in your heart | in your city Takafumi Hara Tatsumi Orimoto Chiharu Shiota Yukihiro Taguchi Forord / Preface � Takafumi Hara og Midori Fischer (tolk) i Køge, august 2015 / Takafumi Hara and Midori Fischer (interpreter) in Køge, August 2015 > Tatsumi Orimoto forbereder sin performance i Danmark, Tokyo, november 2015 / Tatsumi Orimoto preparing his performance in Denmark, Tokyo, November 2015 < � � Tatsumi Orimoto Yukihiro Taguchi betragter et Chiharu Shiota og hendes assistent under Art Mama: Small Mama + Big Shoes kloakdæksel, Køge, juli 2015 / Yukihiro arbejdet med State of Being (Keys) til KØS’ Aktion, Kawasaki City, Japan, 1997 / Taguchi looking at a manhole cover, forplads Action, Kawasaki City, Japan, 1997 Køge, July 2015 / Chiharu Shiota and her assistant working on State of Being (Keys) for KØS Herfølge Kleinsmedie, DK, 2016 Med In your heart | In your city indtager fire fremtrædende In your heart | In your city sees four prominent Japanese japanske samtidskunstnere KØS med en særdeles omfat- contemporary artists taking over KØS with a very comprehen- tende udstilling. Både museets forplads og museets facade sive and wide-ranging exhibition. The museum square and its mod Nørregade indgår i den udendørs del i byens rum, hvortil façade towards Nørregade are incorporated into the outdoor der også er bygget en udstillingsboks, som rummer det ene aspects of the exhibition, helping it enter the city itself. The af Chiharu Shiotas to monumentale værker i udstillingen. outdoor activities also include a display box that holds one of Inde i museet benyttes såvel den 400 m2 store 3. sal og hele the two monumental works by Chiharu Shiota presented as 1. salens udstillingsareal. Udstillingen er kurateret af den part of the exhibition. Inside the museum itself, In your heart | brasilianske kurator Tereza de Arruda i tæt samarbejde med In your city commands plenty of space: it takes up the entire undertegnede og med kunstnerne. third floor, which encompasses 400 m2, as well as the space set aside for exhibitions on the first floor. In your heart | In your city De fire kunstnere er vidt forskellige i deres udtryk og was curated by the Brazilian curator Tereza de Arruda in close repræsenterer forskellige generationer fra den japanske co-operation with myself and with the artists. kunstscene. To af dem, Takafumi Hara og Tatsumi Orimoto, bor stadig i Tokyo i Japan, samtidig med at de har et stort The four artists employ widely different modes of expression internationalt virke, mens Chiharu Shiota og Yukihiro Taguchi and represent different generations on the Japanese art scene. begge har forladt deres fædreland for at slå sig ned i den Two of the artists, Takafumi Hara and Tatsumi Orimoto, still globale kunstby Berlin, og ligeledes udstiller og arbejder over live in Tokyo in Japan while engaging in extensive international hele verden. Til fælles har de imidlertid det, at de arbejder activity, whereas Chiharu Shiota and Yukihiro Taguchi have both med såkaldte ’participatoriske’ eller deltagerbaserede left their native country behind to settle in Berlin, a global capital strategier. of art. They too exhibit and work across the world. The four artists are very different, but nevertheless share certain traits: Op mod 3.000 personer har fra september 2015 til januar they all work with participatory strategies. 2016 skrevet personlige takkebreve, som indgår i Chiharu Shiotas installation på museets 3. sal. Her er brevene sat op Forord / Preface KØS Museum for kunst i det offentlige rum 3 < Chiharu Shiota og hendes assistenter under arbejdet med State of Being (Keys) til KØS’ forplads / Chiharu Shiota and her assistants working on State of Being (Keys) for KØS Herfølge Kleinsmedie, DK, 2016 > Tatsumi Orimoto ART MAMA + SON Aktion, Orimoto House, Kawasaki City, Japan, 24. september 2008 / Action, Orimoto House, Kawasaki City, Japan, September 24, 2008 i et gigantisk spindelvæv af sort garn. Yukihiro Taguchi, som hver især har udvikle museets nye udstillingsboks på During the period September 2015 to January Our warmest thanks are, of course, due to the us develop the museum’s new exhibition box in Ca. 5.000 nøgler er indsamlet i Venedig mødt Danmark med stor nysgerrighed forpladsen, som i årene, der kommer, 2016, almost 3,000 individuals have written four artists: Tatsumi Orimoto, Chiharu Shiota, the museum square; in the years that follow this og indgår i kunstnerens udendørs værk og engagement, og som har været dybt vil blive anvendt til skiftende udstil- personal thank-you letters that have now been Takafumi Hara and Yukihiro Taguchi. They box will be used for a succession of different i den nye udstillingsboks, der er en inspirerende at arbejde med for alle linger. Og for at huse Chiharu Shiotas incorporated into Chiharu Shiota’s installation have all met Denmark with great curiosity and exhibitions. We also wish to thank them for ’satellit’ af installationen