ISSN 1941-6466 BAKER INST I TUTE POL I CY RE P ORT PU B L I SHED B Y THE JAMES A. BAKER III INST I TUTE FOR PU B L I C POL I CY OF RI CE UN I VERS I TY NUM B ER 39 MAY 2009 RUSS I A AND THE CAS pi AN STATES I N THE GLO B AL ENER G Y BALANCE Russia is among the world’s most important oil achieve geopolitical goals, Russia is constrained by and natural gas producers and has the potential to dependence on the European market—and this fact enhance its status as a global natural gas supplier of current geography and investment has restricted given its large proven reserves. The country also Moscow’s energy geopolitical reach. This limit to controls through geography or geopolitics the major waterborne access historically has led to under- pathways for the export of oil and natural gas from optimized revenues, as well as constraints on the hydrocarbon rich Caspian countries, which Moscow’s direct energy market influence.1 include Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan A key driver to Moscow’s foreign relations and, to a lesser extent, Uzbekistan. is its desire to reestablish Russia’s international Russia’s status as a current and future energy prominence and reassert its traditional sphere of producer is close to unrivaled. It holds the eighth- influence. Russian energy has been a major element largest proven oil reserves in the world, but ranks a in this push for renewed international power and close second in oil production to Saudi Arabia and status, with energy relations supplanting communist is far ahead of most other world suppliers like Iran, ideology and the Warsaw Pact as a primary pathway Kuwait, Venezuela, and Iraq. Russia also holds the to a revitalized global role. Central to the President- largest natural gas reserves in the world, accounting turned-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s vision for for some 1,680 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of reserves, or Russia has been the philosophy that development more than one-fourth of the world’s total natural of Russia’s strategic resources is the key to Russia’s gas reserves. This is nearly double the amount of economic rebirth and its revival as a global reserves of Iran, the country second behind Russia superpower. Russia’s energy concerns are a primary in natural gas reserves. Thus, Russia’s position as a aspect of its national security, economic health, and major energy supplier has great significance not only means of engagement on the international stage. for its foreign policy, but also for its relationships Energy relations have given Russian leaders with major energy-consuming countries. a platform for international influence and Russian oil production averaged 9.98 million created openings for Russia to assert itself on the barrels a day (bbl/d) in 2007, or 12.2 percent of international stage. The country’s vast resources world output. Russia’s number two position is brought senior Chinese leaders courting Moscow extremely close to leading global oil superpower with favorable loans and other offers of cooperation. Saudi Arabia, which averaged 10.4 million bbl/d in Russia’s pricing “disputes” with Ukraine—which 2007, or 12.7 percent of world output. However, have now twice disrupted natural gas supply flows one of the striking differences between Saudi Arabia to Western Europe—have raised strong concerns in and Russia as an oil power is that Saudi Arabia is Western capitals. Moreover, the Kremlin has engaged a waterborne exporter and Russia is essentially a in visits with the heads of state of most major oil pipeline exporter of oil and natural gas. Whereas and natural gas producers, including Iran, Saudi Saudi Arabia has the unrestricted option to redirect its exports among various markets such 1 Morse, E.L. 2009. Closing keynote address presented at the James A. as the U.S. market, the European market, and the Baker III Institute for Public Policy conference, “Russia and the Caspian Asian market to achieve security of markets or to States in the Global Energy Balance,” Moscow, Russia. 1 Arabia, Algeria, Libya, Nigeria, Venezuela, Qatar, interests. Russia recently asserted that it has “such and the United Arab Emirates. Moscow has also held a significant position in the high society of world talks with major natural gas producers about the oil, a Russian factor should appear,”2 putting it in possibilities of coordination of natural gas sales and competition with Saudi Arabia, which sees itself marketing, either inside or outside the context of an as (and arguably is) the primary power in the oil- international natural gas cartel. In addition, Russia’s producing world. Russian Deputy Prime Minister in state oil and gas giants Rosneft and Gazprom have charge of energy and Rosneft Chairman Igor Sechin, been actively seeking exploration, production, and speaking at the opening of the OPEC conference in transportation deals around the world. (See working September 2008, made a point of reminding those paper, “The History and