Carol J. Krueger, DMA Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected] [email protected] Wade in the Water SAB Traditional Spiritual, arr. Ashley Nelson Santa BarBara SBMP1434 Rhythm Patterns Beat Divided Beat Beat Syncopation Extension Dot Beat SuBdivision 1 Carol J. Krueger, DMA Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected] [email protected] Wade in the Water Rhythm Patterns Beat Subdividion-Extension Dot Syncopation Tonal Patterns Tonic Dominant Subdominant 2 Carol J. Krueger, DMA Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected] [email protected] Wade in the Water Tonal Lines Soprano Line Alto Line Baritone Line 3 Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected] Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected] TEXT STRESS & IPA ANALYSIS Wade In The Water Ashley Nelson (b. 1981) SAB STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS [ɑ] [ɔ] [æ] [ɛ] [i] [ɪ] [ɜ] God’s [gɑdz] all [ɔl] that [ðæt] dressed [drɛst] see [si] in [ɪn] an [æn] red [rɛd] he’s [hiz] band [bænd] led [lɛd] Diphthong = two vowel sounds Sustaining Vowel = 1st vowel; Vanishing Vowel = 2nd Vowel STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS [u] [ʊ] [ə] [ʌ] [aɪ] [eɪ] [oʊ] looks [lʊks] the [ðə] white [waɪt] wade [weɪd] oh [oʊ] a [ə] like [laɪk] host [hoʊst] STRESS dim. STRESS dim. STRESS dim. dim. wa – ter [ˈwɔ - tər] chil-dren [ˈʧɪl - drən] Is – rael – ite [ˈɪz - rə -ˌlaɪt] gon – na [ˈgɑ - nə] lead – er [ˈlid - ər] Diphthong = two vowel sounds trou – ble [ˈtrʌ - bəl] Mo-ses [ˈmoʊ - zəs] Diphthong = two vowel sounds https://tophonetics.com Chorus: 2. See that band all dressed in red, Wade in the water, oh wade in the water, children, God’s a gonna trouble the water. wade in the water, God’s gonna trouble the water. Looks like the band that Moses led, God’s gonna trouble the water. 1. See that host all dressed in white, God’s a gonna trouble the water. Final Chorus: Leader looks like an Israelite Oh, God’s, he’s gonna trouble. God’s a gonna trouble the water. Historical Background Wade in the Water is the name of a Negro spiritual first published in New Jubilee Songs as Sung by the Fisk Jubilee Singers (1901) by John Wesley Work II and his brother, Frederick J. Work. It is associated with the songs of the Underground Railroad. Harriet Tubman, an African-American abolitionist and perhaps the most well-known of all the Underground Railroad's "conductors,” used the song “Wade in the Water” to tell escaping slaves to get off the trail and into the water to make sure the dogs slave-catchers used couldn’t sniff out their trail. People walking through water did not leave a scent trail that dogs could follow. Composer Information Ashley F. Nelson (b. 1981) holds a B.M. and M.M. in Music Education from Boston University, and is a choral educator, arranger/composer, and singer in the greater Boston area. As a member of the National Association for Music Education and the American Choral Directors Association, Ashley has served on the concert committee and as a clinician for MMEA conferences, been an active executive board member of MICCA (Massachusetts Instrumental & Choral Conductors Association) and provided clinics for middle and high school choirs. https://sbmp.com/ComposerPage.php?ComposerNum=0335 4 Carol J. Krueger, DMA Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected]@gmail.com Ubi Caritas Three-Part Mixed Victor Johnson Choristers Guild: CGE63 Rhythm Patterns Beat Beat Division Beat Subdivision 51 Carol J. Krueger, DMA Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected]@gmail.com Tonal Patterns Tonic (I) Dominant-Seventh (V7) Subdominant (IV) Supertonic (ii) 62 Carol J. Krueger, DMA Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected]@gmail.com Ubi Caritas Three-Part Mixed Victor Johnson Choristers Guild: CGE63 Tonal Patterns, cont. Raised Tonic (di) Lowered 7th (te) Raised 4th (fi) Raised 5th (si) Tonal Lines Part I 73 Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected] Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected] Tonal Lines, cont. Part II Part III 8 4 Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected] Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected] TEXT STRESS ANALYSIS TITLE: Ubi Caritas COMPOSER: Victor Johnson VOICING: Three Part Mixed STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS et [eht] ex [eks] est [ehst] in [een] nos [naws] STRESS dim. cresc. STRESS dim. cresc. cresc. STRESS dim. U-bi sin-ce-ro Con-gre-ga-vit [oo-bee] [seen cheh-raw] [kawn-greh-gah-veet] a-mor Ex-sul-te-mus [ah-mawr] [Ex-sul-te-mus] De-us STRESS dim. dim. [deh-oos] ju-cun-de-mur ca-ri-tas i-bi [kah-ree-tahs] [yoo-koon-deh-moor] [ee-bee] u-num di-li-ga-mus [dee-lee-gah-moos] [oo-noom] Chris-ti [kree-stee] ip-so [eep-saw] cor-de [kawr-deh] Text, Transliteration, IPA, Translation U-bi ca-ri-tas et a-mor, De-us i-bi est Text oo-bee kah-ree-tahs eht ah-mawr deh-oos ee-bee ehst. Transliteration :u bi :ka ri tas Et :ah mçr :dE us :i bi Est IPA Where charity and love, God there is. Translation [Word for Word] Con-gre-ga-vit nos in u-num Chris-ti a-mor. kawn-greh-gah-veet naws een oo-noom kree-stee ah-mohr. PRONUNCIATION GUIDE • All vowels in Latin are kçn grE ga vit nçs in :u num :kri sti :a mçr pure and sung with no Has gathered us into one of Christ love. diphthong. Ex-sul-te-mus et in ip-so ju-cun-de-mur. Letter-Transliteration-IPA ehk-soo-teh-moos eht een eep-saw yoo-koon-deh-moor. a = ah = a Ek sul :tE mus Et in :ip so ju kun :dE mur e = eh = E Le us rejoice and in it be glad. i = ee = i Et ex cor-de di-li-ga-mus nos sin-ce-ro. o = aw = ç eht eks kawr-deh dee-lee-gah-moos naws seen-cheh-raw. u = oo = u Et Eks :kçr dE di li :ga mus nçs sin :tSE rç • In Latin all ‘r’ will be And from heart let us love us sincere. slightly flipped. Ubi Caritas is the final antiphon sung during the ceremony of the Washing of the Feet on Maundy Thursday. Its author is unknown but it was probably written in France during the 10th century. 9 Carol J. Krueger, DMA Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected] [email protected] O Love SATB Elaine Hagenberg (b. 1979) Breckenhorst Press BP2097 Rhythm Patterns Beat Beat Division Tie, Extension Dot 101 Carol J. Krueger, DMA Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected] [email protected] Tonal Patterns Tonic (I) Dominant (V) Subdominant (IV) 112 Carol J. Krueger, DMA Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected] [email protected] O Love Tonal Lines Soprano Line Alto Line 123 Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected] Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected] Tonal Lines, cont. Tenor Line Bass Line 13 4 Carol J. Krueger, DMA Carol J. Krueger, DMA [email protected] [email protected] TEXT STRESS & IPA ANALYSIS O Love Elaine Hagenberg (b. 1979) SSAA/TTBBSATB STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS [ɑ] [ɔ] [æ] [ɛ] [i] [ɪ] [u] not [nɑt] morn [mɔrn] that [ðæt] let [lɛt] me [mi] will [wɪl] through [θru] heart [hɑrt] back [bæk] rest [rɛst] thee [ði] in [ɪn] to [tu] can [kæn] depths [dɛpθs] be [bi] its [ɪts] and [ænd] seeks [siks] is [ɪz] shall [ʃæl] feel [fil] give [gɪv] be[bi] STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS [ə] [ʌ] [ʊ] [aɪ] [ɔɪ] [eɪ] [oʊ] the [ðə] love [lʌv] like book I [aɪ] joy [ʤɔɪ] may [meɪ] O [oʊ] my [maɪ] pain [peɪn] go [goʊ] life [laɪf] rain [reɪn] close [kloʊs] thy [ðaɪ] vain [veɪn] soul [soʊl] trace [treɪs] owe [oʊ] flow [floʊ] Diphthong = two vowel sounds Sustaining vowel = 1st vowel Vanishing vowel = 2nd vowel STRESS dim. cresc. STRESS dim. cresc. cresc. STRESS dim. wea-ry [ˈwɪ-ri] rich-er [ˈrɪʧ-ər] tear-less [ˈtɪr-ləs] pro-mise [ˈprɑ-məs] ful-ler [ˈfʊl-ər] rain-bow [ˈreɪn-boʊ] o-ceans [ˈoʊ-ʃənz] cresc. STRESS STRESS dim. dim. cresc. STRESS dim. dim. https://tophonetics.com An Iowa native, Elaine Hagenberg (b. 1979) graduated from Drake University with a degree in musiC eduCation prior to embarking on her Career as a Composer, guest artist and CliniCian. Her Compositions have been awarded and performed by sChools, ChurChes, universities, honor Choirs and festivals throughout the United States and abroad. ACCording to the ACDA Choral Journal, her musiC “soars with eloquenCe and ingenuity”. Hagenberg Currently lives in Windsor Heights, Iowa. http://www.elainehagenberg.com/about.html https://www.iowapublicradio.org/post/how-iowas-elaine-hagenberg-became-noted-choral-composer-interview-and-music#stream/0 Hagenberg, Chose a hymn text by George Matheson (1842-1906), a SCottish minister and hymn writer, for O Love. Matheson wrote "O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go" on the evening of Matheson’s sister’s marriage. Years before, he had been engaged, until his fiancée learned that he was going blind—that there was nothing the doCtors Could do—and she told him that she Could not go through life with a blind man. He went blind while studying for the ministry, and his sister had been the one to Care for him through the years, but now she was gone. He was now 40, and his sister’s marriage brought a fresh reminder of his own heartbreak. It was in the midst of this CirCumstanCe and intense sadness that the Lord gave Matheson this hymn, whiCh he said was written in five minutes.
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