All tho Nous of WE BO BED HANK /mil Surrounding Towns OUR PART l'e!d l'"eurlrasiy mid VVHiiout Bias. Issued Weekly, Entered n& Stcond-ClasB Matter at tbo Fout- Subscription Prlcos One Yc:ir 31.50 VOLUMELVI.NO. 19. ofilce at Itcii Hank, N. J., under tbo Act ot March 8. 1870. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1,1933. Bis Montha 31.00. El n el o Copy 4c. PAGES 1 TO 16. SALVATION ARMY CAMPAIGN. parties, one leaning towards conser- Dance And Show J. G. Timo!at Out vative and the other towards radical It Will Wind Up Saturday With Tug action. Now we are traveling" along Day Solicitations. new and, uncharted aeas. Startling For Republicans changes in our economic life are be- The campaign of the Red 'Bank ing made and the question is not on- branch of the Salvation Army haa Fair Haven Fire Company to President of Riverside Drive As* ly where are we at, but where are we been extended to inciudo this week. going. It will wind up Saturday with tag Hold Benefit Friday Night, sociation Urges Middletown day solicitations. Permission for this November 3, nt Elks' Home— Township Citizens to Vote the "It was that great English philoso- ey.ent__ha.s been granted by Police pher, Samuel Johnson by name, con- Commissioner Thomas M. Gopslll. " Floor Show to be Presented. Republican Ticket. sidered by many one of England's greatest thinkers, wbrPsaTd, ^.Experi- Chamber of Commerce Completing Plans for Big Shop- Martin VanBcuren Sinoclc, chair- Reservations are coming in fast The largest Republican maES mcc:t- ence becomes the test of truth, and Interest Lacking Except in a Few Localities Where Hot man of the campaign, stated at a for table accommodations for the j£ i;o ^r dui-ii"»i» OJJB campii^n -was experience is perpetually contradict- ping Event—Seventy Merchants and Business meeting Friday night that $1,087.05 charity ball and floor ohovvj to be held Friday night at Navesink. J. ing the theories of men." had been received and that another given by the Fair Haven fire com- G. Timolat, president of the River- "Even the Democratic leaders ad- Scraps Are Being Waged for Municipal Offices— meeting would be held tonight to re- pany Friday night, November 3, in fi.ae Drive association, wafj the prin- mit that they are experimenting, Houses Are Co-operating. celvo further reports. Tho receipts the Elks auditorium on Broad street. cipal Hpeulccr. His remarks in part that they are following the theories Democratic County Prospects Brigltf. tabulated Friday night were from Indications are that the auditorium v/ere UH Sallowj: of tho Brain Trust and if Samuel thews & Forbes, Miller's shoe store, Encouraged by tho reported Im- tho following sources: will be fllled to capacity. No charge "Political inct»ting:s should receive Johnson was right, what is going to With election only aix days off, the fully, Each hag replied that this is provement In business conditions, the Merchant's trunt company, Mon- Executive committee ia made for reservations. more attention than they do, for they happen to the Brain Trust theories ? mouth men's shop, National live ccnta 1060.50 rampaign in Monmouth county has untrue and that ho baa reduced ex- Chamber of Commerce Is completing Ilniitlat Man's ICBKUO 47.00 Tony Hunting has been rehearsing afford opportuniticH for the voters to "What is going on in our national "cached its final and most intensive penditures. plans for "Bed Banli days" to bo held to one dollar Btore, P. T. Jlanriine, Woman'* clul, j C1.00 the per/onners and an excellent en- become acquainted wltb candidate.1*, life cannot well be interfered with Robert Hanco & Son, Buby-Lane Pniabyterlnn brotherhood ?• 105.00 iiugc. > The outcome of the balloting on Friday and Saturday of thin week. Eastern Stnr !oo ' tu-tainment is anticipated. Tho or- und for candidates to state their plat- now. The congress in its wisdom has lext, Tuesday will determine political Tho freeholder Candidates. More thun seventy merchants are oo- storo, ReussllJe's Jewelry store, Red Golden Hour circle .yo chentra will be conducted by Larry forms, it is an opportunity where #)ven the President almost autocrat- The terms of two freeholders cx- Bank Register, Red Bank Standard, control of the county and interest opSsVatlnc to make this occasion one HudlncHH Women's club . 