ProvincialProvincial CircularCircular No.5 Nov, 2013 Provincial’s letter I would estimate that, on a few oc- horizon major changes in the Society casions, we had at most 1 – 1½ fel- described in detail. What CS13 dele- lows in the group who held contrary Dear Confreres gates approved in both reviews views to the rest. On these rare mo- were a series of goals and then a ments when differences arose it was I have just arrived back from attend- number of recommendations or never on a big issue which threat- ing the Council of the Society (CS13) strategies. ened to destabilise the meeting. This in Dublin. I consider it a great privi- is not saying that good discussion lege to have attended this meeting No toothless tiger and differing points of view were not on behalf of the Province. Don’t be misled and feel that these part of the meeting. There was plen- recommendations are very innocent ty of good constructive debate. It A great meeting and no more than a toothless tiger. was the experience of our facilita- While I have very little experience in They are very significant and will tors that guided us and helped us to being part of gatherings at this level, enable the Superior General and the keep moving forward. like most of you, I have attended so GC to make really big calls and bring many workshops, assemblies, and about substantial changes when Critical to the SM and its future the like, I can be quite critical of the these are needed. Over the next Probably the main work of CS13 whole business and very hard to four years some major things will be focused around the Reviews of Gov- please when it come to meetings. foreshadowed out of these reports ernance and Finances within the CS13, however, was a great meeting which will be for the next General Society. Both Reviews were asked and I am truly delighted to have Chapter to implement in 2017. for at the last General Chapter and been a part of it. over the last three years especially CS13 recognised a number of times have been seriously pursued by the The meeting was well planned. The that governance of the Society, with GA. We are probably more aware of hosting region of Ireland could not its annual meeting of the Superior the governance review because we have been more hospitable or help- General, his GA, and the major Supe- were all invited to take part in it on a ful. The conference centre where we riors, now gathering for an annual couple of occasions at regional stayed (Emmaus) was modern, well meeting (ARC) in Rome, is much meetings, but it is good to keep in appointed, and very comfortable. more collegial in leadership, anima- mind that both reviews are critical Catering at the centre was excellent. tion, and management of the Socie- to the Society and its future. Our meeting facilitators, Mick Mul- ty than it was in the past. This im- lins and John Honner, did a superb portant modern feature of the Soci- Some will look at the two finalized job. ety will only get stronger. documents to come from the re- views and express disappointment However, in my view, the mix of the Apart from dealing with the Govern- that they don’t clearly see on the participants and the matter of the ance and Finance Reviews many Council may have been the elements that made the meeting so success- ful. Never on a big issue In meetings like CS13 it is common to get opposition and resistances surfacing in many quarters and on many questions which prevent a group from being able to gel and arrive at a successful outcome. Locked Bag 5002 Gladesville NSW 1675 (3 Mary St, Hunters Hill) Australia Tel: (61) 2 9844 2222 Fax: (61) 2 9816 1737 [email protected] www.maristfathers.org.au 1 other vital issues came before CS13 Fraternally the Marist community at Gladstone a number of times. Because of space as from 1/1/2014; I will not go into them here. Later Bob Barber sm, Provincial “official” reports will inform us Oct 29, 2013 Paul Mahony is appointed commu- about how issues such as laity, for- nity superior for Montbel/Maryvale mation and ministries developed at Hunters Hill as from 1/1/2014; and emerged from the process of CS13. Except if you are of a really Kevin Redmond is appointed parish cynical bent I am confident that they priest of Star of the Sea parish, Glad- will excite you very much. stone (Qld) as from 1/1/2014. Assistants General One significant thing to come from Personnel of CS13 was the re-election of the same General Council for the next Harry Moore: In recent weeks Harry has been doing a much-appreciated four years: Frs. Larry Duffy (VG), Provincial