STROUD DISTRICT COUNCIL Refusal of Listed TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT,1971 Building (liD) C . Consent In pursuance of their powers under the above- mentioned Act, the District Council as Local Planning Authority hereby REFUSE listed Building Consent for the works described hereunder. '0:--r. J. Dudley, Upper New Mills Farm, Alderley, Planning Reference , " Wliotton Under,Edge, Glos. No.and date of I- Agent: Mr. R. Shirley, Church House, Long Street, Application Wotton Under Edge, Glos. S/ED/LBc.251 24.6.77 Description of Land Barn at Alderley jiderley Parish . ST 7690-7790 f; '" A Edition Part Parcel No. 9474 Description of Works .. Internal alterations The_reasons for the Council's decision to refuse Listed Building Consent are:- 'The nroposed. alteratiuns fail to reach a satisfactory stnndnard ncccptabl.e t;. the Local Planning .'.uthority and the pro:osals completely destro6ythe clzracter of tiio original building by the introduction of -oof lights in the front elevation and modern windows and balustrade in the flanl: walls, · · i/ loth Akug(st., 1977. - , - ... 10th AUDi}st', 19i77 ' . ' '"'/ ' Dated........ , ...........- X.. 2.;duly athorised in that behalf. ~ ~ *L.~J P .'a,1 Y.....~~~~.. *. .~';.~I Stroud District Council LISTED BUILDING TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, 1971 CONSENT In punsuance of their powers under the above mentioned Act, the District Council as Local Planning Authority HEREBY GRANT LISTED BUILDING CONSENT for the works described hereunder in accordance with the submitted 5 TO- ae ,rdihe &° 6-9&rtwfi9pMr. TheW; ns 8fl&r 9roios. Agents: Ronald Shirley & Associates, Church House, Long Street, Planning Reference No. lvotton under Edge, Glos. and Date of Application S/ED/LBC/251/A Description of Land 23.11-77 Upper New Mills Farm, Alderley Alderley Parish ST 7690-7790 A Edition Part Parcel No. 9879 Description of Works Alterations CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO CONSENT AND REASONS THEREFOR (ar Subject to the requirements of any other conditions hereto attached, any development ch iB carried out pursuant to the permission hereby granted shall be carried out as ' W,igards siting, design, materials and in all other respects strictly in accordance with the particulars included in the application received by the Local Planning Authority on the 25th November 1977. In the event of conflict between the written particulars and the plans comprising the application, the plans shall prevail. (b) A hedge shall be planted along the boundary of the development adjacent to the reinstated waUl above the lane opposite Mount House. Details of the type of hedge the planting spaces between bushes and the planting height of the bushes shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority within two months of the date of this Notice and the planting shall take place before the end of 1978 or within the planting season immediately following the commencement of the development whichever is the sooner. The planting shall be maintained for a period of five years and any bushes which die or become diseased within that period shall be replaced in the planting season immediately following. ensure that the work is carried out in accordance with the submitted and lapproved (b# To improve the appearance of the development and to avoid direct overlooking of the adjoining property in the interests of amenity. 12.1*1978 STEWART N. CYP Dated ................................... i\ duly authorised in that behalfl ICE 10D IMPORTANT - SEE NOTES OVERLEAF i PD/DC; Stroud District Council APPROVAL OF DETAILS OF DEVELOPMENT TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, 1971 FOR LISTED BUILDING CONSENT In pursuance of their powers under the above-mentioned Act, the District Council as Local Planning Authority HEREBY APPROVE Listed Building consent for the details of the development described here- under, in accordance with the submitted application and accompanying plan(s), but subject to the conditions hereunder stated. Mr. J. Dudley, Upper New M11s ~ Alderley, Wotton under ge, AND DATE OF APPLICATION TO:- Glos. 0251/AAp S.LBC/25[/A/Ap Description of Land 22.8.80 Upper New Mills PaF , Alderley. Alderley Pariah ST 7690-7790 A Edition Part paloel TO BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH Part~Pa l PLANNING PERMISSION REF. No. No. 9879 Description of Development 6.LB0/251/A Lmasoaping. _a Oond(tlOner CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO APPROVAL AND REASONS THEREFOR _ Conditions, (a) The landsoaping shall be oarrled out in the forthoomng season and aW plating that failE shall be replaced in the planting season immeitately following and the landscaping shal be maintained thereafter. (b) The landocaping shall be carried out between the points (x) and (y) on the attached plan Nlo. SD.205. 2 *]eao=s (a) & (b) In the interests of amenity and the appearance of the development. Dated 14th. Qotoher,. 