WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY Class of 2020 Degree Conferral Ceremony Thursday, May the Twenty-eighth Two Thousand and Twenty LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA 1 Shenandoah arr. James Erb (1926-2014) O Shenandoah, I long to see you, and hear your rolling river, ‘way, we’re bound away, across the wide Missouri. I long to see your smiling valley, and hear your rolling river, ‘way, we’re bound away, across the wide Missouri. ‘Tis sev’n long years since last I see you, and hear your rolling river, ‘way, we’re bound away, across the wide Missouri. — traditional American folk-song Washington and Lee Hymn Margaret Brouwer (b. 1940) In the shadows of white columns, we stop to hear the chimes. Worn steps on which we linger slowly yield to time. But when we doubt our future’s course, Our honor sets us free. A timeless trust in our alma mater, Washington and Lee. As the bells ring out the hour and echo through the halls, We sense in this brief moment the strength within these walls, But when we doubt our future’s course, Our honor sets us free. A timeless trust in our alma mater, Washington and Lee. — Scott Howe ’93 2 CONFERRAL CEREMONY ORDER OF EXERCISES INTRODUCTION WELCOME William C. Dudley President of the University and Professor of Philosophy MESSAGES FROM FACULTY AND STAFF RECOGNITION OF RETIREES President Dudley PRESENTATION OF STUDENT AWARDS President Dudley CLASS OF 2020 MEMORIES: A VIDEO MONTAGE REMARKS President Dudley ADDITIONAL MESSAGES FROM FACULTY AND STAFF PRESENTATION OF DEGREE CANDIDATES Marc C. Conner Provost and Jo and James Ballengee Professor of English CONFERRAL OF DEGREES President Dudley RECOGNITION OF GRADUATES Provost Conner REMARKS AND ADJOURNMENT President Dudley CLASS OF 2020 MEMORIES: A PHOTO MONTAGE 3 ACADEMIC DEGREES May 28, 2020 Nathan Dunn Abercrombie James Clifton Barton III William Warner Bolton Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts Everette Garrett Allen IV Christopher Luke Basham William Alexander Borst Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts magna cum laude Honors in Politics (Thesis: “Maiden Speeches and Apprenticeship: Continuity Colby Dane Boudreau Kelly Anne Amar and Change in the U.S. Senate”) Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts cum laude Michael James Bracey Caitlin Donohue Anderson Katherine Ann Bearup Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Eleanor Grace Bradach Christopher David Anderson Brianna Rae Belz Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude Logan McCray Brand Kelsey Maureen Anderson Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts Anna Katherine Benedict Bachelor of Arts Robert Cooper Breithaupt Steven James Anderson Honors in History (Thesis: “Biting the Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bullet: The Sociopolitical Realities of Great Britain and the Fantasies of the James Andrew Joseph Brennan Lillian Elizabeth Andersson Bond Franchise”) Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts Hudson Cole Bennett ** Kaitlyn Anne Brock Elaine Kennedy Ankeny Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science cum laude Kyle Brophy Hannah Rita Archer Anna Kathryn Berger Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude Andrew Robert Brouse Colin Joseph Berger Bachelor of Science James Andrew Byrne Archie Bachelor of Arts magna cum laude Bachelor of Science cum laude Benjamin Arbenz Brown Grace Armacost Jordan Flynn Bernhardt Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Laura Elaine Bruce Stuart Wood Ayer ** Lee Frances Bernstein Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts Honors in Physics (Thesis: “Is Detection cum laude magna cum laude of Colon Motility Waves Possible?: An Investigation of Two Spatial Filtering Caroline Allen Bailey Mourad Justin Berrached Techniques with Electrocolonography Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science (EColG)”) Honors in History (Thesis: “A City for Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude the People? Political Regimes, Economic Mira Amber Bharatiya Policy, and Urban Development in La Bachelor of Science Mark Benjamin Bryles V Paz, Bolivia: 1952–2020”) Bachelor of Science Harris McLean Billings William Thomas Barham Bachelor of Science Caroline Anne Buckley Bachelor of Science Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude Bachelor of Science magna cum laude Steven Alexander Black Vincent Buckman George Bernard Barker Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science cum laude Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude Rosalie Cecil Bull Andrew Houston Blair ** Bachelor of Arts Marguerite Stirling Barker Bachelor of Science magna cum laude Bachelor of Arts Thomas Stuart Bolland Bryce Piercen Burnette Thomas Riley Bartlett Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science 4 Laura Rose Calhoun Daniel Scarbrough Clark Hugh Gordon Crump III ** Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science cum laude