Bedfordshire. Hai 223

Bedfordshire. Hai 223

TRADES DIRECTORY.] BEDFORDSHIRE. HAI 223- Johnson George Mercer & Samuel, 11 Rich Miss E. Apsley Guise R.S.O Wingrave Frederick (wine & beer only'. Wellington street; & 80 Chapel st.Luton Riddy A. J. 134 Bedford road, Kemp- Woburn Sands RS.O . Jorda.n Albert, Totternhoe, Dunstable ston, Bedford Wooding Jabez, Turvey. Bedford Judd William, Blunham, Sandy Roberts E. J. Meppershall, Shefford RS.O tWooding J.J. 81 High Town rd. Luton Keep J. Bell end, Kempston, Bedford Roberts T. G. 43 & 45 George st. Luton Wooding S. G. 102 Greyfriars walk,Bedfrd Keep Miss, M. Up. end, Kempston, Bedfrd Robertson H. Felersham, Sharnbrook S.O Wooding W. H. 2 & 4 Newnham st.Bedfrd Keep Miss Mary, 91 Bunyan road, Kemp. RoeA. S.12Vandykerd. LeightonBuzzad Wren F. J. 29 Manchester street, Luton ston, Bedford Roe Edward, 57 Hitchin road, Luton Wyeth Elijah W. Studham, Dunstable Kilby W. jun. 37 & 38 Edward st. Dnstble Rollings Robert, 31 Union street, Upper Wynter Mrs. E. 35 High street, Kemp- King Alfred, 13 Queen street, Luton Houghton Regis, Dunstable ston, Bedford King Horace Arthur, 212 Bedford road, Rose J. Heath & Reach, Leighton Buzzard N M RS Kempston, Bedford Rudd Daniel, 65 Hastings street, Luton G U AXE. King lsaac, Girtford, Sandy Ruff Arthur David, Sharnbrook S.O Adkin Henry & Sons, 57 High street &. Knight Andrew, Union street, Dunstable Ruffell William A. Shillington, Hitchin 26 Castle road, Bedford Lack William Thomas, Channels end, Rumsey John, Harrold, Sharnbrook 8.0 Darlow Limited, 27 Midland rd. Bedford Colmworth, St. Neots Rutt J. Post office, Langford, Biggleswade Farmer R 12 North st. l..eighton Buzzard Ladds Edward, Tempsford, Sandy Rutt Levi, Lan~ford, Biggleswade Langley James John, 31 Park st. Lllton Lambert Ambrose, Slip End, Luton Sanders F. F. 283 High st. sth. Dunstable GUTTA PERCHA MANUFRS Lancsater Alfred, 35 Church street, Sanders John, 54 Hastings street, Luton • I..eighton Buzzard Sanders Wm. A. Harrold, Sharnbrook 8.0 India Rubber, Gutta Percha &: Leach A. Eggington, Leighton Buzzard Saunders G. W. 66 St. Loyes st. Bedford Telegraph Works Co. Limited; tI..evitt Frederick & Son, Arlesey, Hitchin Saunders Henry, 15 Hitehin road, Luton offices, 100 & 106 Cannon st. London Lipton Limited, 35 George street, Luton Saunders Thomas, Barton, Ampthill E c; works. Silvertown, London E; Littlechild F. Wm. Market place, Sandy Saunderson C. & Co. Toddington, Dunstbl ~tta percha sheets & tissues, golf tLove W. 83 High st. north, Dunstable Saunderson A. Wrestlingworth, Sandy balls, tubing, buckets &c Lowe F. 28 Park road east, Bedford Savill A. W. Blackbird st. Potton, Sandy }Iace Wm. J. Dunstable street, AmpthiIl Scrutton Arthur, 11 John street, Luton GYMNASTIC APPARATUS )1cKenzie Alex. 36 Whitbread av. Bedford tShadbolt Fk. C. Henlow, Biggleswade MANUFACTURERS. tMaddams F. W. High st. Biggleswade Shadbolt John, Clapham, Bedford Piggott Brothers & Co. 57, 58 & 59 Mallett R. T. 21 Bridge st. Leighton Bzzrd Sharp J. 98 & 99 Victoria st. Dunstable Bishopsgate st. without, London EC Mardlin Miss Jane, Turvey, Bedford Sharratt Mrs. S. 26 Howard av. Bedford Martin George, Great Barford, St. Neots Shotbolt Arthur, 50 Ampthill rd. Bedford HABERDASHERS. Martin