The Westfield NewsSearch for The Westfield News Westfield350.com The WestfieldNews Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns “TIME IS THE ONLY WEATHER CRITIC WITHOUT TONIGHT AMBITION.” Partly Cloudy. JOHN STEINBECK Low of 55. www.thewestfieldnews.com VOL. 86 NO. 151 $1.00 SATURDAY,TUESDAY, JUNE APRIL 27, 3, 2017 2021 VOL.75 cents 90 NO. 78 Councilors react to Public Health Capt. McCabe retires and Safety meeting on water from city police dept. By AMY PORTER [Ralph] Figy, Councilor By HOPE E. TREMBLAY Staff Writer [Bridget] Matthews-Kane and Editor WESTFIELD – Ward 4 Councilor [Kristen] Mello WESTFIELD – Westfield Police Capt. Michael A. McCabe Councilor Michael Burns told which I presented to the retired April 2 after nearly 40 years on the job. the City Council on April 1 mayor. He was present at the McCabe began his career as a reserve officer, becoming a that the Public Health & meeting, and turned them fulltime patrolman April 28, 1986. Safety Committee had over to Heather Stayton [sys- McCabe moved through the ranks, working as a detective, received an update from the tems] engineer of the Water then becoming a sergeant in charge of the Community Police Water Department in response Department. She went Unit. He became a lieutenant and headed the detective bureau to questions asked by several through all the questions, and before being promoted to captain April 28, 2008, exactly 22 councilors, which the com- answered them all as trans- years after joining the department full time. mittee voted 3 to 0 to send to parently as she could. She did McCabe said he loved being a member of the police depart- the City Council. answer every question,” ment, but enjoyed a few positions more than others. “We asked for questions Burns said. “It’s a coin toss between community policing and detective under Section 26 (of the City At-large Councilor Kristen Westfield Police Capt. bureau,” he said. Charter). We received 20 MICHAEL J. BURNS. Michael McCabe. (THE questions from Councilors Ward 4 Councilor See Councilors, Page 5 WESTFIELD NEWS PHOTO) See Capt. McCabe, Page 5 Media specialist tries new Southwick Zoom transcription service reports 11 new By AMY PORTER ture and it’s included in the City Zoom Staff Writer package so no added costs. It will work on WESTFIELD – The City Council meet- all Zoom meetings and is captured and COVID cases ing April 1 on Zoom had a new feature, a transmitted as part of the channel 15 and transcribed record in the style of closed uTube broadcasts. It will continue on all captioning at the bottom of the screen dur- Zoom meetings. Peter did a great job,” Town back to moderate ing the meeting. Sullivan said. Media Specialist Peter Cowles said after At the start of the meeting April 1, the risk category months of looking into closed captioning Councilors did have a bit of fun with their services, many of which were prohibitively transcribed names, although President By PETER CURRIER expensive, he noticed that a recent upgrade Brent B. Bean, II — transcribed as “Being” Staff Writer of the city’s pro version of Zoom had added – asked them not to get too distracted. SOUTHWICK – The Board of Health reported a real-time transcription service. Other difficult name transcriptions 11 new confirmed COVID-19 cases this week to “It mimics closed captioning, and is part included: bring the pandemic total to 528. of the Zoom programming now,” Cowles Bill Onyski – “Below Nevsky” – “An Health Director Tammy Spencer said during the said, adding that it is a free service with the esky” – “Oh no ski” – “On a ski” April 1 Board of Health meeting that because Zoom subscription. Flaherty – “Clarity” Southwick has had fewer than 25 cases in the pre- Cowles said it is an option they will now Matthews-Kane – “Matthews King”‘ vious 14 days, Southwick is no longer considered use for all Zoom meetings, which are also Mello – “Mellow” a high risk community. This is despite the rising broadcast on Channel 15 and the city’s Morganelli – “Morgan Alley” number of other high risk communities in Youtube channel at Westfield Community Allie – “Alley” Massachusetts as COVID-19 cases continue to Programming. Beltrandi – “They’ll trendy” – “Bell rise again. At-large Councilor Richard K. Sullivan trendy” Southwick is now considered a moderate risk Jr., who has been working with Cowles in Figy – “Vicki” community and is in the “yellow” zone. the government relations subcommittee to The program managed well with the Spencer also announced that at least 25 percent find an affordable option for closed cap- names Adams, Burns, Harris