1980. STEWART N. CYPHER duly authorised in that behalf JOTICE 6D(b) J IMPORTANT - SEE NOTES OVERLEAF LWZ.) * I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r I a ccN.~~~~~~~~~~uiWcf ---- ------ c-U ~- d~er ffi7~ ' --7r Stroud District Council LISTED BUILDING TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, 1971 CONSENT In pursuance of their powers under the above mentioned Act, the District Council as Local Planning Authority HEREBY GRANT LISTED BUILDING CONSENT for the works described hereunder in accordance with the submitted application and the accompanying plan(s) but subject to the conditions hereunder stated. TO:- mHr J Dudloey, Upp Now Mii Fan, AdJrl,rM l tto andr- E4dge, (~ol. Planning Reference No. Amntl Ro~ald Shirle & Aaoohatea, Chm*oh Houa,e 8 L~ 8 Str"et, and Date of Application Votton-underag, el.oo. /aloe~/25/ Description of Land 8.8.79 Uperi New Ml lurn (flE Darn), Aldley. Al~drlq Par~h sT 7690779. A Edition. Description of Works ~P t ~Pc0el no. 9879. Convrelon of born into dullnta. CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO CONSENT AND REASONS THEREFOR Dated ST........................... ...... .. C... duly authorised in that behalf NOTICE 10D IMPORTANT - SEE NOTES OVERLEAF PD/DC/S-32. Stroud District Council LISTED BUILDINGCONSENT TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, 1971 In pursuance of their powers under the above mentioned Act, the District Council as Local Planning Authority HEREBY GRANT LISTED BUILDING CONSENT for the works described hereunder in accordance with the submitted application and the accompanying plan(s) but subject to the conditions hereunder stated. NTO:-Mr. & Mr Jo l n Ddley,t Vpper X1a saIs, Alderley, Planning Reference No. Nr. Wotton ander Edge, Glos. and Date of Application Agents Ronald Shirley & Assoolates, Church House, Long Street, S.LBC.251/C Wotton under Edge, Glos. GL12De tion of Land 25.3.80 The Barn, Upper New Mills PmEm, Alderley. Alderley Parish ST 7690-7790 A Edition Description of Works Part Parcel No. 9879 Convermson of domestic dwelling. Extension to for boiler room/w.o. and lobby. CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO CONSENT AND REASONS THEREFOR Conditions: Subject to the requiranente of any other conditione hereto attached, any development which aiscarried out pursuant to the pemistlon hereby granted shall be carrled out as regard~ siting, desi~n, materials and in all other reupeots strictly in aooordanoe with the particulare included in the application. In the event of confliot between the written particulars and the plans conprising the application, the plans shall prevail. Reasons W To ensure that the development is oarried out in accordtane with the approved plmans. STEWART N. CYPHER Dated ...13ty. 8 o;- · . duly authorised in that behalf NOTICE 10D IMPORTANT - SEE NOTES OVERLEAF PD/DC/S-32. JL j'c. ULU X- PLANNING REF S/LBC/252 BUILDING REG. REF iKi~~~ 17{~~~ 7SCHED.ttr~~~~ g~~ REF Part LEC ~ ~.~.. STS.~...7..?.7..~?.3..xx .749.3-7593 PD/DC/S--4PDIDCIS--4 EDITION ...... A........................... DETERMINING AUTHORITY k:Sj PARCEL No ........................... D D/C C COUNTY SURVEYOR SENT REPLY BY DI_^ RECTION I$.7 t7 PT./PARCEL No .................... D ISENT ................................................. OBSERVATIONS LOCATION OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT DATE OF APPLICATION........ 29.6.77 26.8.77 15-9-"l The Court, Wotton Under Edge. EXPIRY DATE................................................................................................................... ST 7593/9337 GRID REF...................... SITE AREA.................................... NAME, ADDRESS OF APPLICANT/AGENT Wotton Under Edge PARISH..... ................................................... Mr. R. J. A. Dewdney, DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The Court, Wotton Under Edge, Glos. BExte.ienionaLeroofLa . %° NA ADDRESS & INTEREST OF APPLICANT MATERIALS Replace existing with Bradstone til s WALLS ............................................................................................. DRAINAGE SURFACE ........................................................................................ I N FORMATION ALISTED BUILDING 1/80 DATE AND EFFECT OF DECISION OF THE L/V ANCIENT MONUMENT SECRETARY OF STATE ON APPEAL OR ON .______________ _____ __REFERENCE UNDER SEC. 35 OF THE T. & C.P. WHITE AREA CONSERVATION AREA for WUE ACT 1971 ADVT. CONTROL PLAN ALLOCATION PUBLIC F.P. EXISTING LAND USE WATER G.G. ROAD CLASSIFICATION B4058 WASH LAND T.P.O. PARTICULARS OF ANY DIRECTIO TOWN MAP SAFEGUARDING AREA AFFECTING APPLICATION. / VILLAGE PLAN for UE LDC.7 _ '._ Stroud District Council LISTED BUILDING CONSENT TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, 1971 In pursuance of their powers under the above mentioned Act, the District Council as Local Planning Authority HEREBY GRANT LISTED BUI LDING CONSENT for the works described hereunder in accordance with the submitted
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