Arch Biol Sci. 2018;70(4):737-747 https://doi.org/10.2298/ABS180620038M Suitability of Aphis gossypii Glover, Aphis fabae Scop. and Ephestia kuehniella Zeller eggs for the biology and life-table parameters of Adalia decempunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) Zahra Mojib-Haghghadam1,4, Jalal Jalali Sendi1,2,*, Arash Zibaee1,2 and Jafar Mohaghegh3 1 Department of Plant Protection, University Campus 2, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran 2 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran 3 Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran 4 Plant Protection Research Department, Guilan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Rasht, Iran *Corresponding author: [email protected] Received: June 20, 2018; Revised: August 18, 2018; Accepted: August 28, 2018; Published online: September 20, 2018 Abstract: Adalia decempunctata (L.) is a common predator in agroecosystems and the natural environment. Its biology and life table were studied in nymph/adult hosts of Aphis gossypii Glover, Aphis fabae Scop. and on the eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller. Raw data of all individuals of A. decempunctata were analyzed using the age-stage, two-sex, life-table theory. The results of this study indicate a shortest immature developmental period (IDP) of A. decempunctata feeding on eggs of E. kuehniella (18.33 days) and the longest on A. fabae (21.82 days). The longest longevity was, however, after feeding on A. gossypii. The fecundity rate of females on E. kuehniella was the highest (2405.12 eggs/female). The intrinsic rates of increase of A. decempunctata were 0.177, 0.171 and 0.155 day-1 when feeding on A. gossypii, E. kuehniella eggs and A. fabae, respectively. The highest finite rates of increase (λ) were 1.193 and 1.187 day-1 when reared on A. gossypii and E. kuehniella, respectively. The mean generation time for A. fabae (41.40 days) was significantly higher compared to other hosts. The results of this study showed that the quality of the host influenced to a great extent the rate of energy reserves in emerged females. We conclude that all three host species can be considered as essential preys. These hosts influence the larval developmental period and reproduction in adult A. decempunctata; however, the results of the biochemical assays pointed to A. gossypii and E. kuehniella eggs as preferred hosts. Key words: Adalia decempunctata; biological control; aphid; population growth parameters INTRODUCTION Aphids, including Aphis gossypii and Aphis fabae, belong to a diverse group of agricultural and horticul- The ten-spotted lady beetle Adalia decempunctata (L.) tural pests. These pests are predominantly found in originated in the Palaearctic region and it has been America, Europe, Asia and other temperate regions. reported in Europe, North Africa and West Asia [1, 2]. Aphids damage plants directly by sucking their sap or This eurytopic species inhabits broadleaf forest trees they indirectly cause damage by introducing viruses [3] and orchards infested with aphids [1, 4]. The insect [11,12]. Aphidophagous lady beetles are commonly is a common predator of aphids in agroecosystems employed for biological control of aphids [13]. The and natural habitats. A. decempunctata is mostly con- undesirable environmental impacts of some non- centrated on trees and is rarely observed in shrubs native biological control agents [14] has changed the and grasses [5]. The host range of A. decempunctata attitudes towards the use of the predatory potentials includes aphids [1, 2], mealybugs and psyllids [6,7]. of native species [15]. Therefore, it is of considerable There are reports on the presence of this predator on importance to identify the biological traits of every pest-infected fruit and forest trees in Iran [8-10]. lady beetle on suitable hosts. Such studies help scien- © 2018 by the Serbian Biological Society How to cite this article: Mojib-Haghghadam Z, Jalali Sendi J, Zibaee A, 737 Mohaghegh J. Suitability of Aphis gossypii Glover, Aphis fabae Scop. and Ephestia kuehniella Zeller eggs for the biology and life-table parameters of Adalia decempunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Arch Biol Sci. 2018;70(4):737-47. 