BIBLIOGRAPHY : ALGAE 3621 IX. Bibliography C.G.G.J. van Steenis (continued from "page 3534) The entries have been split into five categories: a) Algae — b) Fungi & Lichens — c) Bryophytes — d) Pteridophytes — e) Spermatophytes & General subjects. — Books have been marked with an asterisk. The scope of this Bibliography has hitherto been to cover the East and Southeast Asiatic area, Malesia, the Pacific and Australasia. Unfortuna- tely the number of entries for this instalment has increased far beyond the available space, in part due to an increase of very short papers. To my regret the bibliography had to be curtailed and become more selective, which it by can no longer be as complete as was the original purpose. Among the papers on the colder and drier marginal areas, and among minu- tiae and made. mere name listings for local areas a selection has been a) Algae: AGARKAR,D.S., M.S.AGARKER & R.DIKSHIT, Desmids from Bandhavgarh, Madhya Pradesh, India. Hydrobiologia 65 (1979) 213-223, 93 fig. Records listed. - ALLENDER,B.M. Dictyotopsis propagulifera (Phaeophyta) an algal enigma. Phycologia 19 (1980) 234-236, 3 fig. Tropical Old World mangrove genus; raised to family rank. ANAND,V.K. Blue-green algae of Gadigarh stream (Miran Sahib, Jammu). I. Phykos 18 (1979) 21-24, 1 tab. 25 names listed. ASHTEKAR,P.V. & N.D.KAMAT, Additions to the desmid flora of Marathwada, Maharashtra. Phykos 18 (1979) 45-50. 59 taxa recorded. & Filamentous Myxophyceae of Aurangabad District, Maharashtra. J.Bomb.Nat.Hist.Soc. 76 (1979; publ. 1980) 215-218. Some 40 names listed. BHARATI,S.G. & G.R.HEGDE, A systematic account of Chlorococcales of Has- seen District, Karnataka State, India. J.Bomb.Nat.Hist.Soc. 76 (1979; publ. 1980) 545-547, 3 pi. Name list; no novelties. *CHAPMAN,V. J. The marine algae of New Zealand. III. Rhodophyceae. Issue 4: Gigartinales. Kramer Verlagbuchhandlung, Waldenar (1979) pp. 279- 509. CHATURVEDI,U.K., S.K.BHATNAGAR & U.C.PANDEY, On Batrachospermum from Rohilkhand division, U.P. India. 18 (1979) 53-56, 2 3 Phykos fig. * For papers on Dipterocarpaceae, see pages 3588-3599. 3622 FLORA MALESIANA BULLETIN 34 (1981) Bonne- CHIHARA,M. Delisea okadai (Yamada) Chihara comb.nov. (Rhodophyta, maisoniaceae). Phycologia 18 (1979) 437. Ptilonia reduced to Delisea. & T.NAKAMURA, Compsopogon corticrassus, a new species of fresh water red algae (Compsopogonaceae, Rhodophyta). J.Jap.Bot. 55 (1980) 136-144, 4 fig. In Japanese. CORDERO Jr,P.A. Phycological observations VI. Mangrove-associated algae from Aklccn, Philippines. Kalikasan 7 (1978) 275-296, 5 fig., 1 tab. Records with to within & records. keys spp. genera; some new vars. I. DAVEY,A. & w.j. WOELKERLING, Studies on Australian mangrove algae. Victorian communities: composition and geographic distribution. Proc.R.Soc.Vict. 91 (1980) 53-66, 1 fig., 1 pi., 5 tab. Name list; descriptions; ecology. DOGMA Jr,I.J. Philippine zoospovio fungi: Blyttiomyces verrucosus n.sp. Kalikasan 8 (Chytridiales), with a revision of the genus. (1979) 237-266, 37 fig. Key to 8 species. DUCKER,S.C. History of Australian phycology: the significance of early French exploration. Brunonia 2 (1979) 19-42, 11 fig., 2 tab. Early French explorers. FOGED,N. Diatoms in New the North Island. Bibl. Zealand\ 3 Phycologica (1979) ii + 226 48 pp., pi., map. the FORTES,M.D. & G.C.TRONO Jr, Marine algal microphytes new to Philip- pines. Kalikasan 8 (1979) 51-68, 15 fig. 35 spp. listed; most species associated with mangroves; many new records for the West Pacific. 