Cambridge University Press 0521793319 - John Ford’s Stagecoach Edited by Barry Keith Grant Index More information Index Air Force, 52, 75n Bogart, Humphrey, 25, 91 All Quiet on the Western Front,94 Bogdanovich, Peter, 6, 15, 17, 45n Altman, Rick, 84, 86, 87, 97, 100, Bond, Ward, 57 106–7 Bordwell, David, 106 Anderson, Lindsay, 17, 75n8 Born Reckless,52 Anderson, Marian, 103, 111n34 Breen, Joseph, 66, 157n32 Anderson, Sherwood, 96 Bringing Up Baby, 52, 60 Argosy Pictures, 44 Browne, Nick, 17–18, 168, 172–3 auteurism, 13, 44, 52–3, 56, 75–6n11, Burnham, Michelle, 116–17 84–5, 105–6 Buscombe, Ed, 1, 11, 17, 18–19n4, 35, Authors League of America (ALA), 54 44n1, 78n34 , 87, 92, 162–4 authorship, 13, 18, 48–81 Cagney, James, 25, 31–2, 91 B Westerns, 2, 4, 21, 24, 28–31, 42, Canutt, Yakima, 3, 29, 49 119, 155n5. See also Westerns Canyon Passage,58 Balio, Tino, 34 Capra, Frank, 45n7, 52, 58, 68, 74n6, Bancroft, George, 181, 182 75n11, 98 Barthes, Roland, 16 Captain Blood, 24–5 Bataan, 46n19 captivity narratives, 116–17 Battle of Elderbush Gulch, The, 46n20, Carefree, 52, 60 131n15 Carradine, John, 71, 181 Baxter, John, 17 Carringer, Robert, 49, 74 Baxter, Warner, 31 Cavell, Stanley, 158, 176n1 Bazin, Andre,´ 2, 18, 22 Charge of the Light Brigade, The, 24–5, Beard, Charles, 69 33 Beau Geste (1939), 34 Cheyenne Autumn, 114, 128 Berg, Charles Ramirez, 144 Chief Big Tree, 114 Bernstein, Matthew, 157n32 Churchill, Berton, 28–9, 71, 73, Biberman, Herbert, 55 78n38, 181 Big Jim McLain,5 Cimarron, 23, 91 Big Trail, The,5,23 Citizen Kane,3,49 Binger, Ray, 180, 183 Clair, Rene,´ 52 Birth of a Nation, The, 117, 118, 123 Colbert, Claudette, 85, 96 239 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521793319 - John Ford’s Stagecoach Edited by Barry Keith Grant Index More information 240 INDEX combat films, 43–4 Fort Apache, 14, 44, 80n53, 155–6n13, Coolidge, Calvin, 63 157n34 Cooper, Gary, 4 Foster, Stephen, 9 Cooper, Merian C., 6, 23, 24, 44, Foucault, Michel, 115, 117, 119–20, 77n32 127, 129 Cooper, James Fenimore, 116, 145–7, Four Men and a Prayer,94 148, 150, 154, 156n28 Frontier Marshal, 21, 29 Corliss, Richard, 53, 76n12 Fugitive, The,52 Cortez, Ricardo, 114, 130n1 Coyne, Michael, 78n38 Gallagher, Tag, 13, 160–2, 165–6, Crowther, Bosley, 53 167–8, 173, 176 Cukor, George, 52 gangster films, 32, 35 Curtiz, Michael, 25, 32, 52 genre, 97–8, 106 Glennon, Bert, 180, 183 Dagle, Joan, 137 Goldwyn, Sam, 24, 98 Dances with Wolves, 130n6 Gone with the Wind, 9, 46–7n33, 105, Dark Command,2 107, 149, 154n33 Darwell, Jane, 157n34 Goulding, Harry, 7 Davis, Ronald L., 8 Grand Hotel, 3, 27, 46n18, 179 Dead End,29 Grant, Barry Keith, 145 de Havilland, Olivia, 24–5 Grapes of Wrath, The, 3, 35, 43, 133, de Maupassant, Guy, 6, 27, 45 160 DeMille, Cecil B., 2, 31, 52, 117, 119, Griffith, D. W., 117, 123, 131n15 120, 122, 128 Green Berets, The,5 Destry Rides Again, 149 Gruenberg, Louis, 71 Devine, Andy, 181 Gunga Din,34 Dietrich, Marlene, 149, 167 disaster films, 3, 27 Hageman, Richard, 9, 71, 80n53 Dodge City, 2, 21, 24, 25, 29, 30–2, 34, Hale, Alan, 78n39 36–7, 42, 91 Harling, Frank, 