Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 / Nov. 1 are to get something done. But I’m hopeful. Thank you. And I’m honored to be here in Norway. This is my first trip, as President, to Norway. I haven’t been here in 30 years; 30 years ago NOTE: The exchange began at 7 a.m. at Oslo next month was my first trip to Norway. International Airport. In his remarks, the Presi- dent referred to Prime Minister Kjell Magne President’s First Visit to Norway Bondevik of Norway; Prime Minister Ehud Barak Q. Do you remember it well? of Israel; and Chairman Yasser Arafat of the Pales- The President. Very well, yes. It was wonder- tinian Authority. A tape was not available for ful. verification of the content of this exchange. Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik of Norway and an Exchange With Reporters in Oslo November 1, 1999 Prime Minister Bondevik. Mr. President, dear it was actually 30 years ago this December— journalists, it’s a very special occasion for us and I fell in love with this country. I’d long in Norway. This is the very first visit from a wanted to come back. I was amazed to discover sitting President of the United States to our that I am the first sitting President ever to visit country. So we are so glad to receive President Norway. I can’t imagine what the others were Clinton here. thinking about—[laughter]—but I am delighted We have had fruitful discussions, where we to be here. could continue our talks from the White House I also would like to thank you for the wonder- in Washington, only 2 weeks ago. And of course, ful reception that my wife and my daughter we have discussed the Middle East peace proc- received when they represented our Nation in ess. We think that the ceremonial commemora- Lillehammer at the Olympics, and for the sup- tion tomorrow for the late Prime Minister Rabin port, Prime Minister, you have given to the and the talks in that framework can stimulate women’s conference and the women’s issues that the peace process. And we are both committed Hillary has tried to raise, most recently in Rey- to assist the two parties. The main responsibility kjavik with representatives of your country and for a final solution is, of course, upon the two the other countries in the region. parties. We have been friends for a long time. We Norway and the U.S. will seek ways to expand have been allies for 50 years with NATO. Today our common efforts in a number of areas for the Prime Minister and I discussed building a security, development, and for well-being. The Europe that is united, democratic, and free; and President and I have today agreed on an initia- I am looking forward to seeing the Prime Min- tive to follow up the Reykjavik Conference on ister again shortly in Turkey at the meeting of Women and Democracy, where the First Lady, the OSCE. And I’m very grateful that Norway Hillary Clinton, participated. We are also agreed is now the leader of the OSCE, serving its term on a joint initiative on funding for support of as chair. disabled victims of the war in Sierra Leone. We did discuss the Sierra Leone, and I would Mr. President, I believe that you want to say just like to say again, I am profoundly grateful a few words before we answer one or two ques- that Norway has agreed to work with the United tions. Mr. President. States to provide prosthetics, to provide artificial President Clinton. Thank you. First, Prime limbs to as many people as we possibly can, Minister, let me say I am delighted to be here, many of them children, whose limbs were delib- honored by your invitation to come a few weeks erately amputated in the cruel civil war in Sierra ago, and then by the King’s invitation to come Leone. to Norway. As you perhaps know, I traveled I also want to thank you, Prime Minister, here alone as a young man some 30 years ago— for Norway’s support for our common efforts 1943 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 14:26 Sep 06, 2001 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00847 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 C:\TEMP\PAP_TEXT txed01 PsN: txed01 Nov. 1 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 to end the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. And I EgyptAir Flight 990 Aircraft Tragedy want to say a special word of thanks to the Q. Mr. President, they’re still combing the Norwegian people, because I believe that when wreckage of EgyptAir flight 990. Do you know the 800,000-plus Kosovar Albanians were driven any more about the cause of the tragedy, wheth- from their home, on a per capita basis, Norway er it was a mechanical malfunction or has ter- took in more of the refugees from Kosovo than rorism been ruled out? And have there been any other country in the world. And that is any threats recently against any carriers flying something that you can be very proud of and out of the United States? something for which your friends must be very President Clinton. We know nothing more grateful. So I want to thank you for that. than I said to you earlier today—it seems like And finally, let me thank you for your con- half a lifetime ago—when I came out of church tinuing interest in the Middle East peace proc- with Hillary. We are still searching. We have ess and for having this wonderful occasion to to find—as you know, to make a final deter- honor the memory of my friend and partner, mination about the cause of the crash will re- former Prime Minister Rabin. I think it will quire the recovery of as much of the airplane be very successful, indeed. Your country has a as possible, as well as the equipment, which lot to be proud of. You have enormous influence will give us some—if the usual case is present for your size, and it is very much earned and here, give us a pretty definitive idea of what deserved. Thank you. happened. But that has not been done yet, and therefore, I will say again, nothing has been ruled in, noth- Middle East Peace Process ing has been ruled out. And I hope no one Q. Mr. President, do you believe that the will draw any conclusions one way or the other Middle East talks here in Oslo can move the until we finish the work. peace process substantially forward? President Clinton. Yes, I do. I don’t think you should expect some sort of major announced breakthrough here, because, keep in mind, the President’s Legacy parties have had—since, in the last couple of Q. Mr. President, how do you hope that peo- years, they had the Wye peace agreement under ple will remember you as the President of the Prime Minister Netanyahu and Chairman Arafat. United States? And is the peace process in the Then when Prime Minister Barak came in, they Middle East important in that regard? Would modified the Wye peace agreement and agreed you like to be remembered as the President to an even faster schedule of implementation. that created peace in the Middle East? Since then, Israel has released controversial President Clinton. Well, first of all, that’s a political prisoners, agreed to establish safe pas- question I’d feel more comfortable answering sage between—and started it, actually, started if I weren’t President anymore, because I hope the safe passage between the West Bank and I’m still piling up memories for them. But I Gaza, and agreed to open a port, which was can tell you what I tried to do. a source of great tension between them before. What I tried to do is, first of all, take a Now they have to move into the final status country which I’ve found in economic distress talks, as conceived almost 7 years ago now here and social division and turn it around toward in Oslo, with the Oslo accords. So the important greater prosperity and greater harmony, and thing now is that the two leaders know that convince people that, working together, we they have set themselves an ambitious timetable could solve our social problems. And then, I and that they agreed about how they’re going hope I will be remembered as someone who to meet the timetable. This is the hard part, got our country to assume its responsibilities I mean the really hard part. And we all need in the post-cold-war world, to make America to support them. a major force for peace and freedom, and But do I believe that we can come out of against terrorism and racial and ethnic and reli- this meeting and this solemn occasion with a gious hatreds. That is what I have worked to renewed commitment to the peace process? Yes, do and what I intend to continue working to I do. do every day I have left to serve. 1944 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 14:26 Sep 06, 2001 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00848 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 C:\TEMP\PAP_TEXT txed01 PsN: txed01 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 / Nov. 1 Threats to U.S. Air Carriers/Middle East Peace letting them linger. So I will do what I can Process to get this thing going. Q. Mr.
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