Politics of Russia’s Relations present that Russia was on even footing with Saudi with OPEC.”) Arabia as the world’s leading oil producer. For sure, Saudi Arabia has no interest in ceding I. Russia and OPEC its leadership position within OPEC. And Russia is not in a strong position to challenge Saudi Arabia, Moscow now regularly attends the meetings of the which has a history of knocking out rivals through Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries an oil-price-war strategy. With oil prices at least $30 (OPEC) in an attempt to exert its influence within per barrel below even the most pessimistic planning the prominent international club of oil producers. scenarios for Russia’s initial 2009 budget, Russia’s Russia, which is not an OPEC member, has sought hard currency reserves are being rapidly depleted to influence OPEC by means other than becoming a through an unsuccessful effort to support the ruble full member. It has attended meetings as an observer and through government monies spent on selected and informally tried to influence deliberations. It corporate bailouts ordered by the Kremlin. This has also tried to influence OPEC’s decision making means that Moscow may be far less resilient than by promoting bilateral relationships with individual it might have thought to a lasting downturn in oil OPEC member states using investment, as well as prices, making a direct challenge within the OPEC aid and sales of arms and nuclear technology to context a risky endeavor. develop stronger ties. For Iran, Russia’s right to veto In recent years, Russia has tried wooing Saudi on the United Nations (UN) Security Council is an Arabia in different ways, including investments important carrot. Toward the Arab Gulf, pointing to in the kingdom’s natural gas sector and offers of the value of its regional military alliances (notably military sales. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud with Iran) serves as a veiled threat that Moscow Al Faisal acknowledged that the desert kingdom could use its military friends to pressure key Arab was in talks with Russia over the possible purchase energy producers such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar. of Russian weapons but, according to a report Russia can also offer its ability to resist the United in the Russian daily Kommersant, made it clear States as a plus to countries that might run amok during a Moscow trip in February 2008 that any with Washington. All these factors, combined deal was contingent on Russia curtailing military with the large potential impact of its own energy cooperation with Iran. During a subsequent visit by strategies for its sizable resources, can be tapped to Saudi Prince Bandar Bin Sultan to Moscow in July establish why other oil capitals should care what the 2008 in which a Saudi–Russian military cooperation Kremlin is thinking. agreement was inked, Bandar reiterated the Saudi From Russia’s point of view, its military and demand to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and financial aid and oil and natural gas investment Putin. A Russian government spokesman denied may be more intended to build friends inside Kommersant’s claim that the Saudi deal was linked OPEC—and to incentivize these allies within OPEC to Iran and said any attempt to tie cooperation with to push for policies inside the oil cartel to Moscow’s Riyadh to other issues was improper. liking—rather than to bring Russia directly into the organization. It is improbable that Russia would ever be granted membership within the 2 Reuters, “Russia Wants to Influence Global Oil Price—Minister,” organization without Saudi Arabia’s tacit approval, September 25, 2008, http://www.reuters.com/article/rbssEnergyNews/ and such a move does not appear to be in Riyadh’s idUSLP47710620080925. 2 Russia’s refusal to cooperate on the Iranian executive Alexander I. Medvedev has suggested that nuclear issue could tip the scales on Saudi Arabia’s a gas troika of Iran, Qatar, and Russia consider joint emerging policies. If Saudi Arabia feels its interests “projects that could be implemented by the three are truly threatened, it has the same arsenal it has countries in gas production and transportation.” used in the past against the Soviet Union and Iran— However, Gazprom, the Russian state natural gas including support for regional movements, militias monopoly, has had trouble gaining traction in this or counterinsurgents, and the ultimate trump card globalized mission. Russian economic academic of an oil price war. The slump in global oil demand, analysis shows that a global natural gas cartel may combined with recent expansions at the kingdom’s have little economic viability given the relatively small oil fields, has left Riyadh with a large arsenal of elasticity of and varied sources for substitute supplies, spare production capacity and the ability to flood oil as well as the array of competing fuels such as oil, markets at will.
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