BRAVERY SHOWN IN DIEPPE FIGHT NOT FORGOTTEN Unselfishness and Devotion to Duty By Canadians, Including Hamiltonians, Revealed in Official List 149 One Distinguished Order Won Along "'UP Or .. 1939 i Two D.C.M.'s, o . .'S9 Five CANADA ARMY M.M.'s-Name 12 in Dispatches DIEPPE RA.ID Dieppe has been described as a "wonderful but awful day 4n the history of the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry." The DECORATIONS heavy toll of dead, missing, prisoner and wounded attests HAMILTON the fact that every minute of the muggy, mid-August morn- ing was marked by fierce action. But out of the din and smoke and agony have come tales of devotion to duty, un- selfishness and gallantry . The conspicuous courage of Cana- dians-and of Hamiltonians particularly-has not gone un- rewarded. To-day-which is a wonderful day in the history of the R.H.L.I. - twenty-two members of this proud old battalion received decorations or citations for their exploits at Dieppe. Here is what members of Hamilton's oldest fighting unit earned in the fateful hours they spent on the beaches and on the streets of the little French town-one Distinguish- ed Service Order; two Distinguished Conduct Medals ; two Military Crosses ;, five Military Medals and three officers and nine men "mentioned in dispatches." Major Whitaker, D.S.O. Therve H.H.L:I - mien who won In a list of awards from Ottawa the Military Medal were : C.S.M. to-day, Major W. Dems "Denny" William Dean, whose wife and Whitaker was cited for conspicu- parents reside on Jackson street ous courage in the Dieppe assault west ; Lance-Cpl. George Alfred and awarded the D.S.O . For hero- McDermott ; Pte. Cecil H. Dyke, ism, this decoration ranks only Port Colborne ; Pte. Thomas Mc- after the Victoria and George Quade and Pte. William Vergette, Crosses. Welland. The Distinguished Conduct Medal, Major F. 'S. Wilkinson, now sec- which ranks with the D.S.O., but ond in command of the battalion, which was struck to be awarded was mentioned in dispatches. Also to men in the ranks, went to Com- mentioned in dispatches were Capt. pany-Sergt .-Major Jack Stewart of William "Clem" Dick, Caledonia; this city, and Pte. Thomas . Graham, ' Lieut. Jack B. Halladay, this city, of Guelph.- Both of these soldiers and nine men in the ranks. were wounded. Sets Record For Hamilton The coveted Military Cross was awarded Capt. John Blake Gart- It was the largest number of shore and Lieut. John Gibbons decorations ever awarded Hamil- Counsell. Both officers were se- ton men at one time. Valorous as verely wounded at Dieppe. was the record of the Mad Fourth Battalion - in France - which was power of -command throughout the; QrganW from the, old 13th, par- action. Not only was he an inspir-i ent regiment of the R.H.L.I.-on ation to his men but by his efforts' ilo aecasion previously did so many he brought to the boats at least ~y coveted awards come to Hamilton three casualties who would other soldiers at the one time. wise have been left on the beaches." Citation Disclosed LIMt, Counsel Major W. Denis Whitaker - Lieut. John G. Counsell, son of known during his football years to Mrs . J. L. Counsell, of Toronto, and players, friends and thousands of the late John L. Counsell, K.C., of spectators_ as "Danny"--is a gradu- this city, and who suffered a serious ate: of Royal Military college at spinal wound in the Dieppe assault, Kingston. was awarded the military cross. Following is the citation which Lieut. Llewellyn Counsel], his cousin, describes briefly the manner in was killed in _the attack. which he distinquished himself and His uncle, Charles Counsell, An- brought honour and glory to the caster, disclosed that a recent letter fistoric old R.H.L.I.: revealed that Capt. John Gartshore, = "Captain (now Major) Whitaker of this city, himself severely wound- commanded the protective, platoon 9d, aided Lieut. John Counsell in of battalion headquarters; Royal reaching an invasion barge in which 149 Hamilton Light Infantry, during he was taken back to England. He the operation at Dieppe, August is now In hospital in England. WAR 19, 1948: The task of this party was Lieut. John Counsell was an ex- ZU AO PB AN to clear the building around St. ecutive of the Canada Life Assur- Remy church and there establish ance company at Montreal prior to 1939 battalion headquarters. his enlistment. He came to this city CANADA "Captain Whitaker landed with to join the R.H.L .I. soon after it the first wave, directed the cutting had been mobilized and to serve with ARMY of. both rows of wire on the beach other young officer-friends . D .TNPP$ and organized the necessary cover- Following is Lieutenant Coun- ing