John, 74 North street, Luton Shrimpton Miss C. 127 West st. Dunstable Birch Mrs. Maria, 106 North street. Masters Mrs. Sarah & Son, 96 North Simons Arthur Thomas & Son, 25 St. Leighton Buzzard street, !..eighton Buzzard John's street, Bedford Burt Mrs. Henry, 10 Mill street, Bedford Mastin J. T. & Son, 105 Castle rd. Bedford Simpson Thomas, 9 Duncombe street, Matthews Henry, Caddington, Luton Kempston, Bedford HABIT MAKERS. Maudlin Mrs. M. A. Caldecote, Biggleswd Siret John, Totternhoe, Dunstable Barfoot Henry John, 107 Midland road. tMessent William W. 20 St. Mary's street, Slough James, 26 North street, Luton Bedford .&.90 &92 Bromham road, Bedford Sm:u-t & Co. 9 Market ~ll, Luton Miller George & Son, 4 & 6 Bank build- Millin Albert, Studham, Dunstable Smith Bertram Jas. HIgh street, Sandy ings, High street, Bedford Monk Arthur, 15 !..ea road, Luton SmithJohn,Cranfield, WoburnSandsRS.O HAiRDRESSERS Moody WaIter C. 81 Windsor st. Luton tSmith Joseph H. 73 High Town rd.Luton Moore John, High street, Biggleswade Smith William, Church end, Eversholt, Austin James, 3 Park st. west, Luton Morgan William H. 55 Stuart st. Luton Woburn RS.O Ballard Jas. M. High street, Biggleswade Morris Frederick, Church street, Ampthill Snoxell William, Harlington, Dunstable Barker Albert, 89 Harpllr street, Bedford Morsman Mrs. Elizabeth, Church end, Stamps Mrs. Harriet Ann, Slip end, Luton Barker Herbert, 4 Gwyn street, Bedford Marston Morteyne, Ampthill Star Tea Co. 26 Wellington street, Luton Barnet R J. Eaton Socon, St. Neots Mortimcr H. 102 Spring road, Kemp- Starings Daniel,75 Crawley road, Luton Bell Ernest, 5 Castle road. east, Bedford ston, Bedford Starkings Daniel, 62 Russell street, Luton Bithrey S. & Co. 31 High street, Bedford Munns H. Bedford rd. Kempston, Bedford Steele William, 5 Lea road, Luton Blackabey F. T. 44 & 46 High Town Neale Geo. Hy. 42 Castle street, Luton Steer John Frederick, Riseley, Bedford road, Luton tNegus John, Woburn Sands RS.O Stevens W. A. 6 St. Mary's st. Bedford Boskett C. 175 High st. south, Dunstable Newling Mrs. George, Aspley Heath, Stronell Chas. 30 New Town st. Luton Buckingham John T. Park lane, Luton Woburn Sands R.S.O Swift Richd. T. Market pI. Biggleswade Bull John, Toddington, Dunstable Nicholls WaIter, 13~ Park street, Luton Tansley George, Woburn Sands RS.O Burnet J. P. & H 11 Castle street & 3 Nicoll Thomas, Studham, Dunstable Tavener C. Upper Houghton Regis, Barber's lane, Luton Nidd Clement, Turvey, Bedfrod Dunstable Burnett George, 20 NewnlIam st. Bedford Noble Mrs. D. Biggleswade road, Potton, Thompson Chas. 24 Howard av. Bedford Cain David, 75 High Town road, Lutoa Sandy Thorne Alfred, Eaton Bray, Dunstable Caspers Carl, 4 Bute street, Luton ~orman William, The Sandy Supply Thumpston W. 39 Ford End rd. Bedford Cave William, 41 Ford End road, Bedford Stores, Sandy; & at Girtford, Sandy Tingey Robert, Henlow, Biggleswade Cherry Edward, 4 Peel street, Luton Oloey W. 1 & 3 Hockliffe road, Leighton Tomkins G. H. Wilshamstead, Bedford Cook R. T. 81 High st. north, Dunstable Buzzard Tunbridge Charles, Heath & Reach, Covington A. T. 15 St. Mary's st. Bedford Osborn W. Ashton road & 23 Arthur Leighton Buzzard Drewe Edwin, Toddington, Dunstable street, Luton