71 Donovan’s Reef, 128 Hart, James D., 116 Dramatists Guild, 54 Hart, William S., 33, 35 Drums Along the Mohawk (novel), 83, Harte, Bret, 3, 27 96–7, 105, 108n5 Hawks, Howard, 5, 52, 60 Drums Along the Mohawk, 4, 8, 21, 34, Haycox, Ernest, 6, 14, 23, 26–7, 45n6 35, 42, 82, 83–4, 85–7, 94–101, 104 & n16, 49–50, 58, 60, 61, 74n4, 77n26, 119 Edmonds, Walter D., 83, 96–7, 105, Hell’s Angels,94 108n5 Hepburn, Katharine, 167 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 176n1 Herrmann, Bernard, 49 Everson, William K., 32–3 Hickock, Wild Bill, 16 Eyman, Scott, 57, 76n13, 77n32 Higashi, Sumiko, 128 High Sierra,35 Fenin, George N., 32–3 Hitchcock, Alfred, 2, 45n7, 74, Fiedler, Leslie, 156n28 75–6n11, 173, 177n9 Five Came Back,3 Hitler, Adolph, 70 Flynn, Errol, 2, 24–5, 29, 31–2, 34 Holt, Jack, 28 Fonda, Henry, 35–6, 43, 44, 85, 96 Holt, Tim, 28 Ford, Dan, 7 Hombre,2 Ford, Francis, 28 horror films, 118 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521793319 - John Ford’s Stagecoach Edited by Barry Keith Grant Index More information Index 241 How Green Was My Valley, 160 Mann, Anthony, 16, 52 Hurricane, The, 3, 6, 24, 27, 52, 60, 87, March, Frederic, 56 92–4, 98, 128 Mary of Scotland, 52, 167 Mayer, Frank, 181 Informer, The, 6, 52, 54, 85, 87, 92–4 Mazurki, Mike, 114 International Alliance of Theatrical McBride, Joseph, 4, 15, 17, 27, 37, 41 Stage Employees (IATSE), 55 McCarey, Leo, 52 Iron Horse, The, 6, 51, 119 McPherson, Colvin, 106–7 It’s a Wonderful Life,58 Meek, Donald, 181, 182 Meet John Doe,68 Jacobs, Lewis, 75n10 melodrama, 3, 158, 159–60, 176 Jefferson, Thomas, 134–5, 139 Men without Women,52 Jesse James, 21, 24, 30–2, 34–6, 42, 91 Merriam, Frank, 56 Jessel, George, 55 MGM, 24 Johnson, Noble, 114 Mineo, Sal, 114 Judge Priest, 52, 78n39, 94, 114 Mitchell, Thomas, 9, 27, 29, 71–3, 80n57, 93, 181, 182 Kapsis, Robert, 76n11 Monogram Pictures, 80n57 Kazan, Elia, 52 Montalban, Ricardo, 114 Keaton, Buster, 164 Monument Valley, 4, 7–8, 9, 11, 16, Kentucky Pride,13 25, 29, 37, 38, 91, 114–15, 135, 181 King, Henry, 32 Mourning Becomes Electra,52 King Kong (1933), 6 Movie-goer, The, 1–2 Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, 68 Lady Vanishes, The,27 Muni, Paul, 24 Lake, Stuart, 44 Munson, Ona, 149 Lang, Fritz, 16, 36, 52, 56 My Darling Clementine, 4, 44, 114, 143, Last of the Mohicans (novel), 116 144, 150 Last Hurrah, The, 114 Leatherstocking Tales, The, 145–6, 154, Native Land, 76n17 156n28 Nichols, Dudley, 6–7, 23, 25–9, 41, 44, Lehman, Ernest, 74 46n18, 48–81, 85, 157n32, 161, 165, Leipold, John, 71 179–80, 182 Let Freedom Ring,85 Now, Voyager, 158 Little Big Man, 130n6 Nugent, Frank S., 23, 31–2, 48, 74, 85, Lives of a Bengal Lancer,33 105–6, 108–9n9 Long Voyage Home, The,52 Lord, Robert, 24–5 O’Hara, Maureen, 167 Lost Horizon,27 Oklahoma Kid, The, 21, 25, 31, 35, 91 Lost Patrol, The, 6, 27–8, 46n19, 52, 94 Olson, Culbert, 56 Lovering, Otho, 181 Olympia,57 Lubitsch, Ernst, 98 omnibus films, 3, 27 Maland, Charles J., 6–7, 10, 18 Paramount Pictures, 24, 80n53 Man of Conquest, 21, 31 Parrington, V. L., 69–70, 79n49, Man