HIGH-RISK ACTIVITIES / SPORTS OUTSIDE SCHOOL OR LINGUISTIC STAY PROGRAM GREEN column : sports/activities covered without extension of coverage - ORANGE column : sports/activities covered with extension of coverage - RED column : sports/activities never covered even with the school or with the linguistic program discipline sportive / sport activity / Sportart / Security Pass'port NOT COVERED Extension of Third-Party Liability coverage for high- Comments français english deutsch español covered EVEN coverage risk WITH sports/activities SCHOOL Activity monitored by accrobranches/Tyrolienne zip lining Schwirren-Futter PARQUE AVENTURA x professionnals only (In a yes Parc, club, association) Activity monitored by acrobaties & course d'obstacles en bicycle motocross / BMX BMX BMX x x professionnals only (club, yes bicross association) Activity monitored by mountaineering / mountain professionnals only (club, alpinisme Bergsteigen montañismo x x yes climbing association) maximum 3 000 m apnée apnea / freediving Apnoetauchen / Freitauchen apnea / buceo libre x depth up to 5 m yes aviron rowing Rudersport remo x yes ball-trap clay-pigeon shooting Tontaubenschießen TIRO AL PLATO x no Activity monitored by barefoot barefoot skiing Barefoot-Skiing esquí descalzo x x professionnals only (club, yes association) base jumping base jumping Base-Jumping salto BASE x no bâton sauteur pogo stick Springstock pogo stick saltador x yes biathlon biathlon Biathlon biatlón x no bobsleigh / bob / bobelet bobsleigh / bobsled Bobsport bobsleigh / bobsled x no bodyboard bodyboarding Bodyboarding bodyboarding / tablacuerpo x yes bouée tractée sur eau, mer, neige tubing Tubing tubing x no banana boat banana boat Bananendampfer banana boat x no Activity monitored by Campamento de camp de survie outdoor survival Überlebensaußenlager x professionnals only (club, yes supervivencia association) piragüismo / canotaje / canoë-kayak canoeing Kanusport x yes canoa kayak Activity monitored by Canyoning / Schluchteln / canyonisme canyoning / canyoneering barranquismo / canyoning x x professionnals only (club, yes Schluchting association) chasse hunting Jagd caza x no course attelée harness racing Trabrennen carrera al trote x no course d'accélération drag racing Drag racing carrera de resistencia x no Activity monitored by crosse / lacrosse lacross Lacrosse lacross x x professionnals only (club, yes association) curling curling Curling BATONISTA x yes cyclisme cycling / bicycling / biking Radsport ciclismo x yes Activity monitored by cyclisme de descente downhill mountain biking Downhill, Bergabfahrt downhill (mountain biking) x x professionnals only (club, yes association) Activity monitored by cyclocross / CX / CCX / cyclo- Querfeldein-Rennen / cyclocross ciclocross x x professionnals only (club, yes X / cross Cyclocross association) Activity monitored by Hängegleiter / Drachen / deltaplane hang gliding ala delta / aerodeslizador x x professionnals only (club, no Deltasegler association) Except jumping équitation equestrianism / horse riding Pferdesport / Reiten equitación x (extension of coverage no needed) Activity monitored by escalade / escalade sur glace / climbing Klettern escalada x x professionnals only (club, yes descente en rappel / varappe association) Activity monitored by mur d'escalade / descente en climbing Kletterwand escalada x professionnals only (club, yes rappel association) Activity monitored by escrime fencing Fechten esgrima x x professionnals only (club, yes association) Activity monitored by football américain American football American Football futbol americano x x professionnals only (club, yes association) Activity monitored by freeride VTT freeride Freeride (Mountainbike) freeride (mountain biking) x x professionnals only (club, yes association) funambulisme tightrope walking Seiltanz cuerda floja x no Activity monitored by alterofilia / levantamien-to haltérophilie weightlifting Gewichtheben x x professionnals only (club, yes olímpico de pesas association) héliski helicopter skiing / heliskiing Heliski heliesquí x no yes except in case of Activity monitored by hockey sur glace / sur roulettes / competition or (ice-roller or field) hockey (Eis-Roll- oder Feld-) Hockey hockey sobre hielo x x professionnals only (club, sur gazon professional game for ice association) hockey ice yachting ice yachting Eissegeln navegar sobre hielo x no Activity monitored by jet skiing / scooter des mers / professionnals only (club, Jet-skiing / waverunner Jetskiing jet ski / moto acuática x x no moto aquatique association) - except for competition Activity monitored by joute nautique sea jousting Fischerstechen justas acuáticas x x professionnals only (club, yes association) Activity monitored by professionnals only (club, karting kart racing or karting Kart / Go-Kart