Turney Geo. High street, Woburn RS.O Ellingham A. G. Woburn Sands RS.O Osborne W. Hy. Harrold, Sharnbrook S.O Turney John, Aspley Guise R.S.O Emerson David, 8 Brige street, Luton Ostler Edwd. Tebworth, Hockliffe R.S.O Turvey Joseph, Beale street, Upper Everton Albert, 10 Farrer street, Kemps- Overy Wm. G. 56 Ashton road, Luton Houghton Regis, Dunstable ton, Bedford Pacey J. Ridgmont, Aspley Guise R.S.O Tyson Arthur, Round Green, Luton Field Jas. 75 High st. north, Dunstable Page WaIter R Gt. Barford, St. Neots Walker Mrs. Letitia. Wootton, Bedford Fortens RC. 28 Upper George st. Luton Paine George Harri!!, Turvey, Bedford WaIler Edmund, 26 Cumberland st. IJuton Foster W. J. 3 Church st. Leightn.Buzzrd Panter Mrs. A. 94 New Town st. Luton WaIter Harry J. 41 St. John's st. Bedford Franklin John, 16 Church st. Duustable Parrott George, High st. Shefford RS.O WaIter Thos. J. 44 Bury Park rd. Luton Freeman Thomas, 24 High Townrd.Luton tParsons W. H. Ltd. 44 & 46 North street, WaIter Wm. 18 Britannia road, Bedford Gale Frederick, 53 Albert road, Luton I..eighton Buzzard Ward Harry T. 179 Park street, Luton Game William, 13 Duke street, Luton Pateman WaIt. 213 Dunstable rd. Luton Wareing Thomas, Dunstable st. Ampthill Griggs Edward, 70 Russell street, Bedford tPayne George, 52 & 54 North street & Wareing William, 99 High st. Bedford· Haddow Alfred, High st. ShefIord RS.O 1 Church street, Leighton Buzzard Welbourne R 136 High st. sth. Dunstable Hale Thomas, 26 Hitehin road, Luton Payne John J. 135 Hitehin road, Luton Wells Wm. J. Shortmead st. Biggleswade Hall Bros. 30 St. Loyes street, Bedford Pearce John, 15 Woburn road, Kemp- West Fredk. 29A, St. Cuthbert's st.Bedfrd Harkness In. B. 3 Garfield st. Bedford stan, Bedford tWestrope A. C. Stotfold, Baldock RS.O. Haskins J. 46 High st. Leighton Buzzard Pestell Wm. 15 Waldeck road, Luton (Herts) Hawking Richd. E. 8 Battison st. Bedford Pettit John, Clapham, Bedford Wheeler John B. Park hill, Ampthill Hibbs Thomas, Market sq. Potton, Sandy Phillips John, 59 Wellington st. Bedford Wheldale F.J. 88 Iddesleigh rd. Bedford Horwood Victor S. 88 Chapel st. Luton Pickering E. T. 1-Edward st. Dunstable White C. A. E. 82 Midland road, Bedford Inglish Carles,42 & 68 Park street, Luton Piper Sydney W. Flitwick, Ampthill Whitworth J.W. 20 & 22 Cheapside,Luton Jellis F. G. 50 High st. north, Dunstable Pollard Herbert, 49 Cauldwell st. Bedford Wilkins Henry, Aspley Guise RS.O Johnson John, 16 Silver street, Bedford Pratt Thomas, Tebworth, Hockliffe R.S.O tWillard Mrs. Ann, 47 High street, Kemp Henry Edwin, High street, Sandy PruttonThomas, Shillington, Hitchin Leighton Buzzard Kempster WaIter James, 11 Market Pysden Waiter Hy. 72 Russell st. Luton Willcocks Mrs. E. 2 Althorpe st. Bedford square, Leighton Buzzard Quenby Arthur, Union st. Dunstable Williams & Co. Dunstable st. Ampthill Kempster William, 28 North street, Quenby E. S. Clifton, Biggleswade Willison Ernest, 1 Tavistock st. Luton Leighton Buzard Rainbow Frederick, Arlesey, Hitehin Wilson Frederick, 5 Albert road & 72 KingH. J. 27 Market sq. Leightn.Buzzard RandaIl John, Great Barford, St. Neots Langley street, Luton Lakin Henry, 8i Harpur street, Bedford.

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