fire for B company's advance 'sell's citation : "During the Dieppe RAID on the Casino. He himself then action, August 19, 1942, Lieutenant DECORATIONS proceeded to the Casino with his Counsel] was assistant to Major party where, after clearing the McLeod, the officer in charge of HAMILTON building and organizing a defence beach organization . After landing against counter-attack, he led a on the beach in front of the town large party of all elements of the he observed that the tanks were battalion towards the town. Later having difficulty in climbing the he directed the withdrawal of a shale, and despite the very heavy great portion of the battalion from artillery and machine-gun fire the town and Casino to the beach which was sweeping the beach he and supervised their re-emborka- directed and assisted in the placing tion. of palings to assist the tanks in get- "Captain Whitaker's conduct ting forward. throughout the action was out- - "Lieutenant Counsel] displayed standing. He was at. all times cool great coolness and courage through- and collected and displayed - great out. After being severely wounded courage and initiative in the com- he continued to set an example marid of his troops . Captain Whit- which inspired all the other mem- aker was an inspiration to all ranks bers of his party." of the battalion." Five members of the R.H.U. earn- Was Tiger - Quarter ed the military medal. One was a The eagerness and the tact which permanent resident of this city, two he displayed on the gridiron be-, resided Mere at the time of their en- came the courage and initiative for listment, and two lived in the im- which he was cited in war. He mediate district. came to Hamilton after graduation Lance-CA McDermott from R.M.C . and was employed in Lance-Cpl . George Alfred McDer- this city. During the seasons 1939 whose next-of-kin is listed as l and 1990 he was "first string" quar- mott, ter his sister. Mrs. Teresa Fairbanks,! of the Hamilton Tigers, and was 103 Dundurn street north, was as popular as he was efficient at awarded the military medal. He lied this position . lived here all his life and attended, - In a feature story from overseas among other schools, St. Mary's. He shortly after the Dieppe -assault, was reported "suffering from ex- Ross Munro, Canadian Press war posure" in Dieppe - casualty lists. correspondent, referred to bayonet charges which Major Whitaker led C.S.M. William Dean in the town . In a letter received - Company Sergeant-Major William here from one of the men taking Joseph Dean, whose home is in part in- the raid, the 'violence of Cunmock, Scotland, was employed, the action in which Major Whit- by the Pigott Construction company i Aker took part was described. The here at the time of his enlistment . writer reported that Major Whit- During the last Great War he serv- .aker had removed his pips just ed as a sergeant of the guard before under the wall before the town of Windsor Castle . He is among those, I?ieppe to conceal his identity from awarded the military medal. German snipers. Then, taking a rifle, he led his men into the casino Pte. C. FL Dyke and ,finally into t)sa streets of the Pte. Cecil H, Dyke of Port Col- '-town . va"Or4wKe + . -or t. Major Whitaker's name appeared ed'killed in the Dieppe action, is in in several stories from overseas last hospital suffering from gunshot ~,year when he had the honour to wounds in his right leg . He was convey His Majesty King George another to win the military medal. VI about an inspection field in- a Private Dyke was one of the Bran gun carrier . Mrs . -Juanita many Port Colborne men who carne Whitaker, -his wife, resides at 5 to Hamilton at the outbreak of Montclair avenue, Toronto, war' to join the famous"Royal Ham- Ilton Light Infantry, one of the Guelph Man Hero first regiments to offer Canadians Pte ., Thomas William Graham, irr this area -an opportunity of whose mother resides at 69 Wynd" serving . Aam street, Guelph, is one of two A remarkable ability to twist his members of the R.H.L.I. to earn features into startling contortions the- coveted Distinguished Conduct earned for this soldier the name of Medal. One of the conspicuous "the man with the rubber face ." heroes at Dieppe, according to a Pte, Thomas Mequade letter which was written by Major Denis Whitaker, two Hamilton men Pte. Thomas McQuade, who won probably owe their lives to his the military medal, comps from quick and courageous action. Cpl. Glasgow, Scotland, but resided at John Brabbs and Cpl. Frank Young 58 Jackson street west, this city, at were removed by him from a wire the time of his enlistment.
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