24832 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE October 26, 2000 the quality of life for America’s fami- friend. I wish him all the best as he THE SMALL BUSINESS INNOVA- lies. Groundbreaking research, develop- moves on to head the New School, and TION RESEARCH’S RURAL OUT- ment of drug therapies and new med- in everything he does. REACH PROGRAM ical procedures, all of these steps move Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I rise today us closer to life-saving medical break- f to speak about giving small businesses throughs that can detect, prevent, and the tools they need to be successful in eliminate life-threatening disease. TRIBUTE TO FRANK LAUTENBERG today’s competitive marketplace. I am I have also been pleased to support committed to providing those tools by Senator MACK’s effort, along with Sen- Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, as fully supporting the continuation of ator GRAHAM, to restore the Ever- this Congress draws to a close, I want the Small Business Innovation Re- glades. His work to preserve and re- to take a moment to thank my friend search (SBIR) Rural Outreach Pro- store this unique and beautiful area, FRANK LAUTENBERG for his 18 years of gram. Congressional commitment to home to fragile habitats and many en- service in the body. The people of New small business development has cre- dangered species, will undoubtedly be Jersey are losing a skilled legislator ated a network of people nationwide, one of his greatest legacies. and a gifted advocate. Whether he is especially in Wyoming, that is excited It has been a pleasure to serve with fighting racial profiling or taking on and knowledgeable about the SBIR Senator MACK over the last seven the tobacco industry, FRANK LAUTEN- Rural Outreach Program. years. As he leaves the Senate, I wish BERG has consistently fought for a The SBIR Rural Outreach Program him all the best and thank him for his healthier, safer, more just world for all provides an excellent funding oppor- many years of distinguished public of us. tunity for individuals and small busi- service. nesses in rural areas that have a pas- After a successful career in the pri- f sion to explore, develop and commer- vate sector, FRANK ran for the U.S. cialize their innovative ideas. Created TRIBUTE TO BOB KERREY Senate motivated to give something in 1982, the SBIR Program is a highly Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, when back to his state and the nation. And competitive program that encourages I first heard that BOB KERREY had de- never has he had greater success than small business to explore their techno- cided not to run again, I knew the Sen- during his 18 years in public service. It logical potential and provides the in- ate was losing a true American origi- has been a pleasure to serve with Sen- centive to profit from its commer- nal, and a big part of what makes the ator LAUTENBERG on the Budget Com- cialization. By including qualified Senate special. mittee, where he has provided out- small businesses in the Nation’s re- From my first moments in the Sen- standing leadership as the committee’s search & development arena, high-tech ate back in 1993, there was one thing I ranking member. Senator LAUTENBERG innovation is stimulated and the could tell right away—BOB KERREY is a played a crucial role in crafting the bi- United States gains entrepreneurial true leader. In an age of poll-driven partisan budget agreement of 1997 spirit as it meets its specific research politics, BOB KERREY isn’t afraid to which led to the balanced budget, and and development needs. ruffle a few feathers to raise the level putting this body back on the road to The SBIR Program is designed to tar- of debate and work for the greater fiscal responsibility. get the entrepreneurial sector because good. He has sparked debate on the big that is where most innovation and I stood side by side with Senator innovators thrive. However, the risk issues: saving Social Security, control- LAUTENBERG in the fight to implement ling federal spending, guaranteeing the and expense of conducting serious R&D the gift ban in 1995. And I’ve been espe- efforts are often beyond the means of right to health insurance, and helping cially proud to work with him to end many small businesses. By reserving a the poor, just to name a few. racial profiling—the abhorrent law en- specific percentage of federal R&D I was proud to work with him on the forcement practice that targets Afri- funds for small business, the SBIR Pro- bipartisan deficit reduction package he can Americans, Hispanic Americans gram protects the small business and spearheaded with former Senator Hank and other minorities for traffic stops enables it to compete on the same level Brown of Colorado, and I’m proud to based on the color of their skin. To- as large businesses. The SBIR Program have a colleague with such a sincere gether Senator LAUTENBERG and I in- funds the critical startup and develop- commitment to fiscal responsibility. troduced S. 821, the Traffic Stops ment stages and it encourages the com- He fought to balance the federal budget Study Act, to require the Attorney mercialization of the technology, prod- when others said it could not be done. General to conduct an initial analysis uct, or service, which, in turn, stimu- As Chair of the Bipartisan Commission of existing data on racial profiling and lates the U.S. economy. on Entitlement and Tax Reform, BOB then design a study to gather data Each year, ten federal departments KERREY directed our attention to the from a nationwide sampling of jurisdic- and agencies are required by the SBIR long-term challenges that we need to tions. We’ve worked together on this Program to reserve a portion of their heed. issue for more than two years, and I be- R&D funds for award to small business. BOB KERREY is a pleasure to work lieve our legislation will prevail, if not Such agencies include the Department with, but he is also a courageous public in this Congress, then in the next one. of Agriculture, Department of Com- servant who is willing to stand alone I will proudly continue the fight to merce, Department of Defense, Na- when it is necessary. In addition to his tional Aeronautics and Space Adminis- heroic record of public service, he is a pass the Traffic Stops Study Act in the next Congress, but I will miss greatly tration, and National Science Founda- hero who served his country valiantly tion. FRANK’s leadership on this issue. When in the Vietnam War. BOB KERREY Following submission of proposals, we do finally pass this simple bill to brings great honor to the Senate as agencies make SBIR awards based on get an accurate picture of racial only the fifth Medal on Honor winner small business qualification, degree of profiling on our nation’s roadways, to serve in this body, and while he innovation, technical merit, and future we’ll owe a big part of that victory to never makes a big deal about the hon- market potential. Small businesses Senator LAUTENBERG. ors he has received, every day he has that receive awards or grants then served in the U.S. Senate, BOB KERREY Today I thank FRANK LAUTENBERG begin a three-phase program. Phase I is has exhibited the strength of character for his leadership on racial profiling the startup phase, awarding up to that befit those tributes. and so many other issues that matter $100,000 for approximately 6 months And while all those things are impor- to the people of this nation. I wish him support exploration of the technical tant, it is also essential to have a sense and his family all the best in his retire- merit or feasibility of an idea or tech- of humor, and we all know that BOB ment, and thank him for his many con- nology. Phase II awards of up to possesses that quality in spades. He is tributions to the U.S. Senate, and to $750,000, for as many as 2 years, expand- a pleasure to be around, and a good the American people. ing Phase I results. 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