9°! LaRos and will consist of eight plr.t forms may be described and ic power and we all, independent of over this outcome hi more keen than plro this year, they being Bryant B. of tho most successful ever held In Sunablnu marltot, Strnun company, Mcthodl.t church 88.50 vhere cx,'1ru;utions of the work o: party, hope he will be successful in Neweomb nf Long Branch, the chair- Silk shop, Inc., Schneider's market, Lions club 10.00 jjlecea. The sale of ticltcta so far nything else. The Republicans have this borough. Quadrangle club 12.50 cfliciala may bt made. It is about the loading the country out of the de- man of tho board of freeholders, and Schroeder's pharmacy, Schulte- has been very encouraging and the three members of the county board The "buy now" movement Insti- Salvation Army 66.75 ticket sales are expected to cover all enly time when the voters get much pression which nas so discouraged us of freeholders.. The Democrats have Elmer E. Polhemus of Upper Free- United, Simon's nice things, Strand hold township. The Republican can- tuted under the N. R. A. has actuated expenses of the dance. t consideration, because after election all, but that does not mean that we two. On the chessboard of county restaurant, Sears-Roebuck company, —well/that fe another day. should not keep our powder dry, fo^ didates for freeholders aro Mr. New- tho merchants to sot asldo two days Second national bank and trust com- An advertising program will he politics nothing ranks so high from Instead of one In which to offer tho "AH tho work of the local govern- iwxt year there will be senators and L patronage standpoint a.s having comb and Arthur E. Johnaon. Tho pany, Trubln's stationery store, Tow- printed for the occasion and mer- latter is a resident of Interlaken. Mr. public somo of the most sensational chants and professional men have ment increases, so does the responsi- congressmen to be elected and if a control of this key department. The er Bhooo, Tho Gift shop, Wilbur's jew- change tjien seems necessary in our Polhemua announced prior to the bargains ever presented. Last year elry store, Whytc millinery, whelun's generously subscribed to it. The pro- bility of official?; the average citizen 'rceholders have many jobs to pass tho oho "Rod Bank day" held under At Hilton Park c;:nnot very well attend to public at- federal policies now In this election jut, large public expenditures to primary election last May that ho' drug store, William L. Schwartz, Ye ceeds from the program are expected would not run for re-election, stating; tho ausplcos of tho chamber was Gem shoppe. to reach (several hundred dollars, AH fa-rs, and our system of government the time to prepare for it. make and many other functions to highly succoBSful, both from tho vlow- piovldos that men shall be selected perform which accrue to the advan- that he was through with politics. Addresses by Capt. William the proceeds will be.used for charl- Mr. Johnson was nominated over As- polnt of tho merchant and buyer, no Ono of the features of the campaign table purposes for "which the welfare and delegated with certain authority tage of the, party in power. there Is no reason why, because of Raoul, Cr« C. Ficke and Party to do all fhoso things which go tc sessor George W. Bray of Hod Bank preceding "Red Bank days" will be board of the fire company havo be- All this favors Republican chances by a small majority. tho two-day event and tho betturment a slogan contest in which all persons, Candidates' for Township Of- come so well recognized. The relief irakc up local oflicial life and duty. Rally and Pig Roast of economlo conditions, this year's As tho functions of government in- of success next Tuesday. Every job- excepting all employers and em- fices Last Saturday Evening. during the coming winter, Including holder under the present regime with The Democratic candidates for red letter occasion should not prove ployees of tho firms taking part in crease, so do the expenditures in- freeholders aro Henry W. Herbert, to bo doubly successful. the Christmas dinners, clothing and crease, public employees become few exceptions and everybody else the event and their families, may Saturday evening a Democratic fuel, is expected to require almost.a •ho has anything to gain, by keeping president of tho Engllshtown Na- AB In tho.pant, in all of tho stores participate. The prlzo will bo .$25 in rally was held Jn front of Cris C. more numerous, tho pay rolls get tional bank, and Arthur Pryor of thousand dollars. The firemen are bigger, and the taxpayer groans a West Side Republican Club Hold the present county government In and places of business co-operating in cash. Fjckc's house at Hilton Park. It depending upon tho response of the power will be out working to this Wanamasaa, a well-known musician "Red Bank days," a coupon will be a opened by Capt. "William Raoul little louder. It ia well within ths Spirited Meeting and Ask for who is best known as tho leader of In tho window of every (store tak- public to assist them in raising funds.
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