The Key in the på museet. Vi er ekstremt stolte over assistenter ude på smedjen, da værket on the third floor of the museum. Here the letters commitment, and working with them has been accommodating Chiharu Shiota’s assistants at Hand, som hun modtog fornem interna- at kunne præsentere så omfattende skulle konstrueres, før det blev sat ind have been arranged in a giant spider’s web made highly inspirational for everyone at the museum. their facilities as they completed the work before tional anerkendelse for, da hun deltog værker af så internationalt eftertrag- i boksen. out of black yarn. In a different work, approxi- We are very proud indeed to be able to present installing it in the box. som Japans officielle repræsentant på tede kunstnere, og vi håber, at det må mately 5,000 old keys, collected in Venice, now works of such scope and ambition from artists Venedig Biennalen i 2015. blive til glæde for et stort publikum i de Tatsumi Orimoto og Takafumi Hara skal form part of Shiota’s outdoor work for KØS’s of such international acclaim, and we hope that We are grateful to Tatsumi Orimoto and Takafumi kommende måneder. også takkes for deres store gæstfrihed new display box. The work can be described as their art will be appreciated by large audiences in Hara for their tremendous hospitality during our 11 borgere i Køge er med hjælp fra under researchbesøg i Tokyo, det a ‘satellite’ of the installation The Key in the Hand the months to come. research visits in Tokyo. The same holds true for tolken Midori Fischer blevet interviewet Takkes skal også vores ’internationale gælder også Takafumi Haras gallerist for which she received such splendid interna- Takafumi Hara’s gallerist Yumie Wada. af maleren Takafumi Hara i august 2015. spion’, som vi kalder hende på Yumie Wada. tional acclaim in 2015, when she was Japan’s We also wish to thank our ‘international spy’, Tilbage i Tokyo har Hara omsat sine KØS, kurator Tereza de Arruda. Hun official representative at the Venice Biennial. as we call her at KØS: curator Tereza de Arruda. At Køge, we wish to thank the local authorities interviews i malerier til vinduerne på kuraterede i 2014 udstillingen med den I Køge takkes Køge Kommune for In 2014 she curated an exhibition featuring for granting the required permissions and for museets facade, der samlet fortæller kinesiske kunstner Wang Qingsong tilladelser og smidigt samarbejde In August 2015, eleven citizens of Køge were the Chinese artist Wang Qingsong at KØS, their co-operation on getting the works of art et malet eventyr inspireret af H.C. på KØS og har et helt særligt blik for om opstillinger af kunstværkerne i interviewed by the painter Takafumi Hara with demonstrating her truly special appreciation installed in the public spaces of the city. We also Andersen. Inde på museet ses 50 museets unikke identitet som museum byens rum. Og de mange borgere, the assistance of interpreter Midori Fischer. of the museum’s unique identity as a museum want to send out a huge THANK YOU to the many mindre malerier, hvori indgår citater fra for kunst i det offentlige rum, der åbner der har bidraget til udstillingen med Back in Tokyo, Hara translated the impressions for art in public spaces; a position which offers citizens of Køge who contributed thank-you kunstnerens interviews. fantastiske muligheder for at arbejde takkebreve, skal have en kæmpe TAK of those interviews into paintings for the tremendous scope for working with the greatest letters for the third-floor installation – we hope med de største udenlandske kunstnere – vi håber, det må blive spændende at windows on the museum façade; together, international artists – as long as you know how that they will enjoy coming in, finding their own For museets besøgende vil der blive – når bare man ved, hvor de findes, og komme og finde sit eget og læse andres they form a painted fairy tale inspired by Hans and when to find them, which de Arruda certainly letters and reading letters by others. mulighed for direkte interaktion med det gør hun. Tak for en fornem indsats. breve i udstillingen. Christian Andersen. Inside the museum are fifty does. We are grateful for her impressive kunstneren Yukihiro Taguchi selv, Vores tolk Midori Fischer skal især smaller paintings that feature quotes from the work. Our interpreter Midori Fischer deserves We wish to thank Centralhotellet for sponsoring når han i en periode i juni 2016 bor på takkes for sin indsats, da Takafumi Tak til Centralhotellet for sponsorat artist’s interviews. particularly warm thanks for her contribution accommodation for artists and assistents. museets forplads. Det foregår i et hus, Hara var på besøg i hjemmene hos i forbindelse med indkvartering af when Takafumi Hara visited the homes of som han selv har bygget i Berlin, og nogle af Køges borgere for at få indblik kunstnere og assistenter.
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