Washington Place 184 355 91 Square Park 340 433 720 526 165 WashingtonSquare West 36 Lafayette Street 712 323 1 Perry Street 95 123 M8 M2 149 49 155 New York WashingtonSquare East 0 82 381 322 98 166 127 University 251 240 24 125 Frederick 269 W 4 Street 270 151 309 Barrow Street 1 707 47 Loewe Greenwich Street Bleecker Street M8 51 Theatre Golden Swan Washington Square South 33 253 13 705 696 Garden 11 Manhattan 1 Noho Christopher Street 306 Judson W 4 Street 696 9 Waterfront 420 1 510 Memorial Greenway 710 Jones Street 697 E 4 Street 133 Church Schwartz 26 136 New York Gould Plaza 145 Charles Street 250 New York 287 t Plaza 505 e West 4 University University 177 129 e Mercer Bedford Street 7 Avenue South tr Skirball Center 104 99 S Street Courts Welcome 323 115 Plaza 147 267 Grove Street a 113 M55 li 97 for the Center 250 Washington Street Christopher Street e W 3 79 74 n Street r Performing Arts 382 Charles Lane PATH 107 17 o 61 280 C 43 681 1 271 687 Minetta W 3 St 29 100 reet 9 134 494 57 Playground 84 1 15 1 243 680 Bleecker 39Street 70 692 236 W 3 Street W 10 Street 88 123 Great Jones Street 283 t 141 e Hudson e tr 2 1 58 262 246 River 175 S 1 Minetta Lane 95 e 285 c t Park r 15 143 241 e e 1 Minetta e m r M20 t 60 29 m Morton Street Green 6 Avenue Hudson Street S Church of o 657 676 C n 368 West Street Saint Luke a Fiorello v i in the Fields Father Demo l La Guardia 31 l Mercer 401 Broadway Hudson River 648 B 68 Minetta Street Statue Pier 46 e Square u Center for Greenwich Street d M55 Washington Playground 2 163 M20 fo t Our Lady S r e MacDougalStreet Architecture Square 16 M8 d e 18 r of Pompeii 101 37 S ThompsonStreet tr t 6 Village Street Lafayette e 27 S Church Bond Street 653 e 307 Christopher Street t y Minetta 165 o 5 La Guardia Place Greenway 88 Cherry Lane r 666 e 228 Triangle Weehawken Street L Theatre MercerStreet Barrow Street Downing Street Washington Street 30 Winston Av of the Americas 231 7 41 M8 Playground 189 M8 Churchill 100 177 197 163 Square Bleecker Street 652 639 100 198 147 452 350 Pier 45 185 Little Red 123 337 638 102 Bedford Street36 Bleecker Street 113 Square 98 455 178 212 Culture et Carmine Street 162 77 tre 195 73 Bleecker St S 49 146 Bleecker Street Project 112 ton 196 55 or 43 39 69 M Bleecker Street 114 Barrow Street La Guardia 637 68 71 210 Post: 6 Av 51 28 Downing Street Corner 11 60 Map © City of New York.
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