’ \ V ,' J \ ‘ ^ V \ w t \ . 1 .A V WEDNESDAY, APRIL. 1, 1970 PAGE THIRTY-SIX JlatttliMtpr lEttPtting Most Manchester Stores Open Until 9 O^Cloch Tonight Miss Deborah Snyder, daugh­ A Jimlor High Dance wlB be Reardon Says About Town ter of Dr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Frldny from 7:30 to 10 at the SNET Issues Snyder o f 47 Hig^iwood Dr., was Teen Center. TTie music will Average Daily Net Preea Run 0oott Paimer, son o( Mr. and He Can’t Ban Pinehurst—Today Always Famous For Fine recently elected to the dean’s be supplied by the ’’Rogues” . The Weather. M n. Donald FaJmer ot 16 Tiim- Phone Books For The Week Ended list at Lasell Junior College, Au­ There will be an admission Gradual clearing, breeiy, coot' b«r Trail,. piajred the part ol charge. Bus on Street Jennery 14, 187# M D r . Menders and was st^ e de­ burndale, Mass., for the first Some 66,000 new Manches- U.S. Choice beef cuts, not one, but tonight; low about 80. Tom orrow ter-Rockvllle telephone direc­ sign chairman for the Aurora, semester. She was also elected Police (Jhief James 'Reardon many, are the featured Items this lEuTtiittg to a lh mostly, sunny, breesy; high 40 John Andreo" of 97 Br-ton Bd. tories, with a color photo­ (ni. College Draima Guild pro- to memibershlp In the Blue said today that he cannot stop week. Our sausage maker will to 46. Saturday's outlook — fair, and William Hlllnski of 93 Ben­ graph of the lunar landscape 15,890 ducltian, ‘Ohoata.” A 1968 gnad- Key, an honor limited to sen­ have a fresh grinding of Italian milder. ton St. have been named to the on the cover, will be deliver­ school buses from using Myrtle Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm uato o< Mandiester High School iors who are selected' by stu­ dean's list at the Unlverslv of ed throughout the area start­ St., as a short cut from Miain Style Medium Hot Sausage . he Is a sophomore at Aurora. dents and the administration to Rocheser for the fall semester. ing today., The cover photo­ and Bake-A-Loof Meat Loaves represent the college as campus St. tb Center St. graph is a reproduction of ready for you early Thursday. VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 155 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1970 (OleasUled AdverUsiiig oe Fsgie tl) PRICE TEN CENTS guides . and hostesses during Hia statement was In reply to Mrs. Robert Biatterworth of 92 Three Manchester girls, sen­ one taken from the A^llo 8 freshman orientation. a repeat complaint registered Vennon St. Is on ihe committee iors at the Bridgeport Hospital spacecraft. for the ‘Summer Fhehton Show" School ol Nursing, are member.^ . The entire phone book fea­ at a March 19 Board of Di­ WHOLE scheduled for Seturda.y at 2:30 Miss Susan Palmer, daughter- of the school chorus and per­ tures the theme: "Peaceful rectors comment session: Ihe pjn. in the Physical Education of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Palmer formed at the New England exploration of space — a tri­ oomplaint was from a Myrtle SIRLOIN TIP ^Hartford IRS Computer Center at the Undversity of Hart­ of 16 Timber Trail. Is among 30 Hospital As.sembly in BOston umph In com m unications.” St. resident, who said that TURKEYS Teamster Strikes ford. The show will benefit the Aurora (III.) College students last week. They are Miss Linda Hundreds of space facts school bus use of the street was Full of Mercy Northeastern Connecticut Chap­ working this week at Live Oak Turgeon, daughter of Mr. and appo-or throughout the white a traffic hazard. ter of the National Multiple These plump white prime BEEF ROAST Policeman (Fla.) Advent Christian Home. Mrs. Ade'or Turgeon Jr. of 3 and yellow pages and, in the Reardicm, who said he will try SAN FRANCIBCO (AP) — Sclerosis Society. The students ■will do landscap­ Durkin St.; Miss Audrey Lin­ beginning, there Is a brief to discourage the practice, said grade oven ready 10 to 15 Lba. average. Just as it comes from the packer . The regional Internal Revo- Called ‘Massive’ ing, painting and general dahl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. story about the role of Bell- also, "I know of no law, regu­ we will cut to order this large family roast. nue Service office says its The Master Mason degree Kills Youth grounds duties, as well as writ­ H. O. Lindahl of 9 Avon St.: com m , Inc. In the space pro­ lation or ordinance that will al­ 13 lb. broad breasted computer center at Ogden, WASHINGTON (A P)—^Trucking and union negoti­ will be conferred' when Frlend'- ing letters for the senior citi­ and M'ss Bernice Mora, daugh­ gram. Bellcomm is a subsi­ low us to restrict school buses HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Utah, received the foUowing ators haggled over billions of dollars in wages today ship Lodge of Masons meets in ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mora diary of The American Tele­ Ralston Purina Farms zens and working with children. from using any street in this Nbietoen-yeaixdd Abraham Rod- letter from the Oallfornia of 330 Hackmatack St. phone and Telegraph Co. and Oven Ready, Carefully Trimmed, while many of the 425,000 Teamsters involved in the the Masonic Temple tomorrow tow n." rtguec, trying to charge out o< minister about Ms 1968 tax Western Electric. Honeysuckle Young Hen national labor talks continued striking in dozens of night. Lodge will open at 6 Tunxils Forest, TaJU Cedars of He said he is considering No Pat Added U.S. Choice Pinehurst Boneless an aReyway past a pursuing w oes: O’clock for the first sect'on. Jehovah’s Witnesses will hold placing a four-way stop sign at cities. --------------------------------------- Lebanon, West Hartford, will Turkeys rate special policeman who had trapped him, “I am a minister of a "There ere indtoatiom of good Grinders will be served in the Wave its 19th annual ■vartiiety group discussdons of Bible aid Myrtle and Linden Sts., "in the WBB shot and klUed by the po- First Church of Christ, Scien­ small church and do most progress,” said a source In the banquet hall between sections. show Friday and Saturday tonight at 7:30 at 18 Chambers Interest of the 'senior citiEens mention for quality and hoeman Wednesday night. of the bookkeeping, includ­ Lodge reconvenes at 7:30 for a St., 281 Woodbrldge St., 726 N. tist, will have Its regtilar mid­ who use the Senior Citizens Cen­ negotiatloRs that dragged nights at the King PhUip School "I saw flomething white In his ing most of the tax reports. through Wedneoday night uid Air Traffic business meeting and second Main St., and 144 Griffin Rd., week testimony meeting to­ ter at this Intersection.” value. In West Hartford, at 8 o'clock. Sirloin Tip right hand and something shiny I received the enrioaed no­ into the early morning before night at 8 at the church. section of the ritual work, with Jack Anderson of East Hartford in South Windsor, and FVench Reardon said that he has in­ tice of a penalty for my re­ terviewed the owner of the bus In Ms left," Patrolnmn Anthony recessing in the second day of Marshall E. Hodge, master, and Manchester is show dl- Rd., Bolton. At Lombardi told PoHce CMef turn being late. Miss Anne Creed of 53 S. Lake- com pany which uses Myrtle St. the naUon’e biggest trucking R em a in s presiding. Officer dress is tails. rector. Frank Gworek at Man­ Thomeui J. Vaughan. "This was an unintentional Boy Scout Troop 123 will and that the bus company own­ strike In hlotery. chester Is the junior psist grand wood Circle was on the dean's TTie ob jects turned out to be a oversight on my part and meet at Community Baptist list for the fall sem ester at the er has promised to discourage OVEN WMle the bulk of Teomstera Miss Kathryn Johnston, Tall Cedar. Tickets will be avail­ portable radio and a screw­ due to our limited budget it Church tonight at 6:30. University of Vermont, Burilng- his drivers from using the drivers remained on the job, Crippled daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben­ able at the door. driver. will work a reel hardsMp to street. cMef Industry negoUator Ray F. jamin H. Johnston Jr. of 574 The youth had been in a car pay for It. I shall pray tor Beagle said the walkouts were WASHINGTON (AP) — Air The Senior CSioir o f Commu­ Spring St., was recently elected Douglas E. Zaccaro of 71 lb that pMlce chased through Hart­ M ercy ." maBsive. traffic remained crippled today nity Baptist Church will re­ ROAST to the dean’s list for the first Adams St. has been named to (JUbert and Sullivan Worksiiop ford’s streets and expressways His Trucking Employers Inc. as unten and government otfl- hearse tonight at 7:30 at thie The m s said the case has semester at Lasell Junior Col­ the dean’s lit? at Bentley College will rehearse Its production otf Early Churches until It crashed into another on been assigned to a tax ex­ group, representing som e 12,000 cia!te disagreed whether a ir con ­ church. lege In Auburndale, Mass. in Waltham, Mass. "lolanthe" tonight at 7 at the they give you more ten­ Albany Avenue. aminer at Ogden, whose first firms, pledged, however, not to trollers W'Cre retundng in atgotl- Manchester High School audi­ Meeting Topic der white turkey slices of BEEF U was the second tim e In a name Is Mercy.
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