Called Horse, A, 130n6 80n50 Man from Laramie, The,16 Pells, Richard, 51, 56 Man in the Saddle,58 Pennick, Jack, 79n46 Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The,4, Percy, Walker, 1 16–17, 21, 98, 150, 160 Perez, Gilberto, 101–2, 104, 107 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521793319 - John Ford’s Stagecoach Edited by Barry Keith Grant Index More information 242 INDEX Philadelphia Story, The, 158 Sante Fe,25 Pilgrimage,52 Sarris, Andrew, 4, 15, 17, 52–3, 75n8, Pinky, 52 76n12, 78n38 Pioneer Pictures, 23 Scarlet Street, 52 Place, Janey, 11, 13 Schatz, Thomas, 2, 3, 18 Plainsman, The,24 Schwartz, Nancy, 55 Platt, Louise, 71, 167, 181, 182 Scott, Ned, 183 Plough and the Stars, The,52 Screen Playwrights (SP), 55, 76n17 Plunkett, Walter, 49 Screen Writers Guild (SWG), 53–6, Poague, Leland, 8–9, 18 61–2, 67, 69–70, 76n17 Popular Front, 48–81 Searchers, The, 11, 17, 47n45, 106, 114, populism, 74–5n6 117–19, 128–9 Power, Tyrone, 35 Seas Beneath, 52 Production Code of America (PCA), Selznick, David O., 6, 23, 77n32, 107 66, 85 Selznick International Pictures (SIP), Psycho (1960), 2 23–4 Sergeant Rutledge, 114, 128 Raiders of the Lost Ark,3 Seven Women, 114, 128 Rancho Notorious,16 Shadow of a Doubt, 177n9 Red River,5,15 Shanghai Express,27 Renoir, Jean, 52 Sheehan, Winfield, 51 Republic Pictures, 4, 7, 29 Sherlock Jr., 164 Return of the Cisco Kid, The,31 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, 4, 44, 80n53, Return of Frank James, The, 32, 114 35–6 Shootist, The,5 Reynolds, Walter, 181 Shuken, Leo, 71 Richards, Jeffrey, 74n6 Siegel, Don, 5 Riefenstahl, Leni, 57 Sinclair, Andrew, 124 Rio Grande,44 Sirk, Douglas, 75n11 Riskin, Robert, 52, 75n10 Slotkin, Richard, 33, 34–6, 41, 47n38, Ritt, Martin, 2 102, 118–19, 154, 155n5 RKO Pictures, 27 Smith, Henry Nash, 137, 145–6, 150 road movies, 3 Spencer, Dorothy, 30 Road to Glory, The,94 Spielberg, Steven, 3 Robin Hood,25 “Stage to Lordsburg” (story), 6, 23, Rogers, Lee, 106 25–7, 49–50, 58–61, 74n4. See also Rogers, Will, 79n47 Haycox, Ernest romantic comedy, 159–60, 176 Stand Up and Fight, 21 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 51, 57, Stanwyck, Barbara, 167 61–3, 70, 79n42, 80n52 Starship Troopers, 117 Rothman, William, 10, 13, 18 Steamboat Round the Bend, 52, 79n47, Rowlandson, Mary, 116 114 Rules of the Game, 160 Steinbeck, John, 43 Run of the Arrow, 130n6 Stella Dallas, 175 Stepin Fetchit, 114 Sahara, 46n19 Stern, Philip Van Doren, 58 Said, Edward, 127–8 Stowell, Peter, 10, 99 Sandburg, Carl, 96 Strand, Paul, 76n19 Sand Pebbles, The, 117 Strode, Woody, 114 Sandrich, Mark, 60 Studlar, Gaylyn, 10, 18 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521793319 - John Ford’s Stagecoach Edited by Barry Keith Grant Index More information Index 243 Sturges, Preston, 52 Virginia City,25 Submarine Patrol, 87, 92–4, 110n24 Virginian, The (novel), 151 Summerville, Slim, 182 Sun Shines Bright, The, 114 Wagon Master, 3, 17, 80n53, 106 Wallace, Henry A., 56 Taylor, Robert, 31 Wallis, Hal, 24, 25 Telotte, J.
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