738 Arch Biol Sci. 2018;70(4):737-747 tists select the proper food sources for them in order MATERIALS AND METHODS to implement the results for practical applications. Based on quantitative data such as developmental Stock culture parameters, survival in larvae and reproduction of adults, the prey can be categorized as either essential Fava beans (Vicia fabae L.) and cucumber (Cucumis or alternative [1,16-18]. Essential prey satisfies all of sativus L.) seeds were separately sown in pots 20 cm the requirements for growth, development and repro- in diameter and were maintained in a greenhouse at duction of predators, whereas alternative prey acts as 24±4°C, 70±10% relative humidity (RH) and a 14:10 an energy source for the survival of the predator in h light:dark (L:D) photoperiod. The adults of A. fabae the absence of essential prey [1,19]. Studying the range and A. gossypii that were free of parasitoids were col- of essential prey for lady beetles is an important step lected from the cucumber and fava bean farms of Pir in understanding their potential as biological control Bazar village (37°21’16.08’’ N, 49°25’54.72’’ E) in Gui- agents against specific pests [20]. lan province, Iran. The aphids were released separately onto plants growing under the conditions described Mass rearing of aphidophagous predators is usu- above. After initial release, the development of the ally done on aphids that require a tritrophic system to aphids was monitored daily. The aphid nymphs were produce the predators, prey and the prey’s host plants. transferred to new plant cultures with a fine brush Problems of discontinuity that can occur at one of before flying forms appeared. After onset of parthe- these levels hinders production and can lead to high nogenesis, the released adults were removed from the market prices of predators [15]. Hence, the selection colony and aphids of cohort age were obtained. of suitable food sources for mass production of natural enemies is very important. Eggs of lepidopterans such To initiate A. decempunctata colonies, adults were as Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), directly collected from the pomegranate trees infested the Mediterranean flour moth, are commonly used as with Aphis punicae Passerini during spring. They were then placed in transparent plastic culture containers food sources in mass production of some predators, 3 including lady beetles [21,22]. Demographic studies (12×10×6 cm ) and maintained in a growth chamber have been used to determine the potential of natural set at 24±1°C, 65±5% RH and 16:8h L:D photoperiod. enemies in biological control programs [23-25]. The A hole (3 cm in diameter) was made on the lid of each intrinsic rate of increase of a population is the best container and was covered with a piece of mesh for ventilation. Egg clusters obtained from this population descriptive parameter for population growth of certain were separately reared on A. gossypii, A. fabae and species. Using this parameter, one host can be selected E. kuehniella eggs. The adults emerging from these as the most suitable prey for a chosen lady beetle spe- eggs were used to initiate the colony in the laboratory. cies to initiate a biological control program [26]. Fresh eggs (less than 24 h in age) of the flour moth Using dominant native species in biological con- were stored at -18°C for a maximum of 2 months until trol programs are greatly appreciated. Being an im- use. They were obtained (in 30 g packs) every two portant predator of aphids on forest and fruit trees, months from an insectarium in the city of Gorgan A. decempunctata was considered for this study. Ex- (36°50΄19˝N 54°26΄05˝E) in Golestan province, Iran. amination of current literature indicates there have been no studies that cover the various biological Life table of A. decempunctata characteristics of this important predator. Therefore, the current study was undertaken in order to throw Three groups of eggs of A. decempunctata for each host some light on the life-table traits after rearing on three (n=100), with lifespans of less than 24 h were separat- different hosts. We also attempted to find a possible ed. The eggs were then placed in plastic Petri dishes (8 relationship that may exist with energy reserves in the cm in diameter) in a growth chamber (24±1°C, 65±5% hosts. These results may contribute to an improve- RH and a photoperiod of 16:8h L:D). After hatching, ment to rearing methods of A. decempunctata, as well one-day-old larvae were individually transferred to as to our better understanding of its predatory poten- plastic containers (8×6×4 cm3) with a 3-cm hole on tials as an effective biological control agent. the lid, covered with a piece of mesh. The first fourth- Arch Biol Sci. 2018;70(4):737-747 739 instar larvae of A. decempunctata were separately Glycogen assay reared on their specific host up to the pupal stage. The emerged adults were weighed and then transferred The glycogen assay was carried out according to the to Petri dishes (10 cm in diameter) in order to mate. method of Chun and Yin [29]. All three hosts (0.1 g) The mated females were placed in new containers and three individuals of A. decempunctata adults that (12×10×6 cm3). Each container contained the host, E. fed on these hosts (with clipped wings) were immersed kuehniella eggs under the age of 24 h, or the third- in tubes containing 1 mL of 30% KOH in Na2SO.
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