Diary Kevin Duffy, Lote Raiwalui, and locum at St Patrick’s, Church Hill, while Ray Chapman is on annual Alejandro Muñoz. The General, Fr Nov 07-08: Red Bend College, John Hannan, has flagged that they leave and Jim Harding is recovering Forbes (Marist Bros. Schools) from surgery. He recently had a call may be the same team but they may Nov 12-13: Lane Cove Visitation not necessarily be in the same posi- from + Michael Kennedy, bishop of Nov 13: Investiture of Tony Biddle Armidale, who is currently also ad- tion and doing the same things in (Cathedral House, Sydney) the future. ministering Wilcannia-Forbes dio- Nov 14: Morning tea at Hunters cese. The bishop was looking for a Hill for new papal knight I hope all have had a chance to see priest for the parish of Hay for what- Nov 18: Towards Healing Panel ever time the priest could manage. the 1 page communiqué, “Statement (10.30-12.30am) of Commitment”, that the CS issued Harry couldn’t oblige, but told the Nov 19-20: Provincial Council bishop he’d sniff around. Anyone last week. Some confreres will dis- Meeting miss it as being “too much like a interested in making Hay while the Nov 23-24: Burnie Parish Farewell motherhood” sentiment. That is a sun shines could have a word with Weekend pity. This statement must be read Harry. Nov 24: Holy Spirit College Annual and prayed over. It is telling us what Mass for the deceased the Society’s leadership wants of Tony Corcoran: The General Admin- Nov 27: Committee for Ageing each one of us. istration has requested an extension (11am-12.30pm) of Tony’s contract as secretary- Nov 29: Ordination of Willy To make a big impact general; this was readily agreed to Melteras (Hunters Hill) We are a “small” congregation, by the Australian province, and we Dec 03: Provincial Finance Com- which each day is getting smaller in congratulate Tony on the recogni- mittee (10.30am) number, but is still able to make a tion which the extension gives in Dec 04-05: Lismore community big impact. This will only happen if regard to his competence and dedi- visitation & ACM meeting with we are more focussed, more overtly cation. bishop Marist, more international, more Dec 07: S&L Program concludes collegial, working more closely with Willy Melteras: Willy will be or- (Villa Maria) the laity and are more courageous. dained to the presbyterate by arch- CS13 were really convinced of this. Dec 12-14: St Patrick’s, Church Hill, bishop Julian Porteous at Holy Name visitation of Mary church, Hunters Hill in a If any of us are not prepared to be a Dec 17: Provincial Council Meeting ceremony commencing at 6pm on fair dinkum Marist, part of the team Friday, 29 November. We congratu- and committed to live as CS calls us, Appointments late Willy on his call to ordination. then we must move aside because The following appointments for Gerald Arbuckle: Gerry left for the we are blocking the Society which 2014 were recently announced: wants to move ahead. For my part, I United States and places beyond on 25 September. While overseas he will be putting my energy into sup- Fred Kado is appointed a member of porting those who really want to will give the keynote address to the the parish staff at St Patrick’s, Canadian Health Association Assem- follow the call of CS13 and allow our Church Hill, as from 1/1/2014; “small” Society to make an impact. bly, Toronto; present the Louis Luzbetak Memorial Lecture, CTU, Aliki Langi is appointed superior of 2 Chicago; and give lectures for the Gavin Foster will continue as a Institute of Religious Formation, member of the Villa Maria commu- Chicago. Then it’s off to Oxford as a nity in 2014. During next year he will Research Academic Visitor for two complete his Clinical Pastoral Educa- months. Gerry returns to Australia tion qualification, and assist with on 29 November. In Gerry’s absence chaplaincy duties at St Joseph’s col- Gavin Foster has been manfully en- lege, Hunters Hill. deavouring to keep the water up to the flower garden in front of the RPD headquarters at Villa Maria. Deaths John McMillan: John died in Royal Paul Glynn was in Canberra on the North Shore hospital, Sydney, on weekend Oct 26-27 to join in anni- Wednesday 9 October. He had previ- versary celebrations for the sister ously had surgery for a fractured city relationship between Canberra hip, following a fall at Montbel on and Nara, and to view the special September 5. His Mass of Christian exhibition at the Canberra Museum Burial was held at Holy Name of and Gallery.
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