karting x x no association) - except for competition Activity monitored by kitesurf kitesurfing / kiteboarding Kitesurfen / Kiteboarden kitesurf x x professionnals only (club, yes association) Activity monitored by kneeboard kneeboarding Knee-boarding kneeboarding x x professionnals only (club, yes association) no coverage when sledding / sled-riding / yes except in case of luge Schlittenfahren / Rodeln ir en trineo x outside maintained trails sledging / tobogganing competition or slopes of ski resorts Activity monitored by lutte, boxe, judo, karaté, kendo, wrestling, boxing, Judo, Ringen, Boxen, Judo, Karate, lucha, boxeo, judo, kárate, x x professionnals only (club, yes arts martiaux, self défense Karate, martial arts Kendo, Kampfkunst artes marciales association) marathon marathon Marathon maratón x no Activity monitored by menuiserie Schreinerei carpinteria x x yes professionnals only montgolfière hot air balloon Heißluftballon globo de aire caliente x yes Activity monitored by professionnals only (club, motocross motocross Motocross motocross x x no association)- except for competition motocyclisme, scooter, mobylette, motorcycle Motorradfahren motociclismo x x except for competition no dirt bike CF - Sports à risques 1 / 3 16/09/2015 discipline sportive / sport activity / Sportart / Security Pass'port NOT COVERED Extension of Third-Party Liability coverage for high- Comments français english deutsch español covered EVEN coverage risk WITH sports/activities SCHOOL motonautisme powerboating Motorbootsport lancha fuera borda x no snowmobile / snowmachine Schneemobile / motoneige / scooter des neiges motonieve / moto de nieve x x except for competition no / sled / skimobile Motorschlitten Mountain boarding / Activity monitored by Dirtboarding /Offroad Allterrainboard / mountain boarding mountainboarding x x professionnals only (club, yes Boarding / Grass Boarding / Mountainboard association) All-Terrain Boarding musculation bodybuilding krafttraining/bodybuilding culturismo/bodybuilding x yes Freiwasserschwimmen / nage en eau libre open water swimming natación en aguas abiertas x yes Langstreckenschwimmen Activity monitored by paintball paintball Paintball paintball x professionnals only (club, yes association) Activity monitored by parachutisme parachuting / skydiving Fallschirmspringen paracaidismo x x professionnals only (club, no association) Activity monitored by parapente Paragliding Gleitschirmfliegen parapente x x professionnals only (club, no association) Activity monitored by parachute ascensionnel parasailing Parasailing parasailing x x professionnals only (club, no association) yes except for patin à glace ice-skating Schlittschuhlaufen Patinaje sobre hielo x competitions and professional games pêche sous glace icefishing Eisfischen pesca en hielo x yes pentathlon moderne modern pentathlon Moderner Fünfkampf pentatlón modern x no piloting a microlight / Steuern eines pilotage d'un micro-léger pilotar un avion ultraligero x no microlite Ultraleichtflugzeuges planche à voile windsurfing Windsurfen windsurf x no plongée de haut vol (> 5 m), cliff- Wasser- / Klippenspringen (> (cliff-)diving (> 5 m) cliff-diving / clavadista x no dive 5 m) plongée libre snorkeling Schnorcheln bucear con tubo x yes up to 12 m depth without diploma-up to 45 m with relevant diploma plongée sous-marine underwater diving Tauchen submarinismo x x yes Activity monitored by professionnals only (club, association) polo polo Polo polo x no all-terrain vehicle (ATV) / cuadrimoto / cuadriciclo / quad / quadricycle quad / quad bike / three Quad x x except for competition no quad wheeler / four wheeler Activity monitored by rafting en eaux vives rafting / white water rafting Rafting descenso de ríos x x professionnals only (club, yes association) Activity monitored by raid nature adventure racing Abenteuerrallye rallye de aventuras x professionnals only (club, yes association) raquettes à neige Schneeschuhen raquetas de nieve x yes randonnée pédestre hiking Wandern senderismo x yes rodéo rodeo / bull riding Rodeo rodeo x no roller rollschuhlaufen patinaje sobre ruedas x yes roller agressif aggressive inline skating Aggressive Inline patinaje agresivo / freestyle x no Activity monitored by rocketry rocketry Raketentechnik fabrication de cohetes x x professionnals only (club, yes association) Activity monitored by rugby rugby Rugby rugby x x professionnals only (club, yes association) sandboarding sandboarding Sandboarding / Sandbrettern sandboarding x x yes stand-up paddle stand-up paddle Stand-up paddle stand-up paddle x Activity monitored by saut à l'élastique bungee jumping Bungee-Jumping PUENTING x x professionnals only (club, yes association) Activity monitored by professionnals only (club, saut d'obstacle
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