and Sullivan. of Southwick residents have received at least one tioning, called it “a step in the right direc- Cowles said he will attempt to make the dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. More than 2,500 tion.” text a little bit bigger next time around. people have received at least one dose, while more “It’s actually called ‘live transcription’ “The names were pretty funny,” Cowles than 1,200 residents are fully vaccinated in and I guess not true closed captioning. said, adding, “It satisfies a need. I’ll defi- Media Specialist Peter Cowles multi-task- Southwick. Peter was able to activate a new Zoom fea- nitely take it.” ing. (PHOTOS SUBMITTED) Of those who have received a COVID-19 vac- cine in Southwick, 48 percent are 75 or older, 16 percent are between 65 and 74, 12 percent are between 50 and 64, 10 percent are between 30 and 49, and 8 percent are under the age of 30. Cable program looks at all angles when selling a home Spencer hopes to get those numbers up soon By LORI SZEPELAK best time for the family.” drastic lack of inventory,” said with the help of the Big E mass vaccination site Correspondent Lambert, who will celebrate Lambert. “The young buyers that was approved this week. Spencer said WESTFIELD-For city resi- her 33rd year in real estate this are definitely out there trying, Thursday that she knows few details about the dents considering selling their June, has worked in the Greater but because there are so few plan for the site but that there were meetings home this year, a new program Westfield area for her entire options, almost every sale turns planned for Friday, April 2 to discuss the financial on cable Channel 15 delves career. Her special designation into a bidding war.” and logistical details of the site. into the reasons it might be a from the National Association Lambert added that scenario She said people will be able to sign up for a vac- good time to put one’s house on of Realtors includes complet- is great for the seller but “tricky cine appointment beginning the Wednesday before the market. ing a special course, passing a and disappointing” for buyers. the site receives their first doses. The program is titled “Is It test and taking continuing edu- “The seniors that are moving “They will be able to dispense up to 2,000 doses Time To Sell The House?” and cation. are making lots of different per day but they are going to start with about 1,200 is part of the ongoing Westfield “The course prepares a choices – some downsizing to a per day,” said Spencer. Council on Aging Presents Lesley Lambert is featured in Realtor for the best practices in smaller home or condo, some Spencer also said that Southwick was approved series hosted by Harry Rock. a new cable program this assisting seniors with their real going to 55+ developments, to receive 50 doses of the single-dose Johnson and The show will air at 2:45 p.m. month titled “Is It Time To estate needs,” said Lambert, some going to assisted commu- Johnson vaccine for the homebound vaccination on April 6, 13, 20, and 27, and Sell The House?” (SUBMITTED who is also on the Board of nities, and some even deciding program. As of April 1, Spencer said that there can also be viewed at www. PHOTO) Directors of The Friends of the to rent for awhile as they were about 25 homebound residents who had signed up for the program already, and that she cityofwestfield.org and under ket and many people are decid- Westfield Senior Center. decide,” she said. expects that all 50 doses should be used for the “Community,” click on ing to sell now to maximize During the episode Lambert While the 45-minute pro- program. Community Access TV, CH 15 their equity,” said Lesley discusses the options for down- gram was recorded for the While a resident who is homebound is typically Live Stream. The program can Lambert, a certified senior real sizing, when to start preparing Westfield Senior Center’s pro- not exposed to the general public on a daily basis, also be viewed on a Youtube estate specialist. “It may be a one’s home for sale, how to gramming, Lambert added that Spencer said, they still risk COVID-19 exposure link – https://www.youtube. good reason for many people, find the right real estate team, most of the information is through people who come to their homes to take com/watch?v=SD6p6W6HIZ0 but of course, the best time to and much more. applicable to anyone consider- care of them. “This is a strong seller’s mar- sell your home is when it is the “We are still dealing with a ing selling their home. 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