97-103. FREITAS,J.F. & N.D.KAMAT, Desmidiaceae of Nagpur. Phykos 18 (1979) 82 names recorded. GUNALE V. R. Nelliecarteria De Toni. A record , ramosa (Carter) new for India (Cyanophyta). Curr.Sci. 49 (1980) 275-276, 1 fig. HASLE,G.R. & E.E.SYVERTSEN, The diatom genus Cerataulina: morphology and taxonomy. Bacillaria 3 (1980) 79-113, 13 pi. (ed.), Illustrations the algae. (1977) HIROSE,H . of Japanese fresh-uater 933 255 pp., pi. In Japanese. A magnificently illustrated monographic treatment, with keys and descriptions. Composed by 11 authors. The Galaxaura Micronesia. Micronesica 16 ITONO,H. genus (Rhodophyta) in (1980) 1-19, 16 fig. 13 spp. keyed out. New Micronesia: & R.T.TSUDA, algal genera and species records from Chamaedoris orientalis (Chlorophyta) and Rhodopeltia gracilis (Rho- dophyta). Micronesica 16 (1980) 21-27, 11 fig. 2 new records. 3623 BIBLIOGRAPHY : ALGAE and its JAO,Chin-chih & Yuan-jie LING, Zygnema insolitum, sp.nov. repro- duction. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18 (1980) 486-488, 1 fig. In Chinese. 31 JOHNSON,A. The Trentepohliaceae of Singapore Island. Gard.Bull.Sing. (1978) 229-237, 9 fig. Aerial algae; 7 taxa listed. (Rhodo- KUMANO,Shigeru, Morphological study of nine taxa of Bostrychia phyta) from Southwestern Japan, Hong Kong and Guam. Micronesica 15 (1979) 13-33, 7 pi. Key to 9 taxa. New Guinea. Acad.Sci. *KUROKAWA,S. (ed.), Studies on Cryptogams of Papua 1-3, 1 Book Inc.Tokyo (1979) 148 pp., illus. Preface pp. map. A and new independent book with 10 papers on fungi, bryophytes made from algae. The preface contains an account of the collections New Guinea. which data are derived; map with the localities in Papua MAY,V. Compsopogon coeruleus (Balbis) Montagne (Rhodophyta: Erythrotri- chiaceae) New 2 record of this genus for Australia. Telopea (1980) 142-143. MISHRA/G.P. & J.PUROHIT, A preliminary list of soil algae from Sagar. Phykos 18 (1979) 63-67, 1 tab. 27 entities listed. 68 MUKHERJEE,S. & M.N.NOOR, On a new Charophyte from India. Hydrobiologia (1980) 81-84, 2 fig. Chara indica n.sp. MULLER,D.G. Genetic affinity of Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillw.) Lyngb. from the Mediterranean, North Atlantic and Australia (Phaeophyta). Phycologia 18 (1979) 312-318, 2 fig., 2 tab. Bipolar range. OTANI,Y. Termitomyces albuminosus (Berk.) Heim collected in Ishigaki Island 20 (1979) of Ryukyu Archipelago } Japan. Trans.Mycol.Soc.Japan 195-202, 1 fig., 1 col.pl. In Japanese. PADDOCK,T.B.B. & P.A.SIMS, Observations on the marine diatom genus Auri- cula two Bacillaria 3 and new genera. Undatella and Proboscidea. (1980) 161-196, 8 pi. PANDEY,U.C. & U.K.CHATURVEDI, Algae of Rohilkhand Division, P.P., India. V. Phykos 18 (1979) 37-43. 51 names listed. III. PATEL,R.J. & C.K.ASOKA KUMAR, Zygnemaceae of Gujarat, India. Zygne- mopsis (Skuja) Transeau. Acta Botanica Indica 5 (1977) 20-24, 14 fig. & Desrrrids of Gujarat, India. I. Genus Closterium Nitzsoh. Phykos 18 (1979) 111-124, 2 pi. 46 species recognized and listed. 