Honors in Physics (Thesis: “Statistical Physics and Network Theory as an David William Dabov Joseph Leo Calihan III Interdisciplinary Approach to Legislative Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Forecasting”) Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude Kyce Guidry Darouiche Edward Williams Calley Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts Sean Thomas Clark Bachelor of Science Philip Benjamin Davis Garrett Thomas Cannon Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts Will Harris Clark Katherine Nicole Degner Allison Leigh Carmody Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts cum laude cum laude Ryann Michelle Carpenter Garrett Isaiah Clinton Liam J. Delehanty Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Julia Maria Carullo Griffin Parish Coffey Angela Vergara Delos Reyes Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts Allison Nicole Case Ryan Nicholas Compoli Campbell Jane DeNatale Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science cum laude John Porter Case IV Frances Henley Conner Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts Hannah Eloise Denham Bachelor of Arts Taylor Lauren Casey Shane Timothy Conners Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Kevin Edward Dennin cum laude Bachelor of Science Alexa Marie Castellana Bachelor of Science Robert Caldwell Cooley ** Emma M. Derr Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts Edwin Antonio Castellanos Campos cum laude magna cum laude Bachelor of Science Olivia Caitlin Cooper William Michael Digges Kristen Suzanne Castle Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Charles Mallory Cope ** Marshall Scott Dike Parker Benjamin Catlett Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science cum laude magna cum laude Hannah Grace Dodds Caroline Mary Coppinger Bachelor of Science Kelsey Clark Chamberlin Bachelor of Science cum laude Bachelor of Science Josette Laurel Corazza Matthew Michael Dodson Alice Marion Chambers Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts cum laude Honors in English (Thesis: “Fallen Connor Vincent Corbett Physicalities: The Image of Satan in Bachelor of Arts Nikki Marie Doherty Gustave Doré's ‘Paradise Lost’ and Its Bachelor of Arts Impact on Miltonic Reception”) William Jenkins Corry Honors in Economics (Thesis: “Social cum laude Bachelor of Arts Identity and the Take-Up of Healthcare: Exploring the Intersection of Caste, William Edwin Chapman Christopher James Cotton Gender, and Public Policy in Nepal”) Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science magna cum laude Madubuko Daberechi Chiedozie Andrew Thomas Creel Oliver Kart Dolberg Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Addison Parr Cilmi Mark Harrison Croughan Aidan Christopher Donaldson ** Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science cum laude 5 Erin Maria Dringman GennaEve Feirson Anne Elizabeth Gianakos Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts Honors in English (Thesis: “Ecopoetry: The Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude Bridge Between the Planet and People”) Ramonah Naima Gibson Elyse Nicole Ferris Bachelor of Arts Whitley Bryce Drinkard Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science cum laude Jake Lazzaro Gigliotti Bachelor of Science Kailyn June Drohan Olivia Jane Finby magna cum laude Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Elliot Hope Gilbert Matthew Ellison Dross Donovan Clark Fiore Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science cum laude Charles Ventura Duffield Ethan Hall Fischer ** Ashley Brooke Gillen Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science cum laude Julia Jane Duggan Collin Reid Glatz Bachelor of Science Kaitlyn Christine Fitzsimmons Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude Trang Ha Duong Bachelor of Science James Wallace Fleck Greer Caroline Gordon magna cum laude Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science cum laude Christopher Joseph DuPont Alexandra Jeanne Gottsegen Bachelor of Science Caroline G. Florence Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts Nolan Livingston Lieb Durfee Jennifer Katherine Graham Bachelor of Science Sarah Boykin Heyward Fort Bachelor of Science Honors in History (Thesis: “Fear or Bachelor of Arts Fanaticism? An Investigation into the Cassandra Ann Grebas Mentality of German Civilians Facing the Griffin Beall Foultz Bachelor of Science Advance of the Red Army in 1944-1945”) Bachelor of Science Benton Lowe Greer Yavuz Tana Durmaz Anne Pearson Fox Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science cum laude Robert Timothy Griffin Zachary Cole Francis Bachelor of Science Taylor Elizabeth Ecleberry Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts Spencer Jackson Grim Lauren Delaney Fredericks Bachelor of Science Sasha Trinnette Edwards Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude Allyson Clark Gsell
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