3624 FLORA MALESIANA BULLETIN 34 (1981) Indian PRASAD,B.N. & R.K.MEHROTRA, Desmid flora of North paddy fields. New Botanist 4 (1977) 49-74, 3 pi. 77 records described and listed. - a soil. ----- Aphanocapsa gigantea A new species from crop-field New Botanist 4 (1977) 99-100, 2 fig. Flora India. J.Indian & Some new additions to Cyanophycean of Bot.Soc. 57 (1978) 98-101, 9 fig. 16 records. - Buil.Bot.Surv.India & Algal floristics in India A resume. 19 (1977; publ. 1979) 279-292, 1 tab. SALAM Pediastrum var. ,A. M .Abdus, A new member of Chlorococcales, simplex (1979) 1 karnafullum var. nov. from Bangladesh. Phykos 18 11-12, fig. SARAYA,A. & G.C.TRONO Jr, The marine benthio algae of Santiago Island and adjacent areas in Bolinao, Pangasinan (Philippines). I. Cyanophyta, and Phaeophyta. Natur.& Appl.Sci.Bull. 31 (1979) 1-59, 10 pi. Records listed. its environs - SARMA,T.A., S.KATA & SUNITA, Algal flora of Patiala and Cyanophyceae II. Phykos 18 (1979) 13-19. 79 names listed (from India). 18 SARODE,P.T. & N.D.KAMAT, Diatoms of Marathwada, Maharashtra. I. Phykos (1979) 25-32, 39 fig. 39 names listed. Dino- SHYAM,R. & Y.S.R.K.SARMA, Studies on some interesting freshwater phyceae from North India. Nova Hedwigia 32 (1980) 133-159, 4 pi. 22 species; some new. SUBBA RAJU,N. & M.R.SUXENA, Algae and Testacea of the Cho Oyu (Himalayas) Expedition II; Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta Euglenophyta, Chrysophyta > and Testaoea. Hydrobiologia 67 (1979) 141-160, 80 fig. Records listed. New WATANABE,M., G.W.PRESCOTT & T.YAMAGISHI, Freshwater algae of Papua Guinea (2). Desmids from Woitape, Central District. In: S.Kurokawa (ed.), Studies on Cryptogams of Papua New Guinea. Acad.Sci.Book Inc.Tokyo (1979) 49-66, 45 fig. 45 records (a few new varieties). New WATANABE,M.M., M.WATANABE & T.YAMAGISHI, Freshwater algae of Papua Guinea (3). Blue-green algae from Mt. Wilhelm. Ibid. 67-85, 5 fig. 49 records; no new species. WATANABE,S. Green soil algae from Papua New Guinea, ibid. 87-102, 5 fig. 13 records; 1 new sp., 1 new comb. WEE,Y.C. Annotated list of Algae of Singapore (I). Gard.Bull.Sing. 31 (1978) 238-250, 1 pi. to Key genera; species listed. BIBLIOGRAPHY : FUNGI AND LICHENS 3625 WOLLASTON,E.M. Recognition of Pterothamnion Haegeli with taxonomic notes simile ccnd on P. (Hooker & Harvey) Haegeli Platythamnion nodiferum Wollaston (Rhodophyta Ceramiaceae). Trans.R.Soc.S.Aust. (J.Agardh) 3 103 (1979) 191-196, 4 fig. From Austral islands. Greville WOMERSLEY,H.B.S. Southern Australian species of Polysiphonia 27 14 (Rhodophyta ). Austr.J.Bot. (1979) 459-528, fig. to Key 26 spp. (9 new spp.); distribution; ecology. YAMAGISHI,T. & M.WATANABE, Freshwater algae of Papua New Guinea (1). On Studies some filamentous green algae. In: S.Kurokawa (ed.), on Cryptogams of Papua New Guinea. Acad.Sci.Book Inc.Tokyo (1979) 33- 47, 6 fig. 44 records; no new species. ZHU,Wan-jia, Some new species of the Zygnemataceae from Guangdong (Kwang- tung). Acta Phytotax.Sin. 18 (1980) 106-109, 1 pi. In Chinese. ZORIKI,T. Benthic diatoms in Lombok Island Indonesia. Jap.J. fresh-water 3 Phycol.(SSrui) 28 (